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I have a friend with young children and during a conversation we had he brought up that he was concerned about the fluoride in children's toothpaste.
I figured I'd just throw the question out here to see if anyone had any information regarding that or suggestions for other toothpastes for children. Anything would be helpful, thanks.
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Everything about fluoride is retarded.
>I have disgusting greasy teeth

You can not breath 100% oxygen, it always has to be cut with something or it becomes toxic. Oxygen in air is 21%. Typos happen.
just brush DRY
retarded fucking answers in this thread.
the truth is that children's toothpaste is a literal non-issue when it comes to fluoride. "adult" toothpaste on the other hand, has WAY more fluoride than children's toothpaste, which causes actual problems.
drink unfluoridated water, use children's toothpaste. this way you get the small bit of fluoride you need for your teeth (which, note, is being applied to the teeth rather than consumed directly) and not any more than that, since any more fluoride than that has various side effects like fucking up your teeth further, damaging your brain, etc.

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Today I decided to be honest with myself and I have to face the truth - my looks aren't the reason why I don't have a girlfriend/sex. If that was the case, I wouldn't have a girlfriend when I was 20 and looked worse than I do now at 30.
I'm a late bloomer and a confirmation that men age like wine. Okay, I'm not making women turn heads when I'm outside, although sometimes I will catch a girl give me long eye contact if I do the same. But I'm not bad looking either.

My last gf broke up with me in december because of my depression and I met her by cold approach method. She told me later she wanted me to approach her and was glad I did.
With all that supposed reinforcement I still don't believe in myself. Online dating and the fact I dated so many women but they all ghosted/friendzoned me after 1 or 2 dates broke me. I think the problem wasn't with me but with them.

So here I am, lonely as fuck, depressed as shit, horny and sexually frustrated as all hell and don't know what to do, where to start even, I know OLD is not working for me, screw it! But I work from home, work out at home, live in a shithole with either old people, married middle agers or kids, no people my age or similar.
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Lots of people aren't attractive. Not saying they're ugly, but they aren't attractive. That's the great curse of humanity. A bunch of unremarkable people living for no good reason, and forcing the next generation into the fray for no good reason but "it feels good to cum inside her"
>Get a concrete goal and work towards it.
How does it make me get a gf? I already have my goals set and work towards them but nothing changes except maybe I get closer to said goal. How will a woman know
>Ok, this guy is datable because he has goals

>If you've been on 4chan for any amount of time you might have noticed people are always asking how to get a gf with no good answers.
Yes this is indeed what I noticed.

>There is nothing you can do to get a gf because getting a gf has almost nothing to do with women themselves but your lifestyle changes (i.e. dont be a basement dwelling asocial freak to start).
Okay but it's a start. Don't be this or don't be that, be like this etc. ARE advice that many men nowadays need. It's certainly what I need. But having NOTHING to lean on in my life, in a social meaning, IDK where to start.
OK, I can turn off my computer and don't sit on 4chin, but it won't get my anywhere. IDK basic steps to life practically.
>How does it make me get a gf?
It does not. It gets you a gf in the same way wiping your ass gets you a gf. Of course wiping your ass after you shit has nothing to do with getting a gf strictly speaking, but if you don't do it you will not get a gf because your ass is caked in shit. People do not like other people with stinky shit caked ass. Now maybe you don't have a stinky shit caked ass, but perhaps there are other habits you are not doing that keep you from having a gf. I don't know what they are you have to figure that out.

>IDK where to start.
Look around for problems to solve. Start by solving this problem. Clean your living spaces. Try a new cooking recipe. Learn to do something you already know how to do better or more efficiently. Take a small amount of time every day to look for a new problem to solve or something to optimize. Write down what kind of person you want to be then identify the steps you need to take to do that. Then do that.
>but perhaps there are other habits you are not doing that keep you from having a gf. I don't know what they are you have to figure that out.
Well GGs, IDK what that would be. Also I don't belive this notion of
>Just do basic things, they won't get you a gf but they are necessary to get a gf
Because everyone I know who wanted to have a gf, they focused on it. It's like if I want to buy groceries, I know I have to do X,Y,Z to end up in my apartment with the groceries I need.

>Write down what kind of person you want to be then identify the steps you need to take to do that. Then do that.
Dude my only problem is that I don't have a girlfriend, am lonely and sexless. Other than that I'm cool, maybe except for depression which I AM working on.
Well, lonely can be solved without a girlfriend. The small town might make it more limited, but there have to be community events or hobbies that bring people together. Grow your network of friends and surround yourself with good peoples.

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It's innate, I am bad, there is no changing that despite my masking? Do the world a favour and end it? Or is there a way I can improve genuinely, a way to make my therapy more effective and to be more authentically good and kind in my life, instead of faking it? I struggle to believe myself or have real anything, reactions etc.

Someone in my family is dying, I comforted them the other day holding their hands, the closest I got to being genuine.

Am I worth anything really?
wdym you're a bad person?
You're over-thinking it a bit. Doing one's duty regardless of doubt or discomfort is something a good person does.
You might be worthless but that doesn't have to be your story from now on. That might sound phony normgroid to you now but looking at is as a bad thing is the phony normgroid to do. You are worshipping people on accident because are horrendous to no end. If I were you, since you clearly need some stability, I would promise me and Jesus that you will get your way over everyone else 50 times in a row not counting mistakes. You just need to get your way right now over and over and over again right now. If you don't see Jesus Christ in front of you, you are allowed to get your way over them. You might kill a hater's firstborn if you actually obey God. It's a little shocking to see in real time. Watch out for little "dream killers" also.
I feel the same way as you. I want to die because I am a vile person. What bothers me is that I don't know where these contradictory thoughts even come from.

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>be me
>23 y/o warehouse wagie
>50k saved up
>no friends, never had any
>still live with parents
>been working out for 3 years
>ever since i started building a decent amount of muscle, all the dormant feelings i kept locked away came back surfacing and i want revenge. probably because of my testosterone increasing substantially
>find /r9k/ roughly 2 years ago
>ever since I found out how easy most normies have it I went insane and I want revenge
>pretty much convinced I have no future because if I moved out my warehouse wage won't help me survive and my parents cant live forever
>lack of future intensifies my violent urges even more
>have non-stop thinking of murdering everyone who ever wronged me, disassociate constantly
>been reading lots of books about history and reading about how violent humans used to be gets me excited and encourages me to go on a stabbing spree
>stopped talking to my gf dont even care anymore
>already punched my sister out of rage for all the shit she'd give me as a kid

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this is fake but go to a psychiatrist, genuinely. you are not well.
OP it's not too late, listen to Team Sesh and soak it in if you get it.
You have time. You have a strong start. Look for opportunities but don't jump the gun and soak wisdom.

Listen to Team Sesh
That place is poison for your mental health, the world is honestly not that bad and feeling like you've been wronged because of much normiez get all le girls reeeee is pathetic and you're gay.
>I want the respect I deserve
Yeah, we all do, get used to not getting it because that's what we all go through all the time
You aren't owed a damn thing. The very fact that you think you do, and that you're college educated and still working a dead end (entry level) job, tells me everything I need to know about you. You have delusions of grandeur, and an overly inflated sense of importance... humble yourself kid. You're only acting this way because you lack an actual purpose in your life. Fuckin find one

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Her parents and my family both want me to go out with her, but I feel awkward making the first move. The church is very cliquey and gossipy. The girls and guys self-segregate, and if you approach a girl, it starts a bunch of drama. Like, "Omg, did you see anon go up to her? We have to talk to her asap to see what he said."

I hate this kind of bullshit so much. I want my romantic affairs to be kept private, and cliquey little churches like this go hysteric over this.

My options are the following:

1) Message her on facebook (a little more private)
2) Talk to her at upcoming church young adult picnic outing (feel awkward doing this b/c both of our families are there)
3) Just do nothing and see where it goes (has resulted in nothing so far)

I am absolutely certain she would go out with me if I pursued, but I prefer things to happen organically instead of cold approaching.
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facebook message would work, but if you don't want to do that out of the blue:
introduce yourself at the picnic to get the weirdness of both families off your back
then facebook message her, unless you spill your spaghetti and can't think of anything to talk about, and if so:
suck it up and go to one choir recital (it's music in your community, you can't hate on that)
go up to her afterwards and say nice job
then facebook message her
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i mean, that would work, but it's neither organic nor discreet. but I have an idea. you could have a barbecue at your house and invite the people of the church. you have home field advantage, set yourself up any way you want. don't know if you can drink alcohol and eat meat but the concept still stands.
How old are all involved?
>Her parents and my family both want me to go out with her
Do YOU want to go out with her?
>The church is very cliquey and gossipy.
Then maybe this church isn't the right place to start a relationship. It sounds like every move you make will be observed, analyzed, and discussed. Awful.
>and if you approach a girl, it starts a bunch of drama. Like, "Omg, did you see anon go up to her? We have to talk to her asap to see what he said."
Who cares? Sounds like people in your church should just grow up and accept that there’s literally nothing wrong with a guy and a girl talking to each other. Don’t feel ashamed or guilty for it.

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First time posting on this board, excuse me if I break some unwritten rules.

I have the possibility to get to know and fuck a cute tranny for the first time. Always been straight, but never had particular adversion to the idea of a cute trap. Point is, I never knew or met one that could even remotely pass, and that was a total turn off for me. This time is the first time I see photos and think, "damn, this might work for me". To add to that, this person directly told is very interested.
Should I follow my curiosity, meet the person for a coffee and if they are very passable, have a go?

Anyone had the same dilemma as me? How did you proceed? Should I be warned of something before I make my move?
There's no dilemma here. You do what you want without worrying about retarded societal concepts. It's not like you'll get stoned to death if you're gay in someone's eyes.

Just use protection. Always use protection when fucking someone at least for the first times.
This was your first delusion
this was your second
Yeah you're a straight up flaming faggot
I don't care about a particular sexual label, but my concern is way more about your second point. Up until now I was, and in part still am, convinced that no trap can truly pass when met IRL. My curiosity was piqued in this specific case, and for the first time, but I can't really think about fucking a trap on a blind date, just to be met with a person with explictly male traits, mantaining the illusion of femminility is the key. Maybe my idea of trap is too idealized to be possible, and the best course would be to propose to meet for a drink, just to evaluate that before thinking about moving foreward...

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I’m an incel and I hate women. I still want romance and intimacy though. I think that’s the reason that I’m kind of attracted to gay shit (romance/ corn). Any other straight men like this or is it just me?
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You are bisexual. It's fine, I'm probably a bit too. Grow up and stop hating women, work on yourself. Straight romance is superior to gay romance.
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That’s not very hetero of you anon
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You're a bisexual. Meditate and practice non-doing(for example practice Dead Man's Pose or Semi-Supine position of Alexander technique) so you can utilize sexual energy that comes from fucking with men that makes you more attractive to women.. Or then just seduce women. I suggest you to not to fuck other men without condom, but fuck females without that's lower risk of getting STD's
>get hard watching gay stuff
>I’m an incel and I hate women

If you're gay, then be gay. Don't pretend that you're straight.

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i always wake up either exhausted, tires or my back hurts. 8 hours and i feel like dying, i didnt even dream anything. i even drink water before sleeping. help
Get checked for sleep apnea and make sure your room is pitch black (no screens or lights of any kind) when going to bed.

How do you deal with extreme and obsessive death anxiety? I think about the death of myself and others every minute of the day pretty much.

I get that its better to die, because if you were immortal you could get stuck under a pile of rocks for eternity and being alive would get extremely boring after a while. I fear the pain of death, and the afterlife or lacktherof. Sometimes I wonder if the afterlife isn't anything like heaven or hell but more like a maze of confusion like being stuck in a confusing dream forever.
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Read Herartwood by Barbara Becker & It’s ok to die by Monica Williams

Thank you brother. I will pray for you as well.
>I fear the pain of death
Death itself isn't painful. It's being made to let go of something you might not be ready to let go of.
Painful causes of death are unpleasant and yeah, we try to avoid those.

>the afterlife or lacktherof.
I have a strong belief that the afterlife exists. Not only because of first hand experiences with mediums that lack plausible alternative explanation. But also because my mother told me so.
The significance of this being that she did so through a double blind method after her death.
The gist of the message was that Lost and Lily Dale weren't far off.

My personal take on it is that you can only with you what you have built up within you in your life.

>a maze of confusion like being stuck in a confusing dream forever.
I suspect it's actually far less confusing than life. Life confuses you with mundane bullshit. It's part of the elaborate magic trick convincing a bundle of energy that it is individual matter. The ocean rises up and creates a wave. Then the wave settles back into the ocean. The wave's time existing within the world can never be erased. That which has been created can never be uncreated.

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TLDR: my mother married HER PIMP (not my father) which meant that I lived in the same house as them. There were strippers over every other night, literal orgies happening and thousands of times where I had to see my mom in sexual settings. I think I'm emotionally scarred and fucked up because 10 years later I can't get hard at anything but incest shit. It doesn't mean that I'm attracted to my own mom I never found her to be attractive but I can't bone my girl unless I'm thinking about some other mom fucking her (adult) son. What's to do about this?
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Jesus Christ anon, you need an actual psychologist for this.
Anyway I guess the thing for you is that you sexually associate the home with the act of intercourse. So maybe if you do some husband and wife roleplay with girls it'll work better for you?
But I am going to go out on a limb and say something here - is it really that you can't get hard with a girl in front of you, or is it the case that you can't masturbate without this weird fantasy? Because it's actually quite a different deal. I feel like if a woman showed off her body to you directly, wanting your sexual attention, it might do the thing for you. If not, maybe it's due to the presence of strippers in your home. In fact, perhaps your fantasy originates not from your mother but from the fact that there were strippers in your home. Sexually attractive and available women, in a domestic environment. I'm sure you'll figure out the problem and the solution eventually.
holy shit that sucks dude. whats your moms number? i need to tell her off
Yeah you have a point. I have woken rock hard with my girl hugging me tight and then there's times where things just happen naturally like if we were watching a movie or some shit but I can maintain that arousal halfway through unless I think about the incest shit

Just for you (952) 361 1231
Whores come dime a dozen bro
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I know this is the Internet and all but holy shit this really is a good case of not believing anything posted on here.

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Today I've got a warning from /lit/, saying that I've made a post against their rules.

I'm sure that it was not my post, because I don't post there, also I don't post about bullshit.

Does anybody know if mods can mistake among users and give warnings to wrong users?
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Phone posting is the most common reason your IP address changes. If you're on a PC, when your router receives a non-static DHCP assigned IP address from your ISP there is a pre-defined time limit built into the assignment, this time limit is called a DHCP Lease. The typical lease time for ISP’s in the United States is roughly 7 days. However in most instances your router will renegotiate this lease prior to its expiration. During the lease renegotiation, it is very common for the same IP to be reassigned to your router.

>Does anybody know if mods can mistake among users and give warnings to wrong users?
Never seen it happen. Just a few blanket warnings and bans for off topic acknowledgement of fuckery.
Mistaken warnings across boards seems deeply unlikely.

Also, it's a fucking warning.
It happens all the time because the IP you're using was blocked in the past for various reasons. Also you need to lurk moar and 18 to post
Could be in an apartment or hotel on shared public wifi too. Or some nat going on if not being a phoneposting faggot. Or perhaps the computer is on a mobile hotspot.
Yes, my modem is working as mobile cell hotspot. It's not wired to phone company.
So you are still a phoneposting faggot
>phone company
Are you in the 3rd world? Who the fuck uses DSL these days other than rural areas?

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I am doing a bullshit degree(business) and gonna be unemployed after 2 months. At the end of highs school I was really excited to do something with my life. I wanted to become a psychologist but shit ensued and I ended up at a bs uni with this degree.

I have been feeling really down for the past 3 years. I havent taken that many classes but still managed to pass without any fuzz(just tells you how much this degree is worth).
The only thing that got me through is learning german
I started learning last year and I look forward to my weekend classes.

now I have no idea what I should do with my life. I have no purpose or idea.
I know the obvious answer is to just starting applying for jobs, which I'll have to do at the end of the day but it just kills me everytime thinking about how my fresh out of high school self would hate to turn into what I have become

help me anons I am so fucking lost rn
>shit ensued
What happened?
Hard to determine, but I assume you're in the USA
>learning german
So, travel? Try to get to Germany, sell all your shit. Travel. If you have no kids, no girlfriend, nothing is holding you down. No one gives a shit about you. Just go where the road takes you, remove consumerism, and live a little. You have one life to lead, one life to leave - what direction will you follow?
I am from asia

covid, my parents not fully supporting me, the uni I was gonna go to had a scandal and I had to ask for a refund for my tuition fee, no good unis for psychology in my country so I was waiting for borders to open again so I can apply to a german uni(which my parents found to be stupid and I had to apply for b schools instead)
Fuck your parents and fuck Asia. Move out of there. It went to hell when China became dominant. Either finagle a way to get to the states or move to New Zealand.

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>small penis
>baby hands
What do I do when almost all of my problems are genetic?
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The same reason 99+% of women do.
>tfw no autist gf to height-mog you
It's over.
You are making literally no sense whatsoever.
Don't take advice from this faggot plebbitor. Can't even do a proper greentext.
Many short men are still able to get women, you just have to make up for it with a bold personality. Confidence is important in that you don't want to come off as insecure or a whiny faggot.
>small penis
How small?
>baby hands
That's alright. Long as you know how to use them.
Just get to a good amount of muscle, not too lean. Working out, obtaining goals, and aspiring to achieve those goals is paramount to your success. What are your goals in life, anon?
>What do I do when almost all of my problems are genetic?
Rejoice for you would be extremely fortunate. However just the small amount of information in your post confirms that your personality and psychology are deeply flawed or damaged.
You're not nearly that lucky.
Probably not that ambitious or diligent either. You have a lot of areas you can improve on.
Improve your strengths and eliminate the weaknesses you can.

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good evening advice bros

I want to make some good kino art and from what I've seen good art needs some form of insanity to go along with it but unfortunately I was raised in a sheltered environment so I am afraid of experiencing things and truly delving into the caverns of my mind spirit and soul.

slurs and suggestions appreciated. Thank you.
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just spend twenty years getting horribly abused and you'll be right there
but you should know that the world really doesn't need that kind of "art"
It's not that mental illness creates great art, it's that art genetics usually come with mental illness.
If you are not a good artist now, it's unlikely it will ever happen.
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Maybe if you want to be one of those prissy "abstract" artists with no actual appeal to speak of.

Good art requires dedicated practice and a willingness to create. Sit down and draw, and keep drawing until you're good.
There's no need for a troubled mind. On the contrary many of the most skilled artists lived simple, humble lives just as any other of us
Just make art bro.
Don’t fall for the tortured artist meme; that’s just a modern romanticisation of mental illness. All you need for art is passion, discipline and dedication. Who’s the better artist, Chris Chan or Johann Sebastian Bach? Surely it must be the mentally ill one?

I can't stop having gay thoughts about other men and it's ruining my self-esteem. I want to have kids, not be a faggot, not disappoint my family etc. How do I stop harboring these disgusting homosexual thoughts in my mind and like women more?
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if its just sexual thoughts, ignore it. treat it like a intrusive thought and let it go and move on. festering in those thoughts only make them come up more frequently

if they are romantic, if you're imagining a life together with men, thinking about dates or raising a family, pursue it. otherwise you're just putting yourself through pain 4 no reason. living a lie purely because you cant accept a part of yourself is just self sabotage and even more pathetic than being a fag

you can adopt, find a surrogate, even date a man who already has kids from a previous relationship. if your family will get mad at you over something as little as you falling in love, they don't love you for you, they love you for who they want you to be
But I always imagine that I am the girl
It's a sign that you're not healthy. Eat more calories and exercise your brain like you do your body. Meditation helps, just watch your breathing.
you have to bend life over and fuck it in the ass! take the cock of fate and suck it till it spews its hot load all over your face! get knuckle deep in your purpose and then grind out the skill development
You can be bisexual and have kids. It happens all the time here in my Islamic country.
>guy have kids
>at the same time have flings with gay guys but still doesn't make anything that's sus to the wife.
I don't encourage cheating however but it's not like the husband was cheating with another woman.

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