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I am schizophrenic and everyone treats me shitty when they hear im schizo, even if I say the same shit if they hear im schizo they just automatically regard what i say as nonsense or crazy. my THERapist thinks im autistic because people just automatically dislike me and im socialy retarded. I want to die. theres just nothing out there for me. I cant do anything im a fucking retarded asshole. I wish I was dead. I hate life so fucking much. my medication made me fat and people treat me bad for that. tell me why i shouldnt kill myself right now with this knife. NO matter what teh fuck I do, what plans I make, I will always be a lesser person. People will never respect me and I will never have any fulfillment from life. I dont know why I do anything at all, because it literally does not matter. I am a fucking broken individual. Theres something wrong with me. I am a loser. I lost. I have met many other schizoprhenic people and even they fucking dont like me. Even they manage to make friends with each other and I still cant fit in anywhere I go. No matter what I do or say, it doesnt fucking matter. I called a line for helping people with issues and woman told me she had another call and hung up on me.
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I'm a schizo as-well and I feel the same way as you.
>collect NEETbux
>save money
>buy sailboat
>fuck girls on sailboat (once you've heaved anchor it's a done deal)
well, good to know others are out there

>on a sailboat
>with a schizo
they'll have to sleep with me... because of the implications
>i agree, I was just having a weak moment. suicide isnt the answer here. thanks mate
Best of luck, friend!
How does someone get neetbux? Lets say theyre fucked up, thats not in question... where is the magic line government workers look for? Do you need multiple arrests for strange public behavior? Suicide attempts?

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about a month ago i started going blind in my right eye (from an injury, boring stuff and not the point).
when i told my gf, she was totally supportive. "go to a doctor, i'm sure they can fix it" etc. the doctors basically told me i'd just go blind in that eye and there would be no way to avoid it. when i told my gf this she broke up with me instantly. just said she didn't want to be with me, whatever.
im over it (i think) but im just kinda left scared to date now. is me being partially blind unattractive to women? will they just see me as a burden?
i thought it'd be better if maybe i could find someone who was also partially blind or just blind so we could relate, but i dont know where i can find someone like that.
i guess the two things im asking is 'is blindness generally perceived to be unattractive' and 'where can i find someone else blind who will understand me'?
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will your vision impairment prevent you from driving?
This is a pretty common thing, especially if its just a dating situation. People dont want to get tied down to someone with serious issues if theyre only dating (usually. sometimes there is real love and it doesnt matter).

But you gotta let it go. Same thing happened when I went bald. I wasn't broken up with because I wasnt dating anyone, but the attention from women went away.

Its just how most people are.
wait what??????? that's so fucked. you're not even blind from both eyes, though even if that was the case it would still be fucked
>im over it (i think) but im just kinda left scared to date now. is me being partially blind unattractive to women? will they just see me as a burden?
Not really, she's just retarded t b h. I doubt there's even any difference from her perspective.
Also be careful with injuries to the eyes jeez!
lol wtf, it's not like you were disfigured or anything. anyways, consider it a blessing, imagine if you committed to her and something happened to you later in life? maybe you can filter for better people out there too

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How does one get invited to an orgy? I went to my high school reunion recently and a girl I used to have a crush on said she’s been to a few. I am extremely jealous
you're looking or swingers clubs/swinger parties. You can find online groups and google the clubs too sometimes. Bring a lady our you're going to have to pay a lot more to join the party

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For the same reasons this face doesn't.
don't post pictures of my wife
That show didn't need to say as much as it did
... what's the ultimate expression?
How does that face make someone a bitch? The face is a punch to the gut to an egoist.

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Go outside. Feel the sun on your face. Eat some nice food. Meet some new people. Have a good time. You only get one go.
Destroy the child. Corrupt them all.
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Beat me to it

grows up on the streets seeing people dying from the drug crisis running ramped threw America. I was numb from all people coming and going in my life. Seeing people blow there brains out in front of you as a child has a way making you unable to fit in socially. In college now and meets a girl who changes me for the better. She was off like me and had everything in common with me. I take the time to help her in a time of need putting my self threw hell no sleep and doing her work a bit to help. After we gradate she tells me how much she loves me and promised the world to me. Before she was supposed to meet my family and meet hers at a event she planned I get a text saying she cant do it cause I make her to vulnerable and she cant trust men. I'm very upset for I had gotten her a gift and was promised this great life together. I open up to her about how her promise upsets me and reminds me of my childhood. I open up and tell her everything I've seen as a child and how she reminded me of it. All she said was sorry. She is gone now, I couldn't even attend the funeral from the guilt of feeling like I was apart of this. I don't know what to do anymore.
some non addictive drugs can help.

pragmatically, all you can do is say 'im sorry'.

try modafinil! i love it

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I trapped myself emotionally in a relationship with a woman who I’ve made a surrogate for my overbearing mom. I don’t find her attractive but being with her has really helped me out. We are growing as people together and I’m so much better now, where’s before because of my family situation I struggled even talking to women. I feel emotionally mature to continue the relationship with her and I know we can make it work but I feel a sense of loss knowing there’s women out there that I will find more beautiful than my gf. I don’t know how but I’m settling for ok in life. Does everyone else do that too?
I only have one mommy
>there’s women out there that I will find more beautiful than my gf
but does that mean you could actually have a relationship with one? it's all about what you can get, not what's out there
No, it’s about who you love. Stop seeing women as sexual conquests, it hurts the both of us. OP is clearly disillusioned that he can still appreciate beauty despite having a secure relationship. He’s insecure, don’t feed that behavior.
If you actually like being around her, you don't know how well you got it. Try to spend some time around beautiful but obnoxious women for a while and you'll get it.

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What are some ways to kill myself that's not really painful
12 gauge to the face
>oh no I'm in pain for 2 minutes
Get over it, you've been in pain your whole life
Not killing yourself

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I'm in the military and I was just given my first ever leadership position recently. I'm the chief of a small armory and I got humiliated today because of my subordinates inability to count.

Normally I ask my guys to count the Rifles and ammo that are currently in the armory and how many are checked out. Pretty simple stuff. This moron usually bugs other people to double check his counts but I guess today he thought he had enough brain cells to give me a correct count. First he gave me a count that had more Rifles than we own so I told him to recount then he gave me a new one with too little rifles and finally on the third try he got the correct number.

This is where I got humiliated, the ammo he gave me the first time would have been correct for his initial bad count so I didn't think anything of it. But by changing the rifle count he invalidated his ammo count. So me not noticing that I sent it up to the officers group chat and they noticed the ammo didn't match the rifles and proceeded to verbally berate me for 15 minutes.

I'm aware it's partially my fault for not noticing but to fuck up counting 4 times is egregious and mind you he's been doing this shit since before I became chief. Other things he's done is straight up leave the the armory unattended (what moron leaves a room full of guns and ammo unattended, he knows this by now) and he's also been known to give keys to people without writing down who he gave them to so they could just steal them if they wanted to.

I've never fired a guy before, should I or should I give him a chance?
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When you are in such a management position and you are responsible for people under you, your job is not to do the work but to make sure that the people under you do the work. If someone under you was doing the counts wrong repeatedly and you didn't do anything about it, then the fault lies with you. The fault is also yours if you knew that person was incompetent but you didn't do anything about it.

In that sense, your superiors were right to yell at you. Just as you are responsible for the people you supervise, they are also responsible for your mistakes. They have bosses too and they risk getting berated by their superiors in the same way you did. Don't take it personal. It's just the nature of the job, both in the military and in a corporation.

What you need to do now is to do the job that was assigned to you. You need to either make sure this guy can do his job correctly or fire him. Make sure to give him enough warnings so that he has a chance to correct himself. I don't know what the procedure in the military is, but in most corporations here it's usually 3 warnings or write-ups and then you're fired. If you can't fire him, it's your job to deal with it so that the count is never wrong.
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drop the fucking coffee and take accountability for your fucking joes you lazy fuck.
>just trying to reenact what your superiors said.
You should always give a shape up or ship out speech before you actually can someone. Tell the retard to start making physical tallies on a notepad or counting on his fucking fingers if he has to.
Court marshal and firing squad. Next guy won't fuck up.
If everyone thinks you’re a faggot then you’re fucked. The disappointed dad routine usually works but you need to be respected by your subordinates. Learning how to be the bad guy and letting people hate you an important lesson for every supervisor to learn. You might as well be a dick since you’re in the military

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Why does my voice some days sound very deep and pleasant, and other days (recently more often) I sound like a retarded little faggot with a crushed voice box. Like you wouldn’t believe the magnitude of difference, the voices sound like entirely different people. I’ve searched this up in several different ways and every answer I get is people wondering why their voice fluctuates while singing, it’s almost like I’m the only fucking human being on the planet with this, often times debilitating issue. Like hearing what my voice used to sound like 5 years ago, compared to what it sounded like 2 years ago, compared to what it sounds like now is fucking crazy. It went from deep to cringe faggot without a voice box to now where I go from deep to cringe faggot without a voice box with it sometimes changing even throughout the day. Can somebody please tell me what I’m doing to cause my voice to change so drastically?
Ehlers danlos syndrome
I have the same problem as OP's first sentence and have EDS(hypermobility). Did not realize it could cause voice problems. Fuck. Thanks for the clue.
I’m only a mechanic so,
Sleep, weather, hydration, are factors.

Other than that, I don't know.

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My girlfriend is anorexic and the thinner she gets the more I don't like it. There's something upsetting or worrying about her only eating like 800-1000 cals when she's like 98~ lbs at 5'2". Maybe I'm wrong, I just personally don't like it. She doesn't talk about it much with me but she posts about it on her little social media account and it always feels kind of neurotic or just unhealthy the way she talks about everything as if she's obese. She genuinely thinks she's fat when she's already so thin and at times it's even a little annoying. She has also made it clear that her goal is something like picrel (not exact but essentially very thin) and to be honest I would find her less attractive if she got like that. Her eating disorder makes me worry about her and feels like something that's in the way of better things. She also slipped up and mentioned she's eating so little she might start not having her period, which made me feel almost sick for some reason when she casually said it. I don't know if I'm being retarded or selfish for this opinion but I want her to recover and drop all of the extreme anorexic stuff, but I don't know how I would approach it without her just disregarding my thoughts or getting mad or something.
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>My girlfriend is anorexic and I'm not doing shit to help her improve her mental health
that's what I read.

>Maybe I'm wrong
>I don't know if I'm being retarded or selfish for this opinion
dude, she is MENTALLY ILL. people who are ill can't take reasonable decisions.
tell her to stop it. talk to her parent and tell them what's she's going through, and take her to the psychiatrist as soon as possible.
btw, I'm no psychologist or anything, so consult one before taking her to a psychiatrist.
but I'm being serious here. she won't do anything about her mental illness, you, her parents or whoever is in charge of her need to FORCE her visit a therapist.
Being worried about her health is not being selfish
But you can't do this alone
Print out the social media confessions
Make an appointment with your doctor for a physical (for yourself, to avoid suspicion)
Take the posts in and confide your fears with your doctor
Then buckle up because it might get bumpy

She might think you're an asshole forever but it's better than what unchecked anorexia can do to a person
recovering from anorexia is extremely difficult. I can’t relate personally, but i’ve had friends who struggled with it themselves, and have personally struggled under the weight of a superthin expectation of a woman. Here goes.

Firstly, it sounds like she’s externalizing some of it through social media. This is where you should be the most concerned instead of force feeding her. It’s very necessary to pull her out of the rabbithole, even if nobody in there is supporting her.
Secondly, don’t try to bring up expectations of body image or food. Try to share experiences with her. Your best bet is low impact exercise probably, get you and her involved in two player light games like pickleball or something.
Next, try to open up the idea of therapy. Obviously she does need counseling, if she can’t repair it herself and it’s been this long.
Next it might be possible to take her with you to the gym for light exercise. I assume she’s been making her own meals as a way to regulate herself. Try cooking more often, if possible. Don’t push for heavy meats, just take away the option of calorie counting or measuring everything she does, that’s a pretty significant step on its own.
After that things will lighten up, and you’ll understand how to help her. Remember, the answer isn’t light pushes, it’s (metaphorically) opening the door for her. This will take a lot of time, so don’t set a goal. Appreciate the small things but absolutely do not try to grand reveal some sort of being her savior thing. Most of it will be small things, and I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Important note though: it’s very easy to slip into a different coping mechanism like bulimia (doesn’t always mean throwing up, purging could be heavy exercise) so make sure to research and understand her condition and similar ones. And lastly lots of love of course <3
Tube feed her milkshakes in her sleep

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Would you ever consider dating a prostitute? One wants to be my gf and she said that I can even see other women on the side. Should I do it bros? Am I a massive pussy if I tell her no?
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>supporting prostitution
> Engaging in nonmonogamous behavior
At that point why don't you just fully embrace your animalistic behavior and fuck dogs?
You're clearly not capable of behaving like a rational human since you're being led around by your dick.
The more I look at this picture the more she looks like slutty Anne Hathaway
>using a prostie as a practice gf
No because I wouldn’t date a shoe. I’m desperate, but not that desperate.

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Her parents and my family both want me to go out with her, but I feel awkward making the first move. The church is very cliquey and gossipy. The girls and guys self-segregate, and if you approach a girl, it starts a bunch of drama. Like, "Omg, did you see anon go up to her? We have to talk to her asap to see what he said."

I hate this kind of bullshit so much. I want my romantic affairs to be kept private, and cliquey little churches like this go hysteric over this.

My options are the following:

1) Message her on facebook (a little more private)
2) Talk to her at upcoming church young adult picnic outing (feel awkward doing this b/c both of our families are there)
3) Just do nothing and see where it goes (has resulted in nothing so far)

I am absolutely certain she would go out with me if I pursued, but I prefer things to happen organically instead of cold approaching.
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>know about her routine and activities
I'm pretty sure she attends choir practice, but that's also at the church, and I don't like choir and don't see myself going there just to hit on her
facebook message would work, but if you don't want to do that out of the blue:
introduce yourself at the picnic to get the weirdness of both families off your back
then facebook message her, unless you spill your spaghetti and can't think of anything to talk about, and if so:
suck it up and go to one choir recital (it's music in your community, you can't hate on that)
go up to her afterwards and say nice job
then facebook message her
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i mean, that would work, but it's neither organic nor discreet. but I have an idea. you could have a barbecue at your house and invite the people of the church. you have home field advantage, set yourself up any way you want. don't know if you can drink alcohol and eat meat but the concept still stands.
How old are all involved?
>Her parents and my family both want me to go out with her
Do YOU want to go out with her?
>The church is very cliquey and gossipy.
Then maybe this church isn't the right place to start a relationship. It sounds like every move you make will be observed, analyzed, and discussed. Awful.

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Im 20 and I live with my parents, I have planned multiple international trips over the last couple years and every time i bring it up to my parents they have a giant meltdown. They dont want me to travel alone and say they need to come with me (they never will anyway). They go “well what if a war breaks out in that area while youre there? (places where theres almost a 0% chance of this) they have full panic attacks and forbid me from leaving, which has always made me feel guilty and ruinedthe thought of travelling anywhere for me so i end up cancelling my plans. I want to plan a trip again this summer and Im close to just saying fuck your guys feelings im going anyway. Is this a good idea? or is there any way to convince them its not so scary to go on a vacation? I live in a small town in an isolated area of the world where i dont have any friends to travel with, all my friends are international that I met online and have known for years.
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I have my own job and money unfortunately im not a neet. Its like a guilt trip when they make a big deal and blame me for their anxiety so thats what holds me back.
Here's an angel. He'll shut anyone up who stops you from getting the best from God. Just don't be an idiot and start compromising. We don't talk like that by accident.
to be fair you never know, the yakuza could make a violent comeback in Hawaii
Yeah you should honestly just go. Your parents are being overprotective and it's not good for either of you. Those are safe countries.
Unlikely, the yakuza are mostly korean these days

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A girl I like friendzoned me yet still texts me asking to go places with me. I haven't spoken to her in weeks. Should I cut her off completely? I feel like being around a girl who doesn't reciprocate feelings for you is one big humiliation ritual. Especially to a dude who has never had a girlfriend or gotten laid like me.
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Really depends on what you want out of this.
On one hand, you can probably fuck her with little effort on your part
On the other, you could get a date
On the lesser known third hand, you can now turn the table on her and friend zone her right back (she will never forget it, and will definitely lead to you fucking her down the line)

Text her back this: hey! Are you asking me out on a date? (Insert the sideeye emoji)
If ye, go on said date, and have fun, be flirty. Hold open doors, hold hands, etc.
If nah, text her this "sounds fun, wanna come over later and watch cloudy with a chance of meatballs, and not make out? (Insert laughing emoji and side eye)" just be playful and have fun.

If it's a hard nah, and she wants to just be platonic, now you just start fucking with her: "sounds good bestie, let's go to [popular bar in area] afterwards, get some drinks, and you can wingman for me (winky face)

>don't take women seriously, you'll have sex with them more often when you're playful
you stopped talking and she's stilllll reaching out???
Lmao. dude, she probably liked you and is wondering what she did wrong...
Meet up with her and formerly ask her out, and no Don't tell her that you thought she was "friend-zoning" you.
Just don't care about it that much bro, if u want to go out and have fun, just do it, maybe she has some friends who she can introduce you with. Don't get too hung up on one girl and just go and have a good time, rest of the things will happen naturally.
I share a lot of common interests with her and that's what gets to me. I can't connect with most people like that.
she likes you, retardo

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