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basically I watched a documentary about this cannibalistic murderer rapist and I joked saying that I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me. is she exaggerating it or am I in the wrong here? she hasn't messaged me in like 12 hours.
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Stop saying "jokes" over text where they can't tell tone.
Don't you dare back down, instead DOUBLE DOWN

>"I'm going to devour that pussy like it's illegal
This is why you use emojis, in this case the side-eye and the laughing emoji, would have been fitting
Funny shit bro. High IQ people will instantly tell you're joking and play along. Ignore NPCs and move along.

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How do I make my parents not worry about me?
>t. ranny
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I love (hate) these threads. OP is clearly mentally unwell and the decent people of /adv/ are trying everything they can to help him, only for him to ignore those posts and respond to the ones that enable his delusional fantasy. It happens like 10 times a day on /adv/.
You wonder if how others are doing it. Well, the Bible says money answers all things so parents worried. Answer is there and it goes for everybody. Oh, being worried about you. They must be a fool. They must look like a fool. No captital? No problem. The money lives in you. The money is in the idea. The money is the idea. Liquid capital? Don't limit yourself NOW of all times. Don't close up your mind NOW of all times.
The dysgenics psyops will continue until morale improves.
Based schizo poster
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I feel that I am starting to slip down the incel path basically and want to avoid that. How do I actively stop such a mindset from affecting me though? At its most base level, I feel the incels might be right. If they say something like "You know most women are basically drowning in dating options and relationship options right?" It sounds insanely true to me because I basically see it everyday. I am 30 and it truly seems like nothing in my life will change unless I change it. A woman isn't going to fall into my lap. A man might basically fall into a womans lap though. Her part is to just say yes or no. It is lines of thinking like that which really hurt my anti-inceldom argument to myself.

The bottom line in how I feel is that I can't even attempt to get in a relationship while most women get to just passively experience them and passively build these types of skills needed. Without me doing something desperate / retarded like walking up and autistically spazzing on people with conversation, I don't see my life changing if I were to do nothing. It would seem that opportunities in this realm of things don't just fall into a mans lap. If I actively do nothing, my relationship status will never change.

Maybe I am wrong though. Maybe most women aren't really crawling with dating opportunities. I don't know what is the actual true. The amount of women I know who are in my type of situation(no relationship ever) is 0. However, I know many dudes in my boat. Not saying women like this don't exist but it truly seems to be very few women who don't have a relationship ever.
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You have never once asked a girl out.
I do ask women out. Best I ever had was last year a girl agreed and never showed up. Ignored my phone calls too.
genuine advice here, your best bet to avoid inceldom is to just find other things in your life to fulfill you. Fixating your life on needing a relationship or sex is only going to make you bitter and resentful, and no woman wants to date a guy who's bitter about her existence.

Try fishing. Hunting. Get into brewing beer or some shit. idk maybe even pottery or birdwatching. get outside and do something that makes you feel alive that's not gooning in ur room
Don’t care, need to suck young white adult female toes before I kill myself
>How do I do X?
>Genuine advice: here's how you do anything EXCEPT X
Epic Reddit moment

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I was wrongfully terminated from a major defense contractor recently due to “failing” a performance improvement plan. The problem is this is bullshit, and I have testimonies and evidence from others saying this was really the result of disability discrimination. Right now, the company owes me about $10k they refuse to pay, and they want me to pay back money per a relocation agreement (since I “left” the company).

The thing is…they didn’t make me sign an NDA before leaving. I know some information that would be incredibly damaging if told to the Feds and press. Also, I have a lawyer rn willing to work for free to sue them, so they’d have that issue. Is it possible for me to just say “hey, if you hand me the $10k you owe me, I’ll sign an NDA and not sue or report discrimination to the government”? To me, this seems like good leverage—especially for a defense contractor in a VERY tightly regulated industry.
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Good point
I’ll also talk to my union official. I’m willing to negotiate a settlement in exchange for not sueing + signing an NDA.
Try out this A.I lawyer here. Just don't put sensitive specific information obviously. Just put in the question and wait 5 minutes. Also, take it with a grain of salt too.

get over it, find a new job
Talk to a lawyer and have them write a demand letter for you instead. They'll be much more receptive to this because it shows a willingness and ability to seek litigation.
No. You let your lawyer say that shit.

I have no friends or GF. How do I enjoy my own company? Should I buy drugs? Drink alcohol?
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Ok. I guess the important question is do you enjoy being by yourself? Are you WANTING friends and a gf? Is this something your family is pressuring you to do? Whats the actual problem
The only person pressuring me is my dad. He keeps calling me a fag and all this other shit and it's bringing me down. His toxicity is probably the reason why I'm so reserved and quiet.
Masturbating, reading, playing an instrument. Don't act like you don't actually know what to do. You are just too depressed to do it.
Sounds like it. Sounds exactly why, lol. What a douche.
Think about joining the air force if you live in USA. good trajectory toward high paying "tech" jobs. If youre smart youll get a good job around smart people while in the service

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previous >>31202729
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Men, unironically what's an issue you guys have that you wish more women knew about?
Porn addiction?
Women know about that one.
My ability to not recognize which emotion I am feeling
My ability to fuck other women and still love you.
Fucking for us is masturbation

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I got banned from tinder last summer for 'breaking their tos'. When trying to contact them they did not give me any specific information so I am still not sure why it was exactly. Their support is just bots giving you automated replies and it is useless. I obviously did not send dickpics or whatever so the reason is not really relevant.

However I am wondering if I can make a new account again or if I will be auto banned again. Obviously I still have the same phone number and I am not planning on making a new one. I can use a different email and new pics but obviously I do not wanna get insta banned again for ban evasion.

Does anyone here know about this or have any experience with this? I read online that they keep your information 3 months, but I also read 12 months, which have not passed yet.

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He means 90
>zoomers believe that tech companies delete your data
kill yourself.
Usually all it takes is a new account. IP addresses are frequently shared by people in dorms or apartment units, or at jobs, and companies realize theyll alienate customers if they ban by internet address.

So unless you need to upload a drivers license, it should be simple to make a new account

One thing you want to do is clear your app's data history. Reinstall it. phone and computer too. Forensic data exists on both of those devices, much like a "cookie" exists in a browser history. you need to clear cookies to avoid a fresh ban even if you change your IP address

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> In highschool
> Had a friend I knew for a long time
> He is fun to talk to
> He is mentally ill from abuse and a typical fan of anime and gore
> We drift some time during High-school
> Turns out my friend is a fag
> Turns out I'm also a fag
> Realise the feelings I had for him
> He is crazy about this other guy who is not a fag, now my friend is even more mentally ill and suicidal
> He offers me sex like a whore
> reject the offer
> probably has sex with other guys
> never expressed how i really felt for him
> feel resentment and hatred for him and the other guy
> whenever I see his face, I have thoughts of killing him but also what could've been

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damn you're right OP you do sound like a fag
1. don't focus too much on a problem, have more shit in your life than a potentially gay relationship not working out :pepesmile:
2. isn't everything that is happened for the better good for you? i don't understand why people don't adopt that into their head. yeah it easy to lose that thought, still better to have it.
3.uhh... sex is not the happiness and you understand that, right? your rejected that and stayed to your own needs for a relationship i guess.

there's no denial you had attraction and feelings for that guy that you will have to go through unfortunately (or not). it's not a reason to drop down and die. u think niggas with girls and gays in relationship that are happy never faced rejection? they did, that didn't stop them.
it'll work out if you put in effort and keep on going. find support and stay away from toxic environments. remember, you have the power to choose who you be with, always. having conversational skills to resolve problems is good, choosing when to let go when shit gets too much can be better. time is a valuable thing
I don't really sound like a fag, I just am one. I hate guys who act overly flamboyant
thanks for this
1. Through doing other things like work, hobbies and whatever takes my attention I forget it but often times the thoughts about him come up in mocking ways.
2. I suppose so, it did push me more into my hobbies and work as I said before, So i could forget about the guy
3. Well the guys uses sex to cope, I hated him for that because I knew i was some other guy he could have sex with. I assume he is going to get into hard drugs, fuck guys on flings and be a total miserable person. I don't want that to happen but I can't and won't try to save him.

Of course lots of people get rejections, I just really thought we had something through years of knowing each other and also due to my loneliness. I hope things will work out. I'll try to meet new people

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Is it bad if one of my biggest sources of inspiration is Emiya Shirou? Whenever I am going through a hard time I think about the unlimited blade works chant, then the EMIYA theme starts playing in my head. It gives me power to push through anyway. Is this an unhealthy coping mechanism or am I just a regular weirdo?
You probably have autism.
That's okay, much better than giving up easily. Just don't tell this to anyone irl.
I wouldn’t be surprised
That’s why I’m on the chan

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Trying another approach... Me and my friends have this friend whos like a little sister to us.... Shes being bullied and sexually exploited by people on vrchat... How do we pull her away from it?

Shes autistic, and gets a lot of male attention from it... Attention she doesn't get elsewhere
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is she cute and or hot
Cute, chubby with long black hair... Usually wears aviator glasses. Shes latina... Amazing cook, very sweet, very clean, quiet and meek.
yuck, you can keep her
That's just what autistic people are like. I dated this autistic girl who, even though she was smart and working her way into a career, had the self-awareness of a child
Shes pretty dim... To the point where i don't get how these guys could tolerate fucking her... I lover her to death, shes like a little sister but fucking her would seem immoral... The fact she hand flappies and sways and wiggles when shes excited... They can all see that through vr.

Someone I know closely has been talking about suicide and something bad just happened to them, they sent this message.

It made me think the worst had happened when I got out of work. I freaked out and called them and they got mad and said I was turning a positive message and that there is no reason that message implies they would kill themselves.

Am I crazy!?
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It's not a suicide note. You perceive it as a suicide note as a result of certain concerns or contexts you hold for this person. They did not send it as a suicide note. They send it as an uplifting message. You reading that as a suicide note hurt their feelings. You are not at fault for reading it as a suicide note, but they are not at fault for sending it the way it is either. It's a misunderstanding. If you can't grasp that, you're not ready for marriage.
It's totally reasonable to be concerned there, but maybe try just asking if they're okay rather than skitzing on them about suicide specifically
>I'm also getting married to them after 7 years of dating
Why did they say "were" in the text message then? You're no longer the best part of their life.
No you're not crazy. I imagine we arent getting the full story, because a person getting mad over what you described happening doesnt make a lot of sense.
>Am I crazy!?
No, I know of similar messages of people who an heroed. Fuck that nigger, block rn

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I'm to the point where I'm turning my head while driving looking at attractive women

do I just castrate myself
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you have nice hair

I'm 29 and avoided sex that was literally on my lap in my teen years.
My porn folder is immense, i'm like a sad dog looking out of the window at all the white girls.
But i'm more driven to propagate my genes/not be alone when my old mother, who's the pilar in the family, dies of old age.
So i need a family of my own in the day to day.
Currently working on a tinder account for relationship.
Teen is a mistake
You think it isn't, but for all you know you would've been those unlucky bastards that knocked a 16 y/o up
there will be a point in your life where you will look at at an 11 out of 10 who is completely naked and go: "dude, you need to put something on or you're going to catch a cold."
when the testosterone leaves you, you will notice a difference. and fast.
enjoy it while it lasts.
nta but I did have a moment (a week strongly and then two month without dex drive) like that without sex drive but also like not much drive in life, things appeared all boring, flat, tasteless, I was not depressed, just unmoved by life and not interested.
Is it testosterone dropping ? I willgo into my 27 years

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You do not need human contact
Emotions besides anger are fucking gay.
Immediately cut off contact with everyone you had a relationship with. It may be hard, but just put all doubts to the back of your mind
Stop caring so much about things. Whatever it is, it is NOT that important.
Just become a slippery snake and cheat, lie, kill and use people till you are at the top. Seek power like the worthless clump of matter you are.
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>Wah wah wah
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Fuck off hoe
>Just become a slippery snake and cheat, lie, kill and use people till you are at the top

Wonderful! This is exactly what this world needs more of right now!
did you watch too much motivational billionare quotes and Andrew Tate
people like that are emotionally worthless and empty inside. having control over your emotional state is better than putting up an entire mask and spiraling down into a...
wait, why the fuck am i even trying at this shit, just another retarded bait post.

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This might sound strange but I do not have a TV in my apartment because I just don't like watching TV. However, in times of Netflix, Anime and Amazon Prime it seems that not owning one is weird. Are there girls who do not mind the lack of TV? I have a HiFi setup for listening to music on the couch and an upright piano that I can play on, would this be an ok alternative if I have a girl over? I am 28yo btw.
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Maybe it's a good litmus test now that I think about it.
I know this meme but without posting any pics I can assure you that my apartment is nicely done up. I have lots of comfy furniture, lots of plants, lots of pictures and even some paintings on the walls. My apartment unironically looks almost like a pinterest post.
It's really just this TV thing that is missing and I just don't want it in there, I hate TVs and everything related to it.
Do you really want to date a girl who engages in brainrot?
Bro I am a 28 years old virgin, I would date any girl as long as she isn't fat (I am very in shape).
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Then you know the answer.

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>be 27 year old virgin
>making out with girl i've known for a bit
>things heat up and I go to remove her bra
>completely fail at it because I've never done it kek
>mood kinda ruined and nothing ends up happening
>few days later making out again and we start dry humping
>get rock harrd
>she undoes my pants and starts playing with my cock
>fucking thing goes soft after 10 seconds
>nothing happens again
The moment I've been waiting for my whole life, the closest I've been to getting laid, and my dick just bailed on me. Now every time im about to fuck I won't be able to get hard because I'll be so worried it will happen again. Worst part is she is way out of my league and she probably knows I'm a virgin now and is losing respect for me little by little. Can I salvage this or is it over for me?
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Yeah tell her some shit like you think she's super hot, that's causing the anxiety and when she just stops it makes it worse.

Also stop being a little bitch and letting her lead the thing. Grab that little cunt, throw her around a bit and fuck her like the standardless slut we all know she is.
You should have told her youre a virgin that would honestly make her more excited for sex women get off on the ego trip of being your first time.

Be honest with her, tell her youre a virgin and you were just really nervous. She'll be patient and calming if shes worth anything.
I can tell you for a fact that in the case I am talking about, the slutty girl actually didn't really care all that much about sex. she'd just bang for the experience. sex wasn't that important to her regardless of whether she was fucking virgins or sex gods, what was important to her was fucking someone. hell she even had sex with a woman 'for the experience'. when she actually wanted to feel good she'd just take drugs.

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