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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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>crunchy water
>umami bomb
>al dente
>hit it with the
>better than sex
>bed of rice
>burrito bowl
>fusion dish
>melt in your mouth
>za, nugs, sammy, guac, noods, veg, tendies
>open-faced sandwich
>reverse sear

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>crunchy water
uhh what is this??

overall I agree with your post though. they do look like that and say that
>bean water
It refers to cucumbers usually
>>bean water
good one
umami is annoying because the tubers use it for EVERY japanese ingredient or just as pointless filler word when it does not really apply at all
I diarheaaed so hard to this thread bros

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Starbuck's collapse has begun
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>So what makes Starbucks unique?
Back in the early 2010's, at their peak (and the peak of the hipster subculture), the appeal was honestly the atmosphere. And using their wifi. The coffee was alright but you could probably make it better and cheaper at home. The real sell was having a place where you and your gang of 20-something insufferable hipster friends could hang out and/or work on your university assignments. Ah, those were the days.

These days, their differentiation strategy comes from being able to force the wagies to make you some god-awful "I'm definitely not a druggie between fixes" syrupy abomination that's about 60 per cent sugar by volume. Yes, Starbucks sucks. Go patronize a local business instead.
You know, you could've read the part I highlighted to know the context of what I was asking and spared me your memoir.
I used to get iced latte macchiato all the time but they got rid of it probably because fatties would order it by mistake and complain it's not a milkshake
This guy knows. Zoomers don't even realize that "getting coffee" wasn't a thing outside of certain enclaves (cities, college towns). Starbucks was legit cool for a minute, but they've long since fallen behind the very market they helped to create after becoming a boomer-karen-macbook meme. Hipsters want something better (or at least less commercialized), and old men like me are content with dollar coffee from the gas station.
>This guy knows
I consider people with addictions to not be reliable narrators.

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Just ate an entire 1 cantaloupe, 1 honeydew melon, and a some black berries. What's your favorite fruit, /ck/?
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Apples are gud
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I fuggin love peaches and cherries, got me a cherry tree that never fails to produce excellent cherries. Peach tree is hit or miss some years.
rick ross

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why haven't you taken the air fryer pill yet /ck/? had mine since christmas and it's the king of reheating left overs.
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>Being too autistic to let maintenance fix your oven for free (well you actually pay them as part of your rent but don't take advantage of the money you spend on them)
I'm aware. It's also because I have a cat and my apartment charged a shit load of money to have a cat so we had an Anne Frank situation twice a year when they would do their inspections. He's paid for now, but I still don't like when they come in.
I love my air fryer. Never touch my m*crowave anymore
I...do you need a picture?
>Muh convection oven!
The air fryer is smaller and quicker, perfect for heating up snacks in a jiffy. Eight minutes for pizza rolls in the air fryer, or twenty minutes in the oven? I don't know about you, but my time is valuable.

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you ever wake up at 4 am feeling excited about tomorrow's dinner?
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NTA but here you go:




Thanks dude. I'll check these out. I think I've seen the dude from your first link pop up in a lot of recent recipe searches and his looks the closest to what I'm going for.
Yeah he has a bunch of copycat recipes and tells you exactly what brand of sauces restaurants use, his channel is definitely worth following
If you wake up at 4:00 AM it's today's dinner, not tomorrow's
I feel excited about tomorrow's dinner as I'm finishing tonight's dinner. I plan it early.

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How am I supposed to cook without garlic, onions, and spices? How do you make food taste good without these?
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you can but it's not in easy reach you have to grindmonke biochem.
>they would nearly always be available to you
Not everyone lives in sweaty thirdworldistan. Ever heard of a thing called winter? Can't grow garlic and onions during that
>eat literally anything
>shit my brains out ~3 hours later
i'm ngmi but it also means i can eat whatever the fuck because i have bulimia tier shits and dont digest anything
Have you tried eating more fiber? Go buy one of those bags of baby carrots and eat like half of that a day with some hummus or something. You'll shit orange, but you'll shit bricks.
fiber don't matter, i will blast orange water out of my anus after 3 hours. only pepto heals me, imodium is mid-helpful though

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What if we put tomato, cheese and basil together and call it a salad? LMAO
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When I was a kid we had salad in the cafeteria and it was exactly that bullshit. People wonder why kids don't like salad when they think of it as a bowl of lettuce. I didn't taste a real salad until I was already a man.
Have you tried it? That daint (cherry tomatoes and pearl mozzarella) will absolutely pwn you.
Ah you think salad is your ally? You merely adopted carrots. You were born in a cafeteria, molded by it. You didn't see a real salad until you were already a man and by then it was nothing to you but lettuce and carrots
As long as you do it behind closed doors, it's nobody's business
Caprese is food of the gods. I never get tired of it.

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What's something you tried related to Food and Cooking™ that ended up being complete shit?
Could be anything from trying a new recipe or an ingredient in a dish to sharting yourself due to getting something new at McDonalds.
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I did exactly this with mashed potatoes on thanksgiving 5 years ago. Sad day. They don't let me do cooking for the family anymore.
Subway had a "reuben" with most vile, gristly stringy, unchewable corned beef and I'm almost gagging just thinking about it.
I'm planning to make macaroni and cheese using feta and mozzarella. It's still a couple of weeks away in my meal plan, but I'm preparing for the worst. Just as I've typed this, I'm starting to consider adding some bleu cheese.
>years ago
>Inexperienced young adult, but trying to get into cooking with zero experience.
>Decide to make "stir fried rice"
Add good amount of butter to large pan, have my veggies pre-cut. Things seem good so far.
>My brain thought for some reason uncooked rice would actually cook fully in a buttered frying pan, and be like hibachi style rice.
>End up wasting 2 hours of time, and probably $15 of ingredients between the veggies, rice, etc.
>Feel like biggest retard on the planet as I was trying to cook for my older gf at the time by being nice.
>End up ordering chinese food instead
She was nice about it, and that was a long time ago. Just didn't understand the fundamentals of rice cooking at all, and decided to just wing it lmao. Still cringe at wasting the ingredients though. Live and learn. I have another story that's worse, but not due to inexperience.
You literally did the thing pioneers heading out west did during the Gold Rush, they put rice in a pot with no water and didn't understand why it burned instead of becoming soft because their wives did all the cooking

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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee adjacent topics

Merchant fildžan and cezve edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and dazed, commit any warcrimes while caffeinated?

Previous thread: >>20436878
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For me? It's the Aeropulll.
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I often imagine these threads as a sitcom set in a coffee house with all these wacky regulars and dumbass conversations. It's quite amusing.
Looks reminiscent of Cafe Nervosa

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Is it true that American white women can't cook for shit?
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Not as bad as black women. Blacks in general are bad at cooking and add way too much sodium.
No. Only most the zoomers.
Checked. You're a retard. Get better friends.
Checked. Yes.
Checked. Go back to *eddit
Checked. Lol
White people are the premier cooks of the world. The innovators. Men are better cooks than women despite the race. Black people wash meat in the sink lol
It's the stupid annoying nigger accent, who in their right mind listens to that or decodes it? Nigger lingo is unacceptable and that's why they go to HR departments.
They are a tradwife as much as that spam email you are getting is saying that they are the prince of nigeria, aka they are not. They are just grifting lonely retards like yourself
god i wish that was me

what is actually the problem with eating shrimp poop
answer without sounding like a limp wristed retard
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>teacher teacher! I think anon is trolling outside of /b/!
holy shit go the fuck back to r*ddit, you princess and the pea ass bitch
you have to be forcing yourself to taste the shrimp poop because theres no way
how could force yourself to taste something that you've never tasted before?

heard any good alien stories?
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milk truk just arrive
living the dream

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>What's this white people food, holms? No dipping everything in lard? No excessive carbs?
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why the fuck would you wanna do that
Nobody knows, only crickets know the answer.
post ass
grew up in the 505, cholos said it s lot in the 90s
>what did the Mexican say when two houses fell on him?
>get off me, homes!

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AH herro! Chef king May I ah takka your ordda???
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House special lo mein, house special fried rice. Then I put the rice in a bowl and cover it with lo mein. There is no other way.
short soup please
There used to be a C&C by Tech that was ace. And Lucky Buddha too. That place would alternate between 55's and 100's on their health scores. Memories.
You might want to try some chicken stuff out as a test, like chicken lo mein. Any seafood stuff might be iffy.
(OP can you please flip the menu to show the "beef" section?)

"Hmmmmm...Give me just a second.."

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So apparently some people choose to cook with unripe peppers. Like, they do this on purpose, I really don’t get it. Why not use a delicious red pepper instead of a nasty unripened one?
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no they're a gourd, fucking dumbass
if you prefer red peppers you're a woman or a child because you're just responding to the sugar content
red peppers are too sweet
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I like to cook cajun recipes every so often, so that'sgoing to need a green bell pepper. Otherwise, I'll usually buy a 3-pack with one each green, yellow, red.

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Why is the water frothy
This makes me really sad. Is this bitch a SAHM? You have so much time to make cheap healthy food. There's no excuse for this if you have the time. A egg takes how long to cook? Like a minute to get the pan hot, 30 seconds to cook? This should be considered neglect.
how else are you going to kill the germs without soap?
Trips of truth.
his arms are swinging french fried

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