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What are your feelings on personal-sized pizzas?
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Someday I will do this and it will be my personal pizza
why dont you just do it now?
I just ate.
reasonable man
Every pizza is personal sized if you haven't eaten lately

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>OK, who was and how old were they when they got their 3 stars?
would he have been awarded them at all if he were at a different kitchen at that time?
him and Bourdy apparently got massive hogs so
The best chefs in the world are not pro-chefs. They are doctors and architects who cook out of love.
and city planners
His YouTube recipes are really great. Just ignore the stockpot, the rest of the advice is really golden

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I'm so glad that they brought Carl's Jr. to Australia. If only we get Wendy's Hamburgers stores open by 2024 or 2025 at the earliest, that would be great.
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be sure to try the extra big ass tacos
That hand does not look healthy
still seething about a nothingburger vaccine 3 years later
eh, it's a quick tattle tale.
>"did you get the covid vaccine?"
if they say yes, they're stupid.
Wendy's burgers are absolutely disgusting in my experience. McDonalds and BK are both better.

this is so fucking good
Height and weight?

Hm. Salad cream is now half-price but several months expired. Would you?
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how long will nandos perinaise last opened, unrefrigerated, in a subtropical climate in winter?
what cooking competitions, Im a newfag
Or you could stop the midnight snacking you fat fuck
why would you not make enough to last you
Buy it. Salad cream never goes off.

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Hey pizza phillies, today I'm reviewing the Thin & Crispy Philly Cheese Steak Pizza. This pizza has an *absymal* 1.9/5 stars on the Walmart app, and given that i wasnt a big fan of the pepperoni variety of this thin & crispy crust I mentally prepared myself for some pizza punishment
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Do you finish these pies in entirety, OP or do you throw them away after a few slices? Freeze them, maybe?
yeah it actually looks better than most frozen pizzas. I assume the 1.9/5 rating came from cavemen that actually thought it'd look like the box photo
>I have a big soft tummy and D cup tits
What do you think?
You poor soul.
I eat the whole thing. It's often times the only thing I eat all day, though I will supplement my diet to try to make sure I'm getting at least 1500 calories

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Post a better dinner than this
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>vodka with food
Fucking gross.
Sad & shameful.
too bad they discontinued the Throwback recipe Beefaroni
Looks really good, did you make an axe shaped loaf?
The regurgitate puked up grass a cow has already chewed 3 times look more appealing than what ever the slop on your plate is

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oh look at that, if it isn't the most boring, tasteless, generic, unremarkable food you can possibly eat
>you know what, i'd really like to eat something that tastes like literally nothing!
said no one, ever.
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I've been here long enough to see
>pretending to be retarded, or trolling
Morph into
>this is what people unironically believe
There are tons of actual retards here but this OP is blatant bait. And just like every other board with the same problem, the non-retards just use it as an excuse to have an actual conversation about the subject at hand, everyone likes rice, everyone likes bread, everyone likes burgers and pasta and hot sauce and pizza and everything else that's incessantly shitposted about. Literally the only thing that's legitimately divisive is shellfish/seafood in general and that's because a lot of people grew up without regular access to it because not everyone lives on the coast
Plain potatoes can be delicious. A plain fire roasted potato tastes much better than plain rice or plain pasta.
Protip: cook rice in chicken broth instead of water.
You're welcome.
Yes you already said that, it doesn't make plain potatoes any less bland

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Everyone is just pretending to like this, there is no actual way people enjoy blue cheese, right?
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I fucking hate gorgonzola, but other than that I generally love blue cheese.
No it isn’t. It means I have a sensitive, discerning palate. They tested me for autism many times and decided that I was just stupid.
Can you make penicillin out of mold taken from a blue cheese bloc in fridge or frozen? Preppers talking about stocking up on antibiotics, but knowing how to make it is really important.
No it isn't. Different blue cheeses use different mold cultures.
I ruined brie for myself by buying a random wheel of it from a supermarket deli and it straight up tasted like a public urinal

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Bros... they are laughing at us and making record profits.
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Massive ripoff in Cuckstralia, only woke tradies can afford this cuck kebab.
>Brown hand

Into the trash it goes
how poor are you cunt
not him but hes right, kebabs are way overpriced
can i afford them? yes
should i have to pay that much? no
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Reminds me of the time I got an “extra cheese” pepperoni stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut and they gave me this thin shit

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>be burger at restaurant (date payed for me btw. yes i actually go on dates and get treated by handsome men unlike all you femcels, don't be jelly)
>order lamb loin
>quite possibly most delicious thing ive ever eaten in my entire life
>think about trying to cook it for myself, look for lamb at store
>absolutely absurd prices
why the fuck is lamb so expensive in burgerland?
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Do you ever swagger up to a restaurant and get humbled by a chef who btfos your cooking?
Tits or GTFO
It was a retarded move really as there isn’t a domestic market that needs protecting.
Boomer moment.
I'm sure you have some of them grown in the US, it's a huge place
I live in Romania and the same thing happens, but it's absurd here. We grow a LOT of sheep and goats, but it's hard to find in stores because most of it is grown to export to arab nations. The only time you have a surefire chance at finding some (overpriced too) is around Easter, cause it's a traditional easter food here

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Reminder, /ck/ is having a cookout on June 1st at a public park on lake Grapevine!

If you are in DFW come. What you could bring:

1. Prepackaged chips, cookies, and brownies
2. Charcoal
3. meat for grilling
4. a comfy camping chair
5. a sportsball to play catch with
6. Fishin pole and live or fake bait to go fishin in the lake
7. boombox so we can listen to Classical Music WRR 101.1 FM to keep the event desirable
8. a boat if you have one
9. prepackaged side dish
10. your own grill if you'd like
11. a bicycle so that everyone from /n/ can admire it

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Don't be uncharitable
I still intend to! I'll be a few minutes later than noon, give it a good few and either stay to fish or head out if I don't see anyone. A map pin or lat/long for which side of the lake would be stellar though.
>One thing that really confused me moving to the US is why they insist on having all beef hot dogs.
Well there's always the Bar-S brand if that's your thing.
Non beef hot dogs have all the other left over shit that could not be sold ground up and combined. like pig asshole, chicken feet, etc.
>A map pin or lat/long
check the OP
Here in BumfuckCorntopia there's a local town of >1000 that's got a surprisingly decent grocery store and kitchen. Despite the small town population and not a whole lot of people just on farms, there are always people in it and they seem to do OK.

I always go there for their homemade meats, which include like 8 varieties of stuffed pork sausage they make. The standard and braut-style are good, the vegetable-filled ones a bit watery but not bad, but the winner is the heartburn inducing pizza sausage, which even has some pepperoni flavoring and a melty cheese.

Long tangent but yeah a good pork sausage is quite nice for a meal.

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Hey /ck/, what's the most cursed cocktails you've made or had?
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Mexican restaurant drinks
That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard of
Baileys and Roses Lime poured separately into a shot glass, called a cement mixer, the person drinking has to swish it around in their mouth prior to swallowing, or attempting to.
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It's a white Russian but instead of cream you use the Whataburger white gravy. It's called a whatarussian
I rarely make cocktails anymore aside from a dry martini, but when I just wanted to get blasted, I remember making a cocktail with roku gin, maraschino cherry juice, and peychaud's bitters in a ratio no one will ever know. It was very sweet and very easy to drink. I called it a "Logan's Run" because that was the movie I was watching as I drank them

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In my country we use the proper term, poison.
Soda /soft drink
soft drink
Cokebros, how can we expand our area? Where should we go on the offense?

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My god do store bought pastries suck compared to fresh, homemade stuff.
The only way it's a "good" morning is if it starts with a fresh pastry. Here I have a nice cream cheese and apple kolach, the dough is a buttermilk brioche that I let rise in the fridge overnight.
It's not only better tasting but cheaper and less of a hassle as I don't need to leave home for it.
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Holy shit you are a grade A moron
Sorry, you're a fag and a retard? Really lost the game of life didn't you
>takes me about two and a half days
I can make cinnamon buns from scratch in about 2 hours. My wife makes chocolatines in half a day.
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>it takes you about two days to make dough that needs 24-48 hours to rise, huh? well i can make a dough that needs 2 hours to rise in about 2 hours. how you like them apples, wise guy?

i mean i know /ck/ is one of the dumber boards but come on.
Looks much mighty tasty, what variety of apples? Also I completely agree, in my opinion homemade pastries are the most joyful things you can cook.

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