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Supper is almost ready
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I can't get into shepherd's pie. My mom used to make it when I was little, and her version was sadly dreadful. To this day I can't stand the idea of ground beef and mashed potatoes in the same dish.
You have to add cheese between the beef and the potato. Can also add sloppy joe mix to the beef.
>sheperds pie in a cast iron
Whats the problem
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That needs some fish heads sticking out, call it something strange and unheard of, stargazy pie, that'll do.

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Looking for advice of kvass
I mostly buy it from the supermarket (in the UK)

My local supermarket has cans of Ulmanlaiku brand
I've also managed to buy it in bottles and once in large 1L but can't remember the brand

I like kvass and would like to try some more
I stopped drinking alcohol some years ago
kvass gives me a similar type of taste, a nice change from soda drinks, and without alcohol

Any recommendations for brands to look out for in the UK?
I will go to my local eastern european corner shop
I'm also willing to have a go a making some at home
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>kvass-flavored cola.
Monestary brand is kvass-cola. Don't let jew-mazon shill it to you. All the rest are kvass-cola, too.
So I have been researching online...

As I understand it, all the cans/bottles I'm seeing in the stores are a replica/imitation of kvass
real kvass is fermented, so I need to get it from somewhere (like a brewery) or home brew it myself
is that right?

Looks like I will have to go down the home brew route
Will be a fun learning process

Interestingly, I did find this website online for 'UK first kvass'
This looks good, but very expensive sadly.
Too much for me so I will homebrew.
just make your own you just need old rye and water
>real kvass is fermented,
The stuff in the stores is 0.5% alcohol or less. The fact that they even say that, indicates it includes some fermented product. But beyond that, as others have said, it's usually closer to American-style root beer than the homemade stuff. And that's the key point, many people would say that kvass is most properly something domestic. (Though the same might be said about beer, eons ago before governments began trying to tax and regulate everything.) I'd also add, just because the store-bought stuff isn't the most "authentic", don't let that stop you from enjoying it. It's possible to enjoy both varieties under different circumstances.
You can only make it yourself in the west. Even in Riga there's only a few places where they actually brew it properly.

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Cancer rate in young people has risen 40% and I highly suspect it's because of shit oil. Is Avocado oil the only oil fit for human consumption?
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Nobody is smoking anymore, and young people are drinking less alcohol than before.
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>time traveling jab gives you cancer 40 years before getting vaccinated
Smoking tobacco is dropping but smoking weed is rising and seemed to start rising in the 70s. Energy drink consumption is rising although that's more recent and I would imagine even heavy users of energy drink have less risk than heavy alcohol drinkers. Prescription drug use is also going up and starting going up around the 70s and 80s too.
>0.001% to 0.0014%
WOW a fucking epidemic

Even habitual potheads smoke less weed than hardcore cigarette smokers. There are cigarette addicts out there that go through 2 packs a day, meanwhile I have never heard of a pothead smoking more than around 3 joints a day. Weed is just too expensive to inhale like that.
>Muh oil
Motherfucker, Skittles are literally carcinogenic, and so is most of the ultraprocessed foods that make up the American "diet".

Italians are using all kinds of seed oils and they're not having any issues.

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The humitial ritual of being helpless to do anything except persistently pay MORE for LESS food (shrinkflation) makes me feel like such a cuck.

Why is the government scared of milk men and bread fags? The price of bread has always been regulated throughout history across most nations. Why are they charging $5.65 for a single baguette, and $5.95 for a gallon of milk?
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Just because the American government is my enemy doesn't mean that the Chinese government isn't also my enemy
milk is under $3/gal which is about as low as it went sometimes pre covid. i've only really noticed price increases with premade food and junk foods but basic ingredients are still mostly the same. except potatoes, they got kind of expensive for some reason.
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800K ton shortage this year.
Just a bunch of meat/dairy lobby propaganda. Soy is fine. You would have to eat astronomical amounts for it to be any issue and phytoestrogens aren't the same as estrogen and consuming it orally breaks most of it down anyway. But hey, enjoy your red meat related colon cancer and cardiovascular disease I guess.
>dude what if we, like, tried price controls
How many times does this have to lead to mass starvation, food rationing, and total economic collapse before people finally get the lesson that this shit doesn't work?
Schools intentionally don't teach basic economics so morons will repeatedly vote for this crap that lets the intelligentsia live like emperors whilst the rest of us wallow in the mud.

20 yuan deposited in your social credit account, Chairman Xi thanks you for your service to the Grorious Revolution

Randomly got these from a Japanese grocery store and I’m now obsessed with them. What are some foreign sodas that you like?
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My bredren
You can absolutely find juice concentrate/nectar on the shelf. Look for the goya brand stuff, guava nectar is a good mixer for bombay sapphire
Fruit nectar is not concentrate. It's not even close to concentrate. It's fruit puree with added sugar and water. There's no concentration involved in any point of production.
Guarantee Antartica is delicious
Maté Cola is the best cola
And two from my own country; Trocadero (sort of a mild apple/orange flavour) and Pommac (mild grape kinda like sweet non alcoholic champagne)
Everyting irie, everyting criss. One love

Sometimes I really miss my college town and its shitty pizza.

College grads sound off. What's some old food in your college town that you miss?
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Ah my bad, I thought you were complaining about the lack of intimacy.
I'm guessing you guys are just busy, rather than her having checked out of it?
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Home Team Pizza fans sound off

They were in all the college towns at one point
being real, women move to places like NYC, LA, London etc because they know all they have to do to is open their legs a couple of times and they snag themselves a 6-figure husband.
nice blog normie. you would've been culturally enriched by her side and she would forget about you in 0.3 seconds. she was also fucking at least a dozen other dudes while you were together and you threw away the last few crumbs of pussy you'd ever accidentally into on some wacko theory she would suddenly stop being a stupid fucking cunt AFTER shes free of you. I'd laugh if it wasn't so terribly wimpy-simpy.
Based gun-santa
I hope he liked his shiny new gun

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>Full of protein
You DO incorporate lentils into your diet, right?
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Of course. I just had a nice lentil stew for dinner last night.
>And those fake meats are arguably pretty shitty in comparison to just using plants.
I was just curious as it'd be an easy way to get extra protein and nutrition overall on a vegan diet. But it still didn't seem to be enough. Now I generally just prefer to eat beans as the main part of a meal and having it with a glass of milk to drink. Fake meat stuff doesn't taste that good after a while but I don't seem to get sick of beans.

>Not sure if my body process veggies better than others
That's a possibility. I recently read that some people have certain genes that make them unable to convert beta carotene from plant foods into usable vitamin A as well as others. Even when I was eating lots of sweet potato I was still experiencing some symptoms of vitamin A deficiency.
That's interesting. I know everyone's body are different but I keep learning just how much it can differ. It's good that you keep tabs on it tho. Everyone should do some blood work every once in a while just to keep tabs but it's obviously more important with any diet that eliminate certain groups of food.
Whales are technically deer as observed by the fact whale meat is placed next to the reindeer and moose meat at the supermarket.
whale actually evolved from a deer-like animal

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>walk in the streets at night
>see this

what do?
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Shelf it
Cinnamon eggs
fuck you lol, I knew someone was going to post this on this board today, I could feel it
Why does this happen so often nowadays?
Cram em all

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There's a book sale on Amazon right now, share your favorite /ck/ volumes with the class.
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What about Hamelman, have you read that one? Comes up a lot
I haven't, looked it up on amazon and it is on sale 31% off from its usually egregious price of $62 so it might be worth picking up. Hard to say if it's worth what they're charging though.
I have a dozen cookbooks and this one gets used more than the rest combined.
Snack Hacks by Claudia Christian, the Babylon 5 XO babe.
Some of the recipes in this Habanero Cookbook by Dave DeWitt are really good.

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Hi pizza patriots! Today I'm gonna review my first Freschetta pizza, the pepperoni rising crust variant. This pizza is made by Schwan's, who also makes Red Baron & Tony's. I found out today this company is in turn owned by the South Korean firm CJ Cheiljedang.
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Pulled this pie out of the oven and immediately noticed a red flag, pools of pepperoni grease swimming on the top of the pie. Thankfully, the rising crust mitigated a lot of the potential damage. I think this much grease would've ruined a lot of other pies. A few bites in the middle were a bit overly greasy but it was not repulsive to eat.
This pizza is very saucy. If you like a lot of sauce on your pizza you will probably like this. It's flavorful too, and the pepperonis have the zing I've come to expect from Schwan pizzas. I think the crust is the worst part about this. Despite branding around freshness the rising crust was kind of brittle and not soft enough for a doughy pie like this. If you want a saucy rising crust consider this pie. I'm curious how other Frechetta pies taste, if they're as saucy as this one.
fuuuuuuuuuuck off
Pizza-chan, you should include what you paid for each 'za in your reviews. With frozen pizza, it re-contextualizes the score a lot.
Freschettas pack a lot of calories due to the crust. It's very thick and doughy, which may warrant either a little extra time or extra heat.

Why does McDonald's have the best toys?
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>apple slices and grapes
>4 chicken nuggets
>bottle of "the kool-aid"
>toy about magician
sugar them up, little bit of protein for lasting power, make them docile, brainwash them into satanism.
fuck happy meals.
Yu-Gi-Oh no it's retarded
This is obviously targeted to sell to trannies
oy vey chill with the antisemitism
They don't, Bad Dragon does

What did Asians use for cooking oil before the advent of seed oils?
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>none of those are soybeans, are they Lil Ms Goalpost Mover?
I was responding to the thread in general. There have been lots of seed oils, nut oils and fats in our diets since ancient times. Industrial seed oils still suck though.
>Look, I came in here to have an argument!
No you didn't
Seed oils have been around since antiquity and are a key part of the human diet
>if I repeat a falsehood, it becomes true
You should run for office.

You can stirfry food in a wok directly with no oil, utilizing only the juices in the meat/vegetables or you can flash steam it by stir frying with water. Modern oils simply make it a lot easier and a lot more flavorful.
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yuh huh! have you never seen my Building With Three Floors OC? you're missing out anon

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I've heard kofta is good but I can't get over how much it looks like literal dog shit
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Just use cookie cutters to make fun shapes. There are no rules, the sun is going to explode or the poles will flip, soon.
Its worth it
the poles have flipped before and the sun is still in its prime
>Cooked and seasoned meat
Yeah it's probably good.

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this shit just doesn't taste good. it degrades every meal that it is put in.
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Thai peppers are the only significantly spicy peppers that really have a great flavor. Serranos are pretty tasty too.
Yeah jalapenos are the goat for homegrown. Really nice flavour for almost anything, especially if you pickle them.
That's just plain false.
What a bunch of moroons...
There's so many varieties of chilies though. Lemon drop habanero have a nice citrus flavour. Ghost peppers have the most lovely passionfruit aroma, but the heat is way too much.
I grow my own variety that is some small brown type (maybe brown jalapeño?) that is really mild but have this amazing sweet, deep chocolaty flavour that works wonders in a lot of dishes.

Some growers have recently started to breed the spiciness out of super hot chilis, making them very mild so you can enjoy their wonderful flavour without any heat. These varieties are new and not really available yet though

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can't tell if Mexican or Dominican
+peanutbutter +honey
why are you so retarded
Part 2
chop up the banana, mix with the peanut butter and biscoff then spread nutella on the tortilla, scoop banana mixture on top, wrap up the tortilla and fry in a pan with butter. Sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top.
Congrats, your food went from suicide tier to enjoyable.

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