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Step 1: Post your image along with ALL information about what it is you're requesting. Once this has been done..

Step 2: Scan though the rest of the messages in /r/ and see if there is anyone that YOU can help out. This is where most fagboats fail.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2 till someone fills your request.

Step 4: Thank the user that filled your request!

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Does anyone have a working download link to Apocalypse by LegacyUser?

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I'll trib anyone and anything.
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And i'm guessing you didn't fuck her because losing weight is an impossible concept to you?
>Verification not required.
I didn't fuck her because she is the one that took longer to lose weight than me and i didn't find her attractive until after she did got hot but by that time she had a boyfriend of 4 years. If i could i would but she is in a very happy relationship.

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these are old pics, have new ones?
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Nudify/deepfake plz! Petite cutie
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Anyone got these leaks? All I can find is this screengrab but apparently they got paige munching box and I want to see that.
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That wetness is so hot.

No chance. Expect all leaks in the future to be called AI or deepfakes.
everyone is gonna use that now
statement from paige? or both paige and clark?

unironically because lawyers and AI. You wont see mainstream sites HOSTING leaks anymore. Not for long at least.
FYI, the entire leak is From azzi Fudd, Paige’s UConn teammate who clearly recruited her into lesbianism.

The barging in on Caitlin Clark video is also from Fudd, while they all played for team USA.

Obviously Clark didnt like being barged in on…..now that Fudd got hacked and Clark was further embarrassed, i wonder if Clark will threaten not to play for team USA if Fudd is on the team.

If i were her, i would do that. Fudd has fucked with her whole life. And Fudd is unironically a sexual predator.

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Does anyone have a video of some blonde women, i think she was british, it was some eruo accent, was talking about how she got filled with cum after coming home and brings the camera to her pussy with cum dripping oh saying "oh god"

pic unrelated

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Step one: Upscale
Step two: deep fake
Step three: Receive my gratitude
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Best one so far!
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Thank you
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Upscale please

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So I have all the pictures, but they are blocked from opening without VPN, would somebody be so kind to re-paste some of them here?
It does not even need to be all of them, just the best ones ? Like one in the net and some others;
Oh thank you so very much good sir!
Hope few others find it useful!

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Who makes these A.I pictures? They are waaay higher quality than anything else on the internet. Everything else looks fake but these are next level. Requesting knowledge
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They're made in Stable Diffusion (given the resolution of 1024 x 1024 I assume using an SDXL based model).

The reason they look good compared to lots of AI gens is that someone has clearly taken time to iterate and refine them. It might help to explain a little about how AI image gen works. With a service like MidJourney etc you are not able to directly provide prompts. Your input is first passed by their API and changed. Sometimes in quite a radical way (see the actual prompt output in the meta data for Dall-E compared to what you write). This gives a reliable and consistent way of creating images easily but also tends to result in reduced flexibility.

Stable Diffusion you prompt directly, and you have a wide range of tools that can change the image gen, refine it after the fact, and add post-processing onto it. Getting really good results with SD is an iterative process. They didn't just type something random into a text prompt and get these. They probably went through many stages in their workflow, and likely created hundreds if not thousands of images before they arrived here. I would imagine they also custom trained the model they are using, or at the very least had custom trained embeddings/LoRAs to improve the results. They likely also used image-2-image or control net to further balance how the image appears and have greater control. And then they may well have done some final edits outside of AI in a traditional app like Photoshop.
thank you anon, appreciate the knowledge.
but is there any popular creators of these? I only ever find them reposted on other sites

I'd guess that someone is just doing that. Popping them up on Twitter, or wherever, as and when they make them. Might be worth having a look at Civitai to see what kind of stuff you can see on there. You'll find a load of profiles of people that make all kinds of wild AI stuff.
Maybe this account? Not sure.


Requesting all nudify gurus
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Is there a wizard willing to nudify these celebs for us?
Unfortunately the wizards on this board seem to stay away from celebs for whatever reason
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If shes not hot I won't trib.
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Looking for cum tributes of my ex.

I have a couple of nudes like 5 of them, mostly face pics though.
>No time wasters.

Kik is sinister_feeling
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Does anyone have the new police and wedding dress outfits?

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