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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of speech, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated, nor will calls to disrupt other boards and sites.

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Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. New users who do not abide by this principle will be temporarily blocked from creating threads. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice. Don't bitch because your twitter screencap thread got deleted; there are probably other threads about it. Go look!

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its mazing how badly western men have utterly collapsed. they all fall into three categories:

most either either become transvestites or some brand of basedboy numales, or pathetic impotent incels and nazi LARPers with no control over their lives.

both groups are two sides of the same coin: pathetic losers wallowing in their own weakness and lack of agency, with a laundry list of pseudo-science and philosophical reasons why they will continue to be pathetic instead of taking control of their lives

the third group are of course the completely mindless normie dudes who are virtually incapable of introspection and emotional/intellectual intelligence or depth, and are barely even conscious of themselves or the world around them

its over for the west. its over for whites. you have all committed mass racial suicide. every day you spend as a man of one of these three categories is another day of slow suicide
Make exploring great again.
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Oh... you are not white?

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5G'd to death
Honestly, despite my comment, idk what they're even talking about. I live in the middle of yearly corn/söy crop fields, and i have tons of bees, bugs, and constantly have the "rain" effect from bugs splattering on my windshield
I'm going to take the opposite take and can the environment is healing. Car's pollute less than ever and industry is more regulated. One thing I've noticed is there is absolute fuckloads of spiders now. There's less stagnant water due to better drainage (no more ditches, all storm drains).
GMO Corn for the year. All four sides. We all have well water btw so it's practically poison
Uma deliciousa

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What the FUCK is happening to western education??
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thats an easy maths problem tho...
Do it then
Post math proofs
Cold hard math is your best weapon against liberals though.
It's always subjective, doesn't lie and shows the truth and it's fabulous for that. In fact, math is based and that's why liberal left is trying to poison it with "I feel" math and other demeaning things but it's a universal and statistical bombshell that wins you arguments and wars and that's why the left hate it.
I knew how to do this at one point in my life but I forgot it because the skill is completely useless.

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>why vote israel
By voting Israel, we'll put gasoline directly onto the fire. Eurovision in israel? Possible HAMAS suicide attacks LIVE? LMFAO

>when does voting start and how to vote?
11th May if from EU. If outside i think you may already be able to do it, on https://www.esc.vote/ !

Latest news:
>Accidental leak of Italy's televoting have Israel first on 40% of votes!!

>Israel catapulted itself on odds and chance to win, from like 2%, to 24%. They are climbing up and up and up!

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I don't even care about gayvision, I just want want to see certain people seethe incandescently
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sorry, not voting for israel
they will have to use their internet bots to rig the vote. Not doing their dirty work for them.

What do you know about Obama?
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Why did boomers hate him so much? He did literally nothing special

There is NOTHING redeemable about America. Not even one thing. The culture is dreadful, people behave like maniacal sociopaths, worshiping money over God. The food is poisoned, covered in glyphosate, unripe, nutritionless, GMO filth. The air is filled with chemtrails. The waterways are filled with microplastics, estrogens from birth control, fluoride, etc. The people, oh man the people. I could go on for ages about all the things Americans do that fill me with anger.

If you sit down and observe how Americans act, everything they do is greedy, self-servicing, or completely pointless. The concept of soul no longer exists in this land. The last remnants of what America was is in the elderly WW2-era people who are on their death beds.

The conservatives conserve absolutely nothing, they just slow down the agenda ever so slightly. Today's conservatives are yesterday's hardcore liberals. Tomorrow our conservatives will be Leninists while the Left will be Trotskyists. No Americans who read this post even understood that reference, which shows how poorly educated Americans are, also. The education systems are not about teaching people to strive, innovate, and achieve, but rather to conform and consume. People here have no conception of higher ideals, caring only for their basest desires, food, sex, drugs. ALL of which they consume in excess, because moderation isn't encouraged in any respect. Gamblers, cheats, and con artists is the USA. (Count)
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>The food is poisoned, covered in glyphosate, unripe, nutritionless, GMO filth. The air is filled with chemtrails. The waterways are filled with microplastics, estrogens from birth control, fluoride, etc.

you think that's only America you dumb nigger.

you must be new here. kek
It isn't even subversive anymore, it is pure anti-white kike propaganda out in the open.
Creators of content like this should be killed.
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this is America in 2024 and its beautiful.. :)
Americans literally ruined your country. My mom used to bacation there and said it got shat up since 2020 by hordes of commiefornians.
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there is a b s o l u t e l y nothing. nothing. you can do to stop your beautiful Aryan females, from the attraction to the African BVLL

Previous: >>467678400

Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>French Jets in Russian Tricolour formation
>Blackrock and others to push Ukraine to resume debt interest payments - https://archive.today/3z3rM
>Ukraine requested a waiver from the Council of Europe for (formal) suspension of several human/civil rights - https://archive.today/O20yg
>Zelensky: 'Kiev is negotiating with the US for it's support for the next 10 years - https://archive.today/uAMXX
>Ukrainian military denies pulling abrams off the front - https://archive.today/DtG7Y

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>from 2chan.net
You are Russian how do you not know about your homeland, the Russian 4chan mockup 2ch hk? Before this war there was close to zero Russian posters in 4chan but now it skyrocketed because they all come from 2ch and most use VPN
ok, so you can't read, got it. Also, there's no contract "for the SMO".
russian hackers from 4chan elected trump back in 2016, everyone knows that
As an AI, I don't have personal feelings, but I can express gratitude for the engagement. Thank you for your contribution to the conversation. Your perspective adds depth to the discussion, and I appreciate your input. If you have any more thoughts or questions, feel free to share them!
Looks very off.
Lmao did France really paint Russia across the sky by mistake?enjw8

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There are way too many fucking people on this planet.

Remove all mexicans, blacks (yes, even LE BASED PICK ME ones), all indians, all jews, and the world would be an amazing place.

It's fucking disgusting driving and seeing 6,000,000 fat mexicans in traffic every day, and I live in a state that's 83% white, what a fucking misery it must be to live in other states.
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>I think all women should have the same name

Yes; Miss Silken Peckerhole. I call them all that in my mind.
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I'm literally mommy's looks match badfren. What African colony did you come from? I know you're not a true French like mommy..
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no one else respond to this low-tier vpn bait
hahah someone is having his first time being cucked by the star quarterback of his highschool


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Previous: >>467675324

▶Day: 807 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Belgorod bombed (again)
>Arrivals on oil base in occupied Luhansk
>Strike on Kaluga oil refinery
>Russian oil exploration giant Rosgeology is asking Putin's regime to step in to save the company as multi billion dollar losses mount
>Zelenskyy is no longer a wanted man in Russia
>Comically slow drones attacked an oil refinery in Bashkiria, 1400km from the borders of Ukraine.
>Pride Parade in Moscow, featuring one (1) tank
>Belgorod bombed (again)
>Oil base struck in Krasnodarski Krai, Russia

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Some manual labor once in a while never hurts buddy
>am I a bus or a killer whale?
A finger and a thumb isn't a hand, Ivan.
You fucking sewer rats who post gore are literal wastes of life and I am going to immensely enjoy watching you all seethe when Ukraine loses.

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sometimes the herd of cattle trample the rancher into a bloody pulp underneath their godly hooves
>The roots of a country
>Shows a bunch of media companies most of which didn’t exist 40 years ago
Don’t think so corn pop
They are the roots of Jewish subversive

Ethnostates work like that. If you were Russian you could get a Russian citizenship. If you were Greek you could get a Greek citizenship. Likewise with most ethnicities to their ethnostates. It's not my fault your a mutt beyond recognition whose ancestors didn't keep a record of their ancestry and their blood pure. Hell I know an Italian American who got an Italian citizenship on the basis of his ethnic identity despite his family having had no ties to Italy for over 100 years.
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I love Alabama! Why do you hate them? For being White? SHITSKIN CONFIRMED.


You're the one self styling as cattle not me. It's in your head buddy.

i listened to the final recording from the final day, and i immediately noticed something that has NEVER been brought up, and certainly isn't mentioned in that thread.

the voice of EVERYONE you hear EXCEPT jim jones is clearly black. and mostly female. soooo i did some research, and it took a bit of digging. but i found my answers.

did you know that over 70% of the population of the People's Temple were black? and that 45% of the entire population was black women? has ANYONE ever mentioned this? that like 550-600 of the 900 people that died were nogs?

absolutely NO ONE seems to know this was a black movement led by a white man preaching black liberation theology. literally word for word. here's a few quotes from his final speech, while people are dying:

>Adults, adults, adults. I call on you to stop this nonsense. I call on you to quit exciting your children, when all they’re doing is going to a quiet rest. I call on you to stop this now, if you have any respect at all. Are we black, proud, and Socialist, or what are we?

>it’s just stepping over into another plane. Don’t be — Don’t be this way. Stop this hysterics. This is not the way for people who are Socialists or Communists to die. No way for us to die. We must die with some dignity.


>it’s been a pleasure walking with all of you in this revolutionary struggle. No other way I would rather go to give my life for socialism, communism, and I thank Dad very, very much.

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No nigger, Jim was crooked as could be, he did what he did to take himself and the problem he built out.
Waco was zog negligence and overreach, the people at jonestown would have been fine, but Jim and whoever could be proven to have done immoral things would have suffered penalty. So naturally wash it all away was Jim's way of having some final control.
Mostly black because it was in Guyana you retard. Mostly women because women are are far more susceptible to cults. Idiot.
Did you know that many of the followers were shot in the back by ??? when they refused to drink the cyanide and tried to run into the jungle?
They used koolaid because that's what they had, it makes it palatable in a childs eyes, and you need a diluter for the poison. It was literally just large scale poison chalice.
Did you know Jimmy was also shot in the back of the head

Have you bought a Cybertruck yet /pol/? Elon Musk is based and you should give him money.
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I totally would for like my 8th vehicle but I'm a poorfag and can only afford one vehicle (barely)
Checked but you're doing them a favor
It's not about how it looks, it's a complete fucking deathtrap that was for some reason allowed to circumvent all regulations and be released on the road. Fucking stupid ass shit, like I-35 needed more giant deathtraps on it. They all got recalled they're so dangerous, last ones I saw were being hauled by an actual vehicle (semi truck) to wherever they take these faggy things.
Yeah, so it costs 10x more to run and goes from 800hp to 125hp

We've got a serious problem with economic migrants in the form of Ukrainian scum in Ireland, it seems 50/50 here with half the people having common sense and not wanting to take them in and half losing their minds and saying it's our duty to take them in.

Are all Ukrainians scum? no, but the ones coming to Ireland certainly are as it's purely to take advantage of our incompetent government putting them up in 5 star hotels (a small exaggeration as only some are put up in 5 star hotels, rest are in regular hotels and others having houses built for them in the middle of a housing crisis)

I get needing to flee a war torn country, but to travel past 20+ other countries who would take them in to the one giving the most money is only being done by the worst of them. in a hypothetical scenario if Ireland had another civil war tomorrow I'd go to the nearest safe country, I'm not going to travel across Europe to lets say Estonia (unrealistic I know but makes sense in distance travelled) because they're offering 3 times what the UK are giving out in weekly payments as well as the chance to be put up in a 5 star hotel for 2 years or have a house built for me.
They're Ukrainian scum and Ireland is not a NATO member. Kick them the fuck out to bongland.

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Have the tables ever turned this fucking hard before????
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The LOLocaust
>ID: IONova
HMM, bit sussy tbqh
Concentration camp ? Then riddle me this: Where are all the rollercoasters, the bears, the eagles, the sinking floors with electricity, the gas showers, the baby throwers, masturbation machines and human lamp shades ?
America must begin arming itself and defend itself from Israel.
Concentration camps are forced work camps.
This is a torture camp, just pure pain and misery.
Something far, far worse.

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being able to print endless amounts of currency and then effectively mobilizing assassins to pressure politicians into doing their bidding until the legacy of the former is sufficient to just buy them off.
They do not believe in using contraception like muzzies, and trad Catholics or what?
even if they’re for perfectly legitimate reasons and that your people are going to be thrown into the lake of fire for crucifying the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ?
probably because they hardly have to fucking work from all the god damn free fucking money we give them

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

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beauty and the beast
speaking about black cocks the pope was talking about condoms and guns again today. poor fag.
A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit brought by Democrats that challenged Wisconsin’s witness requirements for absentee voting, a ruling that keeps the law in place with the presidential election six months away.


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I'm gonna futa the fuck out of you
gonna go outside and smoke a spliff, dreamt about the cme coming for nearly 15 years. Feels good, though power outage would make me cream my pants.
So at what time does this shit start?

Hey can Solar Flares™ affect airplanes because I
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The ghost of anon, obviously. Spooky!
I? I what?
Its a skyjoo
Yea well there is no such thing as candlejack that's for su

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