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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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Challenger 3 completes test firing
The UK Ministry of Defense has announced that the British Army's future tank – the Challenger 3 – has completed its fire testing phase. I will be including all media from this week = 23 files.
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Didn't Rheinmetal unfuck the chally?
With the UK trying to play worldpower in the Pacific again they need a robust army, which also includes tanks and artillery, to be able to enforce military power.
What are you talking about? The UK doesn’t have power projection into the pacific
Shoo shoo winnie poo

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Russian losses for the past 48 hours. Why is the T-62 becoming so prominent for them?
Sauce: https://nitter.poast.org/Rebel44CZ/status/1786699722763194786
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The SAA did run out of tanks Russia had to give Syria parts for thousands of tanks and APcs as well as vehicles and open a Russian run workshop. It is probably hurting Russia right now.
Has something like this happened before on this massive scale? an entire nation just headbutting a rock until it dies just so because a soviet boomer schizo retard told them to
I can't wait for the t-34s to arrive
Germany in WW1
Russian history since Peter the Great is headbutting a rock until it cracks. They just shit out so much cope and propaganda that they conveniently forget all the times the head cracked before the rock.
>You see Ivan, cracked head is our culture. Now bend over for some tradition.

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Would having the DU armour package and infantry support have saved It?
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We need to gas these people so bad.
the same people 34 years ago
Yeah and the t-90m isnt a 50 year old chassis with a welded turret
What's the tactical advantage of posting the same tank multiple times?
The best part about the Moscow parade of western equipment is knowing how many Russians died, not to disable or destroy those vehicles but just to recover them as trophies (for a cash prize).
There are videos of Russians getting merked and losing multiple vehicles just trying to tow them away from areas they still haven't taken control of.
We saw them playing hide and seek with FPV drones around the same disabled Leopard Tank several times.

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I have done over 600 hours of firearm research and determined that an oil filter suppressed ruger 10/22 sbr firing walmart brand 22lr is the ultimate criminal weapon.

>difficult to trace ballistics
>easily concealable under a jacket
>usable with one hand
>fits in a normal looking toolbox
>will not arouse suspicion if found in a search
>suppressor disposable at any autozone, gas station garbage can, or local landfill
>can cheaply change the barrel for every job
>3D printable receiver

prove me wrong
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Very cool anon. Any other anon want to share stories about the criminal weapons?

Just guys being dudes.
thats what the (((mossad))) figured out in the 1970s
>niggers shooting each other with da glizzy over jordans is helping the 2A
tell me more, mr fed
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The foreskin of the case makes the seal. The cylinder pulls back before rotating because it would be difficult to rotate the cylinder with metal bridging the gap between the chamber and the barrel. The simpler solution is to stop being a bitch and pull harder.

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Why not just call it the storm?
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Suppose the Chinese hooked them up with a new carrier for free.
Russia still couldn't maintain it, or protect it from anti-ship missiles or drones (even if they can deploy it with escorts), and it's aircraft would only be able to either launch glide bombs at extreme range, or go back to attriting themselves to nothing with low altitude dumb bomb strikes.
Russia would only ever be able to operate it from Murmansk and Vladivostok (and only with massive capitol improvements at both locations). At this point just sailing it from handover in Chinese waters and back to base in Murmansk would probably devolve into a rerun of the 2nd Pacific Squadron farce.
Because it's not approaching
This guy is a colossal retard who posts clickbait. Fuck off don't shill dumb ecelebs.
Imagine calling a ship such a STUPID name, could you imagine calling a ship

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What camo is that?
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Bit cringe innit?
>zipper AND laces
is this where this fucking insufferable fashion came from? if so - nuke china now.
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The best part is these fuckers didn't even bother lacing their fucking boots for this photo shoot.
Type 19 or 21 idk woodland

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I'll start:
M55 from Killzone
Some day I'll engineer one.
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I miss titanfall 1 so much.
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It actually gave me somewhat of a Colt Monitor vibe, even though the actual parts used are taken from other guns (Galil for the barrel & gas system, SIG 510 for the beer-keg charging handle, FAL Para for the stock and I guess to some extent the lower receiver)

It's just so chonky overall that it feels more like a BAR-derived gun to me
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Def gives me BAR/HCAR vibes I only noticed that recently.

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Post some good ones
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Why doesnt the west pour money into beauties like these?
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>supposedly the most advance stealth plane
>can clearly see it
Are Americans retarded?
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I was the first one to not see anything!
It's called optical camouflage AKA active camo.
The B2 possesses an advanced electronic warfare suite that can disguise the aircraft's signal as another object on a wide spectrum including visual light. Basically an ADM-160 MALD on meth. The true physical form of the B2 is classified, what you are seeing is essentially an optical version of luneburg lens created for the general public.
The B-2's true form is an ominous hovering sphere.
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>Obligatory inflammatory link
You can even see the leading edge is different on some of the airframes versus others. I want to say the Spirit of Mississippi is one of the test beds.
>Inb4 model
I can't be assed to find the photo, but it exists (and it looks like the model). It looks like obsidian along the leading edge of the wing. If anything, the citations are interesting if you have access to them.
>Posting a le stealth thread with just a picture of clear sky.
Haha funny joke guys.

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In most sci-fi I watch, there never appears to be any kind of damage control like what we see in modern naval vessels. Most of the time, the Captain is just sitting there as they get updates on how their ship is getting torn to pieces. Sailors are basically firefighters on vessels that assist in keeping the boat from sinking...So what would that look like on a spaceship?

I mean, obviously they aren't fighting fires so much as solving incredibly complex engineering issues in the middle of an interstellar gunfight but wouldn't it make sense to ensure every crewmember on board can fix the ship in a pinch? Or is that such a difficult skill that it would be impossible to man such a vessel?
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This. The Traveller Sci Fi RPG makes this standard for the same reason OP suggested it: Hits that crack structural integrity won't cause explosive decompression and stuff everywhere. Expect spray foam patch kits for anything larger than tiny punctures.
There were only ever 12 models, 5 of those only had a single active consciousness at a time.
That is on the short list of spoilers that retroactively ruin the entire program.
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>but that's their problem, choose who gets out and let them draw straws on whoever else gets saved
And you say I'm not humane?
You are asking them to kill each others and all the evidence to be saved.

>absolute war
If a warship is sunk, you are at war.
Forget analogy with Today's Earth-bound war, of analogy of wether a spaceship count more as an aircraft or if the real war will be swarm of genocidal missiles and warship are merely police.
The wreck of a nuclear spaceship would simply be too dangerous to not treat as an act of war. Especially in orbit and melting into radioactive metal because the heat radiator were destroyed.

Those impact are going to shape warfare. We might even get space-marine boarding ship with swords because it would be utter insanity to have stray bullet cause cascade failures destroying a shipyard and filling the entire orbit you wanted to capture with debris.

In which case, good luck being rescued from your radioactive wreck as you'll be complice of genocide.


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New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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What? post pic
red deer gun show tomorrow, what are the odds I'll see anything type 81 compatible for under $100? I went a year or two ago and there was a ton of AK mags and shit, not a type 81 in sight. plenty of 10 gauges too kek
Slim chance you'll see anything type 81 related at all except maybe the odd LMG. Who knows for sure though until you go and look.
what even is there?
>TI furniture
-single sourced from ontario
-has no stock
-is in jail

everything else is 'yeh you can probably modify it to fit' AK stuff that probably got smuggled up in grandpa's tackle box & valmet furniture that probably goes for a premium now because 'prohib'
Gm sirs

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Steve1989MREInfobros… I don’t feel so good…
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>poltard doesn't know what gmo is
How the fuck is salt unhealthy? Nigga just drink some water. Literally just maintain homeostasis.
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If you watch the entire thing you'll realize why he won't, at least not from Chinese ones anymore, probably, unless their quality somehow drops even lower.
Nigger your ESL is showing

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we're fucked m8. how are you all holding up?
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I'm out of the loop, care to update me on the latest happening?
waiting period, AWB, FFL crackdown for selling assault components, the lot
It’s getting bad here in Texas too. I wanna move out west and have access to public land but seems I’m having that idea a bit too late
It's just bad overall
>live in cuck west states but have public land to shoot in
>live in based south states with nowhere to shoot for free
>live in cuck northern states with nowhere to shoot at all
>the midwest is the same as cuck north states
I hate how that’s how things are. States like Texas especially would be incredible for shooting if there was public land

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