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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

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Newfag edition

You liked the last one so lets do it again
>No links
>Buy an ad, desperate milhouse
Previous thread
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I talked to my lawyer when I was in the parking lot waiting for the police to not show up b/c apparently they don't bother anymore. Apparently the specific legal term for this relationship is Bailment. The legal side is being handled, but it's a big L because that was the bike I was never gonna sell and is fairly sentimental. I'm only telling you all because my non-biker friends don't get it.
who tf steals a tw200 at a dealer tho, it's so odd. Hope you get reimbursed for more than it's worth, financially and sentimentally. Absolute insanity to let something like that happen at a dealer
Is that your photo? Is that a 350?
I want a DR350 SO bad.
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What the fuck
>It's been reported as stolen
Did THEY tell you that? or did you actually contact the police?
You need a case number. Post around on your local facebook page and leave a review on their business about it.
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Remaining Tenny bros where are you?
I know there is another blue 21 in aus somewhere, and a black 22. Maybe another white 21.
Im sure we have more.
T7s unite!

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Discuss offroad vehicles. Discuss offroad trails. Post your build. Or post images from google and say it's your build. Shit posting tolerated. Blog posting encouraged. No fat chicks.
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Are we meant to believe this old fuck has nothing better to do than critique gay men’s diesel swaps on 4chan? It’s a pathetic larp and if it’s true it’s even more pathetic…
I think its funny
So a fabricator who has been in the industry for decades, has worked for people who are legends and can call out bullshit is detrimental to the thread- but furfags shitting up general after general with demented fetishes are welcome?
Are you one of those furfags?
Because you sound like one of those furfags.
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Found a fun old pic from just before getting into a fight with an insubordinate tyre jockey. He could only fit 33s in his gen 5 4runner womp womp.
I live on flat and developed land that gets crappy weather sometimes. Would me fulfilling my dream of getting a Land Cruiser/4Runner/Lexus LX with snow tires be overkill for where I live?

What ways does you know to avoid getting caught speeding, without being obvious enough to get pulled over

Plate covers?
Angles mountings?

>inb4 don't break the law
Suck my ass

Interested to hear what people have to say on the topic as its not something that gets covered often but I see some interesting setups from ricers and racers when im on the road, seemingly to some success
Electronically controlled strobe light that flashes when it detects a speed camera flash, blinding the camera and obscuring the plate. Can be in the infrared to not draw fleshie cop (non-infrared-seeing) attention
>What ways does you know to avoid getting caught speeding
Drift pass the cameras, if you're going sideways they can't see your plates.
Big brain
This a legit concept? Surely by the time it's detected the flash your plates already been caught by the camera

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Since 1949, the fastest production car in the world has been:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>accurately predicted the eurocope
Where were Cobras assembled?
>amerishart daring to talk about inequality
Kek, in Europe you don't see ghettos and trailer parks
Does that matter, when the chassis was designed and made in England? What's worse, it only took 2 years for the Italians to beat it with a car with an engine 43% smaller making 28% less power. Americans try to bruteforce their way into speed and end up admitting they can't make cars.
Anatomy of an American record (or attempt):
1) pick nimble European car
2) fit a truck engine in it
3) hope it's fast in a straight, driven dynamics be damned
>Where were Cobras assembled?

>The AC Cobra, sold in the United States as the Shelby Cobra and AC Shelby Cobra, is a sports car manufactured by British company AC Cars, with a Ford V8 engine. It was produced intermittently in both the United Kingdom and later the United States since 1962.
>you don't see ghettoes in Evrop-ACK

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>TFW want to get a new prius because i think it looks cool plus it gets super amazing mpgs and gas is expensive in my cunt
>but i dont want to look like a subhuman poorfag uber driver

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>have to
What if he just wants to?
not disagreeing with ya, just saying I've seen and been on plenty of nice UberX cars
Get it in a nice color (COUGH COUGH DARK GREEN) and tint the windows.

lol if you're ubering in NYC you are literally starving. Git out. Uber in the gulf states for drunk vacationers, it's like printing money.
You can get a corolla hybrid for $25k OTD right now and its literally the same shit but not as hyped to pull the extra $10k.

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Really want to get one of these second hand as a daily driver.

>it's slow!

Don't care. I don't drive fast anyway. Any other reasons I shouldn't get one?
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>Really want to get one of these second hand as a daily driver.
They're a fun drive, if you primarily use back-roads/b-roads near you that are relatively free of traffic you'll enjoy it. As a commuter in heavy traffic they're not really worth it, no worse than any other 'performance' car out there mind you.

You don't have to drive fast to enjoy a car, a narrow twisty road has it's own kind of thrill.
>A 86/BRZ looks fast so to them it might as well be a Ferrari.
You’re delusional. 86fags are the most pathetic cucks on this board
But it's true. The average person doesn't know jack about how fast cars are, so the second they see one it's "omg a lowish car with 2 doors! it must be fast!"
he's not delusional at all. go drive an 86 and you'll lose count of how many normies try to stop light race you.
>I saw this Instagram
go back

Twins editions

Thinking of getting a GWR SSST so suvdricers can hear me even if they can’t see me.
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It’s crazy I pulled up to park behind another ND to my horror when I went to check if it was manual or auto it had a wolf furry seat cover…. Why is this allowed bros.
maybe they attract a certain kind of people?
>I love these fucking cars
further proves my point
And 3d printing for some reason LAMO I swear to god. Miata fags like 3d printers.
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>had some things pop up
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clever girl

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is there any sports car that would have a part like this that isn't a bugatti? there was a car parked outside my house that looked like this but i didn't want to look at it in case the owner thought i liked the car
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A vent? Yeah, tons of cars have vents.

Although if it was parked outside of your house, it was probably a fake vent.
Why don't you just look at the car retard
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no the curve thing
i shall not give him the satisfaction

Let’s say hypothetically I want to launch a new sport car brand and I want it to be relevant for at least the next century, how do I do that?
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Get a MBA degree.
Get into the exec suite of an existing automaker.
Get heavy into the product development branch.
Take the reins.
Zoomers dont drive, boomers only buy SUVs and millenials are too poor
Prioritize partnering with the government on fleet cars/trucks so you'll have guaranteed contracts to manufacture weapons and vehicles if/when there's another major war before 2124. Everyone from Ford to Dodge, Chevy, Rolls Royce, Mercedes, BMW, Mitsubishi and so on all survived by producing things for militaries during wartime when regular brands would've suffered.
Only then can you worry about the details of the sports cars themselves (presuming you want to be relevant for a century).
Produce hyper looking cars like koenigsegg and made them as economic as practically possible like Miata. Done. You're now a revolutioner and queued in three letter agency's kill list.
You can't without basically unlimited money. Regulations have made it impossible to be a new "sports car brand" without insane amounts of money and insane prices. There is no industry in the world outside of commercial aerospace with a higher regulatory barrier to entry than automotive. All carmakers outside of specialty low volume collector car sellers like koenigsegg and ferrari survive on selling disposable fuel economy focused garbage to keep their average fuel economy, emissions, etc. within government limits. You literally can't do something like >>27638542 in the modern era and make money. Even Lotus barely survived the 2000s and wouldn't exist now if not saved by outside cash and compromising on their original goals.

Welcome to the new Rust General thread! I Saw a lot of posts talking about it and thought it was high time we had a dedicated thread.

>surface Rust = don't freak out; sand it out and coat
>bubbles = freak out; sand/grind it out and pray you can Bondo it
>holes = don't freak out; it's beyond fucked already
>all rust damage can be fixed, it just depends how many panels you're willing to replace
>rust eventually consumes all. Accept this inevitability and enjoy every moment you have left on earth

Its a problem we'll all deal with eventually, so discuss effective ways to deal with it and recount harrowing stories of your own experiences.
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Would patching rust holes with bondo be alright on a hood?
Is MIG the best welding for body patches?
i promised to fix rust on one of my frens fathers shitbox but i'm kinda scared since i've ever done only shitty rust repairs on my shitbox
it's a tojota corolla 4wd -82 that i'm supposed to fix
Oh sweet summer children.
I devoted 14 years learning how to treat rust, fill and sand dents, primer-fillering, colormatching, spraying all imaginable costs on and under various vehicles. And i ragequitted be ause of my last workplace.
See, i cured/enabled my autism with that. Made decent gains, nice skills, few of my own projects too. Some of wich i sold after owning a decade. Couldnt stop rust. Simple as it is- welding new arches burns metal, even putting on tin after. Etching primers, converters, whadever. Gave autistically done (oem bodypannels, clips, screws) MB C124 OM603 to a friend for peanuts- car that was clearcoated twice and oiled here and there, did not stop rusting. Yes, it was outside but on gravel/pavement.

Other friend got smooth eastern block Jawa- under covers for decade- much less rust.

Soviet pile IŽ- mausoleum kept is getting bubbly altho the pest stuff was used...

Daily beater Lolvo S70- i stopped bothering after 1/3 of car was painted- it rusts slowly. Surely but much slower. I also got one Audi A2- it does have aluminium corrosion but it will take a while until something needs to be done.
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I see a rust thread, I post rusted threads.

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The most reliable car in the current $100,000 market, the Lexus LC500.


>built like a tank
Just understand that it isn't a sportscar.
I saw one today in black. Not sure why people splooge over the looks. It was pretty boring.
For me it's taking the LC500 drivetrain and stuffing it in an SEC.
No one can name a better personal coupé that has come out since. Every single one is either boyracer trash, planned obsolescence ticking time bomb garbage or bespoke things for 2-5x the cost. We will be fighting over the LC on the used market for years to come.
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tfw poorfag

Why doesn't Aston ever make any money? Everyone agrees their cars are spectacular, how come they can't turn a profit like Ferrari and Porsche can?
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they get extra money from the FIA
At least Italian cars are sexy looking, even at their worst
Aston Martin has like 7 different models. And they barely make any cars. Might have something to do with it. It's not the first choice of most people who have that kind of money to spend. Might have something to do with it
Their old 'double Mondeo' V12 didn't meet Euro5 standards and they couldn't afford to build engines in-house anymore. The V12 in the Valkyrie isn't theirs, Cosworth builds it.
Valkyrie, Valhalla, and Vulcan are all vapourware. The boutique stuff are all just rebodied Vantages and DB11s.

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What would be a good modern engine to drop into an old FWD Cadillac with the shit-ass 4.1 or 4.5?
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jerry rig a 1.8L toyota motor in it. they you know, dont mater if you try to burn them u they wont stop running
it's not
the next one is
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that isn't fwd. you're probably thinking of the el dorado. coupe de villes weren't fwd until 1985
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The 400hp, twin turbo 3.6 V6 used in the Cadillac XTS V-Sport. Considering that with the 4.1 and 4.5 we're talking about those downsized, tiny Cadillacs (and not the fullsize RWD Coupe Deville) that would be an extreme amount of power for a comfy cruiser. They're obviously not comparable but we're still talking the same power/weight ratio that something like an E39 M5 would have.

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My only criteria is that a motorcycle can fit in the back of it (don't mind if the tail sits down to make it fit).
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Ridgeline and don't look back.
Body on frame is more susceptible to catastrophic damage.
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>Body on frame is more susceptible to catastrophic damage
Any Tacoma ever made and B2000 mazda's
Tacomas are overpriced.

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