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Saw the new IONIQ 6 on my way to work today. Do they have a hippo sit on the back before the model leaves the factory?
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I just like it bros
>lets play a game. you name a make, model, and year, and i'll tell you the recalls on them. if you can find one that has less than 3, you win.
nissan frontier 2015
horay i win
reminds me of the wiesmann coupes
Yeah biggest difference is that the Ioniq has a much more subtle transition from hood to windshield which makes it look way worse.
>reminds me of the wiesmann coupes
Did they also catch on fire when parked?

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why not just buy 5k shit boxes and call it a day? Why spend 5 figures on a car?
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>Drive $5 shitbox w/ 120hp
>Clutch drop, redline, WOT into corners everywhere
>Drive $115k shitbox w/ 450hp
>Commute like a fucking normie where the music is the best part of the drive because if you crash it you're paying off something you don't have anymore
>spending less money to get a car as reliable (if not more) as a new car
Admit that you're a wrenchlet who's probably too scared to change their oil.
did it myself for a low mileage 2013 mx5.
don't regret the decision as all high mileage mx5s are rusty, but I'd probably go older and higher mileage for the next car.

pondering an R53 mini with supercharger atm.
I look at used cars and everything else as a spectrum.
On one side you have new car, costs the most and "should" be the most hassle free, well, besides the monthly payments.

On the other side you have the cheapest shitbox you can find. More of a hassle, but hopefully no monthly payments.

Generally somewhere in the middle is best, for you that could be a 5k undesirable grandma's car, minivan, or hand me down.
For someone else it could be a 30k usd New commuter, since they make 100k+ and don't like surprising maintenance issues.

For another it could be a bicycle, since they live 3miles from their work, and 2miles from a grocery store. Everything is easy to repair, cheap, and if you can park inside not easily stolen.
For others it's the bus/train.
because the degree of what we're talking about is astronomical. The differences between a 5k 20k 80k car isn't going to be all that much aside from features and capabilities. All of them will drive you where you need to go. If having that higher quality of life means in curing a substantial amount of debt then to me it's not worth it. I think money in regards to using it should be done so with the idea of providing you the best utility. For most if they're going to be utilizing a vehicle then they should with one that will buy them of financial hardship. For your window comparison the duct tape window would be a car with obvious cosmetic damage. What I'm essentially advising is getting a window that's regular glass rather than tempered.
Also why you just would reduce it to larping as a poor person is absurdly shallow.The point of money is to keep you safe. Money is allocated to shelter and food first for a reason.

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>watch American driving test videos
>its literally just parallel park then drive once around the block
>whole test is 10 minutes long.

It's a wonder why you have so many shit drivers.
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as for my car and trailer loicense (Belgium be like that if you want to more than 750kg) [still max of 3500kg though]
>three maneuvers
>back up 100m with trailer (3 minutes time limit)
>parallel park with trailer
>uncouple trailer and back up 100m with car (together with parallel park, 7 minutes time limit)
>couple trailer again
>you have to use gloves to uncouple and couple the trailer
>do a walk around of car and trailer, explain to exam taker what needs checking (lights, tires, is my load secure, that kind of thing)
>drive around with trailer for 30 minutes
>exam taker and driving school instructor seemingly know eachother and spend the entire time catching up on eachother's lives (I think there's a pattern)
>get a small markup because I didnt use my indicators when passing a byciclefag on a road without dedicated bike lanes
My test was just driving around a housing development, one traffic light, and parking once. 4 minutes tops. The crazy thing is that people even fail it.
Fuckin grim, no wonder the insurance rates are 4x higher than in germany
pretty sure you cant drive that specifically since it has 3 axles. however you can drive similarly unwieldy vehicles that a 16 year old kid definitely shouldnt be driving.
I didn’t even have to parallel park just 3 point turn out of a space

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>small trucks don't have enough b-
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That's just sour grapes. NASA is planning on ditching their engine for a truck engine because of their sheer power. Just a single spin of a tire is able to yeet them into the orbit
notice the air lines going to the truck just behind the hood of the hilux
it's just parked next to the trailer
That's only if you don't wear your seat belt though.
Useless baby cuck truck buyers remorse so strong that they have to take misleading pictures to make it look like their truck has utility

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Noticed over the last 2 months or so my temp gauge has been coming to a rest below half like pic rel regardless of how long engine is running. Is this indicative of a thermostat stuck open or the engine running cold or is it even worth worrying about? Autistic OCD has me noticing any minor changes since its a daily.
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On my S10 a bad temp sender was causing this. Replaced crap Delco part with a NTK from grorious Nippon and the gauge stays dead in the middle.
on GM the gauge is set up to rest at 1/2 on the spot
everything else is usually just a hair below half
some older cars that had "winter tstat" options might show 1/4 while driving and a hair below half while idling if you chose the colder tstat.
if your gauge fluctuates while driving, you may have a stuck open tstat.
New as in 30 years old
what car?
2019 Lexus is300

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>driving a vehicle that can be disabled by a fucking soccer ball

explain yourselves, bikers/scooterers
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i wish i did more sociopathic shit as a kid. i would've love to cause serious accidents to bikefags. i hate them.
fucking kek. Scooterfags are always taking Ls

Never happened. You probably couldn't throw a football across a school hallway
>i hate them
You hate when they roll past you huh you little bitch. Get dunked on you scared pussy faggot
i hate when they ride hard and stick their leather clad asses in the air. all bikefags are just closeted homos who secretly want anal.
I didn’t even mean to do it, I was throwing to my friend and it went past him into the road


Anybody bought this yet?
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Nobody gives a fuck you faggot ass piece of shit take your nigger ass twitter garbage back to plebbit
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Have you read the news lately? Tesla won't even exist 6 months from now.
I don't pay attention to things that do not affect me
thats retarded

I'm 6'4" can I fit in an ND Miata, and are they good? I am longer in the torso I think. Or should I get an Ecoboost Mustang or something like that?
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i got myself a BRZ instead but i always wonder what i missed out on and still dream about what if i got a miata instead
You can have both and enjoy both worlds
T. GR86 and NB owner
if i was that rich i'd just get a honda civic or even CRV, and then a miata
actually wait, it's not even the cost of the cars that worry me, it's the cost of insuring two cars in shitty canada

i pay cad$300/month to insure my brz even though i'm over 25 and have a clean record
all because insurance fraud and vehicle theft are so rampant in this shitty place
I'm 10'6" and I can fit in your mom, what's your point?
only way to know is sit in one
the soft top has about 1" more headroom

Tesla changed the world and were the market leader and were western and were based but Musk can't compete with a billion slaves working for 12 hours a day for $10 a day, no one can.

That's why from computers to soon cars to everyone else the chinks end up dominating.

Their competitive advantage is pissing on the rights of their fellow citizens.

As a western my plan is to make all people with brown skin in western countries work at factories so we too can have access to this cheap labour and make our own business's great again
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China is the most important market in the world you shit eating maggot brain. That's why Apple and Google suck Chinese Communsit Cock and sensor themselves to be allowed to operate there.

Shitsville Alabama Nigger York and Cali 'Mom there's shit on the streets' Forni are not important markets.
Chinas shit ass economy has been on the brink of collapse for years, and all the richy rich faggots here and the rest of the west are in full on panic trying to prop up whatever they can. KYS
What a pussy.
>hide changbot threads
>ignore changbot posts
>do not reply to changbot posters

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Do you prefer curves or le sharp and edgy?
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This comment went from 0-60 faster than any Mk1 golf ever has.
>wedge shaped
I don't see what shape has to do with it. Any car shape can designed curved or sharp.
Diablo has smooth curves compared to the sharp creases in the Hyundai from OP
Bangle should be shot and his bloodline exterminated, Bloody flame edge shite ;)
somebody put a lift kit on a bmw?
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>until my first incident where I killed a mom with her baby

>used Tacoma with ~30-40K miles costs $40,000+

>brand new goes for ~$50,000 depending on options

I prefer the look of the older models and the new only have the turbo 4, but the pricing is straight up retarded. Why not get a new one?
So don't buy one. They're overpriced. Literally the only thing they do well is hold value. In every other category they don't stand out at all.

Need a commute/family car and I'm kinda in love with the BMW i5. The rear looks damn hot, imagine it lowered a bit and nice wheels. I can charge at home so I don't mind it being electric. But the main reason is because it may be more reliable(?) less parts that can break, less maintainance. Should I go with it? Looking for a keeper to drive as long as possible. New M5 must be even nicer but maintainance too expensive and not as reliable. Go for it or nah? Other option would be the new prius but it offers less space, less comfort and costs almost the same.
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Getting a nubimmer without a clutch pedal is so tasteless, there's a reason for the turk stereotype. The reason to buy a BMW was for the driving experience but they ruined their steering with the electric racks, ruined the fun with all flappy paddles, and ruined the rest by being pigfat. There's no redeeming factor left, although at least the 5er hasn't got the dump truck face yet. If you want a hybrid unironically get a Prius, the new ones have a 0-60 that's like 4 seconds faster than the prior gen so it's a completely different machine than it used to be, but still the thing Toyota does better than anyone on the reliability side. It's also something of a luxury good in liberal circles so the upper trims are shockingly nice inside compared to the gen 1 my buddy had years ago.If you want a fancier badge for ego reasons I'm sure there's a Lexus with that drivetrain.
bro if you want it get it.
I wish I would like new cars.

I don't want to cynical, i actually mean that.
hope you have fun with your ride.
>why would anyone buy an electric only BMW?
Only economical reasons. I already have a fun weekend sports car so I don't mind losing some of the fun on the BMW. I can charge at home and safe money on gasoline. And from what I read it's more reliable than a combustion engine. Less parts that can break, less maintainance, would probably run forever. Worst could happen is a battery change in a decade or so.

I had lots of fun test driving the bmw i4. Sure you can't compare it to the old ones with shifter but country roads were great. They feel of steering, braking, etc. are perfect. I still think ride quality and fun is better compared to modern Mercedes/Audi/Lexus. But again, the "real fun" I can have with my RX7 FD that I drive on sunny weekends.
>imagine it lowered a bit and nice wheels
ugly. represents you and your ancestors poorly.

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Hello /o/ I don't normally come here but I figured this is the place to ask/shitpost: will pic related make my -93 1.6 Opel Astra go BRRAAP?
No, you want to open the diverter valve on the turbo to atmosphere
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Is that the metal tubing thing perpendicular to the metal part with Opel logo

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guess what bullies?
I have found your discord.
Now i can see what you are planning before you gang up on me again here.
You won't stop me and other new members from joining.
Also stop saying i am transgender, and calling me milhouse
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Literally who
>Its a dumbass who tried using 4chan as a place to launch his youtube channel and find subscribers to his patreon.
I've been coming to this site every day for well over a decade. I don't doubt it happened, but I never saw those posts and really don't care enough to keep track of 99% of name/tripfags. These Milhouse sock puppet posts, I do see them, and it's a little weird.
>I've been coming to this site every day for well over a decade

>These Milhouse sock puppet posts, I do see them, and it's a little weird.
Reminds me of Elsagate tbqhf
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this is probably that same anon who false flagged as the v6 challenger guy for three years and also got nowhere
Challywally threads were hilarious af

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they finna to kill us out here edition

>dbt is ghost town now
>dbt dead as gn125 anon rip
>still too many t7s
>paying > 2024 MSRP, for used bikes
>giving out riding advice and then lowsiding
>nigs always crashing into your bike & car
>nobikes gtfo
>take the stickers off your bike
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>wear ear plugs
>pass the MSF course

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Nice bike!
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3 weeks ago I had my drz400 started for the first time since winter. Battery was dead so charged it and started it no problem.
I took the battery off again to put it on the charger to give it a proper charge and let it sit there to "maintain" a charge or what ever it's called. Today I put it on the bike and tried to start, but nothing, completely dead, all i got was a click from the starter relay.

Did I fry the battery letting it trickle charge for 3 weeks? Or is it just fucked. It's a 12v Pb battery thats 3 or 4 years old
Ok can confirm that I did infact manage to kill the battery. Charged it up full and out it back on. It was able to turn the engine over for something like 4 revolutions, and then die again completely.
Idk if the battery was alrdy doomed or if my charger is crap though.
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nah breh, batteries tend to die after a season or two anyway, so just get a new one

that's a really nice build. what is it based on? I would've guessed a shadow but the air intake is on the wrong side. I've really wanted to make myself a bobber project from something inexpensive like an XV535

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