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what the fuck do we do about the blatant tesla shilling? its a souless fucking applience, yet "people" recommending and talking about it in every thread as if its an enthusiast car
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It has nothing to do with the manual. Intuitively, anyone who gets in a Tesla will open the door using the manual lever, just like any other car. But a warning appears on the screen saying continued usage could damage the trim. Instead, you should use the button.

So when the button didn't work, she thought "I rather not risk damage to the trim and possibly die of heat."

It's like how taking pain reliever pills can cause liver damage, so you avoid ever taking them.
pov u film yourself and browse tiktok rather than google how to manually open the tesla
lol it cant even offroad
>It's like how taking pain reliever pills can cause liver damage, so you avoid ever taking them.
Unironically have only taken Tylenol once and it was after I have three teeth removed. Dentist called and asked if I needed a Codeine refill and I told her I hadn't taken any yet and felt fine.

It's insane people take OTC painkillers like candy they're way stronger than people think.
There is no "manual lever", dipshit.
You have to remove the door panel insert and pull on a wire.
I honestly can't believe it was legally allowed.
Some models don't even have the manual release on the back doors.
>NHTSA- you have to include a manual release in the trunk by law incase some gets locked in.
>also NHTSA- tesla are fine without manual release in the passenger compartment, thanks for the bribe!!

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This angers the liberal
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Mountains are based that's why the midwest doesn't get them.
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They will let you know.
They will scream obscenities while chucking a beer bottle at your head from the window of their pickup truck.

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Are most of the F-150s you see V6s? They have no badging.
Probably. Any Powerboost is a tt v6, if it says ecoboost it's a v6. Idk what the 5.0s have for badges.
Honey Badges don't care
>Idk what the 5.0s have for badges.


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This is why I'll never buy brand new cars ever. This is getting really stupid.
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Surely my 2018 Corolla XSE doesn't do this. It doesn't have OnStar. Glorious Nippon wouldn't betray me like this
>Sure, just not the exact location. And this matters a lot when we are talking about privacy. Them knowing I was "downtown" is not the same as them knowing I was at building X.
The latest wireless cell network standards allow cells to vary wildly in size to accommodate different population densities.
This might be a good thing for using phones in urban areas, but a single store might have its own cell now. They will know you went to that store.
Well abuse cases have already appeared, for example when it turned out Tesla employees were sharing nudes from car cameras in people's yards and recordings of convos inside cars.
That is correct
>Surely my 2018...
My 2019 Frontier needs to be paired with a cellular device if you want to use the optional tracking features. It doesn't come with anything that can independently connect to a cell tower.

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>get in a traffic jam for no fucking reason
>after 10 minutes finally see the cause
>some girl in a tiny hatchback tried to merge into an SUV, now all the lanes are blocked except for one
>she is standing there crying covering her face with her hands
>open my window
>yell "stay home and cook you dumb bitch" as I'm driving past
>rev the shit out of my straight piped 1.6 and speed off
feels so good bros
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Yeah but you're not confronting anyone, you're just sperging out at someone and then immediately driving off.
silence, female
are you retarded? if the situation even happened at all, it was like this
>OP slowly crept by, thought of something to say
>began to open the window a crack
>got a lump in his throat
>started sweating profusely and immediately sped off without saying anything
stfu you fucking faggot ass dweeb go find your father instead of shitposting fantasy scenarios stemming from your intimidation of women
>t. 400cc motorcycle rider

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For me, it's the Opel Astra G, my favourite shitbox ever made
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The coupe looked really cool. Apparently the engines are shit, though.
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No, they are all shit, every single one of them, even the fast ones, all terrible
what will brazil man drive after this one finally breaks?
Many years ago a friend of mine bought a rattle canned piece of shit Astra for double the price of a s13 240sx hatchback, it had shit ton of gremlins because of eurocuck plant based wiring and garbage cooling issues, I showed him the price of 240sx the other day and he was so fucking mad lol
>calling it vauxhall
piss off anglo you are not welcome in my sophisticated germanic automobile threads

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I bought some brown leather seat covers for my car which used to have black cloth seats

Do they looks based or do they look tacky?
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ive been trying to find a brown steering wheel cover to add some brown to the dash but for some reason nobody fucking has any. autozone only has black gray and beige covers. I did see some on amazon but i was hoping to find one locally since i hate giving jewmazon my shekels
>I'd rather not have the exact thing I want because giving megacorporation A my money is somehow more gay than giving it to megacorporation B
Based, can't tell they are seat covers. But the tan color doesn't match anything else in the car so it may look kind of off.
>tell me your a fag without telling me you faggot
nobody cares its a suzuki an autotragic as well
Looks good, as others have said some tan accents will help.
What did you pay for them?

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Should I buy the 'proper' differential fluid for fucking $100 a liter or buy this instead? For my car BMW recommends this

Front: Hypoid Axle Oil G2 (83-22-2-413-511) (SAE 75W-85)
Rear : Hypoid Axle Oil G3 (83-22-2-413-512) (SAE 70W-80)

and pic related is a fraction of the price but doesnt match the ratings (75w-90 vs the other 2)... I figure its probably close enough though. Is this a bad idea? y/n
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Go for it, OP
What's 5 or 10 oil weight difference anyways? It's not like anything bad could happen, BMW is just being greedy.
And by being a BMW owner, that means you're both smart and rich enough to know better.
For straight diff it probably doesn’t matter but if you have some fancy LSD they have very specific tolerances for the oil.
Stop being a BMW autist and put in some Redline fluid. I use redline for all my drivetrain fluids and its fine. There is no special additive in the OEM fluid that makes it worth $50 a quart.
Aight bud I found this. It's a perfect match for the front and ehh close enough for the rear. Literally can't find 70w80 anywhere so fuck BMW for calling for a unique blend. I'll pay an extra $8/L for this but hell to the naw for the $120/L they want for the rear

Also I'm going to assume O'Reilly is wrong when they say this doesn't 'fit' my bmw
I read a horror story on a forum where some guy did this and said his diff was clacking when turning the car, so that's why I want to use the proper viscosity, but then again a difference of 5 shouldn't really amount to shit in the first place

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This is an engine coolant system. It cools your engine.
Okay bub
I wonder if I could make an in-house cooler from it if I ran cold water line through the radiator and into the drain
*blocks your path*
Depending on how the electricity and water prices are in your area, might be cheaper to pull the loop out of an old fridge and re-use its parts for a comfy closed-loop cooler.
Might be more reliable, too. Nobody would consider it acceptable to bring their fridge to the dealer once a year, so those are generally built to run for a decade or longer without problems.

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>on-coming truck has its high beams on
>flash my lights to let him know
>he turns on the seizure lights

what the fuck?
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Why not carry a high power laser with you too? It's the logical conclusion.
I am a sedan enjoyer, what is the brightest high beam I can purchase to fight back against truck niggers
Just toss sparkplugs out of the window or sunroof.
This but a burlap sack of doorknobs individually wrapped in SOLAS tape
SOrry, man, folks don't usually flash for no reason, even if their reason is wrong. It's something you're doing or something wrong with your car, every time

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who was in the wrong here?
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you can't be serious lmao
or use piped.video or invidious, as far as i can tell it still seems to keep suggestions neutral
Either kys for being an incel robot or back to your crybaby lookism forums you pathetic muppet.
>india superpower 2020
>india superpower 2035
^^^^ you are now here
>india superpower 2070
Then he would be in the passing lane without passing, and he isn't following right of way. That's neither safe nor predictable.

Safest thing to do is maintain your constant speed and to not yield right of way

Communism is beautiful
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The vehement hate for communism and blatant ignorance of its ideals speaks volumes of how the strongly the jews have people mind controlled.
You faggots are the equivalent of no car benchracers who spew catalog stats and 0-60 times as gospel.
I encourage all of you faggots atleast read the fuckin communist manifesto.
It's literally 50 pages long.
If you cant relate what is explained in the book to what is happening in the world today, you have niggerbrain and should probably go find Jesus for help before you continue to niggerpost here.
>It is not communism's fault that the management of the factory

>I encourage all of you faggots atleast read the fuckin communist manifesto.

I grew up in a communist country, shit for brains

It's objectively the worst form of economical ideology man has created, YOU'RE the stupid one reading its sales brochures as fact, you don't know shit
What country?
>I grew up in a communist country
Lol and the US is a captalist country right?
Go read the book brother

It's gonna be so fun the drive this on the weekends when they let us outside of our 15-minute cities.
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gas yourself and fuck off back to /n/ you fucking subhuman faggot
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>sports car
>automatic only
>>automatic only
It's electric, it's not automatic or manual, it's got a single-speed transmission like every other EV on the market
Taycan has a two speed
What's worse /o/, being turned electric or being made into an Suv but with a big block v8 ?

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Why are there so many new car washes opening up? Don't people just was it for semi-free in their driveway?
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>dub trips
well damn...
Opinion discarded
Also, wealthy foreign nationals can essentially buy their citizenship if they invest a certain amount into the community. This car wash fad is just the latest thing and every chink and spic is jumping on.
HOA bylaws and enforcement can change wildly from committee to committee. What was acceptable with the last group of people may change with a new president. Also, the average person is a worthless retard that will abuse the littlest amount of power given to them, and now you've given them the legal ability to put a lein on your house.
If you honestly support HOA's, you're a fucking retard.
Based panda man

A true car enthusiast would rather drive 3 hours through the countryside with no traffic than 2 hours through the city stuck in traffic.
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100% accurate, some of the best food I've had were at small town gas stations with kitchen.
They look run down, and dirty inside, but goddamn is the food fantastic
What is good food in small town America to you? Some microwaved 3 day old meat pie?
>meat pie
It's bed time soon, Susmitha
Burgers and fries
I'm not worried about the driving experience when going to work.

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