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Why are there so many new car washes opening up? Don't people just was it for semi-free in their driveway?
It's literally illegal in many places to wash your car or work on your car on your own property thanks to HOAs.
small timers think theyre money printers, they kind of are, theyll suck them dry soon
Breaking Bad finished 10 years ago. You can now open a car wash or wear a beanie without someone going "you're just acting out breaking bad."
franchises are taking over alot of the single owner "turn key investment" ones that popped up during covid
something like 99% of new housing in the USA is in HOA areas, which leads to bullshit like this. literally get some busybody giving you a fine or threatening eminent domain on your house for washing your car at home. Where I live bylaw will ticket you for excess water use, but don't give a shit if a commercial business uses 10x more water with a machine wash.
Boomers are being scammed by "wealth managers" to invest in "turn key businesses" and car washes are a popular one
Expect most to fail after three years
Washing your car is such a waste of resources, it's just going to get filthy again in 3 days.
The one by where I live is $15/mo. It's just a card you scan so your whole family can use it. 15 only gets you the basic hands free conveyor belt wash and rinse but that's still damn cheap if you and your wife want to use it onceish a week. Think of how many hours you would waste a month hand washing two cars every weekend, worse if you drive crossovers. You need a ladder to wash a freaking Suburban. And in the summer time you don't want to be outside when it's already 90 degrees at 7am. Not to mention the fact that if you don't park in a garage, then the sun will dry all the water immediately after you rinse so youre going to have water spots worse than the dirt that you washed off.
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People only hate HOAs until they live across the street from this guy
Everybody's a small souled bugman nowadays. They all live in cuckbox apartments and have no personal driveway in which to warsh their own cuckmobiles. The worst offenders are going dudes that live in these apartments and drive one of those soccer mom nu-trucks. You know the kind, crew cab f150 with a bed cover on the back(because they never actually hail anything back there, they just need to drive the truck to express their masculinity).
>Washing your ass is such a waste of resources, it's just going to get filthy again in 3 days.
Only thing you should be washing are your wheels and windows the paints gonna get fucked up by bugs, rocks, pebbles, people even yourself and lastly the sun.
>anon why the wheels tho
Crud, road dust, tire dust and brake dust will erode aluminum (over time) and alloy wheels are weak as it is so why let the nice surface finish get corroded.
No, uglification can be handled by the city or municipal government, not an unelected gaggle clique of busybodies setting arbitrary rules and acting like a literal sovereign citizen filing false liens against your property.
Looks like freedom to me.
>uglification can be handled by the city or municipal government
Oh that's right. That must be why there's no trashy neighborhoods in the USA and I guess that picture must be AI generated...
Checked and true
He said "can" not "is"
Personally I don't care if somebody's home looks like shit. I could give a fuck about the property value, I want a home so I can sleep in it and do what I want. If it's a slightly worse investment but I'm not getting cucked by others' whims, it's still an overall better value to me.
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I don't know but I'm fine with it, I have a monthly membership, these are fucking everywhere here so I get my car washed at least once every time I go anywhere. also they seem to only hire high-school age girls as attendants so that's cool
>also they seem to only hire high-school age girls as attendants so that's cool
and now i'm interested.
>I have a monthly membership
How much is it to see high school girls?
about .75/day
Nigga wtaf
I personally wouldn't give a shit, it's his property.
i'm someone who's very autistic about my living environment. hell, i'm willing to pay more for places that have nice views. if my living room window was facing that every morning, it was be depressing.
You're full of shit. No one could possibly be happy to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars on a house and have to look at trash every day for the next 40 years. At the VERY least you can't say with a straight face that you wouldn't be happier if your neighbors kept their property looking respectable.
Of course I'm being incredibly generous and giving you the benefit of the doubt that your front yard doesn't also look like that. Which with this being 4chan is sadly very highly likely.
Close your curtains then commie faggot
money laundering and H1B visa farms.
>if my living room window was facing that every morning, it was be depressing.
It's called freedom. It's his property and any effect on your scenery or property value doesn't morally matter.
The people defending this shit heap and hating HOAs have never lived around something like that. And probably live with their mom in an hoa neighborhood
It's a way to hold land for real estate speculation in growing areas while either breaking near even or losing a bit of money and getting tax breaks. There was a Hackernews thread on this same question with a bunch of info about it. It just ends up being a better proposition than leaving the land empty even if you open one right next to a few more next door.
>Why are there so many new car washes opening up?
Rapid proliferation of new suburbs. Claim the territory first.
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i moved out of an hoa and i couldnt be happier

like i give a fuck i live in a part of town without poor people so i dont see shit and i dont have to listen to nazis complain i cant pop the hood on my 2023 model year car to put in washer fluid
NPR also ran story on it last week. Said the monthly subscription model >>27665678 was retarded because the overwhelming majority of subscribers don't even use it enough to match the cost.
because most people these days live in apartments and don't have driveways and even if they do it's prohibited in a lot of places
>because the overwhelming majority of subscribers don't even use it enough to match the cost.
That's the whole idea. Make ppl buy a subscription they won't use. Even worse for video games, you've gotta get a monthly pass just for the chance to get a cool jpeg. The whole market is looking to gamify everything from purchases, to car accessories, to employment itself.
those who don't use it enough subsidize the cost for those who do, like me. there's one on the corner by my house I have to drive past to get on the freeway. I use it at least once a day
Your clearcoat has left the chat
HOA neighborhoods hold value worse than non-HOA neighborhoods in the same geographic proximity. The people that say they hold value better compare HOAs to the hood, not their similar-build-value non-HOA homes in the same parts of town.

its a reflection of the community at large doofus. If like 5% of the properties in a municipalitly look like this at any given time, its way more likely 95% something will be done than if over 20% is because the people who care are the balance of those is less at 80%.

after a certain threshold, the community is that and what are you mad for if you live there when you could move and not be around all those people?
My theory is that people on the coast are moving inland so they just assume they need to get a car wash 1x a week or their car will disintegrate before the loan is paid off.
I do use the self-serve car wash after they salt/chemical the roads for snow though.
>almost none of them are touchless
fuck off
>tfw no freedom to shoot him
It's a metaphysical cage is what it is.
Yeah like 5 opened within the last year in my town with the subscription model and NONE are touchless.
Spray wand self-serve washes >>>> automatic car washes
Too many illegals
Internet's been pushing car washes as small business ideas for some years now. There's like a million articles claiming car washes will make you free money without you having to do anything except set it up.
>only pooping once in 3 days
Eat more fiber nigga
Based and brown rice pilled
Millenial hustler wannabes think they're a good business, that and laundromats. They so uncreative they can only think of selling soap and water as a business idea because tiktok told them it's profitable.
Congrats, genius, you just found out why everything is a subscription now. Too bad it took you so long and you had to listen to NPR to get that piece of info. Guess you can't basic math.
Of he can do that, that means I can have multiple boats and trailers on my property and not have anyone complain
nta but fiber reccomendations? been eating oatmeal with peanutbutter and whole wheat spaghetti every day, with 0 red meat intake and still havnt seen much poop improvment (one long shitting session per day)
Money Laundering.
As long as dude keeps quiet during the night and doesn't bother me, I don't give a fuck.

I can put up fences and ignore that shit.
HOAs are not laws, and are voluntary communities you have to apply to join.

Metamucil drink mix. Tablespoon in a pint of water, once a day is plenty
Need a place to put all the shitty central/south Americans to work. Since they aren't capable of much else.
>apply to join private community
>agree to community's rules
>"wtf why do I have to live by the rules I agreed to??!!!"
The people who moan about HOAs have clearly never lived in one, and are just parroting reddit/twitter poorfag rentoid FUD anti-suburb/anti-white talking points.
>dub trips
well damn...
Opinion discarded
Also, wealthy foreign nationals can essentially buy their citizenship if they invest a certain amount into the community. This car wash fad is just the latest thing and every chink and spic is jumping on.
HOA bylaws and enforcement can change wildly from committee to committee. What was acceptable with the last group of people may change with a new president. Also, the average person is a worthless retard that will abuse the littlest amount of power given to them, and now you've given them the legal ability to put a lein on your house.
If you honestly support HOA's, you're a fucking retard.
Based panda man
This may be shocking to a 70 year old like yourself but the majority of the population do not have a driveway
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34 but it's still shocking to me. What happened?
Nice try, but many americans end up trapped in HOAs after they start encroaching into your neighborhood.
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reminder that HOA hate is spiritually brown behavior. sorry Paco, if you clog up the street with barely running cars and broadcast your shitty polka music until 3 in the morning on a sunday night you WILL be getting a notice and possibly a fine from my neighborhood's HOA. you only have problems with them if you're a shitty neighbor who doesn't maintain their lawn and disturbs the peace.

HOAs are one of the few remaining elements of white America.
What sort of retarded aparmentdweller cope is this? I'm white and don't have a single spic or nigger in my neighborhood, I still don't want some retard to try to tell me what color to paint something or that I can't park my 3rd car on my driveway.
>HOAs are one of the few remaining elements of white America.
HOAcuck cope. There's a reason all the new construction in America is under HOA deeds from real estate developers, and it clearly isn't because the country is getting whiter lmao.
>No, uglification can be handled by the city or municipal government,
lmao are you 12?
Have you noticed how many successful restaurants are theme-based these days?
>try to tell me what color to paint something or that I can't park my 3rd car on my driveway
except these are extremely rare fringe cases that don't represent the vast majority of HOAs. a very small minority can be draconian, most just enforce noise ordinances and tell you to keep your lawn clean. I can understand brownoids like you taking issue with this.
Its probably too late as a good investment if randoms are starting to notice the boom. A few sprung up near me and they're marginally busy on weekends. Probably already close to market scatteration.
This is nothing compared to "that guy that owns 16 pitbulls"
Well my car isn't going to stink and get infected if I dont wash it boomer
>except these are extremely rare fringe cases
Except they really aren't. Nearly all HOA's have relatively tight visual guidelines and/or rules about what you can and can't do on your own property. The difference is in how stringently the community actually enforces the bylaws, which in most cases, isn't very strict. But, all it takes is a couple of geriatric bootlickers that have nothing to do all day to vote themselves into power positions to make your HOA a living hell.
>inb4 brownoid nigger cope
Whiter than you, and I've been on the HOA board in every one I've ever lived in. I have actively worked to re-write and reduce the bylaw power wherever possible because HOA's are shitty organizations that have the capacity to give too much power to self-important fuckwits.
consolidation. the suck is already complete then. theyll start closing soon and return to equilibrium
What kind of idiot uses car washes, anyway? Do people think there's a guy who cleans the brushes after some truckfag scrubs his wheel wells with them?
this. just wish there was a dedicated underbody angled spray attachment, no matter how low i go with the sprayer i never feel like im getting good coverage underneath. hmmmm i have an idea
I just use the touchless. Mediocre wash but not much potential for clearcoat damage
>I can understand brownoids like you taking issue with this.
>White culture is giving private industry the right to take your home away without refunds if you don't abide by their arbitrary and legally irrelevant taste guidelines.
Disgusting, but explains modern politics.
>Metamucil drink mix.
Based. Literally changed my life.
i love em. $14/mo gets me minimum 6 washes per month. and my place has vacuums and (best part) treated no-streak towels. you can literally wipe your entire car down and make their jannies clean up your towels for you.

i would never take the boxster through there, but the golf and es330 roll through every time i'm in the area.
Neither is your anus. Not in 3 days. Calm down zoomer.
>treated no-streak towels
treated with what?
white culture is being a good neighbor, which I can understand if you can't grasp.

>Except they really aren't
Except they are and no anecdote you say will disprove this.
>Whiter than you
post hand. you won't.
also I make more money than you.
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>living in my old apartment
>a fucking car was was being built right next to the complex
>there were two other car washes within the same square mile
I couldn't understand it whatsoever
my cum
It's so I can high pressure sell you into a 60 dollar windshield crack repair. Lol I make so much money
I assume it's a front for illegal money. They're never busy and they go out of business frequently.
>pay your construction business to construct
>record lots of cash transactions
>"go out of business"
>sell the facility
>move on
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There is no good reason to ever wash your car. It's a waste of time and resources.
Dirt buildup decreases aerodynamic performance and degrades efficiency.
just let the rain wash your shitbox. i never wash my car, but its also never covered in birdshit/dirt, because the rain usually washes it off.
it's really bad, there's an apartment complex near me and half the vehicles in it's parking lot are trucks. It's nuts.
Perhaps there are people who don't own shitboxes, and/or live somewhere where it doesn't consistently rain.
And the dirt buildup protects the vehicle from the sun by reflecting those harmful rays. I just wash the windows occasionally after it rains just enough to make the dust stick but not enough to rinse it off.
It's weird, they keep building them where I'm at too. Seems really fucking gay to pay a subscription just to wait in a line and the bitches at the end that wipe your car down with a towel for 5 seconds expect a tip. I just use the touchless carwash next to Wendy's that's been there for 15 years, fuck that shit.
leafy greens, beans, cabbage
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>Got myself one of these
>Free unlimited carwashes anywhere I go, just bring my own hose
>Machine car wash
>Not do-it-yourself washing for no-touch washing
15 dollars to get scratches on your car vs 5$ to not get scratches
Not my property, not my business.
i dont get it. what is that?
I'm a busy man. It's faster and easier to pay someone to put swirlmarks in my paint
Spigot key for the anti-tamper exterior spigots commonly installed on commercial buildings and apartment buildings.
Rather this than an HOA.
That's clearly a backyard. I don't give a fuck

If you mean being passive-aggressive shit who can only back-channel their grievances in their community through an 'authority', then yes that sounds about right.
Kids, not even once.
Because increasingly more people can't afford homes and don't have one?
What's the best/easiest way to maintain new car paint if you don't have your own driveway? Touchless wash at 2 weeks, and then maybe a handwash at the end of the month?
If your house is not part of a HOA, then the only way to get “trapped” is by being a retard and agreeing to join when they ask
is there a poor nigger generic brand version of it? or will i have to pony up the money
This. It's the same template everywhere just swap some of the food brands out depending on the region.
>Car Wash
>Coffee Stand
>1 or 2 fast food chains
>Gas Station w/ convenience store
>Bank/Credit Union
>Scammy Clinic
Repeat across every open acre left in America
What kind of themes? Like Rainforest Cafe level?
Buy a new car every year.
it's just called psyllium husk which you can probably order in bulk
if you dont wash your car in new england the salt from the roads will rot your car
Not being allowed to wash your vehicle at home is not really a HOA thing. That's a city bylaw in most cities. Your not allowed to wash shit down the street drains because they flow into the creeks and rivers and don't get treated. Of course the city can wash billions of tons of salt into them and gold courses dump pesticides and fertilizers into them.

Car washes keep popping up because they're always in demand and once they're paid off they're a good way to print money or launder money. I'm all for more wand washes because they're always busy when you really need them.
hey everyone, this guy is gay and retarded over here!
The wand washes are always empty at 4am Sunday morning after hooning
by chance I discovered falafel really helps clean out the pipes. Thank god it was dinner and not lunch. The turd was like one of those massive heroin addict ones.

I wouldn't mind HOA's if they didn't charge you a ton of money every month.. Why do they even charge money and what do they do with it?
They maintain signs, parks, and shit. I live in a condo complex where they charge a shitload to maintain all of the exterior, and they're still somehow short on funds and charge us even more.

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