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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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What did I think of it?
This book was better than the entire Southern Reach trilogy, even if it is a Shardik rip off (he seems to like ripping off other books too, like ''A Roadside Picnic'' for his Southern Reach books).

What did I think about it?
Questions with possible spoilers below:

Why can Mord fly, and why was it taken away, what the fuck is The Company, who were they getting shit from from the mirror? What was Wick? Why did Rachel and her parents get sent through the mirror? Did Borne choose to use his and Mord's body to replenish the city with biotech and become a non-sentient plant to be able to stay with Rachel and Wick at the cliffs?
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you should have posted in the genreslop general, tard
Wow OP, we are in awe of your amazing taste in genreshit nobody reads.
It was really unfortunate that the Southern Reach trilogy went downhill with each subsequent book. Maybe I'll turn to this one after my next book
I read this with little context on a penpal's recommendation for biopunk and found it alright. Pretty imaginative worldbuilding. The company throw various genes and living things together to make new concoctions, and Bourne is a really advanced one that evolves all sorts of abilities. I imagine most of your questions probably make more sense after reading more of this universe, but this was the only Vandermeer I'd read.
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>extremely ugly face
>didn't shower

Was Socrates the first chud?
im trans btw, idk if its relevant
he wasn't fat or illiterate
Socrates was racially a brown shudra dwarf, a later development of homo erectus.
For me, it's Pythagoras.
This is not a dating site, no need to list your personal traits.

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Monday Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23299375
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>remale chauvinist sows who thought they had him pegged
Fear, uncertainty, or doubt about her (the weird handed character's) place in the situation. It's as much a visual shorthand in media as *stutters when lying so it's obvious/evident* is a audio shorthand (in media).

Found the south korean
ending is a weird dogshit asspull
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Just finished Moorcock's Legends from the End of Time and I really want to jump right into picrel, since I already have it on hand, but apparently there's a whole book about Miss Ming in between that I'm not sure if I want to read at all. Should I just skip it? Is it worth coming back later
Legends from the End of Time was great btw, some of his most entertaining aside from the more eternal champion driven stuff
>Should I just skip it? Is it worth coming back later
Yes to both, Elric at the End of Time is Moorcock parodying himself and none of the book's events are relevant to Elric or the End of Time series. i've seen people compared it to Doctor Who's comedy episodes personally i have never watched Dr who so idk but the book has a lot of british humour in it.

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previous: >>23316351
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>4th world hyper shithole.
I fucking wish. I'm just learning the language, I'm not Taiwanese or Chinese or anything.
I'm going to take a Hardware course. Can't say I want to work with that, but at least I'm gonna acquire the knowledge to build my own PC (I hope). Besides that, I'll make my parents proud of me.
>tfw I'm too much of a contrarian that I looped around becoming happy and positive, because I saw so many whining and negativity on the internet in the recent years

I don't know how I did it, but I just did.

It's like the exact opposite of that Southpark episode where everything turn into shit.

There's no more thought of government bad, corporation bad, or human nature bad, war bad, poverty bad, disease bad, death bad.

Everything is somehow fine or even beautiful.

Hope my current mindset won't change till my decease.

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Captain Underpants, the inspiration for Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy, is considered the pinnacle of American literary excellence.

Created by Dav Pilkey, considered the “America Tolkien” is a 4 time best selling author and was awarded the presidential metal of freedom for his contribution to American Literature by Jimmy Carter in 1983.

Bloomberg called Dav “The New England Dostoevsky, A reborn Melville”.

Saint Petersburg Press “Captain Underpants, an Epic as Grand as Tolstoy, will stand the test of time, marked forever in the history books as a lighthouse for Human Creativity”.
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I was kino until they made George gay and a child trafficker in a flashforward. Perhaps the existential horrors of the last volume in the saga is why? Yes, that must be it. Bravo Nolan.
For me, it's Captain Underpants and the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies from Outer Space (and the Subsequent Assault of the Equally Evil Lunchroom Zombie Nerds)
I have a signed copy somewhere
I think these were the first books I read that were above the entry level Dr. Seuss-tier. Fond memories. Jokes like "pee on your socks for warmth" had me absolutely cackling.
Is there a better antagonist in literature than Professor Poopypants, later known as Tippy Tinkletrousers? Not even the Bionic Booger Boy was able to top him, even if the BBB duology is the peak of realist fiction.

Which is superior?
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Are you being ironic or earnest?
Try asking your masters to interpret that statement for you, retard.
You're being contemptuous?
/x/ > powergap > /lit/ > /his/
when it comes to buddhist discussion

How would you like to be photographed for the book jacket, /lit/?
why are you taking pictures of an old anon? i should be photographing you
No, anon, let's just finish this shoot for "Confessions of an Ephebophile"
Spreading my butt cheeks like goatse, but you can see my face smiling between my legs.
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Good read or "muh poor food" bullshit?

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why is this barely talked about? its a masterpiece rivaling all other postmodernist literature. does it filter most people, is that why no one talks about it?
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It definetly gets passed up for reading DFW and Pynchon first(as I am doing). I also still need to read Faust before I can start The Recognitions. It's on my bookshelf though.
Make sure to get a full version of Faust. The one usually recommended as the best translation (Kaufmann) only has part 1 in full. Part 2 was only partially translated by him.
>"You're the by-Goddest rabbit I ever damn saw!"
>Wyatt in his illness standing up and feeling the pain like nails through his feet and unable to recognize his own father while he was being laid back in bed by him.
>In Paris, Crémer extorting Wyatt for money in exchange for good reviews for Wyatt's art, and later lambasting Wyatt's art after he refuses to pay.
>The scene with Esther and Wyatt, where Wyatt plays with the yolk of the last egg in the house, and then scares Esther by accidently cutting up his face after trying to shave with his straight razor.
>The black poodle that runs in the house after Wyatt and Otto's walk, then the scene where Wyatt is alone with the dog and gets pissed at it, and then Recktall Brown's introduction scene.
>The Jesse guy coming in while Otto is writing and asking if the hero of Otto's play is going to slip it to the woman, then trying to make up his own idea for Otto to write.
>Otto crudely (and comically) trying to overcome the language barrier when speaking with the cleaning ladies on where his play is.
and of course:
>The very fine use of language in the prose
>The life-like characterization and expression of the characters in their psychology, dialogue and actions
>The weaving of mythological and Christian imagery through allusion and reference
I'm only 160 pages in, so of course I'm still exploring the novel and disentangling it, but, as a work of fiction and experience as it is, I think it's great so far. For me it's becoming one of those novels that come alive and you find yourself living in it.
I'll see what the next ~860 pages are like though. I trust that Gaddis won't disappoint.
I'm 250 pages in and it's really good but by god is the dialog irritating. A friend parodied it as
>"You lay with me in the dark and tell me things like... zero doesn't exist."
i dropped it halfway through, though i really wanted to like it. there are some excellent parts, but i just don't care about otto and it seems it will just continue following him unfortunately.

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I'm not sure I feel invested enough to go on.
Shadow of the Torturer felt like a really big prologue that had to end at a specific point so the author put lots of filler, with some enjoyable moments.
Should I stick with it?
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Sounds like the entire book passed over your head tbdesu. Maybe return to it in a couple of years when you're ready to read between the lines.
I understood it perfectly, it just felt needlessly glacial in terms of pacing. Dedicating several chapters worth of book to some merchant scammer trying to off the protagonist in a duel for his fancy sword entirely as an excuse to have Severian get the Claw for example
It tells you things about the world.
The books are slow. Each books cover a very short span of time (if you ignore the harry potter intro of book 1 that goes over the whole childhood). Its pace is great though, I love a book that take its time like this. All of book 1 after exile is like 2 days long only but it goes in depth
>Not enjoying the botanical gardens and lake of birds
Filtered. Don't even bother with the rest of the series.

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"AI hack seething" edition

Previous: >>23306393 (Cross-thread)

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ (embed)
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC (embed)

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:
>[YouTube] Improve your Writing: Show, Not Tell (embed)

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I want to write a romance thing but I've never fallen in love before. Can I still do it?
Chomsky's right here. AI is bullshit contingent on entirely different calculation process from actual "intelligence."
if you spend even 10 minutes skimming through popular women's romance you'll find there isn't even glimmer of what you imagine love to be
>he was really hot
>and tall
>and had a big cock
>and treated me like shit
>but after he came he hugged me and i got a big smooch
I once wrote a story about sentient AI trying to gain equal treatment against a populace conditioned by movies and other things of that nature. Like, there's a part where a robot is jokingly called Skynet
I call it the Cyber Rights Movement because that's a cool name

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books about a rich person losing it all?

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Let's see 'em.
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Lol ditto
Well, I bought The Idiot by Dostoevsky. The Garnett translation. I don't feel like taking a picture though.
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I am waiting on two more related books but I will begin this one today.
Anon, if you're worried about the lack of perfect fidelity between original and translated prose, just WAIT until you hear about language and immediate internal experience !!! Uh-oh!
>muh how the letters look
>nooooo you have to use the author's original chosen font or the prose will be RUINED!!
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I got these the other day.

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