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Fentanyl edition

Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here.
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Looking forward to this
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If this shit made it to China and they've already made toadclones, doesn't that mean Toadline CRISPR abominations are on the table?
oh hey I posted this pic :)
What the hell does it mean serpentized
Did someone splice snake genes into it or something

Simply put, it's the best because it's the biggest.
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Fine then. What about giant sequoias? What say you now animal reductionist?
They don't even move. Trees are boring. But among the plantae, if those are the biggest then they are the best. That's how this works.
>you genetically inferior, asymmetrical faced, mentally defective, disease ridden, dysgenically inbred, terminally ill mutt, sọyfaced shit-lipped, downie, untermensch wastrel, malefactor drain on society.
if that's the case, then i'm afraid your mother is actually the bestest animal of them all.
How do their stomaches handle all the seawater

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Was it autism?
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>They could potentially have greater capacity for emotion than other lizards.
thinking warm blood = emotions means you're retarded, sorry anon
ectotherms with more complex social systems like iguanas, rattlesnakes, garter snakes, and many many bony fish don't fit your criteria but do seem to have theory of mind
>ectotherms with more complex social systems like [...]garter snakes
Tell me more about the theory of mind of the little guys in my back yard that I always feel bad about accidentally tagging with my weedeater.
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NTA but
>scientists got a bunch of garters together for observation
>noticed they naturally formed groups with specific other snakes when they nested
>shuffled snakes, changed hides
>the snakes sought out the ones they originally grouped with and picked out a new spot to hang out
>were able to categorize two different personalities, shy snakes that preferred to nest, and more active exploratory snakes
>shy snakes with more exploratory groupmates explored more than average and vice versa
Garters have friends, and would rather do stuff they dont like to with their friends than do stuff they like to do alone.
Love her
Anons, I want to get a blue tongue skink, they make me laugh. Plus they can pretty much eat food from the grocery store.

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what is the scientific name?
Macaca mulatta

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Horse General

Lonely Commute Edition

>>4769672 - Old Grey Mare
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that really looks so out of place
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hide yo kids, hide yo wife
look at this cute lil filler
Cute indeed
I have a Hungarian friend who told me the same kek, though I think he said it was for all occasions or something

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Why does this little crab cause so much destruction in the coasts of America, SA, and Australia? The native crabs are way bigger, they should be able to just eat it.
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How do they taste steamed with Old Bay?
captcha: ggga
they don't get big enough for people to try and eat them. The biggest they get are fist sized and their claws are not satisfactory in size.
Of course they are more than edible, its just that westerners have this concept of fish or aquatic creatures being "trash" if they are not the largest, easiest to eat, easiest to prepare animal you can catch.
Also amerimutts are scared of eating stuff from the water because they are told that they are poisoning themselves with muh mercury and carcinogens
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Pussy ass bitches
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The blue crab is taking the fight to the enemy's homeland and is invasive in the Mediterranean I believe.
shellfish isnt eaten because of the jews
and crawdads are a big deal in the south, its only really urbanites that afraid of water creatures, though i dont blame them because their water is shit and you dont really want to be eating things from shit water

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birdwatching thread
what are your recent lifers etc
I am going to arizona this summer I hope to see varied bunting
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I should have been more clear. I don't feed Jays during breeding season because otherwise they don't really hang around my yard. So it's just a matter of not encouraging them to hang around and raid the nests in my yard.
On a related note, Steller's Jays are putting massive pressure on the already endangered Marbled Murrelets because they eat their eggs. There is a program right now to feed tainted Murrelet eggs to Jays and then release them in the hopes that they won't touch the MAMU eggs out in the wild because they think they are nasty. Pretty interesting but it's a very small dent in a big problem.
I am lucky to live in a place that gets very few mosquitos and when I go on a trip somewhere else I usually struggle to cope with the change.
>finally learning how to whistle cause i wanna be just like my bird friends
>even with fucked up teeth, i can still sometimes produce a tone
thank god, i thought my whole life i was gonna never know the joy of whistling
Is there a site where I can upload an mp3 of a bird sound I recorded and it will try to ID it?
iNaturalist is crowd-sourced IDing but slow and you have to sign up. You can also use the Merlin app's Sound ID feature on your phone while playing it on computer (quickest way). Or vocaroo and post it here with the location, if it's Western US I'd take a crack at it.
Mosquitoes ruin everything
> I am lucky to live in a place that gets very few mosquitos
Yes, you really are, there’s very few outdoor activities the fuckers don’t ruin

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Do dogs enjoy being pets? I'm not talking about shit owners that leave them in crates or outside all day and barely interact with them. I mean even with good owners. Do they enjoy living in a house with humans, only going outside to run around in a park or the woods weekly? Do they get enough stimulation to be happy even with the best owners? Sure they wag their tail when they see you and cuddle with them, but is it just stockholm syndrome? Is it good enough to just cuddle, walk and spend time with them?
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Stockholm syndrome aint real.
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>only going outside to run around in a park or the woods weekly?
I traveled a lot with my dog. They can be trained to go with you into the store and trains and stuff.
>initially just scavenged
Isn’t it more complex like than that? We scavenged sure but it wasn’t our main method of getting by iirc
>neanderthals probably went extinct because the humans arriving had dogs that acted as their eyes
Pretty sure they went extinct because they were gradually bred out
Yes. We are quite literally their lifeline and they are one of the few domesticated animals to be actively aware of it

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Hello, new here. Do you know of groups to massively report animal abuse or groups of people that persecute abusers?
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Where are you located? In America you would want to go to the local humane society and get in touch with a resource officer, or you can call 911 and say please connect me to dispatch, dispatch will then connect you to the resource officer that will call you, and you can inform the resource officer about the animal abuse

It is very important to creates a trail that gives the investigative team the ability to show that there is some outside source that's reporting the abuse
not your personal army faggot
What the hell do you mean by “”””massively report”””

Casual corydoras edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I'm sure a few have been picked off but there's still a healthy population.
Yeah, three juveniles. It's probably them. Ty, anon.
They seem like fun little fish but it bothers me to not have anything swimming through the middle and top of the tank
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Got my kuhlis. One of the bags broke in shipping and the poor little guy was stuck in the corner of the bag where there was still barely water. Hardy guy made it. They're less shy than I expected, already out and about exploring.
No sand?

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It would be best if the video stopped at 0:22. Gets the calf stuck then checks out his work to make sure it's good and stuck.
It's trying to kill the white one...
I can't tell if you're lacking braincells or just a really convincing troll.
thumbnail reminds me of hasselhoff on the floor eating a burger
oh i didn't read the posts, heh that's funny

Could life on earth exist without predators? I'm aware of possible population booms and food shortages resulting in death of some or most species if predators disappeared. Would that kill all species?
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By that logic my cock is a predator because it preys on your mothers womb
Based ‘anty poster
Are parasites and pathogens still around? The ecological chaos that would ensue (especially in places like the ocean) would be immense, but I could at least see parasitism playing an even bigger role in population dynamics once a new equilibrium forms.
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Random Anon bumping 'cause I specifically wanna know more about this:
>>4779183 >>4779386
I've always really loved Dinosaurs, but have recently begun fascinated on how truly 'alien' the biosphere on Earth was before certain important organisms existed. Like, "how and why" things operated different in the absence of entire groups/families of organisms that are basically to what we consider 'Nature'.
If I remember, there are some extremophile bacteria that feed entirely from aquatic volcanic runoff.
That's probably the closest you will get.

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Name 1 reason why you cant like cats AND dogs.

Pro tip: you cant.
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>What in that post implies worshiping dogs
Because he's acting like a nutcase
>Is a nutcase
>post seems to imply concern for feline welfare
>is angry about perceived injustice suffered by cats
>thinks someone hates cats because they have a cat opinion they personally disagree with
Yep, cat person.
>feline welfare
since when do cats get government money? fucking idiot
Actually it's the total opposite. The government funds torturous genetic experiments on cats. Beagles too. Specifically beagles. Apparently, their cuteness, innocence, and high intelligence makes them a good source of adrenochrome.
>i love my hecking birderinos
>put deer children into the microwave and turn it on
Like neutering ig?

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Why are there two boards? What's the difference?
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it's kind of like manufacturing/production vs sales
cooking does not belong to nature, and you cant discuss geology and fossils on /ck/ as example
>you cant discuss geology and fossils on /ck/ as example
can't really discuss fossils here eiither
I can post bears on /an/
I post Jack Scalfani on /ck/
Seems arbitrary.

Post monkeys, talk about monkeys
For me, it's the pygmy marmoset
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Their boobs swell up when they are lactating. Same thing with elephants. Humans are unique because women can have fat tits all year round.
What is he looking at?
So do those capuchins
The parts where the baby is lured with a coconut and a bottle to cause it dropping down from the rock are genius: https://youtu.be/V8pq8ZzI55M
no they didn't, they just think that there's 1 VO left he's in Florida and saucing as we speak

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