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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
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11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
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Narcissistic Schizo continues her explosive and delusional meltdown edition:

Will there hopefully be more?? I don't think she's quite through yet lmao

Channelling welcomed
Fuck initials
Telling off glowies super encouraged
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I look forward to seeing you Saturday. I worry that this may be the last visit before you pass away. I'm glad we were able to make it work.

You've been so wise, and I appreciate learning from you. I am glad to give you some more purpose before you pass away, too.

You keep bringing up living through me. It's a lot of pressure, but I'm doing the best I can. I know you're very lonely and ill, and you bring up how numbered your days are.

I save your voicemails partly so I could have a sample if I ever wanted to make art, like, say a creative film, with you narrating after you pass. You basically gave me the pass before, but I might bring it up again just to be sure. It could be one of the good uses of AI.

There's no replacement for the wisdom of a man who lived through Pearl Harbor, went through violent oppression from childhood, and became a civil rights lawyer and activist for many decades. I love you.
You made me feel really very stupid and sad because of this email. Why ask for stuff and then not respond? Did you want to hurt me?
Are you sure they got it? Maybe you should message on another platform
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Yup. I'm going to kill myself
Why? There's hope, anon. The coming hard times will provide opportunities for you go rise up

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I just want to share this funny story because I haven't had it happen ever before while I was at a bar or out in general.

I'm straight but if i'm being honest, I don't think i've ever seen a man this handsome in person in my life.

I arrived at the bar with about 6 friends. It was a mix of 3 girls and 3 guys. We're just there dancing and vibing together.

Then after about 15 minutes, this dude and his 2 friends walk in. His friends are average but he looks like a variation of Nick Bateman or Sean O Pry.

Once this dude came to the standing round table where you can stand, drink, and socialize; the girls in our group almost immediately opened conversation with him while not even giving his friends any attention.

I was just there observing the whole ordeal. I actually told the dude that my friend (The girl) thinks hes attractive. He then said he already has a girlfriend so he can't get with her.

Even still, they and a bunch of other girls for the next 30 minutes while we were there gave the dude no break in conversation or attention. Every girl in that bar was watching this dude.

After we all returned to the hotel lounge, these girls could NOT stop talking about how attractive he was. Like it got to the point where they were telling strangers and sharing around his Instagram since he shared it. (No, i'm not going to share it).

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The woman was conventionally attractive.
The woman has an ex husband or -boyfriend.
The ex did not appreciate her enough to stay in a relationship with her.
The guy in the picture making the post is joking that the ex's lack of appreciation was a "disease" of being deaf, blind and chronically stupid. He is jokingly claiming, that someone would have to be deaf, blind and chronically stupid, to not appreciate the conventionally attractive woman, to break up with her.
Hmm either im retarded or its not a very good joke if it takes a paragraph to explain it
It doesn't take a paragraph to understand if you have neurotypical (or superior) social understanding.
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>A chad acting exactly the same will instead just be seen as quirky or special; something positive.
exactly, a chad can tell women to their face he thinks they're inferior and they'll giggle and rationalize it and still let him fuck them (and wonder why he left)
Nah nigga that joke reads like some Reddit tryhard joke. At first I thought he was insulting her by calling her ex husband blind

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Written by a girl to a guy
"You are too cute, sorry if I can't say this irl but I get too nervous (maybe because of how cute you are).
I want to know you better and talk to you, can we meet at the football pitch at 6?
I hope you like my drawing <3"
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Yes if i saw one i'd say same, it kinda feels bad when SOME of them treat me like im violent rapist killer etc. just because of other 1 in 10000 idiot male who got to be in news
Linda is the female gendered word for cute
>a FEMALE called Linda.
You can tell yourself whatever you want, maybe you'll even end up believing your own bullshit but men still very much know in what reality they live.
But I bet when you go through the comments under this video it's all just bitter incels that hate all women and bla bla bla, yada, yada, yada.
Also please ignore the irony that people listen to this topic only when a woman talks about it.
Nah linda is complimentary. i see mexican simps use it all the time.

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And you're here to type it all out again big lad
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lad needs to trim his nose hair ffs
I missed that one, wish someone saved it.
>anything needs replaced
>search amazon history
It was really late for for him
It was posted about extensively on here by me
no one asked, mate. also, you're a great ""personality"" and we're all laughing at your attempts to le fit in

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Women keep on going for those type of guys so it's their own fault.

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Can people tell when you're a depressed loner? Is it off-putting? I never make friends at work, and girls aren't ever even interested in me. I don't bother people, I keep to myself, but people find reasons not to like me.
If you managed to keep a job it's probably not that obvious that you have mental problems
i think that people can sense it when someone dislikes themselves and doesn't believe in themselves. and they understandably avoid that.

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Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

Hiya everyone
>How are you doing?
>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
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>you gotta find a wy to forget about it
leave those worries for work time
i'll try. just gotta tell my coworkers something tomorrow.

>I decided to do a test for uni
look at you. getting all motivated by yourself. :>

>but blood and iron, here I coomee!! :3
have a good time!

>How's your evening going? doing anything?
no. i have a hard time concentrating today for some reason. i think i'll just have a chill evening on my couch.


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>what changed
Had a couple of rough years but now it's all over.
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>just gotta tell my coworkers something tomorrow.
set yourself an alert
so your phone will remember about it and your brain can forget about it
>getting all motivated by yourself. :>
well it's just that I've been slacking so now I have to make them before it's too late lol
>have a good time!
thank you
>have a hard time concentrating today for some reason.
I've like this the whole week
maybe a tomato would help?
but ig it's too late for that
though I could eat something tomato sandwich...
>i think i'll just have a chill evening on my couch.

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>but I remember you saying you always try to patch yourself up well
Oh yeah I'm sorry I lied, I usually just put water on the cut. This is kinda the first time I have ever cut into dermis.
>has anybody ever noticed you have some cuts
Yeah like a month ago my mom saw my cuts on my arms, she didn't care.
>based and comfy pilled
I'm in my bed too rn :3
lol. Yeah it's nice just relaxing :)

>i know it's not the same, but we do care about you.
Thanks, you guys are the only people that are nice to me. It's not the same as irl but it's still really nice!
>be careful, ok?
I'll try to be.
Does anyone else get sad watching old animated tv shows. I watched teen titans the other day and a wave of sadness hit me and I dont know why. I guess its the thought of everyone who watched the show when it aired are all grown up now and the only people still watching it are people who longed for the time in which they were still young.

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Why did male fashion deteriorate into fucking joggers, hoodies, and bulky ugly shoes? We all dress like we aspire to be poor and homeless now. If you try to break the trend, everyone looks at you like you are weird, a try hard.
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>I hate poor people so much it's unreal.
how bad do you hate yourself?
mainland europe still prides themselves with their good fashion the hoodies are a uk/american gang culture

it started here.

after that, men eschewed the clothes and formality of their fathers with each generation starting after WW2 with the hippies.

after that, a lot of guys became office jockeys and tech people, who don't care how they look.

at the same time, black culture (where you wear large, cheap, poor quality handmedowns) was pervading pop culture - the rich and influential did it, so everyone else did it.

and now, we are here.
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All i am saying is that there is a incorrect way to destroy Jews AKA killing them and a correct way AKA: Seducing all their women and having smart kids with them.

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Write a letter to someone who may or may not read it. Initials encouraged.

"AY, I'm taaawlkin' heah!" edition.
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I'm not whoever you think you're talking to but I don't think this is fruitful at all beyond just giving you a headache. I mean holy shit, 2 hours and a half?
>It is not true that we "weren't feeling eachother". That doesn't speak to either of our experiences.
Huh. That's interesting. Because that's exactly what you said to me and what my experience was when you said you didn't feel anything with me. I was a "boring earth sign" et cetera. All the reasons and "confirmations" you'd been searching for the entire time we spent together started coming out. You found what you were searching for -- a reason to run and avoid a connection you said was the healthiest and most stabilizing you've had. You sabotaged it because you were afraid of losing it. Deathly afraid so you suppressed your feelings and distanced. Classic move. Sorry I wasn't strong enough to navigate your head games and realize that you pursuing another man was my signal to try to chase after you...

Look, at the end of the day you left me for another man. Understandable trauma-based response and distorted thinking or not. You chose someone else. That's fine. Fuck off permanently.

So . . . White then? Heading out now. Love you, see you never
This post was supposed to be for posteritytrip and then I forgot and then there was more but

yadda yadda

Oh. Well then. Another person with little to no context offering their opinion. I appreciate your investment/engagement. I will disregard the uselessness of your suggestion and internalize the consideration regardless.

G-good morning!!
>Could you please stop fucking with my womanfriend?
Okay. It's been enough. I won't fuck with her anymore.

bregh yrll see me everyday you seek me out and then throw a tantrum for seeing me and then get rekt && check'd on account of that tantrum

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Copper ver

Previously on /r9gay/
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So I've been wondering, do you follow any other Twitch streamers? I've always had the following list disabled because I get too jealous of other streamers growing faster than me, but I'm thinking about enabling it for a laugh...What do you guys think I should do?
Are you a twink and are you single?
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When will they learn huh

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I've heard this many times and I'm wondering if it's true.
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You're just coping that your delusional worldview doesn't conform with reality.
i've never felt romantic or sexual feelings towards other women so i guess i'm one of those ultra straight women. like if i see a woman i recognize is attractive, the only thing in my mind is "i wish i looked like her", or "she has cool fashion", etc.
Just like the delusional worldview of this >>77435851 anon but you didn't question that
That post is posed as a question, not as a statement of fact.
>Standard bisexuality rate
I think it depends on the country and culture desu. Like in some countries it's not seen as gay to be the top so men are going to feel more inclined to do it

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Drugging children should be illegal
but apparently it is not
if you call it tick-tock
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What are u talking a a bout
Damn Enimem really fell off....
What do you mean, anonbutt?
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I'm a STAN I fuckin admit it
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STAN thread

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> be me bricklayer
> need to make a terrace at a sauna
> everyone is naked
> haha
> no friends to tell
> no social cirkel
> :(
what country? any milfs?
this pic makes me uncomfortable. is it ai or something. why is the zebras head like two zebras heads
Netherlands, there were some milfs, seen some nice figures but most were fat and old. a lot of shaven pubes even 70 year old fossils

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