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Anyone knows how to sleep all the time possible? Like 20 out of 24 hours.

I just want to sleep because its the only way to escape from my suffering.
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Anyone here that likes sleeping too? Do you have nice dreams?
benzos or other sedatives. one time i took xanax for the first time with beer and weed, went to sleep almost immediately, woke up 24 hours later with no memory at all. probably lucky to still be alive
You should sleep only 5 or 6 hours, depending on your age. More than that will make your mind forget things.
>More than that will make your mind forget things.

That would be a blessing for me.
Death is the eternal sleep.

Liberation of all the suffering and mental illness.

Reminder that the vast majority of young, neurotypical males are sexually active.
well maybe focus on work dude
Bunch of animals with no impulse control.
Sex is for making babies.
Yes, I'm aware that women dislike me, and that they dislike me to such a great extent that they prefer to have sex with rapists and murderers. Thank you for reminding me. I was about to have a good day.

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Even little girls treat me like a doormat. They probe me till they have a weak point and then won't let go till I capitulate.
I wonder what it's like to kill the desire for a social element entirely. And yeah you're like a civic policeman.

how do incels cope with warm weather
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Women wearing revealing clothes don't do nothing to me, I just assume they're whores and get disgusted instead
*don't do anything
Sorry, just woke up
Same, when I see whores exposing themselves I only think about violence.
i absolutely love warm weather
it's nice to not have to wear a winter coat and i'm literally never cold
i despise feeling cold and as a bonus i can watch cladly dressed women
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I've lived in Texas my whole life and spent all my teenage/college years as a lifeguard. 100+ F weather doesn't phase me anymore I just tolerate it.

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I like this image and I like posting it
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i think cats are wonderful
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cute winking kitty
what a FOOL
(I love kitties so much)
what am i suppose to do with my time now that sleeping is more fun than anime
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I lost interest in most entertainment and just daydream away into different fantasy settings. Just having conversations with myself and playing out different scenarios in my head. It's like a tulpa GF without the pretense.

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I will post this thread everyday until I magically turn into a girl.

Day 2.
Countdown until OP "ACK"s
day 1

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If you were playing a game with a child would you let them win or try your hardest and destroy them?
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man i'd play to win as well, that'll teach the kid a thing or two about perseverance
and i'll rub salt in the wound when the kid eventually loses, just like they would do to me if they won
Letting them win makes them pussies who expect everything to be handed to them. Destroying them teaches them they aren't special and should work hard and become destroyers themselves.
competition and adults shouldn't mix either
but apparently people enjoy being fucking pieces of shit
Yeah dude the way you teach math is just to give them calculus at five and say man up pussy
I would try to win just so it's over quicker. Why would I play with a child, kids are annoying

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How do I turn my friend into a femboy ?
It depends? Is your friend a incel, if he is then just send him a bunch of femboy memes "ironically." Then start slowly sending him pink pill propaganda until he accidentally turns himself into a femboy.
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Take him into an urban, progressive, non-harsh culture where femininity is appreciated.
Where can you find the femboy memes that the CIA uses to groom teens? Those should work pretty well.
"Femboy" is a meaningless zoomer meme word. You probably want him to be a tranny in which case just get him to take estrogen. You can try scaring him into it with things like male pattern baldness and twink death.

>be 30

Is it sick to lose your virginity to an
18 year old

I know I asked this question before but the naysayers have me feeling demoralized. The girl who's likes me is young, idk her age but anywhere from 18-20.
Normies do this all the time then pretend it never happened. Remember back in school when all the cool kids would say "naaah I didn't study at all brooo studying is for losers bro" and got all A's? Same shit.
The reason anyone cares about age gaps is because of the experience/power difference that generally comes with age, however if you yourself are a virgin then this does not apply. Chances are incredibly high that this girl actually has much more relationship experience than you despite being younger, so what possible advantage do you hold over her that could cause a moral issue?
Why do you care what others have to say about how you use your cock?
As long as she is graduated from high school it won't feel weird

Just scored my sis's nudes thought I'd share, feel free to post your wins
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Bro this is sadly the way it is with RL siscestfags. They're always ugly as fuck and their sister have the same genetics
Holy shit your sister is a buttslut. Amazing. Does she still like at home?
Has she ever been fucked in that fertile body? Have you ever heard the slapping and schlicking of your sister getting pounded?
Would you lick and finger your sisters ass, anon?
Assuming this is real, you do know all you're doing is snitching on yourself, right?

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what are you r thoughts on this?
I don't get it. Care to explain famiIia?

Do Indians actually practice the caste system in the west? I've never met an Indian here who cared about caste.
I think it would be against the law.

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Hey anon! Come over here and massage my butt!
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I think 1 has by far the worst face, followed up by 2, then 3 and 4 are tied imo but you're right body wise she gets mogged hard
I think it's interesting that we have such different taste. I suppose I think 3 has a kind of dopey looking face. I prefer the cold look on 2's face.
3 and 4s legs are touching and shes holding her from the back. if guys did that it would be gay.

women are naturally bisexual. the bonobo chimp, our closest living relative, the females scissor each other to relieve tension and help bonding. i think it's not much different in humans.
I feel like 3 is the most cute out of the bunch but 2 definelty has her beat in the sexy/pretty type look. kinda feel like revising the list after looking/thinking about it a bit longer


4 is sexy, 2 is pretty, 3 is cute and 4 is ugly

I think that's a good assesment.

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Its afraid!

How does it feel that the ((they)) fear us more than islamic terrorists?
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Think it's more about online censorship. In the UK incels are often being talked about in parliament to justify this draconian 'Online Safety Bill' they've pushed through.
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This. It's a crackdown on the increasingly unhappy populations ability to voice their dissent.
A mix of shaming tactics and legal protections to allow for the likening of low status males who complain to anything from perverts to domestic terrorists.
If you were wondering how people keep putting up with things getting worse, it's by generating a high level of social pressure to prevent anyone from fighting back. Your social and professional life will suffer if you speak out against the status quo. Normalfags will never break ranks, they will always cave to the pressure.

It doesn't matter how well thought out and presented your argument is, the normalfag fears the groups ire more than he will ever love freedom.
Looooool no one is scared of incels. I bet there are more people that are scared of black people then people scared of incels
Fpbp fuck this clown world
checks out, i'm harmless and women scream when they see me.

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Do u know any trannies personally anons ?

A friend of mine I know from this board for 5 yrs is transitioning and is taking diy hrt pills . Idk how to feel about this anons .

Have any of u gone through this
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Sounds like someone worth fucking
Never met one IRL guess they're all busy grooming kids online
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>I feel like internet trannies aren't even real or are some kind of psyop
Many of them are in fact just people who hate trannies larping as trannies to make them look bad.
Though also there are sincere trannies who are grotesque looking and demonstrate little self-awareness. The modern internet tends to focus excessively on them vs. a couple decades ago when instead you focused on the hot trannies and ignored the weird or ugly ones. Mainly a lot of people today want to hate trannies for political reasons.
im friends with one. shes never made a sexualized remark ever, in fact comes across as prudish. if all troons are sexual deviants she has fooled me.
He's trying to fuck you with his intact male cock. I can't believe you are so naive

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