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transitioning made me a better person from my point of view, personal experience makes me empathize with many transgender people

what is your experience with transgenders? what do you think about them and who are you as a person?
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I'm 44 and came out as a transgender man when I turned 18. I've lived as a man since I began testosterone in my early 20s. Life was very different back then.
I could turn you back into a woman, slut.
how was it different?
When I came out, I immediately faced physical aggression from both by father and my mother. My father attempted to stab me to death while she watched. He did time for it, but he's out now. He's 82 in a care home living a miserable life kek.

Coming out meant facing physical assault and an entire loss of your friends and family back then. I was attacked many times for confusing people as to what my gender was in the early days.
As somebody else has also asked, I am also curious. I hope you dont take and judgment out of my question, it is genuine curiosity. But what does it mean to feel like a man? I dont believe in the trans concept or the ideology. I was born definitively male and I am as I understand myself a male. But I dont feel like a man. I dont think about or consider my man ness. Im not interested in masculinity and im not driven by it so what does it feel like to feel like a man? Beyond gender stereotypes?

Theres a MtF musician that I like who came out and said the love I have to give is a womans love. So what does it mean to feel like a man or feel like a woman? I just am a man. I have nothing to compare it to.

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You~ aren't the family cuck, right?
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Who would want to fuck anyone in op pic I'd rather fuck a man.
you must be one of the girls in the pic
I think this is the video I jacked off the most to. I've known it for years. Countless loads of cum. I always come back to it. It's a masterpiece. It's called "magic glasses public sex" if you guys aress interested.
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Thank you brother I will check that out
The guy in it looks like a dweeb.

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All the pleasure nerves are in the pussy, why the fuck would you put anything in your ass? I understand if you like both the ass and pussy at the same time but just anal is mental
Wtf is happening in that gif I dont wanna keep watching it because it might ruin me liking gay anal but wtf is happening
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she's sticking a big dildo up her bum and causing a belly bulge
>All the pleasure nerves are in the pussy
No, they aren't.
1. The clitoris is not "in the pussy"
2. The anus contains Meissner's corpuscles which record touch sensation, Krause end-bulbs which respond to thermal stimuli, Golgi-Mazzoni bodies and pacinian corpuscles which respond to changes in tension and pressure, and genital corpuscles which respond to friction. The anus is extremely blessed with pleasure-giving nerve endings, moreso than the inside of a vagina. If you'd ever had your asshole licked, you'd know this.

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Are you scared of relationships?
of a certain type, yes
i am scared of unsustainable relationships
the ones where it's just one of us putting in the effort to maintain it
or the ones who we insist on maintaining but we as people are fundamentally incompatible, but we keep at it anyway because of loneliness or something

i really, really don't want to get into one of these...
though i try to push myself out of the comfort zone as much as possible
I don't know. I've had girls try to kiss me on the lips. then I didn't kiss them, even though I wanted to. then kept regretting it. I wish I had just kissed them on the lips, given them what they wanted. maybe I am scared of relationships, but I don't know, I've approached so many girls so many times. so I don't think am.

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If I am pathetic enough and beg loudly do you think I would get a pity gf? Anyone gone this route?
There's no way the empathetic gender would just let me cry without helping!
they'd give you fake advice and tell you all about how much of a catch you are, but they still wouldn't date you
sorry anon, pity only goes so far
but i have faith that you'll be able to get a non-pity gf anyway, you're capable
I sure hope so. Cause I'm running out of ideas here! Like if begging and pleading doesn't work than what's next?!

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Thread for discussions about selfharm and mutual support

Monday is here :c

>How are you doing?
>Any plans for today?
>When was the last time you hurt yourself?
>Why did you hurt yourself?
>Is there anything bothering you right now?
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Good evening fellas
Here are some useful links for anyone who might need them:

>a long list of self harm alternatives (thank you muddy):

> first aid post cuting:

> wound care guide:

>a bbpd workbook:
hey catbro! hope your monday wasn't too bad. i made and ate waffles with my friends, then we played a game. it was a good weekend. :> how are you?
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Hello yuanon :DD
>hope your monday wasn't too bad. i
it was okay but I gotta study a little today
>made and ate waffles with my friends, then we played a gam
sounds like lot of fun ^^
what did you play??
next time I see waffles I'll buy some
>it was a good weekend. :>
I'm very glad you enjoyed yourself
>how are you?
Pretty well, I went on a few short bike rides this past weekend because the weather was nice, and yesterday evening it stormed hard so that was fun
and besides I'm feeling good and I'm not sick after riding in rain on friday :3
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>but I gotta study a little today
poor catbro. :< hang in there! you can do it! (*^*)

>what did you play??
root. it's an asymetrical boardgame where cats, birds, the woodland alliance and the vagabond vie for control over the forest. love the art and the game itself is a lot of fun, too. i lost by a lot, but i think figuring out how to play your faction is part of the fun as well. there's a version of the game on steam.

>next time I see waffles I'll buy some
enjoy! don't forget to toss them in the toaster real quick. :>

>I'm very glad you enjoyed yourself
ha! yeah... yesterday wasn't off to a great start, i have to admit.

>I went on a few short bike rides this past weekend because the weather was nice, and yesterday evening it stormed hard so that was fun
fun *and* comfy? you're getting spoiled. ;D

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Have you ever bought medieval larping stuff?
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I want a set of plate armor. I hope someday I have the income for an $8000 set. Even if I mainly think about wearing it outside for Halloween
Well I work ren faires and reenactments so it was costly sure but it earns me money as well in a way.
Sounds fun. I wanted to go the yearly one in the fall in NY but haven't
I'm surprised these aren't more popular with females being the clothing consoomers they are. Or maybe I'm wrong.

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Just needed to put this out there otherwise I'm going to go insane. The girl I liked for over a decade ended her 10 year relationship a few months ago, and I was waiting around to see if they were getting back together or not. it turns out she's been sleeping with multiple different dudes this whole time, even though I thought we were getting closer. We were sharing music and even saw a movie together as friends. This has shattered my worldview. I've been in love with a whore this whole time. I knew she had issues including either bipolar or borderline personality disorder, but even if I tell myself I dodged a bullet I feel like I took a cannonball. I wanted her for so long, only to find out about this as she casually tells me about her latest hookups. I can't talk about this in real life as her friends and mine are close, which makes it even worse. I see her name in my phone everytime I send a text and it brings the pain right back. I know I'm being stupid, I never so much as said I liked her to anyone, I have no right to be this upset about something that isn't my business, nor can I really fault anyone from getting sex when it's easy for you and you're trying to get over a breakup. A therapist would tell me this stems from my wizard status, and I agree I feel a bit bitter about that too, but to be alone for so long, only to have what looks like your best chance for a relationship get completely destroyed is maddening. We are still friends, I'll remain her friend, but I can't shake off the fact she has all these guys she regularly hooks up with all the time. Sorry for the long post but it was this or jump in front of a train.
You sound like an absolute sad sack, waiting for some mentally ill BPD whore for a decade. Get real my dude.

>Over 80 billion animals are killed each year so humans could enjoy their taste.

How could you ever justify a Holocaust occurring everyday?

If you consume animal flesh:
Why do you want animals to suffer?
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My therapist says it's due to my schizoaffective but whenever I eat animal flesh I can feel phantom pains and hear the animals wailing. I can't eat meat anymore since I got diagnosed. It sucks.
>If you consume animal flesh: Why do you want animals to suffer?
I don't eat factory meat dumbass.
>essential nutrients can only be obtained via eating meat
>if humans didn't eat meat they wouldn't dominate the planet, instead having gone extinct as a prey monkey
i consume meat but do not buy it
its effectively vegetarianism
Anon most land that is used to grow feed is already not suitable to grow human grade vegetables.

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yesterday my gf took me to the bathroom and I ended up railing her from the back. she was wetter than a sea animal nature reserve. this doesn't stop me from posting on /r9k/. picrel unrelated
Yeah almost every guy here is a normalfag. It'd be much more surprising if you were a robot and not a normalfag just posting for validation.

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/mu/ suck with all that kpop idiocy

>"I've never worn any cologne or underarm deodorant."
imagine the smell

girls will really just post shit like this then immediately go back to bed and scroll tiktok for 12 hours
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a 15 year old wont setup it like this and yes there are women out there who are 20 but due to genes look 12
it's a publicly visible account if you want to do more research. She sometimes even replies to people who say anything other than "hey dm me" from what I've seen.
She's not a real person.

She might be the girl in the pictures. She might be typing these things. She might EVEN genuinely have some of these fantasies.

But she's not real. She doesn't exist outside the internet. Same as any other "femcel." That's how they're "femcels." They just simply do not ever, for even a SECOND, leave the internet.

Eat. Sleep. Post.

I'm gonna take a walk. You should too, anons. We all need a break every once in a while.
I feel like beating her up and then fucking her
I don't have a Twitter account and Elon made it so people can't browse it without registering. Either way I seriously doubt that person is who they're claiming to be. I don't even think it's a real girl.

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>beat off 1+ times a day
>no desire to interact with any woman anywhere
>dont beat off for a few days
>want to pin every woman i see against the wall and plap them into oblivion
How do i find a middle ground?
>How do i find a middle ground?
You don't. You either succumb to your nature, and become what everyone hates.
Or you suppress it, furthering the agenda to destroy our kind

There is nothing more damaging to the psyche of a boy than to have a slut for a mother
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>literally any serious trauma
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just say "I have a split-personality."
Your mom being nude on the internet is worse than war
which kinda proves that gender identity is not something you can get groomed into, rather its a static process, independent of socialization
If your mom fucks a lot with your dad there's no problem, even though it's embarrassing to know about it, the problem is when she fucks with random men all the time, imagine being a kid and seeing your mom with a different guy every week

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Fucking depressing. The most active threads here.
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That's basically /r9k/ in a nutshell.

A bunch of lonely, bitter & brown faggots.
Just use the new sharty general and stop looking at the shit threads
Gay guys are actually the closest thing to an incel since they actually have to deal with shit like 1) location and lack of potential partners and 2) bigoted family/friends and risk of cutting ties
Most of you crybabies don't even try to approach women while some of us don't have the opportunity to try without risking so much. Cry me a fucking river.
Suck ony dick I will do it more from now on
This is true but also this board isn't original at all and the culture is basically just simping for women or crying over zoomershit non issues
This is the gayest board by far and that includes lgbt lol
Femcel type issue but true. Str8scum won't understand it. But you can always jump shops.
Filters are for pussies but I hope it stops snowflakes from crying about things they don't like
They're the outsiders we don't want here
They should fuck off to /bant/ instead of making thread after thread and killing robot posts

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