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Where is the small penis general?

I need something to laugh today.
You mean a thread to vent in, pedro.
Pedro you have a smol pl yourself
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If you're going to make an sph thread, use Ame as your OP image. She literally is ALWAYS holding a magnifying glass!
>I need something to laugh today
You don't own a mirror?

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Have you ever bought medieval larping stuff?
Yeah tonnes, I'm big into it. The most is a set of full plate, but that's not a larp thing it's professionally made
I want a set of plate armor. I hope someday I have the income for an $8000 set. Even if I mainly think about wearing it outside for Halloween

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pepe the frog on the 'log
nm on the log
me after i get called a nigger

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>A massive drug index of almost any chemical you'll consume with general information for each.
>Virtual tripsitting and drug combo information.
>Drug discussion board, trip report, library, and other informational index.
>Drug testing services (may or may not be regional).

Credible resources that cover the harms of psychiatric drugs, hospitalization, and the use of force:
"Critical Psychiatry Textbook" (free online)
"The Myth of Mental Illness" (free online)
Mad in America (entire site) (free online)

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nta but I totally get missing that feeling. unfortunately it's not sustainable. although the worst that will happen to you is getting put on mind-bending psychiatric drugs without a choice in the matter.
I'll have to look into the antipsych stuff and maybe leave them a nod in the form of the disclaimer line about potential medication issues, but yeah Im not so keen on it. I am aware of the terrible health effects of anti-psychotics (typically used by schizophrenics and such) which typically cause major health problems after 20-30 years (and contribute to the fact that many schizophrenics die around ~50 years old) so theres definitely something worth saying about it, but I feel that mentioning it in the OP of a /drugfeel/ is making bad implications (which even my own diagnosed autism can recognize). I do like, however, that this anon made a list of studies to reference, but even then it could be improved (whether it be by making them into infographs, a link to a text document hosted elsewhere, or whatever else).
Also leaving a link to reddit is cringe but i get it tbf.
oh so you're the anon planning to make a turbo OP but you didn't make this one?
Indeed. And im scared you thought otherwise, but I understand. All things being said, there could very well be other anons doing the same thing as me, who knows. Someone may read this very thread and decide to join in the fray, at which point recognizing anons by their posts is pointless. It adds to the unique fun in a way, I assume every response, comment, post, etc to be a random person with no relation to the past, I recommend it.
nice one dude.

if i might suggest, to satisfy the robot's incessant desire for originality, a "theme" for each thread.

e.g. the next one could be "pro psychiatry edition" (or something even less inane. )


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I'm sure unpopular opinion, on a site like this. Libs can be overly naive or simplistic, yes. Some of their ideas are bad, yes. But look at it this way, who actually tries to help the unloved, rejected or abused? Liberals. Sometimes they pamper marginalized people, sometimes they use these people for their own gain. But at least they try something. They are focused on PROGRESSING humanity to get us closer to some sort of enlightenment atleast.

Liberals try to make safespaces for autist like yourselves and other "not normal" people so they can atleast provide something to society.

Conservatives would rather delete you robots and autist altogether because they not only hate you but are afraid of you being on an equal playing field that accommodates for both of your needs. They are afraid of change, afraid of progression because they are selfish and don't want to lose some things that may work more in their favor. They are willing to sacrifice the overall good of Earth for their own personal gain. There are liberals with these traits who often use liberalism as a disguise or know they're sick but liberalism gives them a safe space to hide in due to how naive they are.
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>But look at it this way, who actually tries to help the unloved, rejected or abused?
what would soulless libtards know about love? they call cutting off your cock love
>It's very easy to reassure yourself that you're a good person when you simply deny reality
THANK you. I'd like to be able to consider conservatism as I am naturally an independent, but the constant denial of reality forces me to lean left.
the kike's new strategy: reverse psychology
A random black male stabs you, liberals will fund the nigger's defense fund while you die
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>Kids in cages
>Never happened
We have a Japanist here, folks. Disgusting bigoted Japanist pig.

There is nothing more damaging to the psyche of a boy than to have a slut for a mother
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If my mom was single, hot and a slut I would make her mine. It's better than knowing that several unknown guys fuck her every week. You protect her, gets motherly love and gets sex, win-win to both
Dont forget to make an OnlyFans with her so you can profit from her being a cumslut
No. But ideally I would lower the ages for a lot of shit including sex. I would lower the ages for sex to 14, the age to vote to 9, and the ages to do shrooms and psychedelics to 14. And I would legalize all psychedelics and disband the all militaries across the world. I don't consider myself a pedo tho. I just think people infantalize kids in a way that doesn't help anyone
I just believe the worse about doctors, because that old woman that the other mes raped a bunch was in a hospital and I'm pretty sure they just paid to have her put in the same room as us
You're obviously a pedofoid slut

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If i were a woman i'd be a huge fucking whore

Instead i'm just a virgin
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you're just a faggot. sluts get shamed and sluts are not fit to be wives and mothers. I'm a khhv but I wouldn't touch one with a 10 foot pole because they are repulsive beings, they are like pigs.
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I know what you mean anon. If I was a woman I would be fucking my own son to prevent him becoming a incel
No you wouldnt, you could fuck prostitutes and goon for hours as a dude also but you don't. Don't think it's so super easy for a woman to fall in love and fuck, she can fuck hundreds of times but not love him one bit
if i was a girl id let loserish guys do all sorts of degrading shit to me
This thread perfectly explains the incel to tranny pipeline.

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Is it weird that my best and only friend is a 10 year old autistic multi millionaire fat boy who owns a massive 5 floor prank/animatronics exhibit?
i like it more when rich people spend money on arab type bullshit then zuckerberg autistc type shit
i can get over the fact that your parasitic class is exploiting us if you spend the money on hedonist shit like cocaine prostitutes and sport cars but if you spend the money collecting autistic shit then k y s.
i mean he makes them himself (or started off doing that and now has a team of engineers and shit)
bit weird yeah
what's the age gap between you two?
If they spend the money on technology they are autistic and I hate to be the first to tell you this but cars, drugs, and hookers are all technology

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robots who have a partner, are they close to what your ideal partner was?
if so, how strict were you and how close are they to your ideal partner?
if not, what made you change your mind?
optionally, tell us how you met
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I wasn't looking for someone perfect, but I don't want him to be awful either. Some of those things really did upset me, and I'm only overlooking them because he's promised to change them now, saying he'll stop watching porn, he would never see an escort while we're together etc. He knows he's made mistakes and he said he wants to have a healthy loving relationship and that he wants to do better. I am trying to work on these issues with him and he has improved on some of them already for example he's completely stopped the offensive names. I do have thoughts that he might leave me sometimes but he keeps assuring me that he's never going to leave me and that he didn't really want to break up with me that one time. I don't want to be alone so I'm not going to and it's up to him if we stay together. He said he wants to marry me and have a family but I feel somehow like it could fall apart if he suddenly changes his mind. I don't know.
If it ever gets to be too much and it finally blows up and is completely over, you should make a thread looking for a new one. Then I can shoot my shot lol.
>>watches porn
>i thought about breaking up with him
this is just my naive opinion, but is that rational? i mean, given everything else i would say it is
but, getting off to someone doesn't mean you like them right? or that you think you would actually want to be with them
horny prenut male brain is probably the most retarded state of mind in the entire animal kingdom
im not sure the no fap is real, in the sense that he could still be constantly horny and sometimes have wet dreams anyway (idk maybe with another girl? he wouldn't tell you tho)
that unless he jerks off to you or you have sex often (but you dont because you're in a distant relationship)
>expose me to an std
>he later denied ever breaking up with me
>hid his full name
>used to call me offensive names
these are really bad, couldn't these be signs that he could become abusive?
it seems like he could have bipolar disorder or something

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yes, it is rational. i don't want to be with someone who is getting off to other women while they're in a relationship with me and it's not something i will budge on. he decided that he would quit porn when i told him that it upset me. he told me he downloaded some app to block his access to those sites. i want to believe he is being honest about this but i can't be totally sure.
we're going to be long distance for another year if everything goes according to plan. maybe he'll decide it's too much for him, i don't know.
i don't think he would ever physically abuse me. he sometimes says strange things though that make me think his perspective is a little skewed compared to my expectations of a normal relationship. however, small disagreements are to be expected. i would prefer to talk through them and solve the issues than to consider that he is malignant. i don't think he is. i think he can be careless and distrustful sometimes, but he's not a cruel person. he mentioned to me that he used to be depressed and sometimes still feels that way, though he's never sought professional help. i'm the same in that regard though so i didn't hold it against him. it's possible he might be diagnosed with some mood disorder but i don't think it would be very helpful at this point. i'd prefer to deal with the root cause of issues as they come up and try to reassure him when things seem troubling. i would like for it to work out and i don't want to push him too much either.
i did answer what he asked me about, but i have to disagree that a relationship is only healthy if you discuss these things. in myself it is not healthy for me and i know this about myself. there are some things it is hurtful for me to recall not because i'm sharing them with him but because it was a painful time in my life. i'd rather forget about things like that. if someone else feels differently, then so be it. that's how i feel and i don't think i should feel otherwise.
You are clearly insane and probably stupid if the porn thing somehow ranks higher than faking his identity long into your relationship and calling you a whore

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stimming won't let me take it easy
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>alone or with frens?
my brother and his girlfriend
you can guess why it wasnt as enjoyable
>what do u think about payload race?
it was fun before all the bots and cheaters appeared
>That looks like a station of some sort.
no clue what it is, i remember when i was a kid and played that map i wanted to get in that room so bad but didnt know noclip was a thing at the time
now its a cove for those two and its not playable anymore rest in peace plr_hightower
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There's a compat mod for it so I suppose it could work.
>now its a cove for those two and its not playable anymore rest in peace plr_hightower
You mean cheaters camp in there?
I do things with my hands mostly. When I was a kid I would fantasize about battles and make sound effects with my mouth while walking around a room and doing the hand thing. My family called it "spitting." After a traumatic event of being laughed at for spitting, I would only do it in the bathroom from them on. It eventually went away and now I stim in brief intervals.
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>You mean cheaters camp in there?
that last line was meant to be in kaguyanon's reply but yes cheaters and bots are more prevalent in that map (not the poolroom looking room)
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>my brother and his girlfriend
>you can guess why it wasnt as enjoyable
what did u do? Did u have a picnic?
>it was fun before all the bots and cheaters appeared
that could be said about tf2 in general...
im gonna take a break from adding mods and play sum warframe
it's gonna take a while...
would u do it involuntarily?

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Do you still remember when you had your first crush?
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I can still remember most things from when I wasn't drugged up.
ignoring them drives them crazy. women talk about men not being able to handle rejection but they are just as bad.
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This is the life of a creepy loner:

One of my earliest and strongest crushes was a one year younger student from my highschool. He had normal or small height, same as me, short grayish brown hair, light eyes, sympathetic face features with a bit of a hooky nose and wide eyes, he was fairly attractive and extroverted. One time I was going back home from highschool, it was cloudy, with little light, cold wind was flowing and caressing my face. When I was passing near a giant pine tree, he was a dozen meters in front of me, walking, his back facing towards me, he suddenly turned and our gaze met briefly. I remember that the cold wind made my lips red and the skin felt cold and white at that time.

One time during the recess I was waiting in the semi empty hall for someone. He and his little group of friends were really close and he again gazed at me.

Crush two of the list:
Another one was an older student from highschool. He was pale, with some small red pimples on his skin. Short dark hair. A very distinct aura, quiet, intense stare, pale expression, thin and tall. His eyes area was specially dark, with long eyelashes and shadowy eyesockets. I remember I was climbing the stairs just before class, the space was fully crowded and somehow our eyes met eachother's, he from above and I from bellow. Another time, me and some classmates were walking back home under the rain and he joined us from behind because he knew one of them, the width of the pavement prevented him to engage in the conversation so he stood behind quietly.

Crush three:
A classmate in college. He was tall, slender, blonde straight hair, with a kind personality and soothing voice. He had a squarish jaw.
Continuation of the blogpost:

Crush four:
A classmate from a different course after college. Tall, wide shoulders, black short hair, super extroverted, humorous and participative. During the first days he would always stare at me. I was so happy when we got placed next to eachother at one of the classes, he used to show me his results and discuss them with me. During the year multiple times he interacted with me even though we weren't friends, I always felt accepted by him. One day he also showed me his resumes proudly.

Crush five:
Another classmate from the same course. He was short but had an athletic toned body, good fashion sense yet discrete, pale skin, oval face with wide almond eyes, short strong nose, small mouth with full lips, narrow jaw but moderate chin. He looked similar to antonio banderas. He was very quiet and kind, yet was liked by others and had a good relationship with classmates. During the year we were part of diferent groups inside the class, everytime we exited our classrooms and the halls were still empty, our gazes would meet from the distance. It was surreal. I could also sense he had some kind of anxiety inside and I felt we truly were similar persons even if strange.
I was subhuman since birth no foid ever befriended me, i always had a internalized sovereign blackpill when growing up

>For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
man i hate death
>1 Corinthians 15:26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.
All things must end
Eternal life sorta negates this, even the heaven and earth will grow old, but God will just make new ones

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I think I've applied to 40 places already, most just ghosted, but I got a few interviews and tried my absolute hardest not to be a twitchy weirdo during them. I actually thought I might get the last one since the interviewer seemed nice, but I got the email last night that I "wasn't the right fit" I wish they'd tell you what you did wrong. So today I'll walk for two hours to get told that I'm not worth $8.00 an hour. How do wagies do it? How do I keep from offing myself if I'm to worthless to be trusted flipping burgers.
*too worthless
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>How do wagies do it?
If I was making $8/hr I'd swallow a shotgun barrel. USA economy is so dogshit right now I don't understand how anyone making less than $20/hr BARE MINIMUM is even alive. I make $35/hr and still feel poor. The plutocracy is deepening.

Anyway, OP, be sure to wear your best suit and show up to the job like you already have it. That's all I ever did. They can smell your fear. Good luck.
Were in a recession, and they just don't want to say it out loud. Lots of people have been unemployed or stuck in their dead end jobs for months or even years now. Don't be too hard on yourself.

>social media
>people don't even socialize at them
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They do just not with you

Been noticed many normalfags don't socialize IRL properly either. They "monologue together", if that makes sense, it's particularly noticeable in groups of women.
They don't even do that since they're absorbed with their phones/tablet. They even use tablets as their infants' baby sitters. Even when I was going out with my friends, most of the time they were playing with their phones.

Even by boomer father that used to lecture me "for playing too much with computers and video games", now he gets lectured by my mother for playing with his phone/tablet even when he eats.
Social media apps are just advertisement platforms nowadays
They always were. Just like the internet at its golden era. And we didn't even had stuff like adblockers back then (or at least they weren't as popularized as they are now).

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What do straight guys think about this
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sure anon
dressing up as a petit little twink while getting destroyed by manly men is NOT gay, in fact it makes you more straight.
just accept you are bi leaning women dude
can a nigga get some sauce on this fine creature?
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I do consider myself straight but maybe I'm bi or bicurious.
Such a body definitely arouses my, mostly because of the (feminine) dick and smooth skin, though if I were to meet someone like this irl, I probably wouldn't be able to lay with them.
I am attracted to all things feminine, and liking penis (generally the way it looks and feels) and very feminine male bodies are the sole exceptions. In no other way am I attracted to men or masculine traits/roles. If I were to meet picrel, I would probably be disgusted at his masculine face structure and voice.
Mind you I don't consider trannies and femboys to be the same. For one, I find the former repulsive, simply due to their logic defying "identity".
So it's kind of weird. Only a man who knows he's a man but has the body of a woman is attractive to me, but the fact that he is still a man (when all is said and done) is unattractive to me.
What do you think this means, anons?
Close to describing how I feel. I look at that pic and it is definitely arousing to me, though I know the reality would be most likely unattractive - likely to have man-face, stubble, man-voice, move/walk/poise like a man etc. It's the carefully curated femboy aesthetic that is undeniably attractive to me, with things like crossdressing and chastity also adding a taboo bonus. I am aroused by the feminization aspect of it - turning what should be male into a feminized version of it. This is why trap and feminization manga/comics are great, because they're fiction and drawn so the feminization can be 'perfect' if you will.
>unironically wanting a rot pocket

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