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I'm 460% fine right now. How are you feeling, robot?
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I have a fever but fine enough i suppose
Nice RPG, son.
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I'm feeling alright.
i actually predicted his 111. i do this sometimes, i'm never wrong with my prediction. i can just tell, like its a sixth sense. this happens because these posts actually are fucking different and my brain is picking up on it subconsciously.
There is no such thing as sixth sense.

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>What is wrong with adult females?

When PEOPLE (not females exclusively, not males exclusively) stop helping eachother, then we'll be entering very sad times.

It is VERY IMPORTANT for you to stop trying to divide people by sex, race or whatever.

God is union.
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If a woman I was in a relationship with or I had a crush on did that I wouldnt hesitate to murder or abuse them. all women are fucking my whores. Always trying to monkey branch. Narcissistic cunt nigger loser slits.
This video can make a person mentally ill.
>stop helping eachother
i think we're past that now
>discovering that women are selfish pickles
How old are you? Women don't do anything and expect everything, it's like that since the beginning and will be like that in the end, the only difference is that now they're more arrogant
did you notice satan at 0:47? thats satan

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Halt! What business do you have in r9k outsider?
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to post about how much i want to die but i am too scared of killing myself
i do it from time to time
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I dont go on here much since I got a girlfriend but its the middle of the night and I cant sleep.

If you guys have any interest in strategy games I would highly recommend the old world blues mod for hoi4. The most fun Ive had in Fallout since I played New Vegas.
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i live here, faggot
fuck outta my face
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>Sisters of Steel
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Dead man's burden

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How do you rank on the normie scale? I'm a 19.
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I got 4, can't believe i'm the worst loser of the thread
Just done 1,2,3,4,15, and 20
>Dui druggie that ziplines
You could not be more normal. Next you'll tell me you watch game of thrones and play basketball with friends
10, but i counted zip lining even though i pussed out at the top and walked back down and took my harness off. i assumed the spirit of the question was being outdoors in a situation where it would happen.
10, male, I have never
>broken a bone
>been in a limo
>gotten a tattoo
>been arrested
>gone zip lining
>gotten a piercing
>met a celeb
>been skydiving
>had a 1 night stand
>skinny dipped
I'm also a 23 year old virgin and not normal at all, contrary to what>>77555333
Is saying

just get a haircut, contacts and rings

Being treated by nurses feels so fucking good
their cold, slender fingers reapplying bandages on my skin, drawing blood, giving me thrombosis injections..all while having a great smile on their face..uwaaaaaaa it's enough to drive a man insane
Tell me more about your fixation on nurses. Did a recent visit spur this post? Also what did you do to need bandages in the first place?

and I'm inclined to agree. Not just nurses, but doctors, dentists, and such, women in any profession which gives such one on one attentive care, although it's meant to be transactional and professional.
We're apes who had evolved to groom each other for fleas, and now there's a lot of hairless apes who don't have fleas but still long for rituals of care like it.
Hospitalized because of my lung rn, got bandages on my chest that need to get changed now and then
That is a really good explanation anon, makes a lot of sense. Cute picture too
ya i had this cute blonde dentist, i should really go back but stopped cuz of covid
Maybe you should go to salons, spas, massage joints, etc sometimes after you're out of the hospital. If you think about it like someone caring for you being the pleasurable aspect, why not bring that into aspects of your life that don't involve personal injury? I personally have a hair stylist, and on top of giving me a great haircut, will lay me down in a seat and wash/treat my hair beforehand. It feels nice having the warm water pour over my scalp, feeling the person's gentle hands massaging my scalp, hearing the flow of water behind me, and so on. I'd get body massages too, but they don't do much for me unfortunately, and I'm not interested in wasting cash at wank parlours. I'd be down for a facial/etc, maybe. All this shit is commonly associated with women, but I think men should feel comfortable being serviced and attended to with care as well. Give it a shot!

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>tfw closing all 50 porn tabs after jacking off for 5 hours straight and finally cooming to a tranny piss vid
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I get ya. All Stimson seem to make my dick non functional. I just like jittering around and feeling all amped up.
>tfw same situation but you were thinking of big brained science concepts the whole time
oh no no no no
I jerk off all the time and I never developed any unusual sexual interests. Why?
You became a hani?

How do I get a quirky gf? She needs to be like Pic rel
simple, you don't, they don't exist. you will never find a girl like that.
>still building dirt houses
>not doing the armadillo strat and digging your bunker out of the rock and dirt
You mean a half functional retard girl with no redeeming qualities besides a vagina? Plenty of those in the sea, they even post on this board
You will never have a tallflat lain girfriend.
is it okay if she has a pp

>be me 19m hikkineet
>live in a big capital with lots of tourists
>an Asian 6/10 qt approaches me on the street
>she asks me in broken ingrish if I'm "rocar"
>I say yes
>she asks me how to get to a certain island
>I tell her
>she asks me if id like to show her personally
>I say her I'm jobless
>She looks confused
>I say I have no money to walk with girls
>she opens her moneybag, asks "howu much"
>I get nervous and say I need to go
>she says sorry & gets red
It must be the language barrier, right? Or did I miss the opportunity to lose a kidney?
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>goes outside

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Hey bros, may I ask you for porn recommendations? I'm a very short manlet (5'8) with a height humiliation fetish. Do you know where I find content with hot girls completely mogging and bullying a manlet? I've already seen most of the clips under these tags at clips4sale or iwantclips, so I'm looking for other sources now.
I wonder if you believed this bait thread would work?
What "bait"? I'm just asking for recommendations.
You gonna go repost anything you get on /fit/?
Huh? I don't browse /fit/. Did someone repost my thread there?

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Guys, no larp, I just found out my first girlfriend, the woman I LOST MY VIRGINITY to, is now in jail doing 17 years for murder. My head is spinning

News says she was mentally ill and addicted to meth and stabbed a friend repeatedly in a dispute over money

I was fucking her for like 6 months in 2012, the murder happened in 2015. I found out about it today by pure chance. I did not know she was using drugs then but she must have been.

This chick used to spend weekends naked in my bed cuddling and watching shows. She must have swallowed gallons of my cum. We had incredibly kinky sex. I still have some extremely explicit nudes of her.

I brought her to parties with my friends. I met her parents once and fucked her in her childhood bedroom. Luckily I always wore a condom.

I just can't believe this woman was in my home, in my bed sleeping next to me. I always knew she was crazy, she used to talk about voices in her head and her struggles with anorexia, she was covered in cutting scars. She pretty much raped me for my first time and fucked me up sexually to this day.

Should I tell my current gf about this? Is it too shameful? What would you do? I never introduced her to my family because she was a fucking nutcase and i was ashamed to be dating her, so none of them know about it.

Someone wrote a book about her life which I have just purchased, but not sure if I can bring myself to read
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>Should I tell my current gf about this? Is it too shameful?
What happened, happened. Unless it impacts your life with your current gf/family, or you fibbed about being a virgin, I don't see the reason to bring it up. You mention being "fucked up sexually", but in a response to another anon, said you have a "very satisfying sex life". So, from how I see it, this scenario is just bringing up an entity in your life which is no longer directly relevant to you. Spend your time appreciating your good girlfriend if you want to make any sense of it. Share some wine and eat her out or something. Don't let the "what ifs" and bad memories keep you from healthy, satisfying intimacy.
>Someone wrote a book about her life
your retarded story was believable up until that point
>Don't let the "what ifs" and bad memories keep you from healthy, satisfying intimacy

what if she finds out later and i didn't tell her? will her knowing about it hurt our relationship? how yould you react if a gf told you her ex was in prison for murder?
it's true i bought the book today on kindle
>how yould you react if a gf told you her ex was in prison for murder?
I'd be glad she wasn't with an abusive person who didn't value her. As long as it wasn't something that actively perturbs her, and she's of sound mind at the present, why would it matter? None of this crime was even while you were together. I personally had an abusive relationship with an ex, but she's out of my life now. She impacted me a lot, in both good and bad ways, but I've learned from those experiences, and try to bring that wisdom into my life going forward. No matter how painful and traumatic a trial it was, it undoubtedly gave me so much to learn from, and that means I can be better and prepare for my life with more confidence and understanding.

It's all an evolving learning experience. If you feel like it's a significant part of your life you WANT to share, or traumatic in nature and in need of active consideration, sure, go ahead and tell her. If you feel you need to tell her because you feel obligated to, or because you want relief from trauma/PTSD, don't (latter is just trauma dumping bullshit). You share what you want to share; you owe nothing to her or the world. Just be a good partner to your girl and treat her with genuine consideration and intimate affection.

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/r9k/ starts to boil at 11:00am.

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What does this picture makes you think?
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Its funny pilgrims rewarded natives for teaching them how to survive the winter by genociding and taking their land
whites are the most furthest thing from a normal human being. you are mutated goylems who willingly became jewish slaves and degenerates
Im op and I agree
The fattest people I've seen in my life (Europe) were a pair of Indians
They misspelled amerimutt

>be me
>neet, still living w mom
>hardly leave the house
>go buy eggs bc mom is unwell
>decide to work on my social skills
>see a friend of my moms in the store
>shout her name and tap her shoulder
>It wasa guy
>It was a guy in old lady clothes
>Get the fuck away from him
>Never go back to that store again

I might kill myself
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You have bad self-esteem. You can overcome, believe in you buddy!
marry me, I could fix u
OP go on bumble and find a fat programmer husband with a 6 figure salary and you can neet to the end of your days.
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Bro this generation is cooked you're all bitch made. Honestly, your so bitch made that you should look into becoming an overseas bride. Don't off your self, but find a purpose wench.
two things
what relevance does this have in your story?
>It was a guy in old lady clothes
what the fuck
describe these clothes

This is Zoomer free zone, keep your "dank shrek memes" to yourself.
Gen X & Millennials are welcome.
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Millennials always forget that zoomers are almost 30, they know most of those
Rich kids making dumb trash on the internet is a little bit different from a national television ad campaign.
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>Post memes that zoomers won't recognize
>This is Zoomer free zone, keep your "dank shrek memes" to yourself.
Gen X & Millennials are welcome.
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Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Gonna say what we're all thinking: Weebl was the most forced shit that came out of that era. The Kim Kardashian of music and animation.

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