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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cryptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden.

Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

When you submit your email address, you will receive an automated email containing a verification link.
After this email has been sent, your email address will be purged from our servers. We will not retain long-term records of your email address.

Clicking the verification link in the email will permit you to post normally. The verification link is valid for 24 hours.
You will need to accept 4chan cookies for the verification process to function.

4chan Pass users are not required to verify their email address using this system.

The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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avi testnet when? I was promised a testnet.
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or version B
Sorry, you're not eligible, OP. The only testnet I earned from this year is Brillion, and now they've released the v1.
I made solid profits from Pepe, strategically exited my positions, and reinvested in Dua.
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I've come to the conclusion that they won't fo anything until:

>1. The market does a face melting pump, especially ETH.
>2. They will NOT do any marketing until the test net is public.
>3. They fucked us all up and fucked up our shilling power giving us 3000 different dates and still being late. Now they straight up deny any shilling because they won't release anything to us. Everything is secret.
>4. They will just keep it crabbing until all of the above is done.
>5. Do NOT except any positive price movement until BTC is above 75K dollars.
>6. Do NOT trust any hyping done by them, they just want you to hold. Every bullish attempt in the chat does more harm than good atm. Every "we are so close" is met with a 3K sell by someone tired of this bullshit. So take care of your mental health and stop trusting them.

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Watching people lose money edition:


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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Is it wise to keep money in sp500 or should one stay away from indices because of their heavy reliance on Mag 7.

Also, today's PCE is going to be bad you know it. What puts are y'all putting.
Global Indeces are less tech-heavy.
>Global Indeces are less tech-heavy.
Which do you recommend?
ones fucking on essentials to life and not discretionary sectors
The DoD and the US Government are trying to restart the US Arms industrial base.
A large part of that Aid packages that just went through Congress was funding for US manufacturers
to bring the US defense industry and supply chains away from one built for fighting the War on Terror to one that can go toe to toe with China as well as supply weapons for our overseas allies.
It's going to require a large build out and the DoD is going to everyone and anyone large and small on US soil that can get them the shit they both need and will need.

BAPU is an elite play right now. APU is mooning so normies are going to try to find the next big thing.

>50k marketcap
>jeet dev finally gone
>burned liquidity
>active community

It's way too undervalued at its current marketcap.

The only reason it crashed from 1.5m to 50k is because the dev used to hold 15% of the supply and everyone freaked out. Now that he's gone I see no reason why this shouldn't hit at least 5M if we market this as APU's brother. This could be a comfy 100x.
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im buying a bag just because of this image
Fuck it I'm in.
Shitcoins literally made this board what it is
So based.

whats the easiest and most profitable online business i can do with 250k?
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This thread isn't days old, you could post on ./bant/ and probably get more replies, didn't you wonder where smg went?
Suck 2500 dicks a year for $100 each
Basically, just start charging for what you've been doing already
Is lrds not released yet? I can't find the price online
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p2e games (orbs/chumbi village), train some indian kids on craiglist, make them farm money for you, pay them in pennies, easy money farm
no im not shitting you i used to to this on axie infinity and now i do it on the new gen of p2e games
Mobile games. The public eye and gold rush is gone but the ARPDAU is astronomical nowadays, in the dollars instead of pennies. Hire some giddy, bright eyed CS students and design students on contract to piece together casual mobile games with rewarded video ads, multiple levels of in game currency, and IAPs. Spend the rest on guerilla marketing. This isn't 2013 so don't target all of society, just autistic people with money, or women.

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If your grand plan to "retire early" involves working 20 to 30 something years, your master plan is a loser plan and you have no business giving financial advice to anybody
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i desperately want to work on my true passion, not my wagie job
hope that helps
Considering most people in their 20s and 30s are going to live into their 90s and beyond, it's still relatively early. I don't like the idea of having to work until i'm 95 fucking years old.
1 in 3 people over 65 have medical problems or health issues.

Ohhhh say can you seeee, by the dawns early light!
America is fucked!

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It costs $100k to mine bitcoin right now. Do with this information what you will.

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Mumus have no backbone. You just want to make gains in USD and cash out to your bank.
Escorts don't take crypto as payment
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>he actually thinks that crypto is "the future of money"
it could be if people cared about more than money

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Day after the halving and Bitcoin maxis are in full cope mode. You love to see it
Finally conceding that Bitcoin base layer is cooked because of all the inscriptions, brc20, ordinals, runes clogging up the network. Layer 2 necessary for settlement
Mind you, Bitscam maxis have been attacking Ethereum for years with the same argument LMAO
Vitalik won

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BTC allocation isn't a bad idea for safe gains and to be very safe I choose to lock in a self-sovereign AA wallet for security and accumulate.
How about Ethreum chain? Vitalik was pushing implementing account abstraction to the network making it more solid.
I believe he gets screwed up. Instead of that, why not consider eth? alot of haters esp by sol and btc maxist. I thought the whole point was to make money. I have BTC and ETH and intend to hold both until 2025. I will probably consider restaking eth on Yieldnestfi to earn high rewards and eigenpoints while i wait for ful fledge bull run.
The person to whom you replied is a shitposter. ignore, but to think of it, why the hate, eth puupeta?
Solana going to flip Bitcoin eventually. Bitcoin doesn't have the horsepower to be the next revolutionary financial technology. Solana does

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damn didnt see the irina stuff yet, interesting.
I still maintain that we still don't have any concrete example of sergeys programming skills, which imo is the last piece of the puzzle
I remember there was an article claiming that sergey was a programmer from young age (early teens or something) and very good in this craft
I could have sworn I watched or read an interview with him at one point where he stated both his parents were programmers and he learned from them early, and specifically chose philosophy to study because it was the other side of the coin to him.
Found it!

>Sergey Nazarov is the son of two Russian immigrants who moved to the United States in the early 90s. With engineers as parents, it is no wonder that Nazarov had an interest in everything tech-related from an early age.

>He sat behind a computer screen for the first time at five years of age. By middle school, Nazarov was reading programming manuals while simultaneously taking apart old cathode-ray televisions to figure out how they work.

>“He was the most curious kid I ever taught…Relentlessly questioning. If he didn’t understand anything he would corner you and pummel you until it was clear. And usually the reason it wasn’t clear to him was because there was a fault in the original explanation.” — NYU Professor Lawrence Lenihan

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Bitcoin fork lol
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Should i dump? Ive been bagholding this shit for 2 years and its back to breakeven now.
Sure, if you don’t believe it in you should dump

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I have 40$
What should I do with it?

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"get some MUMU!"
that's a really good painting
only niggers put the dollar sign after the number, that's why you're poor, and deserve to die poor. Don't bother apologizing, it's too late.

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Chainlink’s Evolution and Quantum Computing

1. Decentralized Computation Networks: As Chainlink evolves, it might extend its functionalities beyond being merely an oracle for external data to become a platform for decentralized computation. This could include leveraging not just classical computing resources but potentially quantum computing resources as well. The idea is that Chainlink could facilitate access to quantum computers in a way that is verifiable and secure, using its protocols like DECO (which enhances privacy and data integrity) and CCIP (Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol).

2. Quantum Computing as a Service: If quantum computers reach a stage where they can be accessed as a service (much like cloud computing today), Chainlink could integrate these services into its network. This would allow developers and companies to use quantum computing power to perform specific tasks, such as running Shor’s Algorithm, through a decentralized and secure network.

3. Scalability and Accessibility: With the assumption that internet bandwidth is not a limiting factor given a long enough time frame, the integration of quantum computing resources into Chainlink or similar networks could be scaled to a global level. This would democratize access to quantum computing, allowing a wide range of participants to perform complex computations that are currently out of reach for most entities.
so buy or sell chainlink?
Shor's Algorithm

1. Implications for Cryptography: The ability to run Shor’s Algorithm at scale would pose significant risks to current cryptographic standards. This makes the development of quantum-resistant cryptography even more critical. Blockchain networks, including those interacting with Chainlink, would need to adopt these new standards to secure their transactions and data integrity.

2. Verification and Trust: One of the advantages of Chainlink is its ability to verify and ensure the trustworthiness of the computations done through its network. When integrating quantum computations, maintaining this level of verification and trust will be crucial, especially given the potential impacts of errors or malicious activities in quantum calculations.


If Chainlink or similar networks manage to integrate quantum computing resources effectively, they could enable a form of global decentralized computation that includes running algorithms like Shor’s. However, this development would need to be matched by advances in cryptographic security and regulatory frameworks to manage the powerful capabilities of quantum computing responsibly. The prospect of combining cutting-edge technology across different fields to potentially revolutionize how we handle data, computation, and security in a decentralized manner is fascinating, but should be approached with caution. Funnily enough, our current advancements are being spearheaded by individuals who lack the one thing needed for all our sakes: wisdom.

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I talked to a couple cardano devs and they told me the platform is trash and the whitepapers are bullshit. Are they just being whiny bitches, or is there some truth to this claim?
I hate that food challenges are always timed.
how about in 1 sitting/business day if you finish you're victorious.

but they always make it 30 minutes or something nuts
There are Cardano devs?
bruh it has been what like 7+ years and nobody has developed anything on the protocol, that should tell you enough. Even now dead L1's like Fantom at least had a short lived stage of activity. Cardano was always a ghost chain and always will be, the token price is completely propped up by the war chest they managed to accumulate and a bunch of Reddit tier retail le hodler tards who don't really think about the fact that investing in vaporware eventually means they lose all their money.

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Is there a hidden reason that central banks needed to raise rate other then the official " inflation bad" let's raise rates to fix it.

Negative interest rates was already strange enough but it went for so long... That everybody seems to stop caring. If it can run for a decade without problems why not a century ?
>If it can run for a decade without problems
your absurd house prices are very much a result of low interest rates.
As for who benefits from high interest rates: people who have already accumulated wealth.

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are you ready to experience another 20% dump sers (40% on altcoins)
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Evolve to pronoia son. Your reward is just on the other side of one more loyalty test.
what ever happened to bobo thursdays?
email verification happened
email verification is stopping thursday dumps?

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I made a decent profit at first but am now literally going insane and am taking too many risks and losing pretty much all my gains. In a years time I won't have a life worth living. Is there another way to profit with a side job or business? I need to find a way out of this misery, no matter how much I have to learn or hoehard I have to work.
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>Superverse taking over defi
God I fucking wish.
keep dreaming bro, this boards are full of delusional niggers.
>solid communities
you mean bots and shills and kois?
>dont aim for x100... aim for x50!
of course!!! obviously!
>control your own destiny
go fuck yourself
Buying funny coins on Dexview ruined my fucking life.......
And I'm buying more
Then when it pumps uncontrollably and you miss out your mental health is now 100x worse

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>Sexless men are crashing the housing market
Fucking incels
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a second nicely appointed guest bedroom
/x/ is very low because it's full of schizos that can't focus on the test because they probably think it's a fed plot so they give wrong answers on purposes not to be profiled or some shit.

At this point, /biz/ is no more than a glorified mix between /pol/ and /b/ on top of shitcoin shilling, with a hint of /x/ too (see: bed bath and beyond generals)
> be 38 and living with mom.

Doesn't really help that 24% of 22 year olds live with moms. it's probably lest then 1% at my age. fuck me.
There's only one solution.
Women should start having sex with all these men so they could start buying houses again.
It's up to women to save the economy.
This but unironically

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Thoughts about Kaspa?
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It's the SUPER Jewish one
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I have no idea, I just came back to this when I heard that there's some dip to lick, is that even in dextools?
If they actually implement quantum hashgraph cryptography it will be cool. Right now its just another ethereum without a communist savant dictator.
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I be holdin that kaspa mayne.

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