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how do I into solar? I want to make a solar company where I sell, install, and service solar arrays. Are there decent solar companies in the USA to work with? I heard Signature Solar is anus in terms of customer service.

Bless ye for any constructive input you might give.
selling them is lucrative. actually using them isn't

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new week gonna start with a massive dump

you have been warned
Ok thanks, just bought 100k
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obviously. everyone is going to be rotating into erc20i
Thanks, just reflected on my satoshisync bags. Why cant brc20 be fucking relevant already

Nomad Fag recently dropped a video where he answers the /biz/ 'how much to make it' meme question.
Literally goes like the threads where the figure just keeps getting escalated yet real inflation is completely ignored so anyone who unironically follows the advice is going to end up back working at McDonald's in old age anyway.
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this is so legit
how do i 10x 400k inb4 shitcoins
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He's literally a scamming douche with good marketing.
Offshore Citizen gives you a superior service for unironically 1% of the price.
The Dubai relocation Puerto-rican dude charges even less.
Also a Dubai relocation is literally the answer to 95% of people's questions and he's so pissed that there's people who'll do it for $15k rather than $1.5m that every second video of his is shitting on Dubai.
But pretty much spot on with the ranges, except they really don't account for children, and both homeschooling and private schooling are expensive.
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Just saw Vitalik in the streets of Helsinki, Finland. I asked him if he appreciates base chain, and he spit in my face. Honestly, I was super disgusted but now I'm wondering if he was right bros. Is base chain bullish or did I deserve the spit?
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OKAYEG chart reversal CUM style
Biz is fucking dead. The Chinese company that bought this shit out is objectively killing it. Fuck you jannies
sounds like vitalik wants egs wash
One reason biz isnt dead intentionally
don't look the ID changes between minutes.
jannies killed it, superverse baggies and apushillers got them fed up

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I'm scaling out of BTC: and into 100-1000x alts, what are your recommendations?
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I don't think so. Most airdrops now require funds. I can't wait for Peaq and Zksync to go live.
instead of oracle base project, settle with the hype on depin.
or the growing Hype on socialfi
The socialFi sector is an underrated sector but not for long. we have the likes of Hydro, Hive and Lans Protocol slowly building this narrative
Dca into QAN if you have the balls

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Why not stake and earn passively while holding, Anon? Restaking's emerging as a top narrative this year. I ain't sleeping on it.
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I got into crypto right around when meme coins started booming, April 2023. I had $500 I wanted to put into WOJAK, but I was very new to crypto so didn't understand where exactly to get it, I was using Coinbase Wallet. Since I couldn't buy WOJAK, I had to decide between the other two coins I had my eye on that were available, PEPE and something called Doomer AI. For some reason, I thought the fact that Doomer was more obscure than Pepe meant that it would be a better coin, so I put my money in. I also didn't really know what gas fees were so I couldn't pull my money out when Doomer AI started nosediving.
Long story short, I looked it up and if I had bought PEPE and held to today my $500 would have turned into around $60,000. Realistically, I probably would've panic sold after the first drop, but still.
Going to uni, definitely. -$90k in outright debt, -4 years of earning potential. Missed out on super early bitcoin because I had negative money from 2008-2015 (including years of unemployment post uni).
Every financial mistake I've ever made had something to do with a woman

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Anyone here happy with their xswap rewards?
i got a 600 token a*rdrop and 1800 from the presale
bought 2k more on top of that
already regretting holding because this shit is dumping
i did 400k in crosschain swapping volume and only got 800 tokens. Fuck these faggots

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My one coworker who is into Crypto is super high on XRP. He got another coworker to buy some.

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Here's everything I own. What should I do at this point? I'm 27, not married, no kids.
I pay off the credit cards every month.
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>I dont know what to do with that info.
I think its aimed an actual businessmen groups who can actually make big investments.

at least that's what I perceive. little folks like us cant do that much.
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how did you made that much in crypto?
>how did you made that much in crypto?
yeah op, tell us your story, 27 and with 200k? thats awesome.
Here's my net worth over time >>58448633.
I saved over $100k strictly through my job and literally just doubled my money on paper by putting it in crypto (unrealized gains).
Of course, I could end up losing more than I put in, but all things considered, I accept the risk.
I'll make this same thread in a month just to show where I land.

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>i'm made a mistake with crypto in general so fuck this coin
And here we have the low IQ specimen, lashing out... How mad you will be when Kleros hits $1 this cycle.
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saved that's when I really want to use this image.
lmfao sorry brotatta it sucks to suck
rule 21 anon, Never place friendship above profit.
bump haha (pls buy)

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How are you dealing with inflation, anons? If the dollar truly starts plummeting worldwide, will having money in stocks (US companies primarily) protect my networth? Are international companies a better investment, or would US companies pivot to whatever the new reserve currency ends up being long term? They didn't teach us how to prepare for this in school
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I just save money in crypto. btc and some alts. not much, most of it I just game.
sounds like you have your shit together.
>How are you dealing with inflation
my node just confirmed the subsidy cut
my other node verifies the fee burn occurring, so sometimes emission is negative
the US stock market has more than 10 years of history. zoom out
>How are you dealing with inflation
basically all my us dollars are in crypto rn, it could be btc, lrds, ltc, eth, etc

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The SEC is killing crypto one exchange at a time
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why is this the worst screenshot ive ever seen? how do you even do this
You mean the jews
Wrong most of that is in Bitcoin and Bitcoin is a commodity.
And they'll be forced out of crypto or forced to hold bags forever.
Every. Single. Time.

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Weirdos think its actually a good thing for it to be crippled and unable to evolve and grow to meet the needs of an ever changing economy. Welcome to the bitcon.
It has evolved several times though.
For example, in 2017, while fixing a scalability issue, the effective block size was bumped from 1MB to 4MB.
What you noticed is that folks involved in Bitcoin are being careful to not do anything that could jeopardize Bitcoin's network effect, since it's a critical part of its success.
Anyway, it's okay if you don't like it. Pick from the vast basket of shitcoins whatever better suits your taste.
there actually is value in something that doesn't change a lot. it's safer and more predictable. Don't get me wrong I think Ethereum is really cool. It's the space I want to work in. But what they're doing regarding scaling it and introducing new features is very experimental and risky.
you're fucking retarded lol
Imagine criticizing something that will provide value to millions of people far longer than you and your wallet will last.

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>be me
>browsing r/bitcoin
>click on a thread about coins other than bitcoin
>comment that i like bitcoin cash because it just works like bitcoin used to work before block size limitations
>get instantly banned in a matter of seconds
why are bitcoin maxis/core devs so butthurt about the mere existence of alts
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getting cucked by fees made me remember back when ipv4 addresses werent as used so ISP would even let you use your own IP to host minecraft servers and shit instead of getting cucked by a NAT block and having to pay extra just to be able to host again
First of all, go back. Secondly, free market decided on small blocks. You're free to use bch and any other fork.
free market decided on fiat currencies not small blocks
Loser faggot, drugs got me so much sex and made me hella popular
>t. needs drugs to get laid
>t. needs validation from others
I hope your email is ok with that

SHRL army growing faster anon
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>doesn't think trump will jeet

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Remember when you used to have hopes and dreams and a bright future but then you discovered crypto?
hopes, yes. dreams, yes. bright future, no. and I'll forever be grateful.
My life would be way worse if I hadn't discovered crypto when I did
This is the first time in a very long time that the next generation will have a worse quality of life than their parents and no it's not because of fucking crypto lmao
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Crypto really ruined a lot of people even if they didn't lose money on it. It made everyone feel bad about grinding all day long for $10-$12 bucks an hour. While neets were making millions on memes.

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I know at least one of you old fucks has some useful information to share
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bro hates himself
nowhere useful. old farts are retarded. Get a marketing full course instead and mine the fuck out of social media
You know how some cool sci-fi author once wrote that sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic?
Well, that's from the point of view of someone too primitive to tell them apart. Studying STEM gives you a chance to not have to abdicate your understanding of the world entirely. Humanity's knowledge has grown too far and the only renaissance men left are AIs, but you can still pick a relatively narrow niche and see past the veil for yourself, unmediated by technological crutches.
And yes, scientific and technical knowledge often translates into marketable skills that employers looking to be able to leverage that knowledge will pay you for.
I've been hearing software engineering was falling out of fashion throughout my life, even when I was a kid. It's not. Software has been eating the world, and it will continue to do so. STEM isn't going anywhere.
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as useful as a bald comb, instead of spending your money on that you could save it to buy $LRDS when it is launched.

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>Do fixed passive yield of 10-20% for 3 months
>Exponentially accumulate free money
Why aren't you doing this instead of risking it all trading/staking/whatever over stupid shit you're gambling on?
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argentinian bonds?
because I have a gambling addiction and I just enjoy putting my entire paycheck into biao and praying to god that if it doesn't triple my money, at least get it back
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>10-20% yield
You mean like Luna and UST?

If you have a million sittin in the bank not even generating a meager amount of interest, ur losing money to inflation. Do you know anything about investing?

Same question goes to you.
MFs just like to risk it all. i've got my eyes on restaking while earniing passively from my website monetized through hydro without ads. this is an upgrade on Adsense and others.

this is the 21st fucking century. making miney has never been easire

>can't hold 64k

Ohh hellooo
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wonder where you will be at once 75k are fucking accepted
slurp chance? please bobo please tell me
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>pls bro pls just tell me
check the current price broh
>hold runes and don't mind bobos
you know bobos tend to be right though.

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This has no credibility. I'm moving out. Move out and thank me later for saving your poor soul and life from being ruined by sergay.
The next possible big hype is not in Oracle but in Depin. In Peaq and Solana, you will see tons of them building credible solutions.
better do and save ya self the thought of missing out on a bigger gain later.
We're all tired. We want to be REtired, but instead we got this. God didn't hear our calls correctly.
It was sarcasm, you autistic mongoloid
was an obvious market manipulation, it has already returned to its previous price. The idiot who bought in green must be wallowing right now. Are you new? do you spend all day playing blocklords? how the fuck do you not realize you are being ripped off?

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