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>€3700 wagebucks a month
>€1000 monthly expenses
>€10k savings
>My own flat that's €200k

Is spending €450 on hand made spanish shoes a sound decision?
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oh boy I haven't bought shoes in like 10 years or more.... 450 ON A PAIR? WTF! I mean congrats but dude!
so biz is now fashion centric or what?
>Yes but if you don't run marathons with them you resoles after 5 or more years
ppl resole shoes?
I would do coke for much less.
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>How are you so broke? Practically everyone I know is a millionaire at 30 from real estate, crypto, online grifting etc.
>Are there really people above 30 with less than 1m net worth? Apart from homeless, junkies etc

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>2010-2013: X20,000+
>2013-2017: X40+
>2017-2020: X2.5
>2021-2024: X1
if you think the current BTC three year triple top crab is a result of high rates, why has it been flatlining since it's inception.
yes. look at the graph. BTC has not been INCREASING it's gains since it's inception. it has been literally LOSING logarithmic momentum since 2010.
what is your logical, not TA magic-lines and sheit, for believing it's going to restart the momentum it has been losing for 14 straight years?
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Why are you comparing a peaks to bottoms, you stupid fucking retard. You are supposed to compare bottoms to the peaks, you gigantic fucking shit for brain.

>2020-2021: 13x
>2022-2024: 4.5x
There you fucking go, you stupid piece of shit. Never post here ever fucking again until you grow a brain. Fucking waste of oxygen.
And that is not even mentioning the fact that Bitcoin hasn't even peaked yet, You are so fucking stupid. Fuck off with your retard shit. Fuck you.
>2010-2013: X20,000+
>2013-2017: X40+
>2017-2020: X2.5
>2021-2024: X1
you are here
>2024-2028: X2.5
>2028-2032: X40+
>2032-2036: X20,000+
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I'm starting to think that once someone makes it even easier to get into Bitcoin, the growth rate will pick up exponentially again -- not as much as the initial run obviously, but a decent amount.
Exchanges like Coinbase and Binance make it easy, sure, but there are fucking typos on Coinbase's website and >China.
Someone get on it. Make exchanges and wallets even more beginner friendly.
Start a company or cooperate with institutions to have staff tasked with helping new investors get setup.
Someone get on it. Just wait a little bit longer to let me slurp some more coin.
>You are supposed to compare bottoms to the peaks
why are tripfag trannies always mental?
nobody compares tops to bottoms or bottoms to tops in statistics, we compare timeframes and equalize them.
>2020-2021: 13x
>2022-2024: 4.5x
aaaand it doesn't even change the fact that it is a clear asymptotic contraction.

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What would you develop/research if you were a multi billionaire?
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That's not even a question
Economy is not even a science and we got already AI reading and predicting that shit with sites like Truflation
Robotics are stupid as fuck, just get your own Dr. Pepper lazy ass faggot

What a fucking mongoloid, you are the most retarded ape I've ever seen
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i'd pump out uss liberty documentaries and lobby for theology in schools
Sustainable modular homes. Make it so everyone can have their own house if they choose to for a reasonable cost, starter homes for $3k, imagine that. Even with land being the driving cost factor that can be subsidized through the company. Make the houses so they can be flat packed and then erected quickly.
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i think there's a huge market on online relationships so i would contribute by diminishing male loneliness by creating the ultimate ai robo girl (customizable to each taste) made specifically for men, i have a tiny team of programmers and experts already scouted to invest in them once i make it with my pinksale launches strategy

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Hey there, I don't know you.

I'm sharing something personal because I think it's important. In the past month, I've experienced significant financial losses—around $30,000. I'm not sure where you stand, but perhaps you've also faced losses, whether big or small. It's tough.

Let me tell you, I've been through the wringer. I lost 90% of my investment in a single day due to a rug pull. The aftermath was relentless. Days spent trying to claw my way back, eyes glued to screens, chasing every lead on Telegram, Twitter—anywhere. It's exhausting, soul-crushing even.

But here's what I've come to realize: the game is rigged. Those making gains often have an unfair advantage. There are insiders, snipers, who swoop in and scoop up opportunities before the rest of us even blink.

Yet, despite the devastation, it's not the end. I wiped out my entire savings, transitioning from a comfortable life to living paycheck to paycheck. Rebuilding won't be easy; it might mean taking on multiple jobs. But it's not over. There's a lesson in this pain, albeit a costly one. I just hope it prevents others from making the same mistakes or facing even harsher consequences down the line.

I don't know your situation, but I want you to know you're not alone. Money comes and goes, but people—those who care about you—they're what truly matter. It's infuriating that there are individuals out there preying on others' vulnerability, exploiting trust for personal gain. It's a bitter pill to swallow.

But please, take a moment. Put the phone down, shut down the computer. Step outside. Remember, life is more than just crypto and money. Focus on moving forward, on the things that truly matter. I promise, you'll be okay. If this helps even one person, this post was worth it.

Update: Wow, first of all. Some of you need to realize that if you have nothing nice to say, keep it to yourself.
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>i started with $2k. or maybe it was $200. Now it's gone.
this guy is just making up a story which he hasn't considered the plausibility of
thanks but i think it is you that needed to hear this, not me. also did you cooy this from reddit?
Thank you anon.
Did not read.
How much money do u have left? and what will u do with that money?

The crypto industry as a whole is far, far worse than reality. Rugpulls, failed ideas, false returns rates, badly coded coins, etc. the list goes on.

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>Job interview on zoom
>Stacey HR girl looks at me and immediately turns off her camera, and then sends the rejection email immediately after the interview
That didn't happen.
It happened. I was getting interviewed by an HR girl and the hiring manager. HR turned off her camera
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This begs the question. What do you look like?
I bet recruiter chick's tell stories like this all the time

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What the fuck is an organic memecoin?
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you cant do anything right anon
Biz is so fucking dead Holy shit
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those are hard to come by these days, it's basically a token made entirely by the community without devs or insiders or whahave you, i've found a couple of them on pinksale but you really need to do your due dilligence because they need to check all the boxes

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Being a wagie is relentlessly bleak. Never have time to enjoy my money

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Why does Ethereum keep bleeding in sats? For fucks sake, it just keeps losing against Bitcoin. At this rate it's bound to go down to 0.04. Only an ETF approval can safe this pedo coin.
Well, we're about to enter a big bull market and most value will flow into BitCoin first. But I agree that ETH is losing value against BTC little by little. We'll see what happens midway the bull market, and if people realize what kind of changes the latest upgrades introduced into the ETH network. Can't rush the flippening
You answered your own question

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Got any tips? I'm going to ask for any kind of office work. I have a degree in IT.
Even though its a temp job, have an idea of what kind of job you want to do, cloud engineer, network engineer, linux engineer etc. Those temp jobs can quickly turn into forever jobs.

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The way this Tectum scales Bitcoin. Do people think it’s viable? Like will normies actually be able to use it?
This board really is dead. Damn.
How does it scale bitcoin? Is it similar to any of the eth scaling methods?
Nope totally unique. Very simply instead of trying to move Bitcoin on chain it simply through its wallets swap ownership. Elegant and brilliant. It’s called Softnote and it’s just one in-house Dapp running on Tectum. It is a solution for paper currency too if a country is serious about adoption.

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Has anyone else heard of TMDX? Seems to me like a low-risk, mostly proven small cap with strong growth potential. The price targets suggest it is overvalued, but it keeps beating earnings expectations and it has almost no publicity even though it seems like an important company.

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What would you do if you had sent 1155 Bitcoins to a scammer?
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>but I didn't send 1155 bitcoins to a scammer
>this could easily be some hacking group in a third world shithole which makes recovery even more remote
you are thinking with very low imagination

now imagine youre willing to spend millions and don't care about what happens to the end party when they're found

anyone can be killed anon
>Well just wait, in 5 or 10 or even 20 years this person will have forgotten and given up on this
oh boy you really don't understand people

look man, if you're breaking the law and fucking someone over who has the means, they can make a thousand mistakes, the first one you make will likely be your last
>the law
>implying private intelligence agencies full of shady spooks give a single fuck about asset laws if the client is paying them enough
Theoretically, I would buy 1 gme and sleep like a baby.

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Just opened a 100k long on PEPE. I hope I don't regret this.
You will eat the bug.
bold. absolutely retarded, but still bold. good luck anon

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I’ll start: ZERO EOY
It’s already at zero
Dark Squad checking in, EOY price depends if we obtain our Entry.
$.10 faggots. Stay poor.
finally this nigger starts shilling something

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Hello, I am asking for help.

There are alot of things I wants to say but I am not sure where to start.

I am going to leave some pictures and I hope you can stand with bitcoin testnet proof of work.

bitcoin testnet started operating 1st of September 2010, 13 years ago. the price of bitcoin testnet has reached zero last week.

There is not much indexing for bitcoin testnet since it was just for testing, the only place where you can track bidder and asked is here ( https://altquick.com/exchange/market/BitcoinTestnet)

they planning to move into something similar to eth they called it signet for "" designed for developers to test their software "" "" blocks are created by the signet operator without proof of work, every 10 minutes on average.""

why we have to make things complicated and just have clone of bitcoin and bitcoin testnet that been running for past 10+ years. For me personally I dont like that !

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you sound like some sort of retarded jeet streetshitter
you want people to buy testnet tokens?
>$130 went to buy bitcoin testnet "worthless tokens"

That defeats the purpose of a testnet if you're buying tokens on there.
Lmao pooskins are so priced out they're desperately shilling for testnet tokens

What are some relatively unknown jobs that pay decent?(Meaning $22+)
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Just paraphrasing what another anon said about this place looking "too good to be true" because it's definitely one of those "hire-to-fire" jobs where you're going to be on the chopping block if you don't let them abuse you any way they like.
It's different in the UK but

I am a bartender, work at a restaurant and have more disposable income than an average above average money maker (think teacher, police officer, mid accountant)
I save money by dodging the train tickets. I only pay for rent. I make my regular decent wages + service charge + service charge bonus over the targets + tips + i eat 3 times a day for free at the restaurant (lovely food) and have as many coffees as I want to

I have more spare money than I have ever had
I have literally saved more money over the last 3 months than I did last year
Shitcoin crafter, specifically using satoshisync kek
>clickbait title
Not watching faggot. Kill yourself.
>cotsco (already said but still)
>animator for crypto projects (seriously ppl pay stupid amounts of money for these things)
>selling foreign food that no one is selling in a food truck
>selling food on beaches in brazil (this one requires you to go to brazil first but believe me the amount of tourism there can sustain you neeting for a year on just 2 months of work)
>buying launches on pinksale and selling for that good ol' minmaxing profit
>texas gas stations
this shit from here
yeah whoever is not making money just doesn't want to

Can Chainlink surpass Ethereum in market cap?
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I will never forget thise epic 2018 Chainlink pool parties
One day Chainlink will be with more than $1,000

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What are your thoughts/recommendations for crypto wallets? Not specific brands, but general concepts: hot, cold, paper, metal, pen, pencil, etc.

I'm just getting started learning about Bitcoin, ready to jump in, and my old-fashioned ass is leaning towards handwriting them and not relying on any digital storage. Private keys are only 64 characters, right?
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Don't use Ledger btw. They will leak your personal info online.
Seedphrase? How do you get the seedphrase? I'm using metamask on chrome.
You were supposed to write it down when you set up your Metamask. If you don't have it, then transfer everything to a new wallet and never use that first one again.
Alright, thanks man. I only have $1k in my wallet so it can probably wait until tomorrow.
That's a shame; I like their formfactor, but I'll stay away.

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/adv/ is useless. I'm trying to find a room to rent (first time renter). How do I not get scammed? What are some red flags?

pic unrelated
I think you'll also find that this board is useless. This place is primarily composed of degenerate shitcoin gamblers.
What websites are you using to find a room?
Facebook marketplace, Remax, and Kijiji
visit more than one place, make sure you meet the housemates/roommates.

If they have stupid rules like "driveway is reserved for this tenant", then realize you are a second class citizen in that house.

Avoid living with couples that want you to fill a room to pay their mortgage. Avoid couples in general.
Make sure there is room in the refrigerator/freezer for you.

If there are nagging signs around the house like "clean up your mom doesn't work here", that is very passive aggressive and an indicator that someone in the house is a clean freak and is not good at communicating.

Try to live with people your age, in a similar situation as you. You do not want to live with say an older asian family that are trying to use you to subsidize their rent. They will not like the fact you exist or make noise, and will only want your rent money.

Make sure the landlord does not live with you, or even in the same neighborhood as you.

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So you’re telling me an ugly manlet ruled the world?

But I thought biz said you had to be tall and handsome to make it?
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>Many such cases.
Actually, yes. 14 out of 10,000 people will be my height or taller.
There are 209M males over the age of 18 in the United States -- that means there are around 293,000 of us 6'5" or taller in the US alone.
It's funny.. my IQ is roughly in the same percentile, but I got shorted on my dick (pun intended).
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> It's funny.. my IQ is roughly in the same percentile
Many such cases.
Bro, 1 out of ~700 people isn't shit when there are so many of us on this rock.
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>still thinking height matters
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/biz is retarded
also don't you know anything about history? search about the average height of kings and emperors across time, they were always shorties or manlets, there's a correlation between being small and having the biggest apetite or something like that, a small king is the modern equivalent of a 5 foot miglet who has an empire on shitcoin launches on pinksale and rules all over solana, it's a common trope i would say

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