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Seriously, why does crypto (and only crypto) do this?
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whale pvp
It’s fast paced anon. If you can’t handle it, don’t do leverage, instead focus on being early enough. Dyor on Sharkroll to start and thank me later
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>market manipulation is actually impossible on crypto
>but you didn't know that, because you're a tether truther
that's the best answer in this thread
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>the largest private holder of US treasuries on the planet sends the boomer into a seething fit of rage
>the US dollar is backed by tether

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Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wq6w03E2DS4

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org

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I don't understand how these work. Time locking it and then it becomes yours again? And what about the other coin that you got time locking the wownero? Does it keep existing after the wownero is unlocked?
You send a tx to yourself where the xmr or wow isn't spendable until a certain block or timestamp. So it's always yours, just not spendable. Send a tx view key to prove you've done it and get shitcoins in return. And you could probably have the shitcoin get burned after the lock expires if you wanted.
But what is the point of the shitcoin? You cannot give it to someone and have them redeem it into the original coin, so it's not wrapped wownero or anything, it's just a different coin with a weird initial distribution.
It's a shitcoin, there is no point. Though there is wrapped monero on secret, but no liquidity and no one used it.
the answer isn't really straightforward.

Is it possible to determine who converted fiat to Monero after it's back in fiat? Yes.
Is it possible to do that using any on-chain info? No.

This kind of info would come from off-chain sources, like exchange accounts, captured network traffic or something like that.

Monero does what it's meant to do, whether or not individuals have shitty enough opsec to completely negate the privacy Monero offers is an unknown. Using Monero as a "mixer" is a great way to squander the privacy it affords you, though. (look into the Bitfinex hack and where the money went afterwards for an example of this occurring in the wild)

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Why do you hate credit cards, /biz/?
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The lines on your nails show iron deficiency
i actually love credit cards. the nice thing about credit cards is if the debt becomes too overwealming you can just stop paying them. literally nothing will happen to you. you can't go to jail or be killed for not paying your debt. it's just an imaginary number.
CCs are for the financially inept who can't figure out how to grow their own money and rely on someone else's money to feel like they're progressing in life.
...So, 99% of everybody, then?
Do you believe this about other types of debt as well, or just this one form of debt?

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I sold at $595 haha
no way you did
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Telloooor is last cycle oracle gem. Everyone knows KNS is this cycle’s chosen one.
SupraOracles is probably this cycles oracle gem. TGE yet to happen
Team dumped a ton @ $600..

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Can I make it to 7 figs this run? Or 800k at least? Fucking hell.
pls no bully
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Yeah, an etf would prolly be my only chance.. fingers crossed I guess.
How does $5 million sound?
s-stop my dick can only get so hard.
On a real note, sounds impossible
>portfolio priced in Europoo

Ask me how I know you are a newfag
>low wage europoor
>around 400k in crypto
you do the math nigga, I've been here longer than you

How to learn salesmanship?

I just got a job at a big massage chain as a front desk person, but we get comission every time we get customers to sign up for our membership program, which just makes massages cheaper & you get a free hour of massage every month. Our usual clientele is 40-60 years old and it is in a pretty upper-class mostly white suburb so people are pretty wealthy here. During holiday seasons apparently its not uncommon for people to make like $1500 just off comission in a month, on top of our standard hourly rate, so I want to know how I can maximize my skills in this regard
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talk to them slowly like you are retarded when you're trying to sell something. I don't know how it works but it helped me to sell warranties and memberships when I worked retail.
It’s best not to be pushy, people don’t like to be shilled stuff. Shilling stuff to brand new clients will give off a pushy vibe and will potentially scare customer away from returning. It’s better to only shill the membership plan to people you have seen come back a couple or few times and let them know that it’s cheaper to sign up as a member if you are a regular client, this gives off a better vibe of being helpful then one of shilling and you will have better success
>in all seriousness
Shit I thought that was actually pretty good. Just confuse rebooking for a membership and make it sound like its normal.
Another kind of trick I thought of using would just to be telling them "Hey, I'm in a competition right now with my other associates to sell the most memberships within a month, do you think you could help me out and subscribe for a month to help me win? The competition winner gets $500 so I'm trying to do anything I can to win. You get a free 1 hour massage with it every month and it's cheaper than purchasing an hour massage standalone without a membership, and then you can just cancel after if you don't feel like renewing."
Good to note also, thanks
some merit to what you're saying but he will gain the finesse and art of not making it sound salesy/pushy overtime, i've been in sales my whole life, including retail. not asking them because it's their first time is just a poor excuse. Obviously if they are tourists for a one time experience, don't hassle them. so in essence I disagree with what you are saying for the most part. "only people that have come in a few times". I guarantee if he shadows the people who make $1500 extra on their check they are not waiting on clients to come in a couple of times to shill them the membership.

tl:dr ask everyone, be creative, consider ways of sounding not pushing and unassuming. that's what successful people are doing at your work. if you come off as pushy then tone it down. always ASK for the sale. "what card would you like to use for your membership sir?" "have you taken advantage of your free session this month sir?" "it appears that you are paying full price for your session today sir, members get a discount, how often are you planning to come in?" etc etc

yeah I was meming but it's unironically not a bad idea, the worst trap to fall in is to not ask people out of fear of rejection, looking silly, seeming pushy etc. You should always try, even subtly if you're feeling low on energy.

You CAN go that route but it's a bit desperate, it's really up to you. If you plan on doing that I would try something like this.

> "hey do you planning on coming in regularly?"
> does not matter what the customer says
> "oh haha, no worries, I was just curious because we discount the sessions for members and give a free one every month.
> "would you mind if I just took a minute to sign you up? , it would help me out a lot and you would be getting a free session"
>if you end up not coming in regularly you can cancel anytime.

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Munger edition.


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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Hello smg another day of lines going up and down are you excited?
your local library probably has a free Value Line subscription you can use

they have a great special situations monthly letter
the market will go up forever
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SPX 3500 by November

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What are some of your biggest accomplishments and happiest moments in life?

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Just sold everything. Sorry bros, I got shaken out.
>imagine selling before the golden bull run

you failed the IQ test anon
I just can't deal with another 30% alt dip without having cash. Lost 70k of my portfolio during the April dip, and couldn't buy more.
Why do people sell on a red day?
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You made the right choice anon, its going to go lower, much lower.

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lower highs

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I hope you took profit anon
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did you lose half your stack swinging? roflmao
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>stop playing mind games with me
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A foetusticle sac
why the fuck not? i took some profits off Nai, bought the dip and im up 20% today.
did the same with solana when it dipped. man i cant get tired of recycling this shit

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Ripple XRP price is skyrocketing due to the lawsuit coming to an end today.
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didn't feel like making a thread for this but i took a look at the speaker list for xrplasvegas, the convention xrptards kept creaming themselves over. not a single bank attended lmao. just a bunch of literally whos.
check again
Not gonna happen… Sadly, I had to sell, now I hope that a bundle of kas, rsr, ocean and shrl will yield more luck
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Same thing happened on July 10. 3 days before the ruling. $589 EOM.

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Can /biz/ do better?
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Oy vey
burning printer monies does NOTHING AH HAHAHAHAHAHA!

burning tokens on the other hand....
if 120iq greeks in a homogeneous society without modern technology and its problems couldnt make democracy work, why on earth would anyone advocate for it in todays 20X more fucked up world?
He purports to be an economist. What's your point here? Are you defending him because he's not a 'real' economist? He shouldn't be in that position. Maybe you think he should? Maybe it's fine for the chair of the United States Council of Economic Advisers to not have a clue about economics, because he's not a 'real economist'? Stop being so autistic ffs
I'm not reading all that just to hear some drivel about Mickey Mouse Theory economics, which comes from a Harry Potter feminist lusting after giant omnipotent government cock and how its money printer would make her feel so secure. Bernie Sanders once again does not have my financial support.

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I'm not a weeb, but a well adjusted member of society so I don't care about figurines but I do understand the concept of limited edition, it can be very appealing.
This limited edition speaker was cool https://www.gizmochina.com/2019/03/21/releasing-xiaoai-speaker-limited-edition-to-celebrate-the-birthday-no-sales-channel/
Unfortunately it's not been released for sale and I've never seen any resales, I'm not a professional China buyer so their marketplace websites are hard to navigate.
When you can get something only as a gift, it makes it exceptionally rare.
Now I don't know how they gave them away, but I imagine they ended up as gifts to some related company CEO who doesn't care about it at all and gives it to their kids or nephew or something and it ends up in a box of unused toys somewhere.

Oh and where will you be uploading the hot glue videos?
>I'm not a weeb, but a well adjusted member of society
[citation needed], but I'll choose to believe you.
>Limited edition speaker
I can't even find any info on it outside of your link. Must be super rare.
>Oh and where will you be uploading the hot glue videos?
One of the downsides of not having any magical power is that I can't really hotglue them. Admittedly, I don't really use my sister holes either, but I did make sure to give both my twin sisters a go.
There is a japanese imageboard with at least two boards for figure hotgluing (and other things one may wish to put liquids on), but due to the amount of illicit spam there I don't feel comfortable linking to it. It's something with bukkake in hiragana though.
There is some more info about her, the internet was supposed to be forever but things do get lost.
She's also printed on the side of the box on some of the speaker models.

There's a niche for everything, I'm sure you could fill one as well.
Why would you buy figures if you're not going to hot glue them?
Otherwise you can either put them on display on a secret location nobody is able to see which kind of defeats the purpose and the other option is to put them on full visible display.
The next time the janitor comes by he'll think you're even more of an otaku.
If he's nice he'll offer to hot glue them for you.

I will pass up on your offer for that board, I'm not looking for large quantities of that stuff.
But it's fun to learn what people can come up with, some people have great imagination, I would be concerned with the amount of clean up involved.
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>the internet was supposed to be forever but things do get lost.
It's these damn search engines that just stopped working. It's super annoying.
Do you know chinese?
>There's a niche for everything, I'm sure you could fill one as well.
I'm not sure what this means.
>Why would you buy figures if you're not going to hot glue them?
They're cute and I want to look at them every night and morning for a healing effect. It's good for the soul to surround yourself with cute things.
>Otherwise you can either put them on display on a secret location nobody is able to see which kind of defeats the purpose and the other option is to put them on full visible display.
They're going to be completely visible and I am going to be extremely embarassed whenever I have any workers here, but I will fight through the shame until I become shameless.
>I will pass up on your offer for that board, I'm not looking for large quantities of that stuff.
I see, so you're looking for small quantity rare limited edition glue? Maybe this is the niche you were talking about.
>I would be concerned with the amount of clean up involved.
I suspect some of them only do it to the figures that other people want that they themselves don't even care about. Imagine someone saying they wish they had that limited edition figure, and then you come in and post a picture of you having that figure with cum all over it. That's pretty funny and a great way to make fun of someone. If I had infinite money I would do that to someone at least once in my life I'm sure of it.
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>Do you know chinese?
No, but I can search Chinese websites.
>I'm not sure what this means.
The first part is easy, there's a niche for everything, that should be obvious, I meant that there's people going to be interested in seeing transparent glue instead of the plain old regular flavour.
>but I will fight through the shame until I become shameless.
Stunning and brave.
>I suspect some of them only do it to the figures that other people want that they themselves don't even care about.
I can't believe that I, as a non-weeb, have to explain this to a weeb.
They do it out of love for their character, or lust.
If it's your thing and you look at others doing it, it's akin regular porn, or, if it's you're waifu, cuck porn.

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Finally managed to accumulate 1 Ether.
What am I in for? When will I become rich?
>diversify in 10 new shitcoins
>9/10 rugs
>you sell last one in time before rug, gain 4x

we did it /biz/

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everything not BTC is a shitcoin
everything not PoW is a scam
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what a jewish reply
Tectum isn’t POW but Bitcoin will need it if it wants to be a viable currency. Dyor
this but unironically
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unfortunately for you I just did jeet
a lot of stinky rectum jeet posts out there doing the needful


The End Game is Here
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yea sure, let's go
FUCK IT let's do it
god i miss this
It means everything is gonna crash and Gme is gonna moon.
what the fuck wasnt this suppposed to be bullish
they haven't done it yet

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FAGMAN companies are doing mass layoffs.

Are the days of overpaid cushy dev jobs over?
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How is four boxes an "M"? Doesn't even make sense.
theyre window panes you dingus

Why are you faggots smirking?
You do realize there is no sustainable content creator economy on a Web 2.0 financial model, right?
ah yes, this one was left for the viewer to figure it out themselves. it's a tricky one, i know. hint: _M_icrosoft
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Yeah, YouTube is just an unsustainable fad...

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Expectation in 2017 for 2024:
>3 fig price, lots of usage
>$1700 in fees daily after a 3 year hyped feature with 500 employees to pay fat wages and give vested tokens to

Xswap is basically most the usage... and is made by chainlink founders.
They literally had to build Transporter to get people to use it and nobody is.
All serious projects are suffering this... the only difference is Chainlink heavily scaled and spent anticipating a market that doesnt exist lol.
Enterprise adoption flopped, and at best is going dramatically slower than they anticipated... the fall back for Crypto native market also flopped because the market dropped all pretences now and is straight up memes and gambling to the point even VCs are setting up meme coins.

A meme coin wont use CCIP or give a fuck about cross chain as it wont exist in 3 months anymore.
You have Chainlink spending god knows how much running around interviewing banks and enterprises to try force fit themselves into whatever these banks might build later that might be DLT compatible.

As said, all serious projects are suffering the same thing now... It is just only Chainlink that HEAVILY invested into scaling for a market that doesnt exist and now needs gargantuan funding to keep operations going... guess were that comes from? Then guess who they are competing with as loads of long time holders slowly move on selling 5-10% here and there.
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cross post here >>58449235
I'm sorry I read your entire post and I can't understand what exactly made you feel bullish, could you elaborate a bit? cause all you really said was that Sergey expects tradfi adoption, like he always does
was afk - i did a poor job writing it all up desu

tl;dr basically sergey was saying they are seeing adoption albeit bank processes and what not are making it slow + regulatory clarity is making banks a bit more slow than usual

however they are still proceeding with getting things in place so that when the clarity exists which they expect it will, they can move full steam ahead

his point was he thought it would be a lot sooner than it has been, and it might take a bit longer than we expected, but its on the horizon nonetheless. but when it does happen, itll increase the potential market size for crypto by many many multiples over its potential ceiling today. he showed 3 diff ongoing POCs, the one i remember the best is the ANZ one which has shown promising results

if i remember more ill share more in a bit - other people were taking pictures of the slides and him presenting and i kind of regret not doing so myself just so i didnt have to rely so much on memory kek
it front ran the bull run before it can do it again
>Enterprise adoption flopped, and at best is going dramatically slower than they anticipated

What if this isn't true?

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It's the only coin I know still at December 2022 lows. What the actual fuck?
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Pajoot token
>brown I'd
This is why
There's a whole new plethora of good projects out there. If you're not in them then I dunno what to tell you.
Matic is old stinky news.
Move on.
sidechains are TRASH
polygon is a sidechain therefore it's TRASH
doesn't matter if they used their shitcoin to buy other real projects
it doesn't mean anything for the matic token

as a side note, indians don't deserve to succeed in anything until they get potty trained
your country should not be touching a computer before you can make a septic tank
>he bought a literal pajeet scam

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