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BTC jumped from $56k to $65k. Is this another bull trap or the start of a new bullrun? Tell me folks.
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what do you fucking think op, bullrun never started, this is the signal, move quickly before you lose your chance, I personally will be buying more alt coins (SUPER ) since Im planning to become rich after this bullrun
When bullrun and what's the best thing to do?
There are many ways to earn, especially when you find the right platform for your ETH in the DeFi space. You'll be earning like a winning slot machine in no time.
Don't invest your eth, just hold . Get rekt

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What would you do if you had sent 1155 Bitcoins to a scammer?
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someone actually did a phishing attack on my account and stole both my 16 btc and 3.3 ethereum i had, and then after that i found that my ex, the bitch that i taught how to invest in crypto in the first place, made 7 figs with some shitcoin called pajamas, PAJAMAS
people spend so much time in this fucking board they forget crypto is full of scammers, im sad that happened to you bro
>as a crypto investor
fixed that for you faggot
fake and cockroachkinned

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I have a feeling that this was the last ever bitcoin bull run, and bitcoin just follows the nasdaq from here with some added volatility.
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btc bros.... is it over for us?
Imagine getting your brains so so destroyed that you cant even wait for a couple of months to make it, disgusting
>btc last bullrun

oh no ssnc bros, is it over for us??

stop cappin op, btc will go $150K or even $250K, and money will change forever, this internet money revolutions is just starting, and you better be prepared
Crypto has been correlated and following the stock market for years now you retard
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I have a feeling
That tonight’s gonna be a good night
That tonight’s gonna be a good dood night

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You shouldn't have sold at the bottom. Hold if you feel it will bounce back; if possible, have it stake to earn while waiting for things to get much better. I did that on Dua, Lmwr, and Matic lately. still holding underwater.
wen moon?
Someone needs to clean the toilets at my Citadel.
Bro, is as simple as this, sell green, buy red, it cannot be more simple as that, if you´re still failing at doing that, look at how the market is moving in general, see some truflation charts so you can understand better the inflation on the market, and if its a good day to trade.

you can be a retard as well who knows, maybe this isn't for you
If you ate my ass, you's a bottom feeder

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Why is the price going down? I can feel I'm slowly going insane

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>1 million is 10 straight years of the average skilled educated laborer wage in America
>niggers on 4chan be like: "1 million is nothing"
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>niggers on 4chan be like: "1 million is nothing"
1 million pre or post tax? If I can clear 1m in profits even after tipping the jew, I can make that last for the rest of my life. 1m is a lot of money.
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1 million is close the combined user base on satoshisync pools and they all got cucked
hes right
base about to explode, if you dont wanna hold, just sell me your coins
a decent house in my area is $1-1.5m

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Its best games are better than anything else in both the previous generation and this generation.
They really are minute-by-minute more fun & iconic to play.
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this is /biz/ not /v/ retard, if you're gonna talk about video games, better be crypto vidya, like $super for example, otherwise fuck off nerdo, nobody playing your nintendo, we trying to get money here

if only it had better specs than a 2012 mid-range smartphone
SNES has the best Nintendo games.
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Wow. Checked and based

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You can buy a retarded memecoin with zero use off of a funny meme or name and have the chance to make millions of dollars and retire. What's the point of even working? This is why the economy is shit right now.
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>What's the point of even working?
To fund your shitcoin lottery tickets.
Yeah if you're lucky enough to pick the right one, and invest enough in it. Much more likely that you'll pick the wrong ones, and pick some outright scams as well.
Zero sum game.
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congratulations op you realized the game is rigged now start running
get your game theory out of here it does not apply the way you think it does

Can someone give me even one good reason why LINK would ever pump in any significant way ever again
It won't you were supposed to sell in the 50s
>he doesn't know by now
Just one more pump to $20 I'll sell I promise I swear

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I'm working on a big project on BASE with some /biz/ bros who have already joined and agree with the idea. I invite everyone here to join us in our magnificent plan, or be late and buy our bags. I will share more information if the thread gains traction, considering the recent aggressiveness of the jannies and the current inactivity of this board.
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why would i rape a commie eww
base is going to moon wtf you talking
no matter when you read this
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what are you? Captain America? LOL
The schizos /biz/ needed to be alive again

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Asahi Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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witness me, janny
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I miss the based metal posting here. Where's my mint and holo anons? When can we expect some good news, updates, or new rounds? :D
>verified email and you still have to use a fucking captcha? ffs
has anyone messaged him on twitter? haven't heard anything from him since he was speculating on doing the trump mugshot rounds.
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I mean I have both Bitcoin and Gold/Silver
Surely you also have the sacred Nvidia too? You CHUD! HOW DARE YOU NOT STACK THE SACRED NVIDIA!

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How to cope with the fact that there are zoomers who bought a dog coin that did a 10,000x and got rich, while you're stuck wage slaving
I don't really think of it the same way I don't think of kids who were just born into money. My position sucks and I missed out on a good deal not buying the fucking dog coin, but every day I'm missing the precious few-second window of making it big in a pump n dump.

You can still make 2x's in the cryptospace fairly casually if you have the time to wait for them, and that's a hell of a better deal than everyone else in the world who's still unaware of its realness. You also have hope that one of your alts is gonna pump in the next year, and if you hadn't found this then your version of that hope would be buying scratch-off lotto tickets at the store like all those sad grannies you see. Just keep going my guy, sock whatever money you can between safe shit like VTSAAX, throw a chunk into APU whenever you can until next year at least, and play your "scratch-offs" on Base/SOL with a little leftover. I know you don't have much you being a wageslave and all, but every hour you're at work is an hour you're definitely not blowing money on incidentals. Then get home, grab a beer and get approved on Dataannotation to make some extra $$ that pays a little more than online surveys for mindless work
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Zoomer here, I've never 10,000x'ed but I can pretty consistently 3-5x small bets

just need a fast trading bot, a few sol and a lot of free time
oomers IQ’s are 5-10 points lower according to recent studies than the generation that came before. That is an indisputable fact

They are factually mentally slow and a danger to themselves

The implications of this on meme coins is huge. Unlimited upside. I’ve underinvested by a lot and ngmi. I can admit that

They will outperform us all

The next elite class will be made up of people with less than 80iq. They will be the ones living in mansions, driving nice cars. While anyone above 80 will be stuck working a 9-5. That’s the reality of our future

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>0 threads about yen

cryptofags not allowed
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Knew me not liking figs when I like most other fruits was not crazy. Fucking jew loving family keeps trying to push them on me.

nOoOo iT's iN tHe bIbLe.

If they sell their treasuries then USD yields go even higher making the run even worse.
alright ill bite

why do you hate your wife anon. are you japanese btw?
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desu the country I live in makes really good potatoes and you can tell if the potatoes are local or foreign. My grandma ended up buying foreign potatoes once cause she couldn't find local and everybody imediately noticed.
Your wife is probably based and you're a retarded nigger

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I haven't found a good reason to use anything else besides Bitcoin Cash in a long time.
I just spent $0.01 in fees to send money to stake then when I was done having fun paid another penny to cash out back to my non custodial wallet.

Life is fucking good on BCH I hope you all are also enjoying being able to use your crypto like this.
I used to be able to do the same with BTC but they broke it on purpose and trying to do the same would of cause me like $80 in fee's.

Feels bad because I know a lot of people have been tricked and think they have to use a side chain when it could work just as good as BCH on the main chain.

If you haven't ever tried BCH please get some and just test it out. No need to come shill another project or call Roger a scammer I just want people to see things don't have to be the way they are for you on the BTC chain they could still increase the block size they just don't.
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Understandable, given merge mining.
you would need to be retarded to spend money trying to attack bch
>still hung up on bitcoin cash
someone should make a netflix series studying the brainwaves of you people
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These idiots don’t understand BSV is the longest chain from
Original bitcoin. Jew devs on order from Epstein tier agents that controlled the MIT talented devs; forked bitcoin to destroy it as a competitor to their homo banking system . BSV is bitcoin. BTC is a fork of bitcoin which is BSV- lick my balls mossad
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And fucking Elon and his mossad collective of colleagues used their money to naked short BSV with fraudulent tether that was being for their terrorist glowinthedark activity


Guys it seems like the bullrun is over. Is now the time to cash out and buy my dream house before we have a big retrace? I just don't see why there'd be another pump
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I'll buy ya a roast beef sandwich and yuengling at the ye olde Ale house
and this is only the beginning
300K and this cheap lol
not only real estate, interest rates are also skyrocketing thanks to Biden.

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My uncle is a CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation and has political insider connections. He said the giga crash happens after the election, likely Q1 of 2025 but possibly as late as Q3 2025. Just letting you know because you guys are pretty cool.
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my uncle is the nintendo at a multi-trillion dollar corporation

he told me to sell my Chainlink
That would imply that your uncle knows the election results ahead of time. So whos going to be president. Let's back that claim up for the archive.

If you claim you didn't ask him then i already know you are lying.
Obviously its trump if they are going to crash the markets.
my dog's uncle works at berkshire's private strip club and he said to buy onion futures before the election
My uncle got raped by me after I found him lying down buttnaked and I inserted my massive shaft up his ass

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It should have pumped just off of being an unpumped AI L1 with a unique market leading product. Meanwhile I've seen dozens of other shitcoins with worse naratives go parabolic off of no news just by virtue of being "unpumped". Even fucking Harmony ONE is doing better and that's a literal rugged, hacked, ghostchain.
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Lol I dumped closer to my entry price (9c). Bought ICP at like $4. It was a good dump for sure. No regerts.
It's dumping the most again. Holy shit is the future of this piece of shit just infinite 10c rejections?
Imagine getting outperformed by fucking INTERNET COMPUTER hahahahahahahhhhhahh
No you didn't. Prove it show transactions, remove personal data if you want.
Stay poor, I guess.

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Is this just Ondo paying Blackrock for usdc to use on Blackrock’s buidl platform like anyone could or did Blackrock really fund them and if so why so little money
Looks like it’s a payout since ondo holds 38% of buidl

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Let's talk about buying real estate.

What's the best country / area to buy property? Any amazing deals that we should be aware of?


These are some countries that have no property tax.

I'm interested in buying property in Hawaii. Property Tax is very low there, around 0.3% of the value of the property every year.

Of course California's prop 13 is the BEST deal - as the property increases in value your yearly property tax doesn't change - unfortunately we cannot really get good deals through prop 13 anymore.

Any Brits here who know how property tax works in your country? How much would you pay in property tax per year on say a 500,000 pound property in london? What about Northern ireland?
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you only need like $50,000 to start buying real estate
that's like 7 months of saving for the average non-retarded american
I think i can live a higher quality life in Australian compared to the US (with good money ofcorse) and stay a lot healthier their also. i'd look into getting some properrty their myself desu.
I'd be concerned about the sky high cost of rent lol

this is what ausfags actually believe
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Heres an advice on real state, location, location, location and location.

you get bonus point if you buy when us dollars is crashing which, according to truflation, its fucking crashing

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Don't freak out, guys! May's gonna be bullish with green candles all around. Forget about that FUD noise for now.
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Then I put all my money on link and swaped to truf.
Both where cucked recently. Gotta wait for green pastures.
I never thought I would see someone with such a poor economic education
If I were you, I would forget about that money
>putting money on link
yeah another average /biz/ user

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