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>Can you come in tomorrow?

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Can I make it to 7 figs this run? Or 800k at least? Fucking hell.
pls no bully
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>can i make it if i've already made it?
can't help it

less than 400k is not even cose to making it. Doubling it to 800k would allow me to quit waging on a very frugal lifestyle, no own place, no car.. so only making it in terms of not being forced to slave away but thats what I'm aiming for before I consider anything else
Just buy Powsche with like 50k OP and you will get to 7 figures.
I think 7 is possible. Last time I checked, May 23rd is the day for the ETH ETF, so given the size of your ETH bags, follow the updates for that.
Yeah, an etf would prolly be my only chance.. fingers crossed I guess.

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So this monkey got put on an F1 car and the price has not moved an inch

Should I ape in?
alpine team has its own coin and the price has not moved an inch for 2 years
yes you should ape in ape for the team to dump on you the same way they spent millions just to get in the car
Yeah and join BAYC while you're at it
no I dont care about your club or bothering with NFTs, just some fundamental info about the tokenomics and perspective
fuck no, even chainlink has better prospects than this dead shitcoin from last cycle. buy Solana or something new

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Let's say I get $1,000,000 in Monero. How do I go about laundering this shit? I know I'd have to pay taxes on it. Alternatively, I could try simply converting it to cash, which wouldn't be that difficult, and then using this as a sort of infinite money source for buying shit from brick and mortar stores, but with a million dollars +, this isn't that fun. Sure, I could get the latest computer parts and graphics card, some luxury items, and maybe some other fun shit, but I wouldn't be able to buy any cars, property, or highly valuable luxury items. It would still be better than not having a million dollars on hand, but I wouldn't be allowed to use it to buy the really fun shit without first laundering it.
…or you could just pay your dues then buy whatever the fuck you want
I wouldn't be able to buy big ticket items, like a house, car, expensive luxury items, etc. I could get people to pay me cash in exchange for monero, and then use this cash at various stores, but with a million dollars +, I would get bored pretty quickly. With just a million dollars, I figure I could gradually turn it into cash over the course of literal decades. Cash that I'm not paying any taxes on. But let's say I have several millions of dollars. It's so much money, it doesn't make sense to not launder it. How would I go about doing this in the current year? I figure there must be some clever ways to go about this if you have connections.
I want to fuck IRS's pussy
Scope out the fucks at Bitfinex

One of them will definitely do it for you as easy as cake

That is if you have millions of course, just a million wouldn't get their interest these people launder over a hundred million in 3 months like its nothing
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so what are you youngsters up to nowadays anyway?
are you buying these crypto stocks, instead of real stocks, backed by real economy and real people?
I bought VOLKSWAGEN, since I drive one, and considering buying MNST, since I enjoy them too
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Buy low sell high
what the fuck are you talking about
yes, that's how retarded OP's larp shitpost is
I am buying aast and not your fucking gated stocks.
rogue poor dev tried to stop white monster, but it just keeps spinning

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If you aren't buying gold, you don't know SHIT about buying gold.
sorry I only buy digital gold ($DGB), you can buy now or fomo later after the pre-staking x10
Dgbbase dot me
>imagine buying gold rn
>buying goldberg's bags
nah, I'm probably not going to buy an asset which the majority of holders are central banks
You guys are all dumb weaboos!

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I kneel
explain plz
for the first time in forever they bought more bitcoin instead of selling

it was thought that they'd go to zero and sell all to the other ETF's, so several months of sell pressure into the other etf's before uponly, BUT:

imagine grayscale and blackrock start adding to their stack instead of selling, the OTC supply will dry up almost instantly and btc will fly past 100k
so why cant they sell anymore? cant they just sell on monday?

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I hope you took profit anon
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Taking profit is for losers I won't take profit until I'm a millionaire on this shitfuckcoin
did you lose half your stack swinging? roflmao
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>stop playing mind games with me
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A foetusticle sac

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It seems to be getting infinite momentum from Ilia appearing on stage with Jensen Huang.

>$35,000/mo making handcrafted scissors for cutting bonsai trees
what's your excuse?
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Fuck, he's actually providing some value to his people, not like most of retards out here, holding a useless gaming coin like super, who does nothing
stfu you pajeet fucker trump is a pedo and you by extension too, GTFO

A big mistake small businesses make is diversification. In the age of the internet, you only really need to do one thing really well and attract a broad market of people looking for that specialized thing.

I make promo items for a living and when I first started, I'd basically make whatever someone wanted. It wasn't until I created a small catalogue of my best products I could consistently and quickly remake and gave customers less choice that I really found success.
Never play with scissors
>third worlder detected
try it anyways, you will be succesfull one by pure perseverance and willpower

Nomad Fag recently dropped a video where he answers the /biz/ 'how much to make it' meme question.
Literally goes like the threads where the figure just keeps getting escalated yet real inflation is completely ignored so anyone who unironically follows the advice is going to end up back working at McDonald's in old age anyway.
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this is so legit
how do i 10x 400k inb4 shitcoins
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He's literally a scamming douche with good marketing.
Offshore Citizen gives you a superior service for unironically 1% of the price.
The Dubai relocation Puerto-rican dude charges even less.
Also a Dubai relocation is literally the answer to 95% of people's questions and he's so pissed that there's people who'll do it for $15k rather than $1.5m that every second video of his is shitting on Dubai.
But pretty much spot on with the ranges, except they really don't account for children, and both homeschooling and private schooling are expensive.

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bear status : taken
64k resistance : collapsed
next ATH : 150k
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its our time now this market is ours

load up for the biggest run in history
Bull trap.
Next stop $35k

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Did anyone here manage to not make any money?
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Next time you see a school bus, just jump on board. When the bus stops moving, walk out and ask the first adult you see which class you should go to in order to learn how to read
Is that the Giga Nigga?
>I hold ROSE
got that, just $15 that a fren gave me
I put money into a mix of memes, and scored big, then shifted it into rose and Ocean.
and kept some in tether to buy Apra, a gold-backed token, once launched.
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All Qan holders from 3 months ago made money anon
would look much better without that meme beard.

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Ironically, Biz has made me some money over the years whether it was finding an actual gem that did a 100x or selling once you see nothing but green dildos and wojak posts at BTC ATH's.

I appreciate you boys, so here is some free alpha. Consider it my own version of philanthropy.

ArcBlock (ABT) IS the next solona type run.
>currently 232 on CMC
>Layer 1
>$300M mkt cap
>100M CS 186M max supply
>One stop shop for ALL things blockchain
>They build shit daily it feels like, and it's pretty badass stuff desu
>Super transparent team and founder
>Active community

Currently on a dip to $3 from $3.80

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>>They build shit daily it feels like, and it's pretty badass stuff desu
like what?
>8 cents half a year ago
>3 dollar today and already on coinbase.
fuck you

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What are we buying , and why is it another bottle of vodka? I've been really struggling to find pretty much any place or community where I can find some ins. What do?
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I just bought a skateboard after 8 years off, just spent the weekend shredden and rippen. Meet me at the park broski we'll drink 40s and rip slappies
Look at dextools trending/hot pairs. For more degen plays look towards lower mcaps (this comes with more risk) or look towards higher mcaps that're more substantiated (less risk, less reward)
Okay eg chart reversal is going hard.

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Looking for some advice on creating my own crypto coin for a website I own. The website is a crypto based marketplace similar to ETSY or Amazon. I'm not here to shill the website so won't post the link unless someone asks. the platform offers a daily reward for logging in, like a daily airdrop, and you can use these platform tokens to create and promote your listings on the website.

Now I am ready to create the token and have looked at a few tutorials online, this one in particular looks easy to do, and all the instructions are there for me, it's on SUI. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6XX8PD7U4U

So what do you think of this? Is there an even easier way? Should I use another platform?

I'm also considering adopting a low marketcap memecoin which is already on a major exchange, I could buy lots of it up and and give it back on a 1:1 basis when someone withdraws from my platform, what do you think of this idea? It seems simpler than having my own dedicated token, and has it's pro's like my customers wouldn't have to use a decentralised exchange in order to withdraw.

All advice is welcome, thanks /biz/
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i gotcha. also are you creating the token as a utility token that is non-monetized?
Make a Hitler coin please.
Quit looking for free help brainlet
>Looking for some advice on creating my own crypto coin for a website I own.
you can use satoshisync technology for that.

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Linkpool published that whole cope thread but 2 days into May we are trending towards about 90k total tx (vs.134k last month) and $60k-70 revenue (vs. $133k last month which was already 50% down from the previous month).

I look at the explorer every day and easily 70% of main net tx are Xswap points farming and since they're about to do their airdrop you can imagine that shit is going to fall off a cliff. The other 30% is some other wallet idk what it is. But I've only ever seen 2 wallets on main net basically 2 dapps using CCIP.

AAVE said they're not launching their CCIP thing for at least 2-3 years from now.

What the fuck.
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Im in the pool shithead. This is only one of my wallets.
>im happy with the progress
>but dissatisfied with the price
>he gives money away for free with out expecting any return
Link should've been in the top 3 based purely on the things it's done so far.
Believing otherwise is retarded knowing the sea of dreck ranked between Link and rank 3.
>44 Link kek no wonder he's fudding. Needs to get that stack up! State of some noobs

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All my gains from previous 3 cycles gone just like that.
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Started off with 638k. I am down to 126k.

no one with that much would be that dumb
You have a huge chance of making it back by buying utk and aast right now poor jeet.
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Don't worry OP, I sold at $72k and then bought it back at $62k, $59k and $57k. So, for as bad as you did, that's how good I did. Hope that helps you feel better.
>All my gains from previous 3 cycles gone just like that.
If that statement were true, you would know better to do what you did. You say you gained in the last cycle, but you sold the "bottom", that's contradictory. You shouldn't use words you don't know the meaning to

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Reminder that bitcoin is still going to 1 million regardless of the current cycle's price fluctuations.
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not in 2024 chud
fieri is a member of bohemian grove. lana del rey always gave me project monarch vibes. really makes you think
his daughter is kinda cute
she's actually her daughter
I will

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The next Retro collecting boom is about to begin. Are you locked in?
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>fuck off
No. Lol.
I can still remember throwing my NES in the trash can.
no i have stocks in ai dashcams instead
>ai dashcams
Good call
If it makes you feel any better, I wish I still had my original 90s biege box pc case. Still got one, just not the >original< original; I.e. the one I got from some random ham radio pc fair.

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