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Monday we are moassing
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There is literally a thread 24/7 on this board for GME, only shills can be this naive
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Anyone with the energy to explain me why are people still invested in gamestop? i thought the company went bankrupt?

>t. newfag
Back in 2021, Gamestop was squeezing upwards to infinity. But, wallstreet did loopholes to pause it. That's right, the market is rigged. But, Gamestop investors are still buying and direct registering their shares to combat the market crime. When the marketmaker lose control again, the squeeze will continue.
Also the other memestock BBBY bankrupted not GME, GME has over a billy in cash reserves and had it's first positive earnings last quarter. No chance of bankruptcy any time soon.
It's literally just a matter of time for hedge funds, but in the words of Ken Griffin, they're always just trying to last "one more day".
so... are you winning son?

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Im going to put my entire networth ($500,000) in MSTR this monday after seeing this fucking video.


Fucking clown economy. Im fucking done with this shit. Im making it into 7 figures by xmas.
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Yeah I totally agree with you. I love MSTR, but I just can't in good conscience encourage someone to go all in one asset. I'm rooting for every nigga on this board. You never know what could happen. Half of Wall Street would love to short MSTR into the ground.
Risk management is important, or a SOLID exit plan.
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Yup MSTR is my fav for an easy 3X. Also ONDO.
looking at that data, I would do the same tbf, but if you have at least more than 50 IQ, you wouldn't base your decision of that single chart, I'm telling you this because I did the same shit, only seeing truflations data, and end up losing money
Can you take a loan using your stocks as collateral?
>no fee
idiot, they have an entire (fake) company to staff and salaries to pay

Do I still have a chance to make it ?
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Nope. I'd rather jump on the token of the project that MapMetrics ditched Solana to join their ecosystem.
Neither am I, but I just made a new discord so here:

Sent. My username starts with a H and has a 2d cat as the profile picture.
Me chilling with my $100 bag of AAST cause I know that mf is going 100x
BNB gonna do numbers this bullrun it might even momentarily flip ETH

Yeah so I was risk averse at 25k but became less risk averse at 60k. Explain this
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Savings accounts outperform the official and heavily manipulated inflation rate, but not the real inflation rate that measures your total loss of purchasing power
I can't imagine ever having more than 20k in cash, why would you just have that money sitting there when it could be working for you

women are unable to understand this
>risk averse
you just were a retard, if you was really risk averse you would have dumped the asset that was going to lose value, which was the dollar
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i think you just found out that most people are pussies that miss good oportunities, its only when you have money that you realize that most things are stacked in your favor, more than you realized when you had money
its because when you had less you knew that maybe one day you could spend it all, it was survival money, now that you have more its investment money and you brain has already been trained to smell that money, why do you think whales keep buying shitcoin launches on pinksale and selling for profits despite what common sense tells you (that there's a high chance that those are scams) ? they already now the patterns and are less risk averse because of it
You know the bottom is in are almost guaranteed to make money.

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I have an additional $1,600 that I'm going to deposit into this account later this week too
A fellow polkadot holder. I got myself a good bag at 6.4$ and enjoying right now the staking APY while the market goes sideways. Planning to sell at 30-40$.
Hopefully at least a 5x from here. Once JAM is released, that should get it into the the top 5 in mcap. If it doesn't I'm gonna call shenanigans.

But I dunno, polkadot feels like the ultimate techno optimist play that is contingent on an actually useful crypto project being created. The fact that it's still virtually all unuseable after 15 years is bearish as fuck. The market is still all memes, defi bot trading and ponzis.

So maybe, a bad time.

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They told me that they would call me when they have a position for me, and they asked me to call them to register my availability at least once a week.

How long do you think this is gonna take? Any tips?
Member to smoke hella weed a few days before
Its over for your regular life
welcome to NPC land
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bleep bloop

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Ausbros... how the fuck do we fix the housing market in Australia?
>You vill share ze pod
Lol I called it years ago. The future for most developed countries will be poorfag strangers sharing apartments/houses so they have a place to rest their heads when they're not working 12+ hours per day. Instead of ze pods, it might be people sharing beds.
Commit to building new public housing, make it difficult or impossible to privatise. With new public housing, set the lower bound for the market, forcing private sector to become competitive. Then progressively tax income generated from rent so owning multiple rental properties becomes riskier - ideally set the lower bound of the market to lower than the average mortgage payment.

All very easy to do, supposing there's any political will to do so. Unfortunately you'll find that the majority of politicians are landlords, so nothing ever gets done about it.
By moving to Thailand.
yeah i remember when i was in college too
just buy bitcoin and give it up

I basically just watched bitcoin go from 69k to 15k in 2022 and had money on the exchange ready to buy but just never bought in.
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that's why I gave up and started getting into the alt casino. Now my chance is holding runes and $ssnc :/
How does it feel making same mistake over again watching AAST below $2 and not buy
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it's a blunder but you still have time to redeem yourself, as long as you don't miss out on XRP or SUPER everything will be fine.
he does not have time to redeem himself, BTC is never going below 50K again

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The next Retro collecting boom is about to begin. Are you locked in?
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>OG 360
Shits already broken without taking it out the box.
This. OG 360s are always going to be exempt from retro-collectability and honestly the first PS3 runs had the YLOD issue pretty rampant too, but at least there's a novelty to the PS2 emulation which was dropped fairly soon after release.

... I said all that, but there are probably already autists ready to pay top dollar for one that still has the "blades" UI
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>SSNC scam
Very natural and organic, pajeets.
Nah when it comes to vidya, I rather be playing the games (like you´re suppose to do) rather than just leave then in a box, recently i´ve been obsessed with blocklords, creating my farm and grinding

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you just know
bump so we go for another 8 days
There's this stuff:
You're in the VIP section of the beach party.
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Sports illustrated NFT sports tickets built on AVAX

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>be me smert in school
>get into coolege at 16
>painfully shy and autistic
>get multiple diplomas in different fields
>get sick with unrelated thing and get put on NEETbux
>decide to get my life in order post coof
>get a bunch of tech certificates and diplomas
>”We’re sorry anon, but your lack of work history is a contributing factor to us passing on you.”
>End up being the smartest man working in a goddamn fleamarket and delivering pizza
>unrelated disease that got me on NEETbux progresses which causes agonizing pain 24/7
>all my coins rug too
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like everybody, we all do it. We all. Do it.
pizza+bikes equals money for me.
truf actually has value in the long run in business, I'd only wish they could focus on other places besides the usa and the uk
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maybe actually use AI as they were saying they would...?
and then everyone clapped

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>trade crypto for the last 7 years
>still have nothing to show for it
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found your problem, actually all you had to do was buy and hold.
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more sell low - buy high anons!
you must be exceptionally retarded if you haven't made any money since 7 years ago.

>be me
>know nothing about crypto but hear about ethereum
>few years later hear about ethereum more, damn shoulda bought some
>year is 2019, nana dies and leaves me 20k, I put the entirety of it into ethereum as a retirement fund
>knowing nothing about it, only thing I knew was that it's basically the second bitcoin, and the price is low and can also go to the thousands (I knew nothing about market caps)

This low IQ move was the breadwinner. The bell curve meme was real.
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don't make it
>you will never have enough money
>90% of your problems will be money related
>will never experience the highest highs life can give
make it
>you have so much money its brogin
>you're bored, everything is pale and stiff, and you become more and more of a psycho each day as you try and shake boredom away, losing your humanity in the process or surrendering to magic and mysticism
>you've reached the peak and now everything else seems stupid and pointless
bros is it... is it always bad? no matter the outcome?

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>sell after 1-2% gain
>sell after 1-2% gain
>repeat until billlionaire
tell me how this doesn't work?
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>Justice David Spiro of the Tax Court of Canada ruled that the investor was carrying on a business inside his TFSA, which had swelled from $15,000 to more than $617,000 over a three-year period. The amount of tax owed and whether interest will be added were not disclosed. The investor is appealing the decision.
It doesn't work like that little fella; you might buy it, then it dumps 30%. Kekk, just buy and hold for the long term like I did with QAN. Now I am over 6x up.
it does
only applies to gains. you figured out how hedge funds work.
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this could work if you had all the time in the world and bought only BTC. But if you buy something like SUPER and earn 1% every day, in a year you would barely make $300 and that's a bit pathetic if you ask me.
hes a fucking swing trader, he doesnt understand that stuff

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I lost 70% of my family's total net worth in two months buying a shitcoin named aviator why do I trust you biz? What do I tell my wife? I want to kill myself but my kids still need me
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>I'm going to hire a hitman
Hitmen are expensive. You're gonna have to gamble a few more shitcoins to afford that mate. May I suggest AVAX?
there was nothing particularly dumpy about aviator compared to the rest of the market over the last month
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>He believed /biz
holy fuck you're retarded, have you ever analyzed whale patterns? go do it and you'll have less of need to kys once you realize whales buy the pinksale launches and sell almost after its done, then biz picks it up, shills it to you and then you come in (the poorfag, the misoor) and lose your money
become part of the 1% and just buy where rich people buy dumbass
>pic related is you btw im assuming you're a zooomie
Thats why I dumped most of my shitcoins for AAST and xrd
You still have hope with the 30%, invest that into AAST

Study lower highs
Study deez nuts nerd
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Someones getting worked up
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How about i lower your balls from your sack

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Are all investments just ponzi schemes? What would make something not a "ponzi"?
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the ponzi layer is pushed to the business pursuing more signups, more sales, more customers

import people, gdp go up, simple as
Is cow's milk soap a real thing?
Why would anyone want to smell like milk?
You fill your bags with memes and shitcoins instead of going for long-term utility tokens like DUA, NXRA, ONDO, and SAND, then you're here shouting 'ponzi ponzi'. I pity you, Fag.
I joined the staking campaign on Brillion DeFi terminal to earn NAI rewards. Smart move, Anon.
all investments are ponzis, no exceptions

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Yes. I'm about to go all in on Gme.
I sold everything and went all in on ETH with the intention to restake on Yield Nest and Omni, earning passively, Anon.
Why can't you stake and earn passively while holding, Pajeet? Restaking is emerging as one of the top crypto narratives this year. I'll jump on any opportunity to earn while holding my ethereum.
I agree with that retard for different reasons
If they claim the market is good we can wait for prices to rise, sell when satisfied then come in and buy at bargain recession prices
Am not selling any of my AAST

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It's performing like dog shit. Almost 75% of transactions are sells in the past hour. Time to jump ship?
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Wtf is this shit
Learn to read between the lines, retard. Big partnerships are coveted to the extent where lies about "amazon partnerships" or "blackrock partnerships" are all over the place from some of the biggest crypto projects and cause massive pumps. Meanwhile we have actual verified proof that Ilia and Jensen Huang are connected. Nvidia is literally the most watched company on the earth right now. Just the speculation alone will probably carry Near to a 10x from here this bullrun.
the mere fact that being touched by Jensen Huang is a headline, along with throwing other AI buzzwords, is a massive signal that their tech is built on nothing but hype.
still holding, never selling before $16, sorry.
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I'm unironically still up 107% on this. This is my best coin and I brought all through 2022/2023.

The fuck is happening?

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Now the board is almost completely free of jeets, scammers, bots, newfags and redditors. Let’s have a good old what alts are going to make us rich this cycle so we all make it.

>only lower cap genuine gems that can still 100 or 1000x.
>no memes, I have a few but they are 99% random insider jeet scams so let’s not.

My bag is KNS, TET, ZNN. But looking to add a couple more.
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Ok here is what a gem looks like. It’s high risk ofc but also the gains potential are fucking nuts.

Go do a deep dive on $XMP. It only trades on LBank. It looks like an abandoned shitcoin with no vol. But go find its Twitter handle called Mapt. It’s got some big financial guys from the UK who claim the token is going to be backed by Gold and will have a $48 bucks price guaranteed. Currently the token is about 1 cent. Definetly very high risk but the YouTube interview if you find it makes them seem like serious guys from the Financial world. All doxxed. Gives me quant vibes. Dyor.

This is a fucking gem.
yeah the spacing is crazy, you're right OP is a cuck
>indian man learns biz talk, turns it on constantly like a newfag. Doesn’t recognize the pearls im placing before nigger swine. Ngmi
HUNGRY on base, under 100k MC right now but growing fast
NGMI without AAST

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It looks like the meme season is over. What's the next bullish narrative?
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AI, DEPINS and RWA. find yourself a good gem around this narrative and you just might be the next lucky bastard
Very few people are talking about SocialFi and the possibilities it posseses.
website owners can now earn weekly from their contents monetized through Hydro
This. It really hasn’t taken off yet and gaming projects have yet to get it right so far. On paper, AVI seems to be on the right track. Looking past the delays, I think they have the most chance at hitting it big.
Testnet launching in a few hours, it has started trending on x
APU is at ath rn

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