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>tfw didn't sell or make a single transaction in crypto for years
>tfw no "taxable events" to report
How are you planning to cope with the fat tax bill once you sell?
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>once you sell
you mean buying dollars?
no thanks, keep your "dollars" LMAO
USDT is the one backing the dollar now LMAO
you can't make this shit up
the US government has only paid its bills because of tether lol
Stop larping.
I did some memecoin gambling and I think I made like a thousand dollars after everything? I'm not even sure w/ all the gas fee and swapping between a bunch of different coins over and over again
taxes are going to fucking suck, not worth the 1k
That doesn't sound good... I'm dumping all my USDT for FDUSD

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Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you... Crypto: The Future of Finance!
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>you buy a new computer for each transaction so the address you type on the pc is the same on the hw without mistake
What do you mean by this part? I don't understand why you would need a new computer for this.
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I fucking fell for it earlier this year when I was selling my ADA.
Sent the first half, double checked the address hit sent. Once that showed up in coinbase I went ahead and sent the other half using the auto paste that everything has now without a second glance at it and realized after a few hours since it never posted that I got fucked.
Dont make my shitty mistake and always manually copy and paste your addresses.
He lost 'cause he's not paying attention, Anon. Could've set up daily spending limits and 2FA for transactions above $50 if he's using a smart wallet like Brillion, Holdstation, or 0xgass.
That's the essence of AA, championed by Vitalik. It effectively tackles the challenge of lost seed phrases by allowing convenient logins through social media accounts.
>went ahead and sent the other half using the auto paste that everything has now
What wallet were you using? Really interesting in what wallet "auto pastes" random addresses it scans from the explorer. Otherwise I'm calling bullshit on your story and you actually had malware or something.

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Are all investments just ponzi schemes? What would make something not a "ponzi"?
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i'll explain, the economy and our society is predicated on continuous forever growth.

"a business is not a ponzi because the returns are generated by it generating value"

no it's just that the ponzi layer is ultimately pushed to the customer layer. at some point, efficiency gains top out and it needs more customers to grow.
the ponzi layer is pushed to the business pursuing more signups, more sales, more customers

import people, gdp go up, simple as
Is cow's milk soap a real thing?
Why would anyone want to smell like milk?
You fill your bags with memes and shitcoins instead of going for long-term utility tokens like DUA, NXRA, ONDO, and SAND, then you're here shouting 'ponzi ponzi'. I pity you, Fag.
I joined the staking campaign on Brillion DeFi terminal to earn NAI rewards. Smart move, Anon.

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>be me smert in school
>get into coolege at 16
>painfully shy and autistic
>get multiple diplomas in different fields
>get sick with unrelated thing and get put on NEETbux
>decide to get my life in order post coof
>get a bunch of tech certificates and diplomas
>”We’re sorry anon, but your lack of work history is a contributing factor to us passing on you.”
>End up being the smartest man working in a goddamn fleamarket and delivering pizza
>unrelated disease that got me on NEETbux progresses which causes agonizing pain 24/7
>all my coins rug too
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so basically lie on the resume.
like everybody, we all do it. We all. Do it.
pizza+bikes equals money for me.
truf actually has value in the long run in business, I'd only wish they could focus on other places besides the usa and the uk
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maybe actually use AI as they were saying they would...?

Strat is pumping stuff that is green for the week but red for the month beside btc

>€3700 wagebucks a month
>€1000 monthly expenses
>€10k savings
>My own flat that's €200k

Is spending €450 on hand made spanish shoes a sound decision?
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oh boy I haven't bought shoes in like 10 years or more.... 450 ON A PAIR? WTF! I mean congrats but dude!
so biz is now fashion centric or what?
>Yes but if you don't run marathons with them you resoles after 5 or more years
ppl resole shoes?
I would do coke for much less.
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>How are you so broke? Practically everyone I know is a millionaire at 30 from real estate, crypto, online grifting etc.
>Are there really people above 30 with less than 1m net worth? Apart from homeless, junkies etc

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>2010-2013: X20,000+
>2013-2017: X40+
>2017-2020: X2.5
>2021-2024: X1
if you think the current BTC three year triple top crab is a result of high rates, why has it been flatlining since it's inception.
yes. look at the graph. BTC has not been INCREASING it's gains since it's inception. it has been literally LOSING logarithmic momentum since 2010.
what is your logical, not TA magic-lines and sheit, for believing it's going to restart the momentum it has been losing for 14 straight years?
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Why are you comparing a peaks to bottoms, you stupid fucking retard. You are supposed to compare bottoms to the peaks, you gigantic fucking shit for brain.

>2020-2021: 13x
>2022-2024: 4.5x
There you fucking go, you stupid piece of shit. Never post here ever fucking again until you grow a brain. Fucking waste of oxygen.
And that is not even mentioning the fact that Bitcoin hasn't even peaked yet, You are so fucking stupid. Fuck off with your retard shit. Fuck you.
>2010-2013: X20,000+
>2013-2017: X40+
>2017-2020: X2.5
>2021-2024: X1
you are here
>2024-2028: X2.5
>2028-2032: X40+
>2032-2036: X20,000+
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I'm starting to think that once someone makes it even easier to get into Bitcoin, the growth rate will pick up exponentially again -- not as much as the initial run obviously, but a decent amount.
Exchanges like Coinbase and Binance make it easy, sure, but there are fucking typos on Coinbase's website and >China.
Someone get on it. Make exchanges and wallets even more beginner friendly.
Start a company or cooperate with institutions to have staff tasked with helping new investors get setup.
Someone get on it. Just wait a little bit longer to let me slurp some more coin.
>You are supposed to compare bottoms to the peaks
why are tripfag trannies always mental?
nobody compares tops to bottoms or bottoms to tops in statistics, we compare timeframes and equalize them.
>2020-2021: 13x
>2022-2024: 4.5x
aaaand it doesn't even change the fact that it is a clear asymptotic contraction.

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>trade crypto for the last 7 years
>still have nothing to show for it
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found your problem, actually all you had to do was buy and hold.
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more sell low - buy high anons!
you must be exceptionally retarded if you haven't made any money since 7 years ago.

>be me
>know nothing about crypto but hear about ethereum
>few years later hear about ethereum more, damn shoulda bought some
>year is 2019, nana dies and leaves me 20k, I put the entirety of it into ethereum as a retirement fund
>knowing nothing about it, only thing I knew was that it's basically the second bitcoin, and the price is low and can also go to the thousands (I knew nothing about market caps)

This low IQ move was the breadwinner. The bell curve meme was real.

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How are you dealing with inflation, anons? If the dollar truly starts plummeting worldwide, will having money in stocks (US companies primarily) protect my networth? Are international companies a better investment, or would US companies pivot to whatever the new reserve currency ends up being long term? They didn't teach us how to prepare for this in school
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Well, I work, 8 to 4.
I cook my own food, (if you actually know what you are doing you actually save a lot of money).
I deal in crypto mainly and, surprise suprise, I do play web3 games, all of them on superverse. Mostly just grinding and buying and selling tokens. Also no wife no kids that saves you a lot of money.
but HOW do you deal with inflation?
I just save money in crypto. btc and some alts. not much, most of it I just game.
sounds like you have your shit together.
>How are you dealing with inflation
my node just confirmed the subsidy cut
my other node verifies the fee burn occurring, so sometimes emission is negative

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Here's everything I own. What should I do at this point? I'm 27, not married, no kids.
I pay off the credit cards every month.
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200k in crypto at 27. Hmm.

You have time to be risk on... I'd ask you this question - are you generally happy? Like, do you like your job enough? Do you feel like you have enough free time and general freedom?

If not, I think stick in crypto, go 50/50 Bitcoin/ETH & then some lower cap stuff.. doesn't have to be a total gamble, shit that has proven it will withstand the market over time.. LINK, SOL, maybe AVAX, you can grab RNDR or something like that if you want to go slightly more risk.

Ride crypto for the next 1-2 years or until another parabolic run comes (whichever comes first), and then get the fuck out and move into tech stocks.

Crypto will be your best bet for a quick exit path. You could also go totally broke, but fuck it, you only live once.

If you're generally happy, I'm gonna give you the boomer advice - move at least 75% out into stocks now. Still "risk on" stocks, stay in tech, but blue chips. Google, FB, Amazon, MSFT, semiconductor (NVDA, AMD, etc.). In the next 10-13 years a strong tech portfolio will likely retire you if you put 200k in now. 40 is a big midlife crisis zone, where you may be rethinking your general path, so to be financially free then will feel good, and since you're in a good spot now you can take the long road which is less risk exposed and less likely to lose everything.

Good luck, anon!
Alright let's give it a look. What are you holding in Crypto? all in BTC? diversified in a bunch of shit coins?

There's seriously only like 1-2 major coins that are worthy of investment long term, and even that is not worth it if ur a HNWI.

Ditch the baby shit, go into stocks lol.
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>are you generally happy? Like, do you like your job enough? Do you feel like you have enough free time and general freedom?
I think I'm generally happy all things considered, but I wish a lot more of my life. There's so many things I wish to truly dedicate myself to, but I just hate having a job chaining me down. There's nothing I'd enjoy more than retiring early and just going all in my own creative projects and altruistic pursuits.

>Do you feel like you have enough free time and general freedom?
I have quite a bit of free time, but I don't have much freedom. I never travel more than 2-4 days at a time, so I feel really confined. I hope to one day just live off dividends and travel a whole lot without the anxiety of getting back to work and waiting to eat the marshmallows to get more marshmallows later.

>Ride crypto for the next 1-2 years or until another parabolic run comes (whichever comes first), and then get the fuck out and move into tech stocks.
yeah, this is my plan. I'm currently all in on an altcoin and plan to sell bit by bit after I've held it a full 12 months for long term capital gains tax, but I was actually thinking of buying BTC if it crashes a year after this parabolic run, then possibly I can truly "make it". I'm not sure how much better tech stocks would be.
>Crypto will be your best bet for a quick exit path. You could also go totally broke, but fuck it, you only live once.
yeah, I'm committed to either going rich or going broke. I do think conviction is the most crucial quality to making it. I'd feel happier trying and failing than not trying at all.

Thanks for the really elaborate reply, anon. Never really thought about considering happiness into the mix. Up until a few months ago, I had everything in a savings account + ETF. I feel better now seeing there's maybe a light at the end of the tunnel.
I actually only hold one alt. I won't shill it though. I'm sticking with it until at min 12 months from now and probably will completely get out by Q4 next year, then I'd buy BTC once it seems it's bottomed.
I was actually going to buy BTC near 15k, but fell convinced it was going to touch 10k, which it never did. Then, it just kept pumping and I kept waiting for a correction.
Lessons learned to dca in and dca out.

>Ditch the baby shit, go into stocks
what stocks? I still feel crypto is the best bet. Crypto and ETFs for a barbell approach. Ideally, if I move to stock it's just to live off stocks that pay dividends.
You should cash out only as much as you can offset into your 401k or IRA so you can avoid taxes.

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Sell your alts
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He called the dip to 38 when that happened and thanks to him i bought the dip like perfectly, also the recent price movement he's been pretty good about. I never sell though i just like him for timing buys
Completely wrong and so typical of modern day biz. Tons of alts have gone 5-10x in the last year. The problem is all the cuckolds on biz ie a Link holder never moved on from past cycle alts. Morons
I fucked up listening to this guy, thinking we would experience secondary scare, retest lows, etc. I legit missed most of the bull run because I expected things to crash back down
>zoom out far enough everyone of these idiot youtubers are right
Exactly. If you make 10 predictions, especially if there is a 50/50 probability of one being right, you'll eventually have a right call.
99.9% of alts will never go back to their ATH, most will die. You are retarded if you buy past cycle shitcoin, the meta is to always buy new cycle alts, stuff that will be the next bull narratives

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What would you develop/research if you were a multi billionaire?
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Buy reddit, rename it “milfoon”, rebrand it into a dating website that allows women aged 35+ to date younger white men, sell the property to indians, go to india, buy some elephants, create the stampede competition, stomp jeets, sell all the elephants, join the milfoon management as CEO, repeat the cycle but invest in pachi slots this time.
Infinite money loop - future
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That's not even a question
Economy is not even a science and we got already AI reading and predicting that shit with sites like Truflation
Robotics are stupid as fuck, just get your own Dr. Pepper lazy ass faggot

What a fucking mongoloid, you are the most retarded ape I've ever seen
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i'd pump out uss liberty documentaries and lobby for theology in schools
Sustainable modular homes. Make it so everyone can have their own house if they choose to for a reasonable cost, starter homes for $3k, imagine that. Even with land being the driving cost factor that can be subsidized through the company. Make the houses so they can be flat packed and then erected quickly.

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Hey there, I don't know you.

I'm sharing something personal because I think it's important. In the past month, I've experienced significant financial losses—around $30,000. I'm not sure where you stand, but perhaps you've also faced losses, whether big or small. It's tough.

Let me tell you, I've been through the wringer. I lost 90% of my investment in a single day due to a rug pull. The aftermath was relentless. Days spent trying to claw my way back, eyes glued to screens, chasing every lead on Telegram, Twitter—anywhere. It's exhausting, soul-crushing even.

But here's what I've come to realize: the game is rigged. Those making gains often have an unfair advantage. There are insiders, snipers, who swoop in and scoop up opportunities before the rest of us even blink.

Yet, despite the devastation, it's not the end. I wiped out my entire savings, transitioning from a comfortable life to living paycheck to paycheck. Rebuilding won't be easy; it might mean taking on multiple jobs. But it's not over. There's a lesson in this pain, albeit a costly one. I just hope it prevents others from making the same mistakes or facing even harsher consequences down the line.

I don't know your situation, but I want you to know you're not alone. Money comes and goes, but people—those who care about you—they're what truly matter. It's infuriating that there are individuals out there preying on others' vulnerability, exploiting trust for personal gain. It's a bitter pill to swallow.

But please, take a moment. Put the phone down, shut down the computer. Step outside. Remember, life is more than just crypto and money. Focus on moving forward, on the things that truly matter. I promise, you'll be okay. If this helps even one person, this post was worth it.

Update: Wow, first of all. Some of you need to realize that if you have nothing nice to say, keep it to yourself.
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>i started with $2k. or maybe it was $200. Now it's gone.
this guy is just making up a story which he hasn't considered the plausibility of
thanks but i think it is you that needed to hear this, not me. also did you cooy this from reddit?
Thank you anon.
Did not read.
How much money do u have left? and what will u do with that money?

The crypto industry as a whole is far, far worse than reality. Rugpulls, failed ideas, false returns rates, badly coded coins, etc. the list goes on.

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>Job interview on zoom
>Stacey HR girl looks at me and immediately turns off her camera, and then sends the rejection email immediately after the interview
That didn't happen.
It happened. I was getting interviewed by an HR girl and the hiring manager. HR turned off her camera
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This begs the question. What do you look like?
I bet recruiter chick's tell stories like this all the time

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What the fuck is an organic memecoin?
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you cant do anything right anon
Biz is so fucking dead Holy shit

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Being a wagie is relentlessly bleak. Never have time to enjoy my money

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Why does Ethereum keep bleeding in sats? For fucks sake, it just keeps losing against Bitcoin. At this rate it's bound to go down to 0.04. Only an ETF approval can safe this pedo coin.
Well, we're about to enter a big bull market and most value will flow into BitCoin first. But I agree that ETH is losing value against BTC little by little. We'll see what happens midway the bull market, and if people realize what kind of changes the latest upgrades introduced into the ETH network. Can't rush the flippening
You answered your own question

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Got any tips? I'm going to ask for any kind of office work. I have a degree in IT.
Even though its a temp job, have an idea of what kind of job you want to do, cloud engineer, network engineer, linux engineer etc. Those temp jobs can quickly turn into forever jobs.

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>1 million is 10 straight years of the average skilled educated laborer wage in America
>niggers on 4chan be like: "1 million is nothing"
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I live in an income tax state. Total tax is about 12%. 30-40% is bullshit.
it's not that hard really, even without YOLOs
You must be fucking poor and retarded. $100k is taxed at 24% Federally. Then add Medicare and SS. Then State income tax. Then sales tax on everything you buy with your taxed income.
Its just the inflation meme being blown out of proportion. Pay no mind.
Those are big end of year bonuses :(

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The way this Tectum scales Bitcoin. Do people think it’s viable? Like will normies actually be able to use it?
This board really is dead. Damn.
How does it scale bitcoin? Is it similar to any of the eth scaling methods?
Nope totally unique. Very simply instead of trying to move Bitcoin on chain it simply through its wallets swap ownership. Elegant and brilliant. It’s called Softnote and it’s just one in-house Dapp running on Tectum. It is a solution for paper currency too if a country is serious about adoption.

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