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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

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I don't know how to use a compass. I cannot read a paper map. I only use my phone.
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I implanted the brain chip. AI gives me all the direction I'll ever need.
listen here fat
I carry a marble sundial with me at all times.
>he doesn't use a plumb line, pocket watch and protractor to navigate
I shiggy diggy
just follow where the red arrow points to

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Welcome to beekeeping general. Discuss apiary and bees.

Old thread: >>2577491
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Hi /hive/. What have you done to help the nesting of wild honey bee species' to improve their population numbers? Because, after all, it is the wild species that are generally threatened and NOT the prototypical honey bees, which are farmed.
Aren't euro wild bees at this point mostly interbred with human-cultivated ones? Euros have been cultivating bees for more than a millennia and shaping the local populations
As a rule of thumb, avoid the paler honeys if you're buying store-bought honey?
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Forgiveness, didn't see >>2699965

OK, is it necessary to test (like bloodwork or something) to determine if you're allergic to bees before taking further steps into beekeeping? I've been stung before as a kid, and didn't bloat up and die, but are there any standardized bloodwork tests out there? If so what is the test called and can any testing center do it?

I'd just like to have some scientific backup here before I commit to a new career/hobby.

Also how do anons with domestic pets get along with bees? Like outdoor cats, are they smart enough to leave bees alone or would it be an issue?
If you keep bees my personal advice would be to get an epipen (or any generic) either way. If you didn't have extreme reactions to bees before, I wouldn't say an allergy test is completely necessary, you can of course still do one, it will be a simple prick test. Just go to your general physician, either he can do one himself or you will be referred to a specialist, it should be fairly straightforward.
Anyway, back to the epipen: Being a hobby keeper, you will be exposed to bee venom more than some random guy, but less than a pro. This puts you at the highest risk of developing such allergies, I know people who suddenly got them after years without issues. It's smart to have epinephrine nearby if that ever happens to you or your family. Anyone will have more or less pronounced local swelling in the beginning, but when your body breaks out in hives or your breathing changes, it's time to act.
I try to give myself at least one weekly sting throughout the year to lower the chances.
Oh, and most pets will either intuitively avoid the bees or learn their lesson once.

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And what do they do to protect the woods from weekend warrior citidiots?
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Signs like these are produced by boomers and ex-weekend warrior cidiots who moved there within the past few years.
>dogs are dirty fucking trash
Are you one of those men in dresses who lay down on the floor six times a day?
Usually high school kids being pricks, at least from my experience. They’re at the age they think they run everything so don’t care about nature
Dogs can tell who doesn't have a soul, and as a vacant husk, it agitates him greatly.
I live in the city but from what I've gathered it's not too uncommon to snipe feral and free roaming cats in the countryside.

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No, Christ was a Judean.
So a jew
That's the same thing son.
Christ can't be a Jew. A Jew is someone who denies Christ. How can Christ deny himself? Your arguments lack all reasoning.
>every remotely intelligent person is a Jew
So that's why they're able to control the whole world.

#502- “Hands Off My Soft Plastics!” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

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There's no reason to deter that anon. I think it is perfectly reasonable to tie flies without fishing. Before I got into fly fishing, I was fascinated by fly tying but didnt think it was right to do for reasons similar to those which you have already stated. Now, there is nothing holding me back.
There are worse hobbies the anon could have. Some guys hang out at public bathrooms and suck the dicks of strange men with diseases without receiving anything in return other than a mouthful of cum. It's not for me. I don't get the appeal. Regardless of what you think of endless and thankless cocksucking, it is an inferior activity to fly tying without fly fishing.
don't fish with corn. I know some people say to, but there is a reason it's banned in a lot of places. you know how the corn comes out in our shit? yeah... shit that big will constipate small fish.
dropshot. use very sharp and fine wire hooks like owner mosquito light because they essentially set themselves when a fish touches them as long as your line is kept tight without slack. hundreds of fish since going that route and only one fluke mishap on a catfish, pretty sure it's because it spit it out during the fight and then ate it again on very slack line when I thought the fish was gone. believe me, the dropshot is the most effective rig to avoid swallowed hooks. the fish essentially runs into a wall(the line) that has tension on both ends(the weight below, and the tight line tot he rod above) so it limits a fish being able to take something on a slack line. that's what causes gut hooks, like a fish coming up to the bait from underneath and sucking it in.
I like bass fishing just as much as any other species, but "bass fishermen" are something else man, I could go on for days about the things they do. they literally don't even like fishing unless it's for bass. they cheer for joy as they catch their umpteenth 2pounder, then hold it up close to the camera to make it look big.
you also have those guys who exclusively target catfish, and don't like fishing for anything else. they just kill and cutup any other fish species they can find to use as bait. they're also the motherfuckers that leave yards of 20+ pound mono all in the water and on the bank. it must be a thing with people who only fish for one species. they just don't give a shit about anything else, not the environment, they just seem mindless. I'll never understand how someone doesn't enjoy multi-species fishing. for me fishing is about getting outdoors and trying to catch as many different things as you can, and pbs of each. it's fun to go to new waterways without looking at the official species list and just figuring it out for yourself blind. hell, most of the places I've fished have species that aren't even officially listed. I only eat saltwater fish so most is c&r anyways.
Awesome, thanks for the advice and confirming my selection. Excited to get some fishing in next month
Bros my Ozark broke. Should I try this hobby again?

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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous: >>2710237

Spring is here.
Hope you got to enjoy the eclipse.
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During the fall my local one sells Black Futsu pumpkins out front for an stupidly high price
When using organic fertilizer (biohumus) how do I know how much to use if there is no NPK rating?
Because of the form it's in you shouldn't be able to put too much down. The nutrients will be made available to your plants as the humus breaks down. I don't know exactly what product you're using, but this link says their biohumus is around 2-1-0.5

Total nitrogen (N):
Total phosphorus (P):
Potassium (K):
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What do yellow veins on currant leaves like this indicate?
I found no pests on it, is it nutrient deficiency or some sort of illness?

That's really low, no wonder they don't put it on the bottle.
Is it a scam or is it supposed to be this low somehow?
Looks like nitrogen or manganese deficiency to me.

>Is it a scam or is it supposed to be this low somehow?
It's supposed to be that low. Compost has a similar NPK ratio. The microbes and organic matter will improve water infiltration, moisture holding capacity, buffer the pH, and break down mineral nutrients into a usable form. As it breaks down nutrients will be released to your plants. It's estimated that 10% of the nutrients are available in the first year, so many people say you can't use it as a fertilizer, but if you continue to put it down each year at the same rate then eventually it will break down as quickly as you add it and 100% of the nutrients in the compost you apply will be available from the plants that year. 10% from that application and 90% from the applications of the previous years. If you want a proper fertilizer from compost or a similar humic product then you should make compost tea by soaking it in water for about a week, filtering it, and then spraying it over your plants.

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What do you guys hunt with? Whether its small or big game
What kinds of guns/bows/knife equipment do you use/recommend
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With a handgun? Nothing, legally. With a slingshot, only non-gamebirds. The only two any means birds in California are starlings and English house sparrows(both invasive species)

If you can use the bow, they will open up most game opportunities in California. You can hunt with a bow during general season(rifle/shotgun) as well as archery season. If you can own a handgun, you should look into a long gun of some sort. With a shotgun you can hunt any gamebirds. For larger game, you'll need a center fire rifle.
NTA I also bought into the scout rifle meme. FOV is great, it's finding a good quality scope with 9-12inches of eye relief that's the hard part. I went with a Burris scout scope 2-7x32.
Thank you. I was thinking shotgun already, but will have to save up for that. CA and my area specifically is great for waterfowl hunting.
I was planning on hunting hogs, but the landowners here are really picky of who they let in if they allow anyone at all (most dont) but im fine with waiting on that.
Good enough for the deer.
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>Good enough for the deer.
4 inch group at 60 yards?
What's that, ~6 MOA? With handloads?

Lmfao. Even horrible cheap shitsticks like Ruger muttmericans come with a 3 shot 1 MOA guarantee these days. You are just coping about having a rifle that either isn't bedded properly, has a fucked up barrel, or being a terrible shooter that doesn't understand the basics of marksmanship. Probably all of the above.

This is the groups my 6mm Sneedmore produces at 220 meters (240 yards) with 6.9g Norma Golden Target.

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I am thinking of ditching my tent and matress and sleeping bag for a tarp and a hammock.
Any experiences on this?
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It's easy to get comfy. But you will wake up with your feet tingling or your back will hurt. Hammocks are nice for naps, but aren't very good for multi day trips imo
You are incorrect. I will not elaborate.
I've used a tensa4 for years and have used it quite a bit. Nice bit of kit but it is very heavy and I don't think it would be suitable for kayaking, biking, or hiking tours.
How low of temperatures can you use a simple PLUQ made from a woobie without any extra insulation?
Not very low. From experience, maybe only 60F. 60F with a breeze and when you're probably sweating all day can feel cool. If you have a doubly thick woobie, maybe almost to 40F. Realistically you'll have to test it. Bring a foam pad as backup if you're worried.

Do you guys bring any instruments with you when you go /out/? Im considering picking up a naf, harmonica, or small travel guitar to maybe jam a bit when im camping overnight.
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Have you heard about the nerdy gurdy?
At ~300$ for the kit it's far cheaper and you can even build it yourself for just material cost should you want to. Seems like the only realistic way to own one without paying 2k$+ even if it's a bit more of a diy solution.
I really want to make one myself, seems like it's quite involved but nothing about the process seems super complex either.
I might take my guitar if I go there by car or train or something.
For backpacking I have two kalimbas, a super small one and a normal sized one. Not nearly as nice as a guitar, but enough to make some music while sitting near a campfire.
you can get a decent oidy goidy for cheep on ebay from heirs would know it's not worth real money and they just want to get fucking rid of it. my friend bought a nice once for about $300 and I've scoped out functional ones for as little as $50

if you're /diy/ and really want to build one though that's even better
What the fuck that sounds amazing.
There's a total of 3 listings on eBay where I live in my country and all 3 are 1500€+.
Being able to get a cheap one for 300 would be amazing.
I'll keep an eye out, but I highly doubt I'll be able to find one here.
Quite amazing, well done anon!
Sounds absolutely lovely, would enjoy hearing this while out.

Thanks for sharing!

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I have only ever hiked in Europe but I'm interested in experiences other places when I take a sabbatical next year. Pic rel is the type of environments I have hiked.
Pictures please!
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bullshit if you want to go hiking you need a car, otherwise your options are very limited and it's still annoying to take the train instead of just going with my car, it's also faster, plus you need a car to get to the train station, or take a bus to get there and it takes so fucking long.

public transport sucks, it's good to have but it's an inferior good.
kek'd and loicense'd
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>is the same dozen or so (mostly) conifer trees over and over again.
its really not.
A couple of different firs, couple of different pines, Spruce, Western red cedar, Hemlock, Aspen, Birch, and maybe Cottonwood. In alot of places out west that's mostly what you're going to see.
Silver maple, big leaf maple, boxelder, canyon maple, rocky mountain maple, gambel oak, white oak, red oak, catalpa, tuliptree, noble fir, Douglas fir, pinyon pine, lodgepole pine, ponderosa pine. Etc etc. And the rest you mention off the top of my head. It's as diverse as any other temperature region.

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here's your ukrainian national park
>inb4 gateway arch

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post your photos
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the bright midday sun is the enemy of good photographs
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The property I own, has the edge of a natural pond on it. The pond used to not be on my property at all except during flooding. But the pond has gotten bigger and there's now a shallow cove that's formed on the edge of my property. I've been fishing it, just the issue is my boomer neighbour is claiming ownership over the entire pond and says I can't fish it and said he's given me a trespassing warning. What are my options?
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Fuck your neighbor. Consult with a lawyer and continue to fish in the pond. Make him spend as much money as you can. Really drag out the court battle to bleed him for as much as possible and then when he loses the court battle countersue for the cost of your court fees. Fuck him. He doesn't own a whole body of water just because part of it is on his land.
Just wave a gun in his face and tell him he's a cuck.
Put up a privacy fence on your side of the property which goes over your part of the pond. Then he won't see you fishing, problem solved.
Like most anons are saying
Boomers only respect daddy gobment when it comes to what they can and can’t do
look up riparian rights anon

if the water is on your property you have a right to access it

t. Studied environmental law and land use law

/out/ings with a Pipe
Old thread: >>2684982

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/10/12/704/46541/Association-between-Cigar-or-Pipe-Smoking-and

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread
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I suppose it would be like how some pipe blends have deertongue in it. Never tried it, but it would be worth a shot.
>Pipes maybe have a larger variety of flavours and aroma.
Disagree and somewhat agree. Modern new age cigars are very complex in their flavor profiles.
>pipes are more nuanced
And cigars have gotten much more complex, including mild cigars now being fuller flavored.
>good cigars are way more expensive
Actual truth. Even a decent $6 stick like a a charter oak conneticut isn't very flavorful to a well seasoned palate.
Smoke something a blue in green from gran habano or smoke some of the stuff from adventura, warped, tatuaje, davidoff, eiroa, cle and aladino. If you don't think these have nuanced flavors it just reinforces my belief pipe smokers are all weird delusional people.
People smoke shit cigars too often. Most pipe blends are pretty flat.
Some truth to what you said and some things I disagree with. I love cigars. Cigars were how I fell in love with tobacco. I still have a cigar or two every weekend. I’m sure most people in this thread smoke cigars at least occasionally. That being said, the flavors in pipe tobacco are much more noticeable than in cigars. I think that’s what the other anon meant. I agree that cigars are in fact more nuanced, because the notes are more subtle and hidden in the overall robustness of a cigar.
>Even a decent $6 stick like a a charter oak conneticut isn't very flavorful to a well seasoned palate.
I actually like the Charter Oak Connecticut. The rothschilds size is a good morning cigar with a cup of coffee. But yeah, the sweet spot for cigars for me is the $10-$15 MSRP range. If you haven’t tried it yet, try the Illusione Fume D’Amour. Currently my go-to cigar.
>it just reinforces my belief pipe smokers are all weird delusional people.
This is where you lost me. How are pipe smokers delusional or weird? Pipe smoking is definitely more of an introverted and solitary hobby than cigar smoking is (which is why a lot of on /out/ smoke one while on a hike or doing some other solitary outdoor activity), and that introversion might come off as “weird”, but there’s really nothing weird about wanting to relax by yourself for a bit. When I only smoked cigars, I used to smoke by myself a lot. When I discovered pipes, I switched to smoking pipes when I was by myself and smoking cigars in a social setting. The ritualistic and contemplative nature of a pipe fits those alone moments much better than a cigar did, while the cigar is an excellent accessory to a social situation. It’s also saved me a ton of money. Nothing weird about any of that.
>Most pipe blends are pretty flat.
Not at all. Even the cheap bulk blends have a ton of flavor. Virginias are pretty subtle, but even those become super flavorful after you train your palate.
>Disagree and somewhat agree. Modern new age cigars are very complex in their flavor profiles.
Im not saying cigars cant be complex, it's more that the range of flavours exist in a narrower band. Think deep vs wide.
Also i love cigars, you took this bit too personal. It was an attempt at contrasting the 2. I dont think one is superior to the other, they are different and i like them both for what they are.

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