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Such is the circle of life, Simba

Gladiolas really are the Patrician choice
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compost food scraps

ur yard will improve
This. Your soil looks high in clay so you should amend it with biochar as well. If you can't find "charged" biochar then crush lump charcoal and add it you your compost at 5-20% by volume.
Would wood/leaf ash work? I've got tons of that
Ash is mostly salts so it's better if you add the ash to your compost rather than applying it directly. There's a good amount of phosphorus in ash so it's worth doing, but your soil needs organic matter and something to improve the soil texture. Biochar or sand is what you'll need for that and I'd recommend the biochar over the sand because it's better at holding water and nutrients while still opening the structure of your soil to allow water to penetrate. You can also use wood ash to salt your driveway in the winter, but it tracks in really easily.
Any organic material will help lossen clay soils. Biochar is great for water retention and microbe habit, but any compost, manure, wood chip/mulch, ect, will make the top soil much easier to work and your plants happier.
To use sand to loosen clay you have to hit over 50% sand. Not only is it potentially ungodly expensive but sand offers very little in nutrients, water retention, and the sand will eventually migrate/wash out and your sticky clay will return.
It's better to aim for 15-25% organics in your soil of any kind.

/out/ings with a Pipe
Old thread: >>2684982

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/10/12/704/46541/Association-between-Cigar-or-Pipe-Smoking-and

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread
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I've been trying to develop a taste for cigars and last night smoked a Toro Plum Pudding Special Reserve cigar down to burn my mustache. That was a nice cigar. Most I've ever smoked of a cigar, I usually don't get them down that far.
I wish Captain black tasted as good as it smells. Sometimes when I'm not smoking I just take a whiff the stuff. I think I'll try keeping it out on a plate as a sort of potpourri.
Lighter shade grown and sun cured cigar tobacco is where you get away from the heavy tastes of leather, earth, and musk. Pic related to me has a strong wheat/citrus taste. I'm not the anon you're replying to and I think soda and ketchup are pretty wild things to be tasting in tobacco and shouldn't be the desired flavor profile at fucking all. You can get lighter floral, citrus, wheat, and honey notes without going aromatic but most cigars do admittedly focus on heavy flavor profiles.
Thanks anon, I'll check those out. While I think cigars can be a lot samier they're also significantly more consistent than pipe tobacco, tight draws notwithstanding. Like during the hot humid months a cigar is a lot easier than a pipe which can get overly hot and wet fairly easily.

As for the ketchup thing: it's more a smell aspect, usually I find it in old virginia and occasionally dark fired kentucky. The soda thing isn't the drink, it's the cracker. It's kind of a weird spicier bread note that usually I can pick out on orientals.
I stand by my comments on ketchup and soda.

Apparently Saltic is making a "barefoot" kind of climbing shoe, the model is called "Eliot".
Do you think acceptable precision can be achieved with such a seemingly wide tip?
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is it just really soft rubber for them to call it "barefoot"? are these even climbing shoes or approach shoes? i feel like la sportiva's no edge range would do the exact same thing but a lot lot better, i dont see any advantage of the foot shape when tighter shoes can still comfortable and precise, these would probably just have a shit ton of air gaps in them especially on the outer edge
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>What model? How long have you been climbing for and what difficulty?
Simond First Klimb. I stared it in december and didn't went too many times so pretty low difficulty.
I think it's mostly the more anatomic toebox.
Wish I could try them so I could say for sure, am a general proponent of anatomical designs. I'll write here if I get around to do so.
They look like they might be a decent crack shoe and maybe passable as a slab shoe and absolute shit for anything else.
I'm interested in reading your argument.

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everyone loves mountains and forests for /out/, but what about the humble grasslands and swamps?
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NPC take, swamps and wetlands are kino and full of life
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>>2727284 Grasslands are the best because nobody goes to them. I hate crowds so fucking much
this newfag doesn't know we only post about gear and don't actually go out baka
I live in an area with a ton of floodplains/marshlands and I love them. Herping during rainy season is a fucking treat.
swamps are comfy, the only thing I don't like about them is that there usually isn't much hiking. Some wetlands have trails on solid ground a few feet up, but a lot of swamps have a short boardwalk hike at best. If only we could get 30-mile long boardwalk for backpacking treks through a swamp.

Hy Ya'll

Currently preparing for my first camping trip,we gonna stay a couple days,in the wilderness.
there are three of us,none of us ever went camping,
We are planning on bringin our own food,and cooking on fire.
What are the most essential supplies and gear we gonna need?

We are planning on camping next to a huge river,but i think we need to bring our own water.
The other two guys are software engineers,i'm a ranchand,so planning the trip comes down to me because they have no idea what to bring but to be honest,i don't have much idea myself.

So far,i'm planning on bringing
Cookware(kettle,coffe pot, pans)
Metal grate for grilling
Lots of smoked meat,salted beef,pork etc.

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>And you do know wearing cotton kills, right?
This is beyond retarded. Millions of people , right now, are camping wearing all cotton clothing with no ill effect.
Is this some kind of REI advert campaign ? "You just gotta buy our man made materials Bro, 'Cuz cotton kills."

and yes. I am confident I have spent more hours outside than you have alive.
>Where are going to poop? Need to dig a hole for that and later bury it. At least 200 feet away from the river.

Bro- Don't listen to any of these eco faggots.
There are few things more satisfying than getting naked in a cool mountain stream fed pool, leaning back and relaxing your body as you float in the cool mountain water and having a huge bowel movement.
I do it at the ocean all of the time but it is even better in a cool mountain stream fed pool.
I tend to rub some of the poo on my face aswell, and get some in my mouth on purpose, before washing it off when getting out.
take some really easy protein bombs like tuna pouches and nuts just incase your food plans go horribly wrong
The whole trip looks to go wrong. They should invest in a satellite rescue device and buy the accompanying insurance. Although this has to be a jerk off op.

How would you have felt at the end of your hike if your pack were under 15lbs?
>my pack is a lot heavier than that

Yeah, but how would you have felt if it were that light?
>But it’s not that light. I don’t understand the question.
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This question is so stupid, nobody packs only 15lbs
Pack weight doesn't make much difference unless you're a pussy or to stupid to get a solid frame.

I usually hike with just a 1L canteen and a water filter (and some stuff in my pant pockets that I won't bother listing). About 1.5kg total. Hiking with my Alice pack and 20-25kg of gear in it doesn't make me feel any different in the evening. During a hike, carrying a heavy pack actually feels a lot more comfy than a light pack, since a light pack bounces much more unless you tighten the straps all the way, which cuts of bloodflow.
>inb4 X magic pack doesn't bounce, doesn't cut of bloodflow and has negative weight
Good for you, but I'm not gonna bother testing hundreds of packs to find one that's marginally better. Out of the dozen or so I've tried so far, the only ones that were comfy to carry and lasted more than a few hikes were heavy exoframes, so that's what I'm sticking with.
Depends on the length of the hike, the conditions, the season, availability of permanent shelter/resources and how many other people there are.
This isn't really a "How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning" kind of question.
I guess I'd be glad to have brought a Pulka, since most of my packweight would be off my back.
>how would you feel if you went to the bathroom before you went hiking and vacated 2 pounds of body waste?
>but my stove is 14grams lighter than your stove. i don't understand the question
1-1.5 lbs/day food, max. Since I dehydrate and vacuum seal, there would be some packaging remaining in my fumo garbage bag. Water I just empty. My packweight is sub-15 lbs in the summer. Total carried /out/ is under 30 lbs for 10-12 days.

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For all things fire lookout / fire tower!

Previous: >>2694387
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Fire tower in Highland County VA that I visited last summer.
Middlesex Fells, MA, supposedly used as a lookout in the 30s.

(I don't know why you people keep saying "firewatch", which is the institution of making boot Marines stay awake at night in the barracks in case there's a fire. Everyone who works in wildland fire calls the structures build to look for fires, as well as the people who staff them, "lookouts." Actually, I do know why, it's because of the video game.).

whoa, never seen one like that before. I like it.
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(not my pic, but I've been there.).
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Pretty interesting lookout built 90ft up into a ponderosa pine near Glenwood, WA in the 1940's.
It was decommissioned in 1958 but has still managed to stay up there.

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For me:

>Tent: MSR Hubba Hubba 2
>Bag: Gregory Baltoro 65
>Sleeping bag: Marmot Sawtooth 15
>Sleeping pad: Zlite
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>on top of my sleeping bag
I wrapped it around like a foil burrito. Over around and under. How is that retarded? Was there a better move?
I guess the issue is that you're trying to reflect heat back through your insulation, but a mylar blanket will ultimately be a bad fit for a sleeping bag due to moisture concerns regardless.
>cheap amazon 3x3m tarp
>generic military style rucksack
>an old bag from the loft that belonged to my dad
>s2s etherlite xt insulated - had to invest here as I never got a good night's sleep on my dad's old thermarest
usgi goretex bivvy with a 2lb down bag, nature for groundpad/cover
some 40L pack
Mora knife and a tomahawk
Sawyer mini filter
Freezedried potatoes + seasoning mix + rat traps for catching squirrels + fishing line/hooks for canepole fishing + gather plants/shrooms
Ozark trail cookset, just the frypan and bowl/lid
Coffee in tea bags + tea in tea bags
Zippo with torchy insert + ferro rod + homemade firestarters

Current boat vessel is an intex sea hawk 3 inflatable which I have a 3 stroke honda gx35 air cooled motor mounted when going out. It works a dream on choppy and rough waters and its only 2HP, Its light and durable and fast.

The other day I took it out to a river where im from called the Hunter River an hour before sun set. The water was very choppy which then calmed as the tide start coming up. I went a little bit further out than usual. Whilst attempting to return I was unable to get back maybe 300 meters from the boat ramp,

I thought it may have been a the tide and my engine wasnt powerful enough, however I would float with the current and 20 meters down I could start the engine back up and power against the current then get stuck again at that certain spot and just not move. I attempted to row even with the motor going but the raft would not go any further. I tried different part of the water but it just would not let me through. I tried to for hours trying to get back. I put my oar into the water and it wasnt shallow, the engine would cut out after sitting in the sport for 10 seconds and just cut out when id slowly float with the current then Id start the engine and power back up

What cause this? I ended up having to get someone to meet me at a different point 600 meters away.
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They're not a bad engine and the Intex inflatables are okay too, my mate has one and they're really good for power to weight ratio
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god i hope you're wearing a life jacket on that toy
>I have a 3 stroke honda
Explain yourself?
its a 4 stroke honda with 2 hp
>only two HP
Shit CON score, better re-roll the character

When does it stop becoming camping and become “eating food outside”
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when you bring the facilities to cook normal low-effort meals I'd say. car camping is still camping if you're awkwardly crouching over a fire roasting hot dogs. If youre at a place with electric hookups to power your crock pot, then its just eating outside. I mean ffs Ive been to organized picnics with less amenities.
Do boomer camping, it was a good balance.
>drive up to some state forest's gravel parking spot
>hike like 5 miles further in with an 80lb pack
>have lots of comfy stuff but you're actually innawoods
>you brought food but fish and hunt squirrels for even more food
>stay a week or so
Where's the generator?
>eating while camping magically makes it not camping
The mental gymnastics you faggots perform is unreal.
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When you add sleep/shitting/living outside because just eating outside is a BBQ. Also I kinda want all this shiznit for my larger main tent (I have a little light titanium stove and smaller tent) Thinking its about the size you could cut frozen pizzas in half, toss them in a cooler and cook em with it.

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>be dumb girl (pic related)
>get lost in the woods for 28 days
>somehow live
>lose 40 pounds and get more attractive
Is /out/ ketomaxing a valid weight loss strategy? I want to lose 20-30 lbs.
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Drop by /fit/. Specifically, the fasting general thread.
You’re more likely to preserve muscle mass if you’re already fat, so fasting is a poor choice for losing the last few pounds or to get a six-pack
Keep active while fasting, otherwise your body will cannibalize muscle instead of fat and skin
Try not to be in a position where you need to drive or stand up quickly
Fasting will drop your T levels, but fat will also suppress your T
A two-day fast knocks out a lot of junk-food cravings for some reason, at least for me. The first meal after a two-day fast is something I need to ease into over the course of hours, though, starting with soup. Rebooting my GI tract is a slow affair, and if I rush it, my stomach hurts like fuck and I feel bloated
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she looked exactly right in the b4 picture
>A two-day fast knocks out a lot of junk-food cravings for some reason
one theory is that you're killing off the bacteria in your microbiome that eat junk food
bacteria can influence food cravings to get what they want through the gut-brain axis
people who eat mostly real food also report this
The fridge is so close
>1 month in some forest
she looks like she was stuck on Robinson Crusoe island for 30 years

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I met some frens while rock hunting today
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Met some sheep while looking for ramps a week ago, also went in a cool cold war bunker
>cold war bunker
Comfy. What country?
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these silly girls followed me down the trail for about half a mile yesterday
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they didnt want to cross the rubicon though
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>hunting rocks
you retard rocks can't move and you can't kill them

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What's up with Krauts, specially boomers, and their kitted out rigs?
I'm in southern Europe and every time I go to the beach, no matter the time of the year, there's always many, many hundred thousand €€€ traveling/camping rigs there and 90% of the time they have German plates.
As I post this there are a couple 100K vans, mercs sprinters I think, fully prepared for world travel and parked on a gravel road right up to the beach.
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Not in Germany. In Canada absolutely you see these vans everywhere, in the US absolutely.
cuz theyre sick as hell?
I wish i had one of those things i would just sell my house
>Not in Germany
Every year I see maybe 100-150 of these with german plates on, french tags are probably second but 1/10 or even less.
If you're a kraut and don't see them then it's no surprise because they all flock south, it would be retarded if they had a vehicle like that and stayed confined to your authoritarian industrial hellscape.
getaway vehicles after you burn a quoran but you get followed in a hyundai hatchback and flipped upside down by high test middle easterners
Only Dutch people drive those though

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Welcome to beekeeping general. Discuss apiary and bees.

Old thread: >>2577491
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How hot is your climate? I'm in the rockies where the summers are easily 110 degree at its peak and they're fine. The cue that they're too hot is if they're bearding (e.g. sitting in front fanning their wings trying to cool the hive), sort of looks like picrelated. If they are bearding you can swap your bottom board to a screened bottom board and that will get them some circulation. Its very likely your bees are doing their orientation flights as they're getting used to their new home

Hive beetles aren't a problem in my climate so you'll need to do your homework there, from what I understand dealing with the beetles has a lot to do with prevention and setting up traps and preventing them from getting a foothold. Do your research,

as far as Varroa mites goes, learn how to do the powder roll test and the alcohol bath test (alcohol bath is lethal to the 100 bees so I prefer powder). Your bees are probably fine for now, but you should do a test for varroa at least once a month and treat if they breach threshold (2-3% or 2 mites per 100 bees) (https://www.instructables.com/Sugar-Coated-Honey-Bees-or-How-To-Test-for-Varroa-/). I typically have to treat at least once a year during the fall and I use formic pro strips cause they're easy, but there are a bunch of other options, some you can treat with your honey supers, others need the supers to be removed.

Learn how to spot for other conditions too, things like European Foul Brood, Nosema, Tracheal mites, chalkbrood, etc. They each have their own symptoms and ways you can treat. The big one you should learn are the signs and symptoms of American Foul Brood, which unless your bees are vaccinated unfortunately requires you to euthanize and burn your hives. My state (utah) requires us to register our hives and we get notices if there is a AFB outbreak in our area, (we had a scare last year but all my hives were unaffected fortunately) but if your hives get it, you gotta act fast.
I got stung on the face today, I was checking to make sure the queen I bought for a split got released properly, I finished boxing up the hive and left for 30 minutes and came back with a level to make sure it was still fine and had my hood down. She either was just coming in hot and I was in the way or she was just pissed as fuck but she got me on the chin. I might have to give my suit a vinegar bath since Im thinking my mere presence tilted her (they're not typically aggressive right off the bat)

speaking of level, this is important, make sure your hives are generally level. I made that mistake on my first hive and it caused me a ton of problems for a while cause they drew out their comb on the empty frames wierd and it took forever for them to correct it. (drawing comb is very difficult for the bees, so if they can do it right the first time the better)

imagine the ambient bzzzzzzzzzz
Wild photo
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Haven’t posted in some weeks. Lot of changes for the better. We built swarm traps, placed them in all sort of places around the county. there is no shortage of older folks who want nothing to do with swarming bees.
Put together more boxes, nucs, frames, and including wax frame and bettercomb foundations to see how well the work. We typically use plastic foundations but either get them already coated or coat them in beeswax ourselves. Either way, we got our hands full now.
Recently we drove to some place in Northern Ohio to pick up some packages of bees and queens. All of them are of the Saskatraz variety. packages were placed into new boxes with frames, some of which have some comb built onto them or are waxed. The all have some sorts of feeders, either frame feeder or top feeders. Queens went to hives that either swarmed (most were caught), had older queens that need to be replaced, or went to captured swarms or trap outs that need queens to keep genetics in line with this group of hives.
We also have nucs that got swarms from traps and trap outs, a couple of which were from our hives. Nucs that needed queens got them. We tried to salvage old queens or when possible but with some effect as only few bees cared to accompany them.
Did I mention swarm traps? yeah we got a lot, they’re everywhere and they’re are cheating. The shere amount of swarms we have caught so far is nothing short of amazing. I would like to say our methods are sound but it has also be ~20°F/7°C above regular temperatures so flowers as blooming and bees are breeding like mad.
it’s gotten to a point where we’re low on boxes, nucs, swarm traps and are almost out of frames. i had to pick up 50 the other day as we only had about 4 left with all others in use.
I lost count but we jumped from 5 hives to over 20 in the matter of days, with more to come as we have around 6-8 swarm traps with bees and a number of people with bees that need to have them removed from their properties.
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sorry if my post is somewhat illegible.
New phone, new proportions, new keyboard layout, new autocorrect. Grammar and spelling nightmare trying to type even the most simple of sentences.

Also 20 might not be the most truthful. we have most hives at the farm, but we have a smaller farm down the road we’re putting hives and nucs as we ran out of space at the main farm, this is where most feral swarms will go. Our small bee keeping unit also has a third person involved, any captured swarms near our farms are taken to his place sad he lives just farm enough to deter any bees fucking off back to their original locations. We place nucs on one side of his property and he gets captured swarms from near us placed his hive rows while we get ones near him. He also has the honey extraction equipment and excess bee keeping stuff stored as well. His approach is less in involvement due to work and scheduling issues and being more wooded in tandem with that results in his hives developing beetle issues, where one of our hives will have 1 or 2 at most while one of his can get 6 or 7 on a given day!
All of our hives combined are now 30+. I can only imagine what it will look like this time next year. We’ve been in the game for a short time, we don’t even know how to extract honey and wax yet but only a few hives right now hard topped with honey supers. We’re also curious on how effective different hives will work, we have a combination of wood, BetterBee polystyrene hives, and some apimayes. The apimayes and better bees were chosen over a few other brands in terms
of cost/capabilites. We ruled out a HiveIQ and some Finnish brand hive too but we will use them when needed. While many here will probably scoff at these plastic based hives, they do offer better protections in extreme temperature compared to wood hives but we’re not abandoned wood!
I could go on and on but i’m so hap-bee.

Why does everybody want to drive hours to some tourist attractions when there's perfect /out/ right under their noses.
I live in the suburbs with a few parcels of green space wood land of several dozen acres in size. It's undeveloped and has no obvious access or trails so I am probably the first person to have been there in years or decades even.
views + waterfalls
normals are afraid and when /out/ they dare not take a single step off the trail. I have stopped inviting people out for this reason
I visit my local park to hike and run the trails 2-3 times a week. It's a pretty big area and the hills really weed out most people so once you get a couple miles in, it can feel like true innawoods sometimes. It's fun on it's own, but I treat it just as much as training for actual innawoods mountain hiking which I like to do several times a year in various locations. Plus my local spot becomes an arid shithole in the summer. You can't just limit yourself to local stuff when there's so much /out/ to see in the world.
As I wrote on another thread, local parks are okay for scratching the itch on worknights or when your weekend schedule doesn't allow for more serious outings.
Those places aren't really "perfect out" like you said, however. They're typically smaller, more crowded, have fewer interesting natural features in most cases, usually don't allow camping, and lose their novelty after you've gone there a million times already. The only real advantage is convenience for people living in urban and suburban areas.
a lot of my cities old fortifications and citadels have been turned into parks, canals too, i trap crawfish ín the canals, fish too

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