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I've never used one of these
Are they really that useful? Are they a real game changer?

I see everyone using these but dunno... never felt the need
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You are retarded, age cooms fast.
Shitpost bumpin
You use them to push yourself forward while you walk. The work of moving forward is normally 100% on your legs, but poles let you transfer some of that load to your arms instead. This enables you to hike longer distances before exhaustion or injury occur.

So I suggest to use them for full day and multi day hikes.
The average age of a gamer in 2010 was 30. You know shit about shit if you think you children who dominate Reddit represent the rest of the Internet population.
4cgan went live in 2003 and you were probably still in diapers while I was shit posting here.
>buying walking sticks
>finding a good sized stick on the trail
based and stickpilled

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You guys do mushroom and plant foraging/identifying?

You ever find anything cool or rare? I found these Datura plants recently and dug them up. Anyone ever found one of those plants that eat insects?
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Check it out I found a castor oil plant. It's the one that contains ricin.
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Found some hemlock as well, will I become smart like socrates if I eat it?
brick cap / Hypholoma lateritium
looks like Suillus spraguei / west coast synonym so long as it's got yellow pores

the brick caps are A+ edible and easily tissue cultured/cultivated on logs/sawdust

I've eaten alot of everything in the genus Suillus, butterball (S. weaverae) and chicken fat boletes (S. americana) are all I really bother with anymore - entire genus is mycorrhizal with pines, damn near the entire genus can be found beneath Eastern white pine (pinus strobus) in the northeast
>Hypholoma lateritium
>Suillus spraguei
Thank you, I will mark this in my notes,and hopefully they return this year,so I can verify.Very helpful.
I saw a pitcher plant recently. It was either in a creek or an overgrown swampy area next to a river.

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starting this because i don't want to clutter the catalog with my dumb ass question. i am trying to plan an /out/ing, 4-day weekend type deal. i would ask my best friend who i usually camp with for advice but he's deployed. i'm planning on getting a tent, foam pad, sleeping bag, and solar phone charger. i already own clothes, lighter, water bottle, plenty of packed food, and a mora companion (it was on sale for like $14 and i like to get plant and mushroom cuttings) and flashlight. do i need anything else, or is it all just consumerist memes? forgive me if i forgot anything super crucial, i'm retarded (89 IQ). i don't plan on making fire. i just want to hike and sleep. it's a normie campground so i don't need water purifiers, i think. it'll be in southeast oklahoma, sunny and hitting 60F at night. good weather to not go missing? thanks in advance! :)
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Cool, I used it every other day for about 3 weeks. It works pretty good, gets rid of smells, works better than just wet wipes, I have no idea where all of the sweat and oils and BO stank and frumunda cheese went but it seemed to have been cleaned away
will be fine if properly installed
Undeveloped land is very cheap, and the tax is cheap.
Is there any reason why I shouldn't buy cheap land for conservation as an absentee owner, to protect it from development? I'm in USA, for reference.
I could camp on it. I could later decide to sell it or use it agriculturally, or it could serve as a backup site for mobile home if I get priced out of urban housing.
There's no law saying I have to develop land that I buy, is there?
The worst I can anticipate is squatters or trespassing vandals damaging wildlife while I live in the city, but it's improbably and recoverable.
Has anybody done this?
Recently transitioned over to a propane firepit because I'm tired of buying overpriced wood and hauling it. It's a small setup with a 5 lb propane tank. I live in an apartment and don't have outside storage for the tank, so my plan was to use it all or bleed it empty before returning home and storing it in doors. Everything I see about propane storage says not to store it indoors, even when empty. I should be alright to keep it inside, right? Even if there are residuals, the amount would be so small to not be an issue.
absentee owning land and preventing development isn’t conservation. conservation requires active work like research, invasive removals, plantings of natives, and usage of fire or responding to wildfire. a better way to conserve land is to buy it and then donate it or work out some shared ownership deal with an org like the nature conservancy

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I'm buying a house with my wife. It's in good shape and there are no major structural issues (we just had the inspector come through). Alright, that's great, but there are all kinds of little details here and there that will need to be worked on.
Got any advice on some books to learn basic craftsmanship? I'm good with my hands, but never really built anything before. I need to get good at this stuff.
try /diy/
You'll need a hatchet, meme battoning knife won't do.
>btw I am heterosexual

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>Can I see your Angel's Landing® National Parks Trail Permit™ please?
>Oh you mean you don't have one?
>That'll be a $200 + tip fine then

What would you do, /out/?
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Imagine paying the government for permission to walk in the woods
>the libertarian party has entered the chat
Fuck every three letter agency from the IRS to the NPS
Wtf are you talking about with the narrows? You don’t need to rent a suit. If the trail is open, you can walk the trail with whatever. Also, observation point is still open, just not from the valley floor. To get the observation point you need to start from the Zion ponderosa ranch which is technically outside of the park.
Its like 3 dollars for a permit, and they did it because tiktokers kept going and wrecking the place
>$6 to enter permit lottery
>can only apply 24 hours before permit date
>only allow 600 people per day
>meanwhile zion gets 5 million visitors per year
Recreation.gov was a mistake

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/out/ music
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This entire album
Any Salmonella Dub goes good on a mountain top.

Shady Grove
this is like the opposite of mountain tops

this is like the theme song of a japanese anime about riding an elevator





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Hey /out/,
I'm planning to go on a bike trip with this girl I like. It'll be about 70km, so we'll be out for a while.
I bought >pic rel last year for my trips so I don't have to carry all the water I need with me from the start.
Would it be too autistic to bring the water filter on this bike trip date? I'm worried she'll think I'm weird.
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the fuck
>No automatic enema apparatus for biking
>the ick
>because of a water filter
Lmao wtf dude I know the sexual market is fucked up nowadays but jésus...
I showed her my water filter and she loved it. Then I pulled out my little camping stove and brewed us some coffee after we had been biking for two hours and she loved that too. I think she's head over heels for me.
We even went swimming later in the trip and that was the first time I saw her in underwear.
Yeah boys, I think I'm gonna make it.
Happy for you, anon!

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how do you deal with disabilities, thing wrong with you out of your control. bad eyes, joints, anything else that can hinder you?
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my favourite beach is accessible by either a 2 hour walk along a rugged rocky shoreline in either direction or by scrambling down a sketchy mudslide embankment so its awesome because its extremely inaccessible for anyone except for the entirely able bodied. peace and quiet and no annoying normies. feelsgoodman
You be glad it's not the old days where we would have left you in the woods to die and then leave me and my able bodied friends alone on our adventures, loser
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>be glad
>that shadow
Someone shoop a trilby onto his head, I'm stuck at work
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How do I get an /out/ gf?
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>good father figure
Never had that but I go /out/. Sometimes people can rubber band into the opposite of what you'd think. People growing up with shit parents can turn you into a good one, because you're aware of how yours fucked up etc.
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Instructions unclear. I turned my gf out.
ha, I did a thing, reddit.
EDIT: Thanks for the gold.
go outside
>libtard doesn't know what that word means
everything he said is true. cope and seethe
>I thought they were fucking around for instagram shot
>pleasantly surprised

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salut, romanon here
the fuck is this?

can any other romanon explain what is happening? is the media exaggerating this? is this real??

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Yeah there's a lot of city fucks in NZ who think the same. They're so dumb they think the government can handle all the pest control work with their poison and all deer should be removed forever that way. They think the wilderness belongs to them to walk around on designated trails and sleep in huts the pre booked online. Real gay shit.

They think that hunters shouldn't be allowed to manage deer population because hunters want to keep deer and not eradicate them. Yet won't lift a finger themselves. Spoons.
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>Russian forces are aware of the situation and will most likely eliminate the threat!!
kill all cityfags. There has not been any worse mistake made by humanity and is that to create cities. They are an oversocialized hivemind.

In cities, you have a central gigantic amount of people with similar opinions and where guilt-tripping is their way of power. Its a meat hivemind, real life NPCs
Romanian is such a fucking ugly language holy shit

Every girl has hiking in their tinder bio. How do you know if she's really into it or not?
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Holy shit same. 33yo, moved to a new city for work where I know nobody, colleagues are at least a decade older than me, online dating sucks but is the highest-yield realistic way to meet women.

Once you've left a university campus or academic network, it's much harder to find high-quality women
hiking first date is an AMAZING filter for women trying to waste your time, and an excellent opportunity for you to nerd out at someone for an hour + without them having any choice in the matter

if she's willing to walk through the woods listening to you ramble about libertarianism and re-wilding for over an hour she's worth your time - just be sure to reciprocate some of that willingness to trust her and pretend to care about her interests.
In 2024 there are many "women" who were born with penises so I felt I should specify to avoid confusion.
Pffft, this is fucking amazing. Tell those söyboys off, anon
>pretend to care about her interests.

>she need to listen to me ramble about niche topics
>but i'm only going to pretend to care what she has to say

And you guys wonder why you're single...

Why would you want other people to see you before you see them? That would make me very uncomfortable, like sitting at the very first table in the break room with your back to entrance. I don't own a single piece of clothing or gear that is any color except Earth brown, olive drab green, and stone grey. The whole point of going out in the woods is escaping humanity and becoming invisible and being left the fuck alone.
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gatekeeping going outside is crazy ngl you should probably kys lmao
>Why would you want other people to see you before you see them?

so they can be rescued if lost, or body recovered if dead. also to prevent hunters from shooting you on accident. this is some common sense shit.
because people panic when they get lost and forget basic things, especially women and children. a few years ago a grandmother and granddaughter were hiking along the coast in my country. the coast, as in the coast of the ocean, as in there is absolutely no way to not know what direction is north/south/east/west. All she had to do was face the opposite direction of the ocean, walk in a straight line any direction up the hill and she would find a road within 1/4 a mile. But she couldnt do it. Her little kid was crying and being difficult, she herself started breaking down, they wandered into some brush on a hill and started to panic because she no longer recognized the trail she started on. all she could do was phone for help and had to pay 800$ to get a helicopter to pick her up.

congradulations on having a brain attached to a penis anon, it's a much bigger advantage then people like to admit.
>gatekeeping bad
Vibrant colors on vibrant people silly

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here's your ukrainian national park
>inb4 gateway arch
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Why did you bump this thread from page 10?
>>The meadows and reed beds on the shore support one of the largest transmigration spots for birds in Eastern Europe.
it's literally a ditch in the middle of some soviet fields polluted by fertilizers
you may cope
it's preserved as a bird breeding habitat cope and seethe
kys zigger faggot

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I don't know why I never thought about it but "rugged smartphones" are objectively better than a conventional smartphone, it's more or less what you expect from a smartphone at the end of the day. An intelligent machine that helps you overcome most situations, instead of simply having the glass broken due to falling out of the pants of a 6' tall person. I'm just preparing myself for what's coming, and I don't feel safe having a Samsung or Apple phone. A 400 euro/dollar "rugged" smartphone can hold battery for up to 1 week or more with little use in cases of emergency. Times are a bit complicated and difficult, so I appeal to you to start thinking about what you do in cases of emergency. The smartphone is the most important "item" that the average person brings and with some type of distraction is only capable of getting damaged, falling into mud, water, getting broken, etc.
What do you think of "rugged" smartphones and if you happen to have any. do you recommend them?
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I used to own a "Kingkong" phone.
Promo was a dude smashing walnuts and throwing it down the stairs, absolutely sold me.

Worked well enough as a phone, went through quite a bit of abuse with nary a scratch.
It died eventually, and the new "Kingkong" phones were just generic slates using the name with none of the protection the og was sold on.
>everything I don't like is a larp
You could have said you simply don't think they're necessary, but you just had to be a memeposting fag about it, huh?
Go back to /bant/
It only took 10 years lmao

>go /out/
>get mosquito bites on legs
>scratch em
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Mosquitos prefer to drink from high test individuals.
Is that true about vinegar?
drink lots of sugar = body sweats sugar = sweet smell attracts insects. its why fatties get yeast infections and rashes, their skin is just covered in fungus and bacteria food
I just my tent, backpack, clothes, and basically everything with good old fashioned Deet.
Works way better than the new crap and has never let me down
DEET is horrible chit. It literally wrecks your organs and causes cancer. Permithrin is inert unless you drink or inhale its liquid form. Keep using the DEET, fewer hikers on the trail for me someday.

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