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Go to places where the mobile networks aren't banned on 4chan
my house is one

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The purpose of this general is to encourage people to go /out/ and find cool fossils and artifacts. This thread is also a place to share our own collections and things we find when we are /out/ hunting.

Rules are as follows,
>To just post and discuss fossils and other related geological subjects.
>When you post about a fossil in your collection, please label it with what formation it is from, what it is, and where in the world it is from.
>If you don't know where it originated or the species that is ok, just label it as so
Helpful Links
Geologic maps of US states (usgs.gov)
A Beginner's Guide To Fossil Hunting - Fossil Hunting Trips - The Fossil Forum

classes have finished for the year and work has slowed down so hopefully I can keep this one alive. I've made some amazing fids in the past few months that I have been gone and I hope to see what all you have found since the last thread as well. First fossil of this thread is a Placcticeras sp. about 9.5 to 10 inches in diameter was super stoked when I found it. Upper Britton Formation of the Eagle Ford Group, Denton Co. Texas
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When i learned, i didn't used english textbooks, so idk. I will look into it rn and see if something is available on libgen that's looks promising. And btw, it's possible in area when you live to find some outcrops, mine dumps, etc? Practice really helps a lot while learning. Check geological maps for that and https://www.mindat.org/ (it has locality database).
So, this one looks good in terms of covering all the basics: http://libgen.li/edition.php?id=136812494
For rock, this looks decent: http://libgen.li/edition.php?id=138466366
and for mineralogy: http://libgen.li/edition.php?id=138689900
Generally after some basics you should know what is interesting for you and search for specific topic. Search for publishers like Springer or Elsevier. Ofc researchgate for articles etc. From topics i can recomend that's are interesting (at least for me) it would be hydrothermal processes and granitic pegmatites.
I've been watching those videos too. Myron has Bob Ross energy and his videos are endlessly wholesome. They are why I started to get interested in rocks again after all these years
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Plesiosaur bones in massive concretion
Jelly of western us having all the good shit. It's not fuckin fair man.

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If you wear boots, do you put your pant legs in them? If so, do you just put them on or do you use boot bands?
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My brother, you gotta get yourself a part of proper hiking pants, preferably convertible. Get the ones with the elastic drawstrings at the hems, and you're golden. Plus they can turn into shorts.
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I do use boot bands if i havent misplaced them but i use them pic related
so exactly how they're intended to be used?
Grooming standard differs unit to unit, atleast in my countrys military. Some wear them inside the boot, some put them slightly on top of the boot so that it covers the knot in the shoe lace. We stuffed the knot inside the boot and wore them like that.
Rule of thumb is neither the sock or the knot should be visible.
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>still dont know why army is so fixated on this
I think they stopped doing it not long ago, if not army then some other variation like marines or whatever

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Are there ever rockhound threads on /out/? Found these in high desert colorado, curious if anyone knows what they are. They're part of a petrified wood collection I found in a washout (next pic) and I'm curious what the type is that gives this unique orange yellow hue.
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I'll post mine. Providence is known, locale is Arizona (private land collection, not NPS or BLM). Yes it is petrified. I haven't bothered to polish it but you can see rings and bark and even a knot. Haven't weighed it but I would say it is about 10-15 lbs or on the lower side of that range, 8.5x11" notebook for reference.

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Currently assembling my at home and outdoors first aid kit. What is essential gear that I need to have? Or are there any preassembled kits that y'all reccomend that aren't just fancy band aid packs?

I'm already getting tourniquets and cpr masks (I know CPR doesn't use mouth to mouth but mouth to mouth is used after Heimmlich and other forms do respiratory arrest) and I'm also getting big ass scissors of course.
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Where'd you get the bag? I've been looking for something similar to put my homemade kit in.
I'd add medical tape and get rid of the bandaids if you're already going to be carrying gauze.
Also some vinyl gloves are nice if you're administering first aid on someone else.
This but minus the part about getting rid of the bandaids. I wouldn't pack a shitload mind you, but having a dozen or so adds almost 0 bulk/weight and makes it so you don't have to immediately dip into your medical tape and gauze for small nicks and cuts. Hell, throw a few in some of your pockets and you'll be good for a while assuming you arent accident prone
>n Finland they sell a viper bite kit in the pharmacy ... Although nowadays they do not recommend it because some people have a false belief in the viper bite pills negating the effects of the viper venom.
I'd say the main reason they don't recommend it nowadays is because there's very little evidence that it helps at all.
Treating snake bites with corticosteroids is essentially a Scandinavian eccentricity (maybe Italian too) and it's not generally recommended elsewhere in the world. The snake bite toxidrome may have an inflammatory element but that is not what causes most of the actual harm. Morbidity associated with snake bites in Europe and the US is primarily a result of cytotoxins which directly attack cells and tissue around the site of the bite, and hemotoxins which fuck with blood clotting. Neither of these pathways will be significantly affected by hydrocortisone.

On the other hand, 3x50mg pills aren't going to take up much space in your pack so if you feel more comfortable carrying them then go right ahead.

>Anyone think this "first aid kit" stuff is retarded?
No. Not at all.
If you fuck up with your knife or a hatchet or if you just fall down a fucking cliff then it's entirely possible for you to bleed out well before anyone responds to your PLB. A tourniquet, gauze and a good bandage could very well keep you alive long enough for help to arrive. Similarly, being able to effectively splint a fracture might be the difference between making it to shelter or back to the trailhead vs freezing to death in the rain.
At the other end of the spectrum, carrying band-aids and gauze can let you treat minor cuts, burns and blisters well enough that you can continue hiking rather than calling your trip quits 3 days in because you slipped while filleting a fish. Anti-diarrhea meds and oral rehydration solution are the same, they're not going to save your life but they can save your enjoyment of the trip.
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Here is my medkit.
It contains the following:
>1x Cederroth 4-in-1 bloodstopper (can be used as a pressure bandage for larger wounds, burn dressing, for securing the splint on to a limb or as a protective dressing for less serious wounds
>2x Cederroth 4-in-1 bloodstopper mini (same but smaller, and also usable on fingers, toes or palms of hand)
>50ml of 80% etanol for cleaning up wounds
>a couple wound wipes
>an assortment of different bandaids
>medical tape
>triangular bandage
>medication (imodium, ibuprofen, paracetamol, caffein, snake bite tablets, allergy meds and allergy eyedrops)
>one roll of gauze, wound compress pads
>bic lighter
>space blanket
>nitrile gloves

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I'm sick of rich faggots pretending to be farmers and attacking actual farmers.

The term organic is meaningless marketing shpiel, is arsenic organic? What about synthetic pyrethrum? None of these fackwits stand up to even ten minutes of questioning, they're technically illiterate.

And I'll swing this hammer at permaculture fags too, who broadly fall into the triangle of
>doesn't produce a surplus/ commercial quantity
>technically illiterate, unqualified, doesn't know shit about organic/ elemental chemistry
>ideologically motivated.
Fuck off back to the city
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>upscale restaurant closed due to covid
What the fuck is covid
These guys, despite many of whom being a bunch of goddamn hippie commies are essential to preserving agricultural practices that work with a lower level of oil dependency that will at some point become essential.

That's important.
It's a raven.
When did this board get infested by big agro and big timber shills? Or is it just directionbrained idiots trying to own the libs?
>Anonymous tip about unreported income
This shit drives me up the fucking wall. Complete denial of your right to face your accuser or come to amends without the government stepping in.
>But the government is the accuser
Well it has only hersey to base it's accusations off of, so it should have no legal standing whatsoever. Also, stop being a cuck anon.

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trees love CO2
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During the industrial revolution it was noted that tree were growing way more than normal
Yeah, but those problems require money, resources, and manpower to fix and can't be easily turned into a financial instrument to be traded on the market.
Yaaas we need to lock up all the carbon just like an ashkenazi schmeckle in a chastity cage
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The average human exhales about 2.3 pounds of carbon dioxide on an average day. (The exact quantity depends on your activity level—a person engaged in vigorous exercise produces up to eight times as much CO2 as his sedentary brethren.
gotcha and amen will convert grow tent into grow room and sex up the walls but that will be plans for next five years or at least until my business rockets, thank you brother but in the meantime will need smaller scale innovations. will keep looking. more advice welcome

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Post the next place you are going, if on a roadtrip do next stop.

I'll start: Theodore Roosevelt National Park

I can't wait. Badlands are my favorite environment and I'm going to be doing some back country camping and hopefully catch some heat lightening light shows.
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I'll post about it. I've been through SD before so did Badlands and the Black Hills and this has always been in the back of my mind as a place I need to go. There's also some great badlands in Eastern Montana and the canadian prairies that get slept on.
Maybe Patagonia Lake SP. Haven't decided yet.

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Ouachita National Forest. I've been itching to explore this place for months. Gonna hike all over the mountains and check out Hot Springs NP while I'm there too.
starting with this next week. Big Bend National Park and then heading north
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Turnip Rock, Michigan. I'm literally going to be kayaking there from Eagle Bay a couple weeks from now.

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britbong here. I'll save the details as they're quite mundane, though essentially I've lost my job and my place at university. I figure there's nothing tying me to this country anymore, so I've decided to go to America and be a travelling hobo/hiker. I'm somewhat an intermediate outdoorsman but wanted to ask for any suggestions from you guys on how to make my life easier/not get murdered.

> planning to stay until deported/find meaning
> will start out with about $4000
> can't drive
> will likely stay on East Coast as I'm terrified of being eaten by a grizzly
> stealth camping the majority of the trip

I'm hoping to visit some cities/towns throughout the trip. how hard is it to find stealth spots? cities are quite small here, so I don't have a reference, but is it feasible to cover the span of most cities in a day? Where's best to stash my gear for a day or so? I plan to make my money busking as I'm a skilled musician, is this a good idea?
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man thank you so much for all the thoughtful advice. and yes I am deadly serious about this. I'll be flying out either this summer or next spring. I've made an account on that couch surfing app you recommended and have already bought/own the majority of the equipment I'll need. I'll screen cap all of the advice in this thread and post them when I do another update upon landing.
I plan to pack some means of self defense also, though I am reluctant to purchase an actual firearm due to the different states having different laws regarding them. Would an imitation or airsoft replica suffice? Barring that I'll likely grab some pepper spray or a large knife.
Sabre Red is the best pepper spray/cs gas gel you can buy. Works on people and dogs. You can't fly with it though, so you have to acquire it here and some states don't permit sales to the public (LEO only).

I'm a gun owner and believe you shouldn't even consider purchasing a firearm. If legal, how would you pass the internic test, you won't have legal residence. If illegal, it will catch up with you. If you produced a replica here in Chicago we would just shoot you dead without hesitation, collect our casings and move along. The clearance rate in many places is less than 15%. Don't even.

Just trust your gut instincts and avoid sketchy scenes. Unfort, I would not trust anybody entirely short term. Great folks here but all countries have their psychopaths and America is a huge place.

It should be exciting enough. Have the time of your life, kid. If there should be a snag and you need to return early, you were not defeated, you can come back again, legally or else across our open borders. Relax.
Yeah do not try to get a fucking gun, anon. Hitchhiking and couchsurfing is about being fun, kind, and unthreatening so people want to help you. If someone looks at you and thinks "this is the kind of guy who would pull a gun on me" you have fucked up. Having a knife or hatchet in your gear is fine because those are tools, not weapons. A fake gun is quite possibly an even worse idea. Pepper spray is your best choice, outside of not getting into bad situations in the first place. You are so much more likely to get questioned by a cop for being in a park past 9pm than mugged by some gangster or violent homeless guy in an alley.

Hitchhikers are strange and mysterious to people, you're either the first one someone has met, or helping out hitchhikers is a hobby of theirs. While travelling you are inherently interesting to anyone you talk to, you can make friends with just about anyone by telling them a story and then listening to them talk about their lives. Collect their stories and you can tell them later to someone else. There's a tip: get a small journal and write down what happens to you, even just the broad strokes. Time passes and I don't remember all the people I met on my trip anymore.
no, dont do it. not usa.
i dont want to encourage this lifestyle but its easy af in the forests and mountans of norway and sweden.

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What job should I work to have the time, money, and energy to go /out/?
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Thanks for the advice but I have never been able to get into programming, it's just one of those things my brain refuses to understand.
It sucks because the things I am good at don't really make any money, or nobody would take me seriously because I didn't spend thousands of dollars for a piece of paper.
I think I might just get an entry job at some insurance company and play the corporate game

that sounds like a reasonable assessment.
and the plan sounds good to me.

nowadays I'm 100% sure that your job doesn't have to be related to your hobbies at all. your job needs to make money and afford you the flexibility you need to live a good life.
and even though I usually hate the timeline we're on, there's a lot more flexibility in normal jobs than there was even 10 years back.

I'd say go for it and make adjustments to your plan as needed
seasonal work in the winter. dirtbag in the summer. works for me
>dirtbag in the summer
What means 'dirtbag'
How old are you?

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> catch a flat tire
> get a repair kit
> get the inner tube out
> find the hole
> seal it
> use a mini hand pump to inflate the tube
> pump for like 10 minutes
> still flat
mini pumps are a meme and presta valves are a work of satan
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>mini pumps are a meme
They're inferior to every other pump, only useful for repairs on the go. Get one where the actual pump handle is attached with a rubber hose so you can move it freely. Much less retarded design.
>and presta valves are a work of satan
>get a flat
>contemplate changing to your spare wheel but fuck no
>take out pic related, fix it in 5min and throw the useless co2 cartridges away
>fill it with 12v compressor
>drive away
>I can't inflate a tire bloo bloo bloo
Skill issue. Any 4chins poster worth his salt should be extremely capable when it comes to short-stroke pumping action
i fixed it already. the issue was the presta valve being a dogshit piece of construction and i had to use an adapter for it
also kill yourself
>retard used the wrong end on the pump and blames the valve

only on 4chan dot org slash out

Any of you guys like kites? Started with a $20 dragon kite from costco, had a lot of fun and then went to REI and bought a Prism Zenith 5 for like $50 and I've really been enjoying it. I bought the Synapse 140 from the same brand, a dual-line parafoil, but that has been giving me a bit of trouble and I've only gotten it in the air a couple times; I'll likely need to wait for a better wind day to get a hang of that one.
Also any kite recommendations or tips? What brands should I look at?
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starting around 2019 there have been inflatable strut and hybrid designs that are used for hydrofoil surfing and other boardsports. they are pretty cool because more beginner friendly than huge power kites and windsurfing sails, and more suitable for surfing ocean waves; at any time you can simply let go with one hand and the wing will hover in ground-effect.

you can't really just "fly" along the ground, but you can catch a little bit of air with a good running start or a slope-soaring situation.
Any advice for avoiding neck strain and/or staring at the sun? I just got a 1.8m foil kite and it's a blast to fly, but I gave myself a kink in my neck flying it for just an hour or two yesterday. Didn't help that the powerzone was directly towards the sun lol
i forgot these existed
brings me back to being five and bringing kites to the neighborhood park on a windy day
although now i wonder why flying a kite would be fun
if you haven't flown a kite recently i suggest you do
it's just fun. i feel like i appreciate these simple things even more as an adult
Kiting as a hobby is probably more than what you think it is. Look into stunt kites or power kites, lots of fun to be had; even with more simple kites like OP posted.

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>Ruins your expedition path
How do you solve this? Are there any tools to debranch dead/burned down trees? I’m covered in scratches from pushing through walking backwards because I ran out of water on my hike.
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Will that cut through 2-3 inch branches? How often do you sharpen it?
Dead yes you don't need much heft at all. Hell you could probably clear 2" dead branches with a piece of rebar but you'd get tired faster.
>Are there any tools to debranch dead/burned down trees?
yea is called hands, and not being a pussy ass bitch
Literally just walk through them lmao
I've never had a problem... although I walk through them like a ninja avoiding laser beams because I've been doing it since I could walk.
I do it all the time for mushroom hunting and foraging. Get a Carhartt jacket and Carhartt pants--it's fucking inkwoods armor. I walk through wild rose bushes without issue.

>A battered Brazilian Spanish travel influencer has detailed being horrifically gang-raped in India while her husband was forced to watch — as police revealed Tuesday that eight men have been arrested over the sick attack.

>The couple, who go by Vicente y Fernanda on their social media pages, allege they were set upon by the gang of men while camping in the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand last Friday night.

The place they picked to camp was sketchy as fuck but that later on the night I'm not sure they had many choices left.
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Dirt bike pants?
>I don’t believe their story.
Was there no footage?
If there is footage, somene should post it
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>The place they picked to camp was sketchy as fuck
Yeah, never set camp in India.

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Anyone got any experience with bivvy bags? I'm looking into buying one on the cheaper end. There's tyvek ultralight bags, there's heavier ones, weight isn't a huge concern for me personally but I like light stuff if it's reasonably durable. Rain and mosquitoes are my primary concerns, I'd like a face cover of some kind
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>You keep the tropen inside the def4.
Why in that configuration? The Tropen is the bigger of the two, and the Def 4 fits rather tight on it's own already.
The manifacturer recommends as such.
Defence 4 has a water repellent finish, less volume might be better in such cold.
If you're referring to Cartinthia tropen, that's not a bivy, it's a sleeping bag with a mosquito net.
A bivouac sack is weatherproof and uninsulated.
What are some good, sanely priced mats for extreme cold?
You don't carry a poncho?
Keeping the Tropen outside is like wearing your baselayer outside of your hardshell.
The Tropen is a warm weather bag. It's less concerned with keeping out drafts and allows water vapor to easily travel through it. Keeping it inside the bag allows the Tropen to more effectively add to the insulation of the Defense 4.
The Defense 4 should be sized to fit the Tropen inside of it, so if it's too tight, then you ordered too small of a size or you're trying to bring too much stuff into the bag with you.
You have a choice between eating in the rain and not eating in the rain, and anyone who’s done both knows what the right choice is.

And how would you get from your bivy into your poncho if it’s raining in the morning?

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