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just found this silly slug that crawled from under my door after the rain
what are your experiences finding animals that got inside your house?
Every year there is a possum that uses my gutter as a nest. I have cleared it many times but his progeny keep returning. I have no idea how many generations of possum have kept me awake at night, but I am defeated. My home is begrudgingly now their home.
I caught an Eastern Racer in my house maybe 6 years ago. At least that’s what I think it was: solid gray with a little head and maybe a tinge of yellow underneath. I doubt it was the yellow bellied racer (or whatever it’s called) because I’m pretty far east. He was maybe 3’ long too.

It was in a utility room that connects the converted garage to the rest of the house. The house is raised over a crawl space but the utility room is not. No idea how he got in there or why.
Like, a decade ago i was playing WoW alone and one of theese dumb shits crashed in through my open Window narrowly avoiding my cactuses, I just git up and grabbed it like you would a chicken, it was dazed but alright so I just held it until it seemed okay, held it at my window and let it go, other then that the only larger animals I've had are bats and my grandpa had a racoondog, skunk or some shit in his attic, my aunt had rats in her walls, that was ass, the occasional was nest, sparrows in my gutter but thats fine

>watch youtube noo
>whips out cheap chinese non full tang machete
>begins to baton green wet wood off a living tree
>chops down whole forest
>makes massive bonfire

No nigger! All you need is twigs! Gather a faggot and you're good to go.

If I see you with a bonfire I immediately skip your video.

The military solved the outdoor mess kit long ago. get one of these bad boyss in pic related with a canteen, cup/pot, range, and pouch. stick a spork in there and a ferro rod and steel keychain and its FUCKING PERFECT. the only problem with these is nobody buys them so theyre cheap

the military SOLVED this shit nigger wisen the fuck up. christ!
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for some reason there are a lot of these( the canteens) made in plastic. seen them in surplus stores too. quite annoying
As long as the melting point of the plastic is above the boiling point of water you can boil water in it.
It won't heat up beyond the boiling temperature of water as long as there's still water in it.
I'll have a big fire if I want a big fire faggot.
That's because often those canteens are made to expand with the said contents if frozen. And the cup is there to boil water with anyways.
They all seem to be aluminium. Why no steel construction? I don't want alzheimers.

this doesn't do shit
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I treat my hunting clothes with permethrin for mosquitos and ticks. I use deer on my head and neck and the back of my hands.
Deer...deet, stupid auto correct
This is for gnats. I’ve seen it work. I never used it. It was developed around 10 miles from my old Farm.
DEET is sooo last century. Permethrin or my favorite: Picaridin. Fun Fact: DEET is absolutely horrible for tech fabrics and especially latex. Turns latex to goo.
Who the fuck goes out wearing latex.
Don't answer that.

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Geocaching is what started making me go /out/side. Does anyone else still do it? I bring a mountain bike and head to trails.
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>people are too inconsiderate.
oh the irony
did it a ton growing up with my dad around places in willamette valley Oregon, ton of fun and gives a real sense of adventure, hopefully will get back into it
an extreme minority would do something like leave drugs, an even extremer minority would leave drugs that have some hidden extra drug within them hoping to fuck with people, me for example once left shrooms in a cabela's parking lot cause i didn't want to have them across state lines, if my shit was laced i would've left it in the trash, most drug users aren't malicious
This post is the equivalent of a gym bro taking things from a new guy's/girl's locker, and smashing it/stealing it, hoping the newcomer doesn't come back to try and improve their lifestyle.

Shame on you.
most may not be malicious, but there is still a significant enough chance that warrant people buying test kits to test out certain drugs before ingesting them and websites to report their findings
i'm just saying it's not a smart idea to take drugs you just find randomly on the street. i wouldn't even eat a hamburger still in its wrapping that i found on left at a table on a restaurant

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its their curse for raping and pillaging europe for a couple hundred years, hungarians also got it by being forced to speak in throat gargles.
ah so its ok if japan does it but when europeans or americans put summit houses on top of mountains its ruining nature
Eat your bugs Hans

What happens here?
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Oaks there are big, so I've been told.
a (((ruse))), the oaks there are actually very small.

Man I liked his stuff but he really comes off as a prick
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i think thats why newfags don't get his vids. Why they blew up was him just shit talking everything he sees as a form of anti-tourism, like in the Japan video.
Thx for the plug, already knew Poison and Tomz but I'll be checking out the other ones too, when I have time.
I love that you bitches can't take rejection even from some random on the Internet. Look how mad you are that dude left and told you to fuck off.
I respect what he said and you're seething
VH will always be a legend.
Why not?

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Why does the North East have so much SOVL bros? Vermont and New Hampshire are the best states I've ever been to in this country.
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Rochester NH is a meth infested shithole full of swamps and tweakers
No it isnt. Meth is a rural West Coast thing, and a southern poverty thing.
Yes, it most definitely is. I see them camping on railroad tracks which have needles everywhere, and walking around town having meth psychosis and screaming at things that aren't even there. Meth is popular here now.
I would consider NH too, but too many scumbags from NY and MASS are moving there. Maine doesn't tax military pensions though, so I might end up there if I stay in long enough. Everyone from there has been the most friendly person I have ever met, their seafood is supreme and the gun laws seemed normal when I looked them up.
Could be meth, but fentanyl can cause psychosis also.

"In the northeast, fentanyl tends to be combined with cocaine, while in the south and west it is more likely to be mixed with methamphetamine.

"We suspect this pattern reflects the rising availability of, and preference for, low-cost, high-purity methamphetamine throughout the U.S., and the fact that the Northeast has a well-entrenched pattern of illicit cocaine use that has so far resisted the complete takeover by methamphetamine seen elsewhere in the country," Friedman said."


Does anyone have any recommendations for a simple fishing kit for a reasonable price i dont want random bullshit i wont use
Where are you going?
What kind of fish?
Shore, boat, wading?
Are you looking for all-around or specifics?

A stick, 4lb line, and a worm on a hook?
buy fishing line, a few hooks, cork from wine, and get a long stick from the woods, shouldn't cost more than $2

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What's good hammock brand?
I'm in Eu
Need one for 2 pers.
Must have mosquito net and detachable rain cover
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What's the deal with hammocks? I heard you were never supposed to pitch your tent under a tree because branches can fall off and crush your tent, but hammockbros don't seem worry about this? What about sticky tree sap?
>I can’t find to trees in a forest
You heard wrong. Trees provide an excellent wind break and a little rain cover, sort of. Just look up for dead branches. Inb4 some o about a tree killing someone.
Using the truck's exhaust to warm the hammock at night = peak comfy
>Leśny Ludzik
Have seen good reviews for both brands, but haven't pulled a trigger yet. For now I'm still using one from Decathlon until I can decide which one to choose.

I got bit by a fucking tick in april.
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>t. has no idea what ticks are
So what? There have been years where I got bit by them over 50 times and nothing ever happened.
I live in one of those orange places and I'm more scared of Lyme because I'm vax maxxed against TBE
>I got bit by a fucking tick in april.
east coast tax
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This fucker was in me for about 5 days before I realized it. I'm allergic to Doxy so I couldn't get it. Doc said our area is extremely Lyme heavy so if I feel any symptoms to come back and they can look for alternative treatments if I test positive for Lyme.

I've been having a headache the past 3 days, am I gonna die, anons?

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>america has no cultur-
America has a culture. And it's beautiful.
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You crack the window you stupid fuck.
Almost as basic as learning how fucking ventilation works
Such a lame bed design, she can't sit up even half way. Plus it puts her on full display rather than having privacy, all to gain 2x4 feet of storage that could be kept in shopping bags above the bed, which double as camouflage. My ex had a H.Element like this, you could at least sit up. Wasn't the worst place for a first time.
Damn, sounds just like prison. When you got no other choice, you take what you can get

The human mind's a flexible and interesting thing...

My mom never let me go to Scout/summer camp because she was afraid that I might get raped.

What did I miss out on?
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It's posts like this that remind me why users of this website hate ESLs so much.
like other in the thread have said, it really depends on the troop you join, you might get an asshole who orders you to stand there with your underwear down to jerk into them and makes you walk around with his jizz in you shorts all day, or you might get one who knows how to groom and successfully manipulates you into feeling like taking his dick is rewarding male attention.
I dropped out of scouts freshman year of high school. I started as a Tiger Scout in the first grade. My scouting experience was great honestly, but it had a heavy fall off thanks to the "newer" generation of scouts.

My father was very involved, and due to his demanding work schedule, scouts was one of the few times we had to really connect and be together. I had a lot of great friends in scouts, and our troop was very /out/ so it was a ton of fun. Then most of my friends left, we a couple years of the slimiest, most pathetic, vegan, fundamentalist families storm the troop and they just ruined it. Severely overbearing parents, arguments about every activity or trip, mind-numbingly obsessed rule enforcers. It was fucking miserable. They couldn't really do anything about it because that was the stock of parents they got, and the only way the troop stays alive is if parents are there to fund and support it. One time we even threw a football around and one kid got dropped because he wasn't paying attention. The mom marched right over, screaming, yanked the football from a kid's hand, and locked it in her car. The parents argued and bickered for hours and my dad, and four or five other parents, ended up just tossing our stuff in the back of their cars and leaving with us. Went to a few more meetings and eventually didn't feel like it anymore. My dad tried to convince me to find another troop but the magic was gone.

Fortunately I maintained my passion for going /out/, scouts is the reason for that.
Hazing and soft torture was all fair game in our dad's days.
Getting raped at camp by sick counselor was possible but rare.
Today, it appears to be the new normal.
Take a glance at what has become of the former YMCA of NY:


What is right about this picture?

>be /out/ in Australia
>need to do a poo
>but oh no, no toilet paper!
>I guess I'll just wipe my ass with these
any retard that ignores the serrated margins and the texture of the leaf deserves it desu

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Id like to learn taxidermy to atleast have some use of the small game that i cant eat. Where should i start? What tools i need and are there any good textbooks on the subject?
Pic related i paid 150€ for this and wanted to share it with you guys.
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At first I thought that was a slipper.
Possum is cleaner than other animals like that, they can't get rabies for example. That's why hillbillies ate them.
you killed your cat for the hide?
From what I hear, it's not that they can't, it's more that their body temperature is so low it's incredibly unlikely to the point it's nearly impossible. They're pretty clean from what I hear and the only real example of anything they carry is something that they can transmit to horses, which seems extremely overblown as I've never seen actual examples, just "but it could happen!". I guess I'd be acting the same way with a horse worth probably a couple grand though. Other than that, maybe they can carry raccoon roundworm (haven't been able to find much other than the horse thing so who knows) but...
>While raccoons are the roundworm’s primary host, other types of animals can become infected. Birds and small mammals, such as rodents and rabbits, are susceptible to the parasite.
>Fewer than 25 cases of Baylisascaris disease have been documented in the United States.
>It is possible that human infection is more common than diagnosed and most cases do not reach a clinical stage.
>In North America, B. procyonis infection rates in raccoons are very high, being found in around 70% of adult raccoons and 90% of juvenile raccoons.
So lol it seems like it's a parasite that can really be in any animal and the possibility of being infected is rare unless you eat, like, raccoon which has been poorly prepared in both the butchering and cooking stages. I believe I've heard foxes can carry it too as well as most canines. So make that most animals in the woods as they include rodents too.

I'm also just curious about what they might carry because I might end up trapping eventually. I think opossums are pretty clean, but it's always hard to tell. Any of those I'd catch I'd probably let go. Raccoons are pretty up there when it comes to amount of diseases carried/likeliness of carrying them. Everything else is somewhere in-between. Squirrels, I think, are pretty clean, probably up near the top.
That's right and a good source for OP; I forgot you can collect roadkill in the UK (you can in the US too but it varies state by state and animal by animal; check your laws as it may require a hunting loicense). Rabies is all but gone there too so have at it! (albeit still with doubled up nitrile gloves, a steady hand, some 70% alcohol on standby for cuts, and maybe a respirator if you're doing something like scraping fat and really kicking up juices in the air)

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