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The new /sci/ wiki

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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

Go on jre and talk about aliems

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The human mind is able to execute arbitrary computer programs.
you're an idiot anon, you seem to not be able to comprehend certain science subjects. maybe try something else if this is too hard for your brain?
also if you want to educate yourself start reading some fucking papers on the subject you illiterate retard
not sure if I agree with that because there are very apparent limit to the human mind without extra tool to help you to mimic that computation. also, lots of computation model assume infinite memory. but let say that is true. in that case why should the human mind BE a computer and no something that is SUPER computer? the number of system that can simulate a computer is an infinite set, why should you choose it to be exactly a computer? is it because the computer is the only thing that you know of. that's dumb.
we know that physics is above computers. a proton can simultaneously look at infinitely all the path to a destination and somehow choose the shortest path instantly without any computation. there are universal physics law that apply without the speed of light limit and there are physical laws that we don't understand, or know that it's not the correct model. tell me why should the human mind, which is a product of physics and we actually don't know shit about, should be exactly a computer just because some dogshit speculation papers say so?
>>not sure if I agree with that because there are very apparent limit to the human mind without extra tool to help you to mimic that computation.
You may as well object that no computer ever built by man has the infinite tape of a true turing machine. That's a trivial objection.

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Falcon Heavy edition

previous: >>16147648
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The fact that the LM-12 has such perfect overlap in capabilities with the LM-8A was a bit confusing until I realized they're built by different groups (SAST and CALT) who are probably chasing the same LEO constellation market. LM-12 should be cheaper to fly since it doesn't have boosters or a hydrogen upper stage, but CALT said they were setting up to produce 50 8As per year so they might be able to brute force their way past that with economies of scale. It'll be interesting to see how this shakes out, at least before rockets like the Tianlong-3 and Zhuque-3 come along and make all of these expendable vehicles irrelevant.
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This is just embarrassing
Russia has fallen...
It's true. I can't wait for Starship to outperform the entire rest of the world every launch. Even China and Russia must be reduced to rounding error.
This is especially funny because NASA has banned zinc in fasteners for years

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>consciousness is caused by brain activity, there is no afterlife
>diseases are caused by bad air, there are no microscopic organisms
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Totally bro, you get to play video games again after you die. This is not cope at all.
moron detected
Made up schizobabble
You're just a coping animal. It's sad that you are so distressed.
No. I care about people I don't know, that's why I put energy into the posts I post. Are you so thoughtless that you spit in the face of people actually trying to help you and lead you to what you want?

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According to science, this color is proof that our current theory about the color spectrum is wrong and that we need to re-evaluate our notions about what a color is.
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My eyes are telling me that I'm not seeing green, but something else...
Goethe was right: Newton is wrong.
No, it's not, you made that up.
>repeats exactly what was said with slightly different semantics
what's wrong with the pink color?

Do you stay /sci/lent when you don't understand something in class and just learn it at home by yourself? Has this ever hurt your grades?
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Sometimes I just ask and sacrifice my dignity. Sometimes the embarrassment makes the concept stick with me. I think when the class size is ~15 and everyone is half asleep it doesn't matter much.
asking questions so you understand something is good
In high school, I'd ask because we were encouraged to (and it was a principal earnestly upheld). I've been to a few schools so I'm sure some places encourage you but don't protect you from scorn if you actually do (or don't protect your dignity).

In college, I'd more or less just listen and then google/youtube it later. Once you know the name of a topic, it's very very trivial to find it explained 5 different ways from sunday via google/youtube/reddit etc. So that's what I do.
I have inattentive ADHD so I just nod my head through lecture and can't understand a single equation till I sit down and mess with the problem.
You shouldn't be doing your own research you fucking moron. You sound like one of those anti science maga rednecks that have infested this board ever once the start of the covid pandemic. You should be doing your own research, and you definitely shouldn't be doing it at home.

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Where does the information found in things like DNA and RNA come from? How can it possibly come from any natural process?
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You sayin' Mother Earth 's been impregnated or sumthing? Damn bruh but now we have this additional problem you see how these early multiplyers were not competin' and evolvin' just yet but instead were travelin' all over while stayin' in these ancient forms but once embedded in a planet suddenly start competin' and evolvin' you know what I'm sayin'?
>garble garble
It's like sayin' that maps are not the territory but both do exist in the same reality and yet maps are different substances than the territory because the thought of a hamburger is not edible or nourishing for your body even though such a thought can simulate all the sensory experiences of eating a real hamburger.
you can tweak that info and make an order from a company that assembles the bacteria DNA and ships it to your door. you send information, literal information, over the fucking internet, and they assemble that information and ship it to you
you can do it yourself, at home.
I'm amazed at your willingness to deny reality so your bullshit ideas still make sense. how the fuck can you be so dissonant? doesn't it mentally hurt? don't you feel like an absolute buffoon you flat-earther dimwit?
>you send information, literal information
No you don't. You copy the structure of organic stuff by rearranging some other stuff (electricity through computers, cables, printers etc.) into the same structure. You're speaking like kilograms and mass exist but these are just ideas about how much particles are in a space.
turboretard run any%

What are some facts and evidence that people here are unable to see?
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Well, NPCs without consciousness can't see it. Obviously.
I have had to do some absolute U-turns when my beliefs have been challenged by evidence to the contrary. or by superior logic. Not just in science but also in politics, history, social interactions, spirituality, basically everything. Sure I have felt some degree of incredulity and resistance, even some degree of humiliation when I realized what I had held true for many years was actually wrong, or perhaps just half baked.. My entire belief system now is a strange sort of temporary system. Nothing is certain to any absolute degree. But its what I believe until something with better evidence and superior logic comes along to disprove it, or improve upon it.

I thought that is just what a sane and reasonable person would do. Be open minded. Be rational. Let truth prevail. Expand your knowledge and not let ego or pride make you resist acknowledging a better way of understanding things.

.For many years I just assumed that most people thought the same way. Were we not a rational species over value truth over untruths? Imagine my surprise when this continued and I slowly came to the realization that actually most people are not that way. That would get me into trouble sometimes, in conflicts when I came up across people who held onto evidentially wrong ideas and fallacious reasoning.

I just assumed that if their errors were explained logically and with facts they would reach the same conclusions. No, mostly they became aggravated and aggressive, sometimes resorting to the most petty sort of revenge for the affront of having their beliefs assailed. Of course I was autistic in retrospect. I would be woefully ignorance of the social dynamics that they considered far more important than advancing their understanding of the matter at hand. It took me a long time to learn those social skills, and quite honestly it pissed me off that truth suffered as a consequence.
imo that all belief is born of personal experience (whether that's the personal experience of reading a textbook, research paper, or hearing a teaching speak [and the other sense impressions born of externally produced agents]) and therefore to say that N=1 is insufficient is intellectually (and also spiritually) disingenuous and corrupt.
>insects don't collapse the wavefunction

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How can you believe in evolution when it's only a theory (a guess)?
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In the grand scheme, when you consider the basic fact that water flows downhill, it isn't hard to conceptualize that our current circumstances developed naturally from the starting conditions of the universe. Besides a prime mover, (conceptually, not necessarily the christian God), there's no need for an out of the box intervention like critics of evolution seems to suggest. Amazing jumps can be conceptualized as exponential functions of a mechanism we don't understand yet, so what's all the fuzz about, really?
>Neanderthal and Denisovans were branches of human
Which at least partly developed their intelligence independently of us as H. heidelbergensis is likely the common ancestor of all three but wasn’t quite at the level of us, Neanderthals or Denisovans in intelligence
>That's simply not possible.
According to who? Assuming that number is correct, what reasoning is there that it’s impossible other than “that number looks too small on paper, I don’t believe it”? You need to actually test that or at least find something that suggests it shouldn’t be to say that. Either way that has nothing to do with other animals convergently evolving human level intelligence
It had nothing to do with it because it was a separate point. The human mind is an exquisite machine and you want me to believe like 20 point mutations are responsible?
So it is a case of the number looking too small on paper
>stars form, therefore apes became humans millions of years ago

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If there are an infinite number of whole numbers, and an infinite number of decimals in between any two whole numbers, and an infinite number of decimals in between any two decimals, does that mean that there are infinite infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And an infinite number of those infinities? And…(infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And that infinitely times. And…) …
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Cop appears to have dropped the case, so Im planning a trip back to Lao to threaten the cops with arrest for dereliction of duty and accessory to armed robbery. The laws are not kind to heretics there.

Im ok with arresting the police, present them yo the Army. Tribunals>court.

It was the "harsh to heretics" part huh, because youre a vapid, soulless piece of shit without a moral compass, huh?
Look up the continuum hypothesis
this is the cover of another shitty Robert Greene book right??
You can just say infinite. Infinite already means unbounded so what you're doing it like intellectual wankery with, perhaps, a bit of navel gazing. Drop the bait, good sir. The prize is already won.

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I hate the constant lecturing about morality and ethics in stem. Why should I have to have my experiments approved by some council of roasties to say that the animals and subjects are treated in some random deemed "ethical" manner. the only thing that should matter is the data is replicable in the end.
You’re likely a user who uses racial slurs on this site so I can fully understand why morality and ethics doesn’t mesh with you.
Its all fictionalized horseshit. How can someone's feelings take precedence over an understanding the material world no matter how temporarily distasteful the actions to acquire understanding might be. I will go so far as to say if you allow childish need for morality to temper your thirst for understanding you shouldn't be doing science.
Word salad

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Define closed system, preferable in lame man's terms.
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Imagine of jannies on /a/ were like this? Constant anime hate threads and comic rivalry threads.
>Spend 10 minutes reading the babble of a schizophrenic
I shan't
you could have just admitted you are an idiot from a jump and saved is all a bit time. But then I already explained how stupid you are here >>16149879 so it would have been redundant anyway.
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>none of the pic related maybe?
>Someone who actually did real engineering and commercialized a new technology
> My take - Robert Noyce (Intel)
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There is only one who is even worth to be a billionaire.
the ones who help plebs
LMAO, Intel sucks. They got fucked hard in the asshole by the Apple M1, and those bitches are still bleeding.
Probably Donald trump and George Soros
The trillionaires who pay not to be put on public lists

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Previous thread: >>16109209

>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding maths and science. Also homework.
>where do I go for advice?
>>>/sci/scg or >>>/adv/
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I search for proofs?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?

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a tensor is a multilinear map
as a physicist I learned about tensors from Sean Carroll's book Spacetime and Geometry
there are also some neat applications of tensors in solid state physics but there you don't care about co/contravariance or the underlying geometry at all
\text{Let } B(\mathbb{N}, \mathbb{R}) \text{ be the space of bounded sequences equipped with the supremum metric } d_{\text{sup}}(\{x_n\}_n, \{y_n\}_n) = \sup_{n\in\mathbb{N}} \{|x_n - y_n|\}. \text{ Show that the functions } F \text{ and } G : B(\mathbb{N}, \mathbb{R}) \rightarrow \mathbb{R} \text{, defined by:}

F(\{x_n\}_n) = \liminf x_n, \quad G(\{x_n\}_n) = \limsup x_n

\text{are continuous functions.}

Honestly don't even know where to start with this one.
For every epsilon>0 choose a delta>0 such that that whenever
[eqn]\sup_{n\in\mathbb{N}} \{|x_n - y_n|\} < \delta[/eqn]
then you have
[eqn]|\liminf x_n - \liminf y_n| < \varepsilon[/eqn]
What would happen in the destructive distillation of melanin
Wgat would it yield, or done with salt and or salt and water

What would folded melanin do
What are or what is versors?

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