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/sci/ infographics thread, post all your best science infographics in this ITT thread
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No he isnt. He lacks a basic understanding of hormones and behavior orientation versus activation and second versus primary sexual characteristics. If your brain is oriented based on XY or XX chromosomes to be male or female, respectively, then that is a primary sexual trait that absolutely cannot be changed after the orientation period. No amount of hormone therapy or wishing will change your brain from male to female, or vice versa.
Don’t forget being into stereotypically male autist hobbies/professions like software engineering, Gunpla, excavation/tunneling
Trannies rejecting anatomy and physiology to justify their sick mental illness is really funny to me.
you are right as well, how about that
It's either/or, not both. Sorry, freak.

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If the world is about to experience a complete demographics collapse in this century then why not invest into the creation of factories of artificial wombs to just get a sustainable population?
The factory produced kids would them be collectively raised by specialised nurses.
This seems a solution Japan, Korea and China would find no problems with, especially communist China.
Hopefully the west doesn't get blocked by Cuckstianity.
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Quick, it's been a million years and the poo giant is returning for its revenge. To arms! Mouf.
Jeets are currently almost below replacement fertility
Only subsaharan Africa still has extremely high fertility
Anything over 3 bn is too much. Plenty of time before that happens.
To name just the most glaringly obvious problem with that idea, even if you threw unlimited money at it and magically quelled all impeding moralfagging about the issue today, all of the countries slated for demographic collapse will have already gone through it by the time you get your first crop of working-age adults.
How about just fixing the root cause? How about women not being brainwashed from birth to become a corporate drone above everything else?

And even if subsaharan Africa didn't have high fertility (which some pretend is the case just because they went from a fertility of 8 to *only* 5) it still has a much lower average age

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Pfizer murdering more children again

All because they're not allowed to experiment on chimps to figure out if their drugs are safe or not before giving them to humans.
Why do the PETA faggots value the life of a dumb chimpanzee more than they do the lives of humans?
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Chimps are more scarce than people so they have more value
why don't you kill yourself to make room for the chimps them?
How come they couldn't answer that question?
>The most common direct cause of death in people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy is respiratory failure. Complications from treatment, such as mechanical ventilation and tracheotomy procedures, are also a concern. The next leading cause of death is cardiac-related conditions such as heart failure brought on by dilated cardiomyopathy.
b-but muh heckin pfizer

Moomin edition

Last thread
We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
141 replies and 15 images omitted. Click here to view.
Objectively speaking.
hi everyone, I'm a resident in Italy. I'd like to get a better grip on critically reading scientific (and more specifically, medical) papers; what are good resources to learn about this? A statistic course that you liked, a manual on reading scientific papers that you'd suggest...I'm open to try different approaches you'd suggest me.
Good. Keep up.
Is it possible to work during med school? When I look this up I mostly find claims that financial aid might be covered so you don't need to work, but that ignores work is also experience and allows you to not rely on handouts

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Clouds clean the sky
Barkon's back. Yay. Yes yes yes
sounds like some gay post-rock title
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So do meteors.
We need to tokenize clouds and the services in they provide "natural asset corporations" so that the public can be charged for said services.

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And? Did you want to just come right out and say you've never grown a plant before in your life?
>you do not shit out oil after eating them
speak for yourself
I realise you're a troll but how many plants can you grow with 1mm of water?
just eat the fucking bugs already

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>Integrate function
>Calculate its derivative
>Hmm, I got back my original function. There might be a connection here
Most mathematical operations have some inverse, and even those that are not fully-inversible still allow for the recovery of at least some information about the original input.

If you can add something to an input, you can subtract something.
If you multiply an input by something, you can divide by something.
If you take an input to some power, you can recover some possible roots.
If you can take a derivative to find the rate at which an input is changing, there must be an inverse to this process which can recover the input, within some constant offset.
In original formulations of calculus it had to do with the physical notions of displacement, velocity and acceleration.
The derivative was how one got from positional displacement to velocity, and the integral was how one recovered positional displacement (up to, possibly, an unknown additive constant).

In terms of the later developments, it comes down to the notion of an invertible function and the linearity of the derivative/integral.
It was fucking obvious. If you add all the differences (function going up and down) up to point x, you get f at x. If you subtract all the "slices" of f from all the slices plus the f(x+dx)dx one and divide by dx, you get the same.
integration is finding area bounded by a curve and x-axis. now find the connection to antiderivative

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Assume there would be other human-like race, technically same level as humans are now. I would like to think, that we would both have awareness of each others and maybe we would even developed a way to communicate with them and translate their language by now. But would we have met them? Would we have transplanetar transportation? Would we have Earth's defence force against them?
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It can take a maximum of 42 minutes to send and receive communication from Mars. And if Mars is behind the sun it may take longer because you will have to use a repeater station located in a place visible to both planets.
This is incompatible with current defense strategies.
An opponent could launch a kill vehicle and leave us with no time to react.
Therefore the first goal of any military strategist would be placing fully autonomous and independent military installations near the other planet.
They would have the full authority of their nation to conduct apocalyptic warfare without communication from home.
It would soon become the situation we find ourselves in now, with nuclear weapons ready to deploy within an hour and destroy all life everywhere on a hair trigger.
After the installation of these military stations peace can finally be obtained through a game theoretical optimum for both players.
Good point broseph, lucky you got me.
Barkon you bloody bitch bastard.

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>be me
>forced to listen to lecture by department every Friday
>mfw it's about the climate
>Desflourane is like driving across the country a couple of times in terms of CO2.
>just use sevo and a lower flow.
>Recycling i.v. tubes and shit
>Just do a tiva instead
>Don't draw up emergency medicine beforehand to avoid tossing it
They literally don't give a shit about patients. They'd prefer to get rid of anaesthesia all together and go back to giving patients a stick to bite on. Made from recycled wood of course.
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Why would a doctor that doesnt care about you give you good treatment? Absolutely why?
Fear of lawsuits might stop him doing something too obvious, but thats the bottom line, the doctor will do nasty things to you as long as its not too obvious.
Like, you could imagine a radiation specialist playing loose with the radiation just to fuck with you. Side effects are inevitable anyway, surgeries are not complete cures
From what it sounds like your cult makes you weak and the car cult is wrecking your shit. This mind virus has convinced you to forego power and speed for a dubious sense of health and sacrifice to the environment. Basically a degenerate form of Christcuckery.
Thats odd. Since it rather seems like the average motorists physical weakness is only rivaled by the weakness of their senses. Look at them, they are typically lazy, addicted to comfort, overweight, easily defeated emotionally and physically and have very low levels of absolute strength and cardiovascular fitness.
kek. i assume you've never interacted with a nurse.
I wonder if any human rights advocacy groups have been called anti-semitic for fighting this

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The animals are allowed in our gardens, and to exist, we're just greedful

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Time had an origin or is it something that has always existed?

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How come the people who didn't get the vax didn't all die?
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>I work in a hospital.
>I have seen 0 (zero) vaccine complications
not surprising since your job is mopping the cafeteria
><glow>(((for some reason.)))</glow>
amazing how pro vaxxers always argue in bad faith
>another bad faith argument
surely people would get tired of lying after this many years

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>Elite university eliminates DEI hiring requirement: 'They don't work'
>MIT scraps diversity statement from faculty hiring process
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The Nyghurs brought that on themselves by being violent troublemakers
They're not chinese and doesnt want chinese ruling over them.
Until everyone is black, can we really call ourselves DIVERSE?
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Asians have been complaining a lot, if you think MIT or any other establishment organization cares about whites you're delusional

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Good is the negation of simulation, evil is the fixation on universe. You either try to change things strangely, or you be as one with nature.
Only fags solder their through hole components vertically
You will have your school, you will have your pooleh

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Have we discovered any material in space that isn't found on Earth?
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Why is it dotted? Termites eating the film? Ratshit?
>Have we discovered any material in space that isn't found on Earth?
>You can't test it
"found on earth" means we haven't come across it yet, not that it doesn't exist here at all.
OP specifically say "that isn't found on Earth" which means basically matter or material not present on Earth, is that difficult to comprehend retard? You think Earth is composed of every material in the universe?
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>that isn't found on Earth
yes, that you can't FIND it, dumbass

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