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That's where you fucked up.
>it's impossible for the same thing to both be and not be
This only works in simple finite domains in which everything is static.
It doesn't apply to the reality, because everything is in constant change and observed by infinite points.

I say OP is a niggerfaggot.
To me this is a truth.
Maybe to OP this is false, so it's a lie.
OP is a Schrodinger's niggerfaggot.
Neither his or my point can be proven certain until the end of everything.
The principle is broken.
Aristotle was a dumbass.
>This only works in simple finite domains in which everything is static.
Nope, it doesn't even work for 0 since that is the value of no value, a valueless value that could only possibly exist when no value exists.
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>you CANNOT behave as a wave and a particle at the same time

Lambda-CDM model overturned. Drak matter doesnt exist. And the universe is actually 26 billion years old.

New model cooked up last year pass test after test matching observation of JWST. New latest paper testing observations:
>https:// iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ad1bc6
Origanl paper of the model
>https:// academic.oup.com/mnras/article/524/3/3385/7221343?login=false

Who now gonna belive some imaginary nigga matter that we cant see but "absolutly" exist according to schizos
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The only explanation that makes sense are billions of advanced civilizations hidden in the void. The forest is dark and full of terrors.
>bot post off-topic
>Rajendra Gupta
what if dark matter is poo hidden in loo?
>why are they so special?
they're not, our mind just interprets things as such, in our quest for meaning.
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I'll let someone else answer this in the best way possible that I could find

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AAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEOH, let me get a thread up. these five niggas
>newton (corpuscles)
>huygens (waves)
>de broglie, schrodinger, einstein (unification)

all really told you that there is no limit to the distance light can travel? and you believe there is no limit to the distance the human eye can see? so you can see the moment of creation of the entire universe? now im no astrologist, but that sounds like some shit you make up when you don't know what to put down because your science experiment done blown all the fuck up.

and if the universe had no beginning and an infinite past light cone, you could see all the way into forever? with just your eyes? you can see forever with your eyes, that's just how light works? foolish.
It makes more sense when you take into account the quantum mechanical point of view. The photon remains in an indefinite state for billions of years until its wave function is collapsed by a conscious observer. Effectively we are retrospectively shaping the past with our consciousness.
>limitless distance to light.
Read a book

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What's this guy's deal? Was he really the super genius that indians hype him up to be or a hack since he never used any proofs?
god told him things and he actually listened
I love the oversoul
He was a lightning calculator. He didn't contribute anything useful, but that kind of goes hand-in-hand with pure math. Continuing fractions or whatever could lead to something big someday.

Is there any evidence that infinity exists?
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Infinite series is just one application you would have learned about if you were smart enough to pass high school math classes.
it's not actually infinite
you're only approximating
That is all.
No, the concept of an infinite process allows you to make assumptions when dealing with an infinite series about what would happen to a trend if it continued without end.
>It doesn’t matter in reality.
I repeat: The concept of infinity is usefull regardless of there being a natural instance of infinity or not. Alot of the math that is part of my work (yes engineering, critical communications, QPSK n shit, research heavy office) would probably not work or be very cumbersome if there was no infinitiy. I'm sure this goes for other peoples engineering related work too, cant really calculate say for example escape velocity without the initial assumption of ending up with infinity potential energy relative to the very center of the body whichs surface you want to leave, can you ?
The fact that 1/x always reaches a value that in the specific context can not be measured, generated or whatever is a moot point. Maybe read the last posting again.
>pixels on a screen or particles
No. Just no. Also not every quantum is certain. Go do solid state physics without infinity. The fun thing is actually that the concept of infinity was used several times in creation of the device and infrastructure you are ignorantly using to spread this nonesense.

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Get a degree in business. Climb the corporate ladder or go into business for yourself. Also consider a job in government, or criminal justice. You don’t want to end up homeless do you anon?

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This. Understood and disliked.
The more lucrative field is Chemical Engineer, unless you want to go full PhD in Chemistry.
Homeless people fascinante me because I'm trying to understand what exactly makes them the way they are. And the more I talk to them the more I realize most of them made a series of bad decisions, but at the same time, just like everyone else, they're prisoners of their own minds. What I'm trying to say is that they were incapable of making better decisions, for one reason or another.

I'm conflicted because on one hand they're adults so it's their responsibility, we cannot babysit everyone. But on the other hand "we're all people, help out a brother in need" is one of the ideas most important to my identity, and questioning it feels uncomfortable.
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>I feel the status quo benefits me, therefore it is good

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How difficult is it to create a chart without using mathematically, definite concepts?
It's just like every other applied math discipline (e.g., Engineering, Computer Science, Physics).

There's differing levels of mathematical development needed for different sub-fields. If you are getting into mathematical statistics, you will likely end up doing a pretty thorough course in measure, functional analysis, and algebraic geometry/smooth manifold topology. I'd call this pretty close to mathematics.

If you are doing more "application" oriented work, you probably won't need much of the real sophistication required for more general approaches to statistics. It all just depends on what level of depth you want to pursue statistics.
true randomness is impossible.

statistics is not math.
Probability is math, statistics isn't. IQ: 300
You use math to create and manipulate statistics. Math is the tool. It's like saying, "Carpentry isn't hammers." True, but hammers are often involved in the process.

Your grandkids will be battling them in spacesuits on New China, Mars very soon.
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>carelessly opens the airlock
this will be 10x times more likely to happen on western cattle colonies after their shalom masters finished replacing all competent people with their LGBT DEI lackeys.
Again - problems with diversity in space solve themselves. Space is the great, merciless crucible. Only the worthy survive it.
It sounds like a villain corporation
What do they want? mine astroids?
imagine the smell
Does the US have their own?

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>Newton and Leibniz discovered calculus independently of each other at nearly the same time
>Descartes and Fermat discovered Analytic Geometry independently of each other at nearly the same time
>Turing and Church discovered Turing-complete systems interdependently of each other at nearly the same time

How does this keep happening?
You can't come up with a theory? Isn't it obvious?
Because of the times they were living it, they were provided similar educations, reading materials, and inspiration that led them to those same discoveries independently.
Or aliens/god are encoding synchronicity in our history to fuck with us (*nudge* *nudge* "doesn't it seem like you're living in a simulation? hahaha").
I think it could easily be explained by people being in similar environments but I choose instead to believe it's synchronicity because that is more interesting

The Reddit answer is that you can’t compare the two. But really which is harder? And if you have to say that some areas of theoretical physics are harder than some areas of pure math but like number heart is harder than any are of physics that is a fine answer. I want to know how you would classify this. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to assume the stuff written does is harder than a lot of stuff pure mathematicians do. But like things like astrophysics for instance are child’s play for mathematicians. But still there are things in mathematics that even Edward written would have trouble with.
Grigori Perelman showed the world what pure mathematics is, those sophists in academia could never walk away from a million bucks
The only thing more pure than Perlmans mathematical proof, is his soul
>Is pure math harder than theoretical physics ?
Literally the polar opposite.
.I get shit wrong in Pure Math, I just deus exachina its definitions and "no u".

Physics dont quite work like that, youre no Hawkings, sir...
In fact thats one of the reasons I like Pure Math so much is the freedom of creation it offers. Making the very tools needed to solve novel (Meta/)Physics equations.

I have this like...hyperdimensional tree of evolutionary measures, one 1 but inverted, converted, shadowed, redefined, so many different ways.

Evolutionary Cognition happens faster than (You) human-mortals were told...

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where did the lie that CO2 is bad for the planet come from?
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>i don't know what organic chemistry is
>Unspecified "we"
As long as marxists are allowed to breath no need for co2 to kill the planet
Please do the planet a favor and lock yourself in a room full of CO2 so the plants can enjoy your body's carbon
It's not that CO2 is bad, but everything is in a fairly careful balance, in nature, in the atmosphere. When the planet goes from under 1 billion to 8 billion in under .000001% of the earths existence, which ushers in radical changes including massive influx of C02 among many others, things are going to go out of whack.
Facts are not trolling, retard.

What are some of the most underrated branches of Mathematics from a professional research POV?
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For the general public: logic and statistics
For "pure" mathematicians: "applied" mathematics (e.g., stemming from physics, computer science, signal processing or control).
For "applied" mathematicians:any kind of math that is not only reliant on calculations (also includes lots of combinatorics and theoretical computer science).
>today I'll wear my wife's summer hat
Who says random of a choice between 4 is actually 4* rather than more than that because you aren't taking it literally
what did that guy do other than tell other people what they had to do until he got rekt by goedel?
His big contributions were in invariant theory and mathematical physics, but it's reductive to pretend that coordination of mathematical efforts isn't also a skill. He's remembered as among the greats because his breadth of knowledge was wide enough that he could identify trends and shifts that others couldn't. He saw the whole landscape of mathematics, whereas other people had a limited view.

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Me monitor blacked out thrice today. What is going on?
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bros should I actually be concerned?
I don't want my mp3 player to fry
I heard there will be Northern Lights visible in Alabama.............. is that not concerning?
>me monitor
Go back
No, the schizos wet dream came true and nothing happened. It's like y2k again.
Let me guess: Chinesium.

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Tell me if I've got this correct /sci/. Some who say that the heat death won't really be the end point of quantum fluctuations and say that means things will continue, maybe even spawning new life eventually.

To prove quantum fluctuations, they make a vague gesture at (more often "talk about a YouTube video by some guy who heard something from somebody about) the formula for a quantum oscillator.

...But as the heat death approaches, the energy to oscillate even at the quantum level will dissipate as well.

So isn't this circular reasoning that amounts to "if oscillators exist then the energy for oscillation exists", when the entire point is that the energy for oscillation is going to go away?

I want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding this since this is an easy area to misunderstand. (See: the number of people who think virtual particles are "particles with the property of being virtual", even those who really should know better.)

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>given a secound chance at life
>play indieslop roguelikes
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Im eyeing Path of Achra. Caves of Qud has "friendly NPCs", I want a game like my life; Oops, All Enemies.
What should he be doing with his life, in your opinion?
And is that what you yourself are doing with your one life?
>one life
>spend it posting on 4chan about how other people are using their life
that's not a roguelike.
Neat phone app rougelike, broken sand box style, pure fights. I got one of my characters in the top 10 for its class, only spent enough into it to see what its got, its too complicated for me to justify spending money on what I dont really understand.

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