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SEVERE geomagnetic storm is incoming, maybe 12 hours from now

Its early in the morning in New York, it likely comes in the evening at earliest, but on 12th nevertheless
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get your camera charged up
If you like auroras in areas that they aren't usually visible in then it's good. If you don't like innane schizo and haapppoooniiing posting then it's bad.
Is there anything more psychologically pathetic than being a "happening" fag? Can't even come up with a unique troll on your own so you have to resort to amping up minor events to get attention. Truly pathetic.
it's not even an X-class flare.

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>You have 2000 physicists at CERN and not one of them is famous because they haven't done anything original

How do you respond without sounding like a CERN physicist?
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Not as much of a failure as yourself and your schizo friend above but yeah sort of.
>avg IQ of 115
and here is the eternal anon not understanding IQ and loving to talk about IQ
This anon seems mucho correcto regarding the common underestimation of the rate of genetic adaption relative to the generational period, provided adequate pressure and mutation rate.
The tame fox breeding experiment springs to mind.
and do you understand WHY they had no steam engine ?
That's right: Because no one looked at entertainment pieces like the various contraptions of Heron and thought 'hey, thats really usefull, lets just scale it up, make it somewhat more robust and have it move things for us' because this issue was not part of the collective conscious. One simply forced a slave and things got done. This was far cheaper, more intuitive and less complicated.
Had there been say, a high price of slavery, the collective consciousness would have been more perceptive.
>How do you respond without sounding like a CERN physicist?
1) scientists don't have to be famous, there is no apparatus mounted to promote scientists in the media like there are for industries which require, and therefore promote celebrity fame, and
2) the public doesn't care enough. They rather be on instagram or tikcock looking at ass or watching some random sports event.

Is STEM education really the same regardless of how highly ranked the college is?

A lot of people I used to hear say that if you major ina fine either or engineering that it doesn’t really matter where you go to college as the dictation is all the same. The idea was that things like the humanities are taught differently at say harvard than a random state school. But since technical subjects are so objective, if you go to a low ranked local school and major in physics, there’s nothing special you won’t be learning that someone who studied physics at Harvard learned. How true is this? Obviously it matters for employment but just about the things you learn are there things that the elite colleges will go over that the low ranked ones will not? Is there really much of a difference from what a physics or pure maths major will have to learn at a random state school compared to someone at cal tech!

Pic related went to a local salarian university majored in stem and did great things
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speaking as someone who went to a shitty no-name college and then an upper-mid graduate school, no, it is not the same at all
that is copium from people who for whatever reason couldn't/didn't go to a good school
What’s exactly different in terms of the curriculum? Like are the physics majors at top university’s learning advanced quantum mechanics while everyone else learns basic quantum mechanics?
Doesn't fucking matter a bit if you're seriously actually interested in learning that topic. I went to princeton from a community college for a math degree and it wasn't all that different. It's just that the people around you are trying unlike people in most colleges so it changes the social atmosphere of teachers and students compared to other colleges. You also get access to some other resources via profs and college provided stuff. The things that they teach you pretty much is the average stuff taught in most colleges. it's just that everyone is trying to get good marks and the college puts out questions which expect you to have learned the materials in classes & also have researched/practiced on your own so it seems different than your other colleges. This basically gives it's students ego trip and makes them think they're better than other students but if you give them anything that they'll have to figure out on their own they'll immediately fucking crumble down. Other than that culture aspect not really much different. Also btw these faggots in ivy league don't even go to ivy league cause they love the subject. The subject becomes a part of their lives rather than their lives being a part of that particular subject. Specially if you start talking to these people you'll really understand how cheap of a person they really are underneath all that false-glamour that they radiate
Low tier unis or colleges have only theoretical courses and no practical work.
That does not fly in the private sector you will not be able to get a job.
this >>16171272

What are some of the most underrated branches of Mathematics from a professional research POV?
Nonlinear dynamics/Chaos/Control Theory
You know where really doesn't get enough love from mathematicians? Signal Processing. I loved Bremaud's Mathematical Foundations of Signal Processing and it would be really cool to see Fourier/Harmonic analysis types try their hand at statistical and non-linear signal processing.
Mathematical Logic

I am a math major at an R1 uni and a most of the professors and postdocs I have taken classes from or worked with are foreigners who immigrated for or after their phd. A lot are from italy for some reason.
Is this because american unis are better to work at or because america can’t produce enough good math phds locally?
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White Americans are unlikely to major in math, much less do a PhD.
Your department is a coverup for family mafia business.
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At my M1 they're all born in America, but the CS department is similar. The US draws a lot of talent in, for better or worse

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B11 Rollout to WDR Edition

Previous - >>16168037
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It's mostly use of false color radar maps from Magellan data or IR telescope pics of the clouds.
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Part of me always figures that seeing true color images of various planets would be disappointing relative to how the planets and stars are perceived in fanon but honestly I think it still looks cool.
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Why would he photo this? Does he know?
Disasters always cause life to grow back stronger, the same is true of civilization.
Sky looks yellow in the Venera pics so you want some yellow in there to give the right vibe, even if the ground is black.

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Get a degree in business. Climb the corporate ladder or go into business for yourself. Also consider a job in government, or criminal justice. You don’t want to end up homeless do you anon?

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mfw a not nominal percent of grads from T10 MBA programs aren't able to get jobs.
Must take a really brilliant genius to graduate
This. Talk to your parents and tell them about the current economy. Tell them you want to work for 5 years instead of going to college because that will help you save money to buy a house instead of graduating with a huge debt.
Don't move out of your parents house and save all your paychecks, tell them to keep providing housing and food for you for free because thats part of the experiment(an average wagecuck job can barely cover rent plus food, you don't get to spend money on luxury)
In the end, instead of a degree and debt you will have a bank account with enough money to survive.
If you are not a retard you could also become a manager by the time or at least have a higher position with a higher wage.
If you are too dumb to climb the ladder, what makes you think you could have graduated from college?
>How does this stuff happen?
Drug abuse.
>a physics factory
That's metalworks factory.

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>NASA says atmospheric CO2 would have to go to over 3500ppm before it would make a noticeable difference in the climate
Whats the absorption limit of CO2, how does that work? Does anyone here know?
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This, its impossible to believe in global warming if you've studied physics, the numbers just don't add up
that explains why so many of the most successful and important physicists have denounced the global warming meme.
t. dropouts in a circle jerk
just because you're a loser doesn't mean everyone else is
How come all life on Earth didn't come to an end 30 million years ago when atmospheric CO2 concentrations were 400% of what they are currently?
Thats all you need to ask to completely debunk the global warming narrative

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Where the fuck is my assembler edition PART 2
old: >>16157325
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When am getting my grey goo and getting off this planet?

How do animals perceive transgender people? I'm genuinely curious. Has there been any research into this?
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reminds me of a dog that was known to be uncurably racist.
The dog just did not like blacks and made it very clear. The dog belonged to a very lefty household so it's not like the dog was imitating anyone, quite the opposite I'm sure the attempts to correct the behaviour have never stopped.
Leftists are all extremely racist behind closed doors. Their aggressive virtue signalling is how they try to hide who they really are.
I understand loud and clear.

based dog
They aren't stupid enough to presume that transgenderism is possible

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where did the lie that CO2 is bad for the planet come from?
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If hydrocarbon fuels are of organic origin then why are they found on other planets and moons which have no life? Why are there great clouds of hydrocarbon fuels floating free in space?
>He thinks methane is the same as oil
>what is organic chemistry

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or do they change with time?


Who knows? We think they should be fairly consistent but if there are small perturbations, or a gradual and slow change in these constants occurring then I think we'd have no fucking clue.
General Relativity's whole shtick is that the speed of light is spatially variable around masses, if you aren't too retarded about it.
>Are physical "constants" really constant
we don't know fir sure, but we're devising experiments to test their constancy.

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what do you think?

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>this thread triggers me because i'm a filthy evil racist
that fat one has a future in competitive eating or sump wrestling
Based black bitches. Pythagoras up in heaven hollering like a mad man rn fr.
Pythagoras wasn't a Christian so he didn't go to heaven
how could he, he lived in 500BC

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Calabi Yau Edition.

Previous thread: >>16109209 (Dead)

>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding maths and science. Also homework.
>where do I go for advice?
>>>/sci/scg or >>>/adv/
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I search for proofs?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>its just a force. if you calculate lagrangian of electric field you get the same results. and if you calculate lagrangian of strong force in 8 dimensions you get the same results. thats the whole idea of the higgs field

r u ok anon?
There is an abacus game app for mobile which helped me understand how to use it. I forgot the name though, look it up, should be easy to find.
I was reading more about this and.. i figure that if i was located in some huge sphere (like a planet durr) i could measure the curvature by measuring triangle angles.
Locally the effects would be null, as these curved manifolds are locally flat by definition, but by drawing ever bigger triangles one would start to notice that the angles dont add up to 180, and the effect if bigger with triangle size.
So this would indicate a scale of how big the sphere was, hence the radius hence the curvature. Very good.
Is nuclear power used in starships, rockets, and whatnot?

Bad news sneed oil bros, it turns out that sneed oils are extremely unhealthy and all the 'science' that blamed heart disease on animal fats was completely fake and was made up to fraudulently cast blame for the damage sneed oils do on animal fats
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Sneed oilsisters, this looks like bad news for us
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industries that sell decent healthy products aren't driven to engage in that kind of bribery and fraudulent advertising because their products already speak for themselves. thats why you should never ever trust a scientist when they're trying to tell you what to eat or what else is good for you. they're only telling you that because they're being paid to and they have no consciences about lying so they don't mind shilling poison, they can rationalize any kind of lying in order to get money because they are that greedy
What else is the AHA lying about?
If a warehouse full of typewriting monkeys can produce shakespeare in the span of a millennium, then naturally a imageboard of information-inundated autists would be able to brute force accurate divinations if given a few months.
Its just evolution baby.

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