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Good is the negation of simulation, evil is the fixation on universe. You either try to change things strangely, or you be as one with nature.
Only fags solder their through hole components vertically
You will have your school, you will have your pooleh

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/sci/ is this accurate
I say it's bullshit but I can't see why
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Giving up? Why are you wasting all of our time arguing with nothing to show for it?

Look, you think >>16171047 and >>16171044 are correct, right? Because they are simply the same as >>16170787 and >>16170783. And those simply show the same as the OP. Look at the angles. I don't know where the misunderstanding is so I can't make it any clearer than this.
The gifs show you need to lead exactly as you intuitively would. (in fact you may need to compensate for the drag on the bullets by aiming more forward, rather than backwards)
>The gifs show you need to lead exactly as you intuitively would.
Whether or not it's intuitive is besides the point. It's also exactly what the OP instructs you to do.
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This is the first frame of the AIMING BEHIND gif, the one that hits. It shows the same angle for the bomber's gunner as the OP does in the part where it instructs you to aim behind the fighter's tail to hit it.
Now, I think what you might be thinking is this: if you look at the path of the fighter relative to the bomber, then this IS leading it, this IS aiming at where it's going to be; but that is precisely the point of the OP. It doesn't change the fact that the angle shown in the OP is the one that accomplishes this.
All you retards is the reason engineers had to invent analogue ballistic computers for the B-29 gun turrets.

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How do you focus on the sky? Is there a specific technique? The top of the sky is impossible to sense, so should we be focusing on it interlinked with the horizon. And how is the number 2 called wirot?

Nose size is a strong predictor for penis size:
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>only flaccid circumference and length measured
That says absolutely nothing
so noselets are growers and nose chads showers ? Is that what you're insinuating ? It seems equally far fetched if not even more.
How about just measuring erect penis size, nobody fucks flaccid dicks
I'm a nosechad grower

>Measures only when flaccid

>In general, smaller, flaccid penises lengthen at erection by a greater percentage than larger, flaccid penises, with most men reaching an average size of 5 to 7 inches. This means the flaccid size of a penis is not a good predictor of erect size.

tldr: small flaccid = bigger erect %.
big flaccid = smaller erect %.

source: https://kinseyinstitute.org/research/publications/penis-size-faq-bibliography.php

So this isn't really good at predicting size when erect (the thing we actually care about in reality).

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In the big hero movie, there were things called microbots.
I wondered if it would be possible to create such devices in the future but much smaller.
I imagine these nanobots will be able to replicate themselves as well as occupy specific roles within a group.
For example, a set of nanobots can shape themselves into a pipe which will allow fluids to pass through. These pipes will form a grid onto which other nanobots would attach themselves and transform into solar panels. The energy accumulated by the solar panel nanobots will be offloaded into the pipes which will then send that energy to nanobots that are specialized in storing energy.
Will we eventually be able to create such nanobots or is it too far fetched?
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>Will (insert sci-fi tech) be possible?
>>I dunno, maybe someday.
>*sigh*, you just don’t get it, do you anon?
They gave you the honest answer, OP. What the fuck were you expecting?
Looks like you didn't get it either.
Oh come on you guys
I though you were smart enough to understand that the question was a riddle
The technology already exists!
The answer its plants guise xD
haha, I almost suggested that in jest, but I went for a serious answer above

So 7 Dyson objects out of a survey of 5,000,000 objects have been found, suggesting a weak version of the rare Earth hypothesis and dumb luck, is our Fermi paradox solution.

Thus, we are likely to have an encounter with a more advanced civilization, before the end of our civilization.

Let's hope they're friendly historians, willing to bottle us up.
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This is a science board right? Why dont you speak coherent english?
>More anti-strings propaganda
>What exactly does an immortal species do for the second billion?
The same thing that people did on Epstein's Island.
SAUCE MOTHERFUCKERS, WTF, you people suck.
>if ayys exist they make dyson sphere
Slop within slop

>Hey guyz remember when we said it was fully developed vaccine on par with anything that could produced over years of testing???
>About that...
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Get vaccinated
Which vaccine? You do know that they're not all the same, right?
astrazeneca is not an mrna vaccine and thus failed compared to mrna vaccines
i wish DNA worked the way you retards think it does
it would make genetic editing so fucking easy
I mean I got guilt tripped into one round of pfizer jabs to live with my parents and a few months afterwards had my first seizure in a decade and had to double my epilepsy medication so anecdotally maybe we shouldnt decide to make things banned for animal testing jump past that and just be used randomly. Granted covid itself is shown to cause neurological damage so maybe i'd be worse off I would have gotten it.

Maybe the real lesson here is don't leak bioweapons.

Is NASA retarded or some shit?
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>AI-generated headline
Good morning sirs!
why don't you kinds ever bother to do minimal research before posting garbage? FFS

>FLOAT — Flexible Levitation on a Track
>Americans will build high-speed rail on the Moon before they'll build it in America

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Is it safe to say that if I, a layman, come upon a study or information. It's probably BS?
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>its almost as if they study probability and statistics hoping to learn new ways to lie and spread misinformation
its almost as if they study probability and statistics hoping to learn new ways to personally profit by lying and spreading misinformation
if you leave out their financial motivation you're not painting the full accurate portrait of them as paid prevaricators
Definitely, if academia was worth 1% of what it claims its worth then we would currently be living in a miraculous future rather than a declining civilization. Reality proves that academics are toxic, harmful parasites
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This, published soiyence articles are all fake and popsci trash is all intentionally fake. If anyone is reading/watching popsci then you can guarantee that person is a neophyte, which means they're easy to lie and manipulate and at the same time they're open an receptive to new ideas. they're pretty much asking to be raped by a propagandist
That kind of controversy allows greater levels of employment in those fields
The media likes to exaggerate research results because it sells more paper.
Adults are still children.

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is she right?
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I was home schooled and literally every kid was an intergalactic star ship pilot with the brain of Albert Einstein.
That's indicative of either:
> Their homeschool instructors being mentally diseased. (High chance of inculcation)
> Being exposed to the internet when young, or for long periods. (Moderate chance of inculcation)
> Being exposed to popular culture. (Low chance of inculcation)
>homeschool kids tend to be autistic to begin with
That would be a lack of socialisation; achieving artificially what autistic kids suffer naturally
>is she right?
About what? She put forth several premises for our consideration, so be more specific.
In school you'll be constantly fine tuning your negotiation skills.

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in a real life Good Will Smith move, two high school seniors solved a mathematical puzzle that was thought to be impossible for 2,000 years. Black, Beautiful & Brilliant.


Johnson and Jackson discovered that the Pythagorean Theorem — a principle relating to the relationship between three sides of a right triangle — could be solved with trigonometry.

The theorem had been proven before in the last 2,000 years, but never with the use of trigonometry, until the students showed that this was a possibility.

Their appearance on "60 Minutes" this weekend isn't the first time that Johnson and Jackson's hard work has been showcased. The pair presented their hypothesis at the American Mathematical Society last spring.

“For two months we worked together nonstop — during school, after school, at home, at lunch,” Johnson told the Times-Picayune last year. “We had lots of Zoom meetings. Actually, during Mardi Gras break we were still working by Zoom.”

When CBS correspondent Bill Whitaker asked Jackson and Johnson if they were math geniuses in the episode's trailer, both shook their heads.

"Not at all," Jackson denied.
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Based black bitches. Pythagoras up in heaven hollering like a mad man rn frfr.
>Good Will Smith
Good for them though, and I say this as the most racist man alive. Good on them for investing their time into mathematics and not becoming pregnant teenagers or the myriad other terrible things they could be doing. Don't know why any one would shit on some kids because they made a proof. Grow up.
>hello fellow racists
>i like negroes btw
That is true of most serious racists. If you cannot find value in people of all stripes you are not really racist. I'm not saying I want them in my neighborhood or going to my children's school or even to share a polity with them at all, but them dicking around with mathematics is far from the worst they could be doing. Is their success here overblown? Probably, but such patronization is fitting to the recipient.

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what do you think is the greater existential threat to humanity in the near term, rogue AI or hostile extraterrestrials
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Second-degree nature. Sometimes nature has to first make an intelligence to produce something. Like motorcycles.
Aliens are cool
probabilistically speaking, AI. AI is here already, but we're still to find aliens.

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Japan has made mRNA vaccines illegal, what does /sci/ think about this? Was it a good move?
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are those countries suffering economic collapse because of that?
Nope, western nations are still the wealthiest nations on the planet. China has also experienced massive economic growth despite it's one child policy.
The idea that you need immigrants or the economy will collapse is clearly false.
Africa has massive population growth and the worst economies on the planet
interesting, seems like population growth causes economic decline. all the richest countries have very little or negative population growth, poorest ones all have high population growth
Thats how it is, (((economists))) and (((the media))) lie about that because immigration is a big part of their white genocide plan

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Does the theory of evolution have any holes in it? Is there anything where our classical understanding may be incorrect or skewed?
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Speciation has already been observed in the wild, a few years back, in the late 2000s, I believe.
However, in the lab it has never been observed because that's a bit like demanding an experiment that wins the lottery.
it actually isn't. It was Lurch, he's dead already, but you can look it up.
>chimpanzees can become Human
no scientist has ever said that, none.
>It's a damn shame how illiterate the average /sci/ user is when it comes to biology. We could be having discussions of a myriad of topics and instead we're stuck with this pea-brained take.
I know, but at least ignorant people can come here and clear their doubts without the fear of public embarrassment, and that's a good thing.
>no scientist has ever said that, none.
and the reason I say this is because both chimpanzees and humans are two species that evolved from a past common ancestor. Chimpanzees are not our ancestors.
Maybe you meant to say this:
>So why do evolutionists claim that apes can become Human?

Besides there's a huge amount of evidence for this, genetic, anatomical, and paleontological.

Is STEM education really the same regardless of how highly ranked the college is?

A lot of people I used to hear say that if you major ina fine either or engineering that it doesn’t really matter where you go to college as the dictation is all the same. The idea was that things like the humanities are taught differently at say harvard than a random state school. But since technical subjects are so objective, if you go to a low ranked local school and major in physics, there’s nothing special you won’t be learning that someone who studied physics at Harvard learned. How true is this? Obviously it matters for employment but just about the things you learn are there things that the elite colleges will go over that the low ranked ones will not? Is there really much of a difference from what a physics or pure maths major will have to learn at a random state school compared to someone at cal tech!

Pic related went to a local salarian university majored in stem and did great things
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speaking as someone who went to a shitty no-name college and then an upper-mid graduate school, no, it is not the same at all
that is copium from people who for whatever reason couldn't/didn't go to a good school
What’s exactly different in terms of the curriculum? Like are the physics majors at top university’s learning advanced quantum mechanics while everyone else learns basic quantum mechanics?
Doesn't fucking matter a bit if you're seriously actually interested in learning that topic. I went to princeton from a community college for a math degree and it wasn't all that different. It's just that the people around you are trying unlike people in most colleges so it changes the social atmosphere of teachers and students compared to other colleges. You also get access to some other resources via profs and college provided stuff. The things that they teach you pretty much is the average stuff taught in most colleges. it's just that everyone is trying to get good marks and the college puts out questions which expect you to have learned the materials in classes & also have researched/practiced on your own so it seems different than your other colleges. This basically gives it's students ego trip and makes them think they're better than other students but if you give them anything that they'll have to figure out on their own they'll immediately fucking crumble down. Other than that culture aspect not really much different. Also btw these faggots in ivy league don't even go to ivy league cause they love the subject. The subject becomes a part of their lives rather than their lives being a part of that particular subject. Specially if you start talking to these people you'll really understand how cheap of a person they really are underneath all that false-glamour that they radiate
Low tier unis or colleges have only theoretical courses and no practical work.
That does not fly in the private sector you will not be able to get a job.
this >>16171272

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