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Where the fuck is my assembler edition PART 2
old: >>16157325
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When am getting my grey goo and getting off this planet?
next week :-)
fuck a golem and get some robot viruses

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>Science still hasn't discovered what wavelength correspond to Magenta and White
>People still believe that colors are absolutely related to wavelengths
When will we get out of this phase?
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Black is the color the mind uses to represent the absence of photons hitting the eyes. Thus, color is in the mind, not in the world.

The only people who are confused by color are people who still believe in naive realism.
black is not a color idiot, what are you talking about? i didnt understand jackshit of what you were saying with that naive realism
>i didnt understand jackshit of what you were saying with that naive realism
Take that as a sign that you're out of your depth.
We see magenta when our red and blue cones respond simultaneously. However there is no "simple" wavelength that will do so, only combinations of multiple waves (see the low overlap of S and L cones). The same is not true of yellow, which as you mention is caused by responses in red and green, M and L cones. But because of the overlap photons with only specific wavelengths (~570-590 nm) such as those emitted by lasers, will stimulate both of those cones so we will perceive the color yellow.
magenta is because your receptors are too pussy to see there are more types of brown and it's a shade of diminished spectra peaking before the high end

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Why do scientists brazenly maintain this antiquated model of Earth's core?
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Wiki page says they found life there
Ah, that's news to me. After reading the study, though, it sounds less like they found life in the pools and more like they found life living inside hollow mineral deposits thar happened to be in the pools. that doesn't mean that those organisms can survive direct exposure to the pools' contents.
the soience you memorized out of your school textbooks and took on faith is completely wrong
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>t. chronic contrarian

Bill Nye, Neil Tyson, Carl Sagan and the rest of them. We get it, humans are made of stardust. Why don't you study something actually important or controversial like race and IQ.
>Why don't you study something actually important or controversial like race and IQ.
Thank you for speaking up for all us pop science haters. I feel so represented rn
how else would I understand science?
read a book
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not sure if serious, but bye
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>NASA says atmospheric CO2 would have to go to over 3500ppm before it would make a noticeable difference in the climate
Whats the absorption limit of CO2, how does that work? Does anyone here know?
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t. dropouts in a circle jerk
just because you're a loser doesn't mean everyone else is
How come all life on Earth didn't come to an end 30 million years ago when atmospheric CO2 concentrations were 400% of what they are currently?
Thats all you need to ask to completely debunk the global warming narrative
Sudden shifts in climate have caused mass extinctions before. Look it up.
How come all life on Earth didn't come to an end 30 million years ago when atmospheric CO2 concentrations were 400% of what they are currently?

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>According to research published in the journal Nature, every time we create a memory, it harms our brain sells. This is because each memory creation causes inflammation in the brain and DNA damage in nerve cells as the memories are 'fused' into neurons and preserved.

>The memory formation process includes creating and fortifying connections between neurons, which allows information to be stored and retrieved later. However, this process harms the brain cells involved. According to the latest research, the act of remembering something for an extended period causes brain inflammation and DNA damage in nerve cells.
>Researchers conducted experiments on mice for the study and concluded that memory formation occurs within the hippocampus, a portion of the brain that is the major storage store for human memories and is essential to the process of remembering.

>"Inflammation of brain neurons is usually considered to be a bad thing since it can lead to neurological problems such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. But our findings suggest that inflammation in certain neurons in the brain's hippocampal region is essential for making long-lasting memories," neuroscientist Jelena Radulovic from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York told Science Alert.

>To stimulate their memory, the mice were given brief moderate electric shocks. A closer examination of the hippocampus neurons revealed gene activity in receptor pathways critical for inflammatory signalling.

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what do you think?

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that fat one has a future in competitive eating or sump wrestling
Based black bitches. Pythagoras up in heaven hollering like a mad man rn fr.
Pythagoras wasn't a Christian so he didn't go to heaven
how could he, he lived in 500BC
not a valid excuse

Bad news sneed oil bros, it turns out that sneed oils are extremely unhealthy and all the 'science' that blamed heart disease on animal fats was completely fake and was made up to fraudulently cast blame for the damage sneed oils do on animal fats
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industries that sell decent healthy products aren't driven to engage in that kind of bribery and fraudulent advertising because their products already speak for themselves. thats why you should never ever trust a scientist when they're trying to tell you what to eat or what else is good for you. they're only telling you that because they're being paid to and they have no consciences about lying so they don't mind shilling poison, they can rationalize any kind of lying in order to get money because they are that greedy
What else is the AHA lying about?
If a warehouse full of typewriting monkeys can produce shakespeare in the span of a millennium, then naturally a imageboard of information-inundated autists would be able to brute force accurate divinations if given a few months.
Its just evolution baby.
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>Broken clock is right twice a day
what does that say about people who are never right? that they're worse than just innocently broken?

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He had a mental breakdown after one of his kids trooned out and he blames liberals rather than the fact he's a shitty father
He should blame lead deficiency, and whoever forced the conspiracy theory that it is toxic.
>the trans atlantic slave trade
should be called "the jewish slave trade" since the jews were selling their negro slaves in europe as well as in the americas

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it's got numbers in it so it is math
Engineering is maths. Physics is fantasy
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>hey, kid
>why don't you study statistics?
>please spend several years and thousands of dollars at our school
>you'll get a paper that says "i know how to do math that can already be done in microsoft excel"

do statisticians really?
How difficult is it to create a chart without using mathematically, definite concepts?
It's just like every other applied math discipline (e.g., Engineering, Computer Science, Physics).

There's differing levels of mathematical development needed for different sub-fields. If you are getting into mathematical statistics, you will likely end up doing a pretty thorough course in measure, functional analysis, and algebraic geometry/smooth manifold topology. I'd call this pretty close to mathematics.

If you are doing more "application" oriented work, you probably won't need much of the real sophistication required for more general approaches to statistics. It all just depends on what level of depth you want to pursue statistics.

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Female ferrets, once they're mature enough to breed, will become extremely ornery and violent if they aren't bred. If they go on long enough without being inseminated, eventually the estrogen buildup in their bodies becomes so severe that it will kill them, they become lethargic once its really bad and then die of anemia. So inability to breed is a death sentence for a female ferret. I doubt this is unique to ferrets, but I haven't studied the issue.
It seem likely, judging from their behavior, that human females go through something similar, although not severe to the point of death. Inability to breed seems to turn women into massive bitches and I get the impression that birth control pills mitigate that kind of hormonal activity.
So my theory is that if you know a girl who is a massive bitch and she isn't on bitch control of getting fucked regularly then thats probably because she wants to be inseminated, craves it desperately.
Is there any actual scientific research thats covered this topic?
I don't know much about it outside of my familiarity with ferrets and my experiences with women.
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That could be helpful for humans, and therefore is banned by the deep state.
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that was over a century ago its only gotten way worse since then
Trump drew over 100,000 to his rally in New Jersey today
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they do, they're restricted for military use only because they can be used to sniff out our soldiers

Do paper straws really contain gluten?
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>Gluten intolerance.
My wife got Celiacs after pregnancy, me being Rh- and her not, her body reacted to the baby as a foreign body and had an allergic reaction during birth.

After she had a number of Phenomenological/Physiological changes/health issues...like she was poisoned.

A marriage only really possible thanks to birth control (Psychiatric manipulation via NioChemistry implamts (metal or chemical)), otherwise we wouldnt have been a couple.
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[drinks from a tea mug]
Whats in plastic?

Especially ones put in microwaves and cook oily foods, they meld...and exchange....ye been warned, People.
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>Im in control of me.
Sure some nasty part of you hasnt hijacked the rest of the system?
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"I was following my passions."

Im sure you were.
You mean why is the "new and improved" (((greeen))) versions of products always more expensive and less desirable than the original version?
One thing is for sure, it isn't like that because ecotards are trying to make the world a better place.

Bad news fellow vaxxies, the "turbo cancer" rumor that the conspiracy theorists have been yammering about has turned out to be completely true, as proved by this recent publication:
>The "hallmarks of cancer" were proposed by Hanahan and Weinberg (2000) as a group of biological competencies that human cells attain as they progress from normalcy to neoplastic transformation. These competencies include self-sufficiency in proliferative signaling, insensitivity to growth-suppressive signals and immune surveillance, the ability to evade cell death, enabling replicative immortality, reprogramming energy metabolism, inducing angiogenesis, and activating tissue invasion and metastasis. Underlying these competencies are genome instability, which expedites their acquisition, and inflammation, which fosters their function(s). Additionally, cancer exhibits another dimension of complexity: a heterogeneous repertoire of infiltrating and resident host cells, secreted factors, and extracellular matrix, known as the tumor microenvironment, that through a dynamic and reciprocal relationship with cancer cells supports immortality, local invasion, and metastatic dissemination.
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First time on /sci/, the vaxxie seethe and cope is impressive and hilarious here and it's slow enough to still get in on the action. I like it, I shall be back
Wait, so every theory up until now was false and just Chuds lying to me?
No refunds!
No lawsuits!
Man I love being right all the time, it's so goddamned obvious too it shocks me that people valued their job more than their own life.. I can just imagine the level of cope going through these people's heads when they say down to get vaxxed
He's smug AND absolutely correct, whereas you are copeposting. See this is the thing, leftists don't care about truth they only care about their own feelings, they have ZERO objectivity and this is why history is rife with you being the bad guys in every story.
>it shocks me that people valued their job more than their own life
They were greedy, they wanted both, so they rationalized the decision that endangered their lives

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Cherry blossoms bloom in Tokyo, 15 days later than last year, 5 days later than average


Cherry blossoms finally burst into bloom in Tokyo on Friday after heavy rain in the morning, marking the latest blooming in over a decade.
The declaration of the blooming made by the Meteorological Agency came 15 days later than last year and five days later than in an average year. Private forecasters had also expected this year's bloom to come much earlier.

Friday’s blooming is the latest in Tokyo since 2012, when cherry blossoms were declared to have blossomed on March 31, according to the agency.

Cherry blossom forecasting is big business in Japan. As early as in January, companies start to issue forecasts for when cherry blossoms will first bloom and reach their peak.

The weather agency, which began forecasting the annual bloom in 1955, sets a government standard for observing cherry blossom trees. For consistency, the meteorological agency only uses data gathered from the Somei-Yoshino variety, which produces pale pink blossoms.
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Michael Mann is jewish
John Clauser is Germanic and Christian
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Never thought about it like that but yeah you're right.
Before 1950, aka when the US started exporting their economic model around the world and consumption started to skyrocket, the man-made CO2 emission were kind of low.
Right, that proves that the trend is related to the end of the little ice age
meanwhile the warmest period recorded in the modern temperature records was the 1930s, which predates the inflection point on that chart by a couple decades.

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That's where you fucked up.

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