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>fantasy setting
>no magic
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new SWAT game footage
Sickening police body cam footage
why do you have this depressing shit saved dude
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Who was at fault here? I kind of wish we had a GTA game where one of the characters you played as was a cop so we could see the other side of the story.

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Boomers really were "yo these gameplay, graphics and music are fire".

When you're a kid anything where you can do something is fun

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Will she bring XBOX to glory?
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she can bring my penis to the climax

The left is not allowed to criticize or do anything against black women. They will have to bend the knee like good little slaves lol

Imagine being a faggot sjw lol lmao
if she did nothing it's still be better than Phil
>Phil killed Halo and Gears, an incredible achievement of its own
>bought Bethesda only to have their studios quite literally make the worst games in each studio's history and then get them all closed down outside of BGS
>bought Obsidian when they were gamers' darling and had them release nothing of value and get forgotten by said gamers
>bought Ninja Theory and did nothing with them, for as much as DMC fans hated DmC (me included) MS could've easily had them fill the hack n slash niche
>bought ABK at the height of their unpopularity (OW2 fiasco, D4 disappointment, MW3 mediocre sales vs MW2)
>half assed backwards compatibility and then just abandoned it
>abandoned EU and JPN market
>one small success in the form of Hi-Fi Rush
>reddit spacing
>unironically writes like an underage faggot
i hate this new /v/
>the goal was that she CANNOT be blamed since she's a black woman.

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cooming reight up!
i forgot to say please.. please
and thank you Nya-san
It's ported already on dolphin.
This game should’ve been remastered instead of thousand year door
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four yuo i have the loevely pork udon and sake, enjoy anonkun
just a mineute sur i apologize

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press F to pay respects
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cute little girls
based and humanity pilled
>auto-immune disorder
vaxx status?
>be someone with autoimmune disease
>turn tranny
That's like being on fire and throwing yourself into a pool of petrol to douse it.


Final DLC for Pathfinder WoTR coming, it's finally complete.
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Pathfinder is already a sci-fi fantasy setting tho. Humans were born in a tube and elves are aliens who came from outer space.
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You are a plumber fixing reality, you don't have fun, you do your job. It has good casting potentials but it's not "fun" i mean it's part of the experience.
Why is my bro Reg clapping like a retard at this halfling dancing.
Yes, but having background/mythos elements be sci-fi is alright. It's when it takes overhand and almost becomes more sci-fi than fantasy I check out. I hated the huge technic league dungeon in WOTR.

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My beautiful wife, that I saved
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I'll miss having her in the party for the next game. Just as her gameplay starts to click with me and I start destroying mobs like crazy with her crazy materia combos, she's gone...
I agree, overall even if i prefer Cloud and Aerith i also really like Cloud's relationship with Tifa and dont mind at all a romance with her. The kiss made their fans happy but i really think they did them dirty execution-wise. The whole date is kinda jank and they ruined something that would have an amazing payoff later, or at least could be better executed in that same date.
Totally agree.
Funny how in the OG yuffie even has the only kiss with cloud
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I think aerith date just makes sense from a narrative standpoint.
In chapter 8 cloud goes on a date right after learning he will lose his most cherished thing, which is a clear allision to her death. If you get aerith it even zooms into her face when he opens the door and cloud acts tense.
In chapter12 you have a scene of cloud smiling at aerith writing a song before the date, and after that he dreams of her and you hear marlene telling you cloud must get better to save aerith..
Then you even have the chapter 14 line about aerith saying she wanted to find cloud (like she does on the date).
Not to mention she is the default rosa, appears in the credits, the achivement icon for the chapter is from her date.. she was the default in OG, ultimania using her in the chapter description and clouds profile as the romantic date..
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>mfw cleriths know Crater, Mideel, Lifestream, Return to Midgar, Highwind are all coming and part 3 is all about Tifa.
Let's be real, Tifa isn't a character in OG unti disc 2, yet she's already been shown as Cloud's grip on himself, they've shown they depend on each other mentally. Ignore Tifa's Gondola date, they jumped the gun with the kiss, but we all know it's coming.

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>game have scary monsters
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But anon, there are female monsters in America right now!
that's a monster woman, not a female monster :(
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But I want cute monsters not monsters that look like the cave troll from Lord of the Rings.
That's a man tho
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V3 never ever btw

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Is Fortnite a good video game?
No, you're thinking of Halo 2.
man women get rewarded for doing the laziest shit
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Nintendo had to combine its handheld and home console and run it for an extended lifespan to get close to the PS2
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>it wasn't culturally impactful
Is this the new template when you can't come up with anything bad to say?
least mentally ill tendies
Retarded zoomers, I grew up in that era so I know what I am talking about. Stay mad.
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Americans didn't pirate PS2 games favela macaco, that's a Brazil exclusive.
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only 1 game that isn't a sequel in the top ten. and no one cares about this game.

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Saw this comment on a review of Stellar Blade and it really encapsulates why I fucking hate this specific group of people. As people get older and start families you're gonna see a lot more comments exactly like this one. We have accepted mediocrity.

>Yeah I agree, this game is terrible... BUUUUT, I'm a tired, burnt out, overworked, underpaid dad :(
>It appeals to my false sense of nostalgia on a very superficial level, and that's all I need to not kill myself :(

This sort of soft faggotry is the reason why baby-tier fetch quest simulators like GoW Ragnarok and player-patronizing shit like RE4 Remake even sold a lot in the first place. The dumbing down of modern games has nothing to do with zoomers not being able to understand mechanics, it's guys like this who want games to no longer challenge them or be competently made.
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>dead bedroom
>neglected kids
>wage slave
>cuck shed
Sounds like a complete faggot that you're obsessed with. Loser.
Nobody is 47.
Mr. Ross was like 60 years old in the 90s, my grade school computer sciences teacher and an absolute badass at tech. He also played some mean drums and installed all sorts of cool games on the setups and let us play after lessons. I kinda regret not getting to know him better.

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Why are video-essayists like this?
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Around early WOW.
Not that anon but racial obssession if definitely an American thing thanks to slavery.
Racial obsession was born in Europe when it was taken over by the jews during WWII. America was also taken over by jews during the cold war, but it took a few more decades.
what's wrong with just recapping the shitton of skills and paths you can do and take in a large RPG game?
Assuming you do it in an entertaining way, that is.
Good question

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How's your game goin, /v/ros? You submit anything to Demo Day?
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Development halted due to an extreme case of the shits, i might have to go visit a doctor tomorrow.
Good luck anon. I hate it when life gets in the way like this.
Not always true, anon. DDLC was Renpy, as was Return to Shironagasu Island.

The problem with an easy to use engine like RenPy or RPG Maker is that separating the wheat from the chaff is harder because of the volume of games. But quality can be found if you look for it.
>You're not afraid to add a pouting expression that lasts a fraction of a second, because that's how it should be in other to look good and natural, whereas most second-rate devs would either skip on adding a split-second facial expression or would have dragged it for several seconds to show it off
gotta note it down

Apparently one of the richest companies in the world can't afford making games that aren't preposterously lucrative

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>What is this system we have allowed that puts insatiable profits over everything else
Don’t like it? Go private and don’t ask for money. It’s that easy. Companies who go public are often those that want to grow beyond their means or companies that want someone to sustain an unsustainable biz model
indie pixelshit garbage just dont cut it
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Honestly, the more I read this kind of new the better I feel about it. The only way to fuck these publishers and their shareholders is to deprive them of their laborers. the more bad experiences game devs have with these publishers, the less they'll be willing to work under them. I've noticed a lot of good devs or entire dev teams leaving companies and starting their own, or joining smaller companies and outright indie dev teams. this has also been extending to gaming-adjacent entities like reviewers and journalists.

As painful as it is in the short term, I want MORE good games to bomb as far as the books are concerned, I want MORE studios shuttered purely by the whim of shareholders trying to pinch a buck, I want MORE escalating bullshit pricing policies and predatory MTX making gaming worse, so that people are less inclined to work in it What I want is aggressive chemotherapy for the industry, and if it doesn't survive, then that's all for the better.
>le just play indies
The fact that you have to ignore AAA releases and dive into 999 pages of garbage in steam in search of gold nuggets very much proves the industry is dead.

Nuke israel
And i mean it really
I want those subhuman lowlife pigs death

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What would need to be added or "fixed" about LMBS to make developing an indie games inspired by the Tales series viable, let alone get picked up by action game e-celebs that act as free marketing, like Ongbal or SunhiLegend? Further more, which would be the best 3D game to base the combat system off of? [2D would obviously be either Destiyn DC or Rebirth]
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The problem is that the reused attacks often looked worse.
There's a short cooldown for each individual skill, but the charge timer for each skill also differentiates between use while completely full VS using it with a partial charge.
One of the things about Rebirth is that it largely did away with dedicated healing skills and instead gave every single skill in the game the ability to heal the user. One of the benefits of waiting for a full charge on a skill is that it has that healing built-in, while a partial gauge does not. There are other benefits to waiting for a full charge vs using a partial one, but it all depends on the situation.
It's a much more intricate system than it sounds, and the whole battle setup has a very nice ebb and flow to it that's hard to describe without simply playing the game.
Any new developer should just focus on a single character. Making an entire party from a get go is not feasible in the slightest, let alone with something Hearts R tier character combat design. Make it a solo arpg with seamless encounters. Something akin to Astlibra, just with LMBS as inspiration for combat design.
Destiny DC used the same frames for many attacks, if you can use an animation without it looking weird why change it? If you want to do everything by hand then it will be a lot of work.
>if you can use an animation without it looking weird
I'm saying Vesperia failed to do that. Its solution was to slow the animations down and apply different speeds to the projectiles even if the part where it's supposed to be launched don't match. It's like Smash 4 custom moves.

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>disgusting face vs the game
>toothpick legs vs the thick thighs in the game
I know you want to fight wokeism but the IRL bitch is disgusting and doesn't look anything like the videogame model
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Because you're obsessed
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it's all fake and jewish conspiracy
I love Stellar Blade by the way. Almost done with NG+. Have to play it a third time because I fucking missed a fucking outfit in fucking Eidos 9.

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>makes the most reddit game since half life 2
what did we do to hurt the finns?
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putins russians are obsessed with reddit (chech)
putins russians hate finland because it fucked up stalin(check)
itt some tard who's going to die in a mud puddle in ukraine for putin because muh dictator seethes randomly
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>finnish gaming
you're full of shit and it is time someone told you,you are pure reddit, egotistical bore posting shit
fingolians are basically chinese.
they didn't make Fallout 4

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Some people actually believe this crap will win GOTY
Why are PS fags so fucking delusional?
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Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 will get GOTY
Unless it releases unoptimized like absolute hell despite the fact that it has x10 the devs compared to the first game
The kingdom does WHAT?
>but unlikely to win GoTY due to the recent Playstation account fiasco; that really fucked their chances
low-iq take.
With Sony recanting on the psn shit, it will be hailed at the symbol of kumbaya gamers winning vs evil corpo.
It's 100% locked into GOTY unless they go megatard in the next few months or some outsider like Hollow Song / Hades 2 come out of nowhere swinging big dick.
dude the game has 83 metacritic
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You're forgetting the actual best game of the year

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>But here's the problem: real people don't jump.
>A jump in everyday life is an event. If you don't do parkour or some simpler physical activity, there's a good chance you'll never jump in your life. Never ever. Not everyone will dare to jump even over a puddle on the sidewalk. It’s too extraordinary an act, and for some it’s physically difficult.
>The game character, on the contrary, jumps willingly because it costs him nothing and is not very awkward in front of the NPC. And in an attempt to achieve verisimilitude, we come to the opposite effect: the perception of “ourselves” in game reality moves away from the “living self” even further. This means that if we want the player to actively empathize with his hero and identify with him, jumping will have to be removed.

Jumping: is it kino or cringe?
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I jump in real life to get over things that'd be harder to step over or take longer to walk around. So almost never, but I don't consider it a big deal when I do it.
The quote is from pic related btw. And he's russian not american.
>This response
I can smell your fat fucking frame through the screen.

Realism is what is ruining games.
post a webm of you doing exactly 37 jumping jacks (with a timestamp) or you're just a fat musky pretender

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>"Hmm, I suppose hi-fi rush and dishonored can have skins in the new halo game... but only if you kiss my nugget."
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CWC as the puddle of grease is too fucking funny. I hope they find another role and convince him to voice act.
>This and Bowlbo are the crowning achievement of the NG/Machinima era e-celeb clique
That's immensely fucking sad lmao
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Man I wish he had been that grease puddle.
The chills cameo also caught me off guard.
/v/ now pretending they liked those two games
NG wasn't kosher enough to appeal to kike execs and normalfags like you

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