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Why is the mage class downplayed in RPGs?
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Numbers don't lie. Peak is peak.
The only thing getting raped in Demon Slayer is any semblance of taste in the anime community.
>all these seething pedos replying
There's still some modern games that act like old-school RPGs.
Isekai are peak of trash maybe yes

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What are some video games for brown girl enjoyers like myself?
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>video games
>posts gacha trash

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The game falls off once you reach the inverted castle
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yeah a lot of SotN's enjoyment comes from that. also the different special moves on a bunch of weapons
it's a game from before the internet, when you couldn't just google shit, so you discovered secrets on your own and it felt magical
Duplicator + Power Of Sire
Yes true, just saying XM6 is more retard friendly than MAME. I think the default FM synthesizer has the best soundtrack.
Shut the fuck up, AVGN.

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Why did Bomberman fail as a franchise and became a huge laughingstock? Even e-celebs doesn’t like him and say he’s a literal who loser
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The N64 games gave Bomberman the much needed foundation to become something more, they had a unique style of gameplay that is yet to be replicated and they even had well done stories, the soundtrack for 64 was great too, but then Konami took control of it and all of that ended.
Also remember Bloody Roar.
Laugh at Bombermanfags
>has 100+ games
>one of the most copied games of all time
>revolutionized multi-player in gaming
>had the first HD game ever
>launched the successful B-Daman toyline
>good Nintendo history and had a crossover with Wario and Mario Party 2 unused content
>has other crossovers with Pac-Man, Transformers, Yatterman and Lilo & Stich
>still gets BTFO in SSB and became a complete laughtingstock by everyone
>series gets overshadowed by waifufags and coomers beacuse of Bombergirl despite them never playing the game
>R got outsold by the new Momotetsu, a fellow Hudson IP that was only released in Japan.
>no console game for 5 years
>No games on NSO
>40th anniversary came and went with no fanfare or events
What a fucking loser. Imagine being a Bombercuck in 2024
>literal who
Pot calling the kettle black.
smashsissies are mentally ill
Bomberman was a series that really threw quantity at the wall over quality. If you look at the release cycle for it it's pretty insane how many games came out each year.

I'd also argue that while it was fun as hell to play on simpler hardware that it struggled to evolve in any meaningful way to remain relevant. By the Nintendo DS it felt like you were having the same old gameplay on systems with hardware capable of much more.

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I'm so fucking hyped bros
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goes to show how soulless rockstar is now
all the big names left then they gave into trannies and censored/change shit in gtav
>the simpsons predicted a fallen superpower would want to return to its former glory
Wow, how insightful.
>nobody will know what a woman is
>lynchings return (without the murder)

Seems ripe for parody to me, is there any reason we shouldn't make fun of these?
Yeah no one thought back in the 90's Russia would become what is again. We thought the Cold War was done and Russia was considered an ally to the world now which is why they made a joke Russia went back to being the USSR. Then Putin came into power and wanted to back peddle on basically everything because he was a former KGB interrogator who yearned for the "glory days" and has turned Russia into a pariah once again.
guns are a meme here
youre allowed to have one but god help if you use one
even the police get jammed up for using them in self defense now
just one of the many anti-white traps they like to set over here

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Im selling all my games with ugly women in it. Control, horizon zero dawn, returnal. Dont give a dime to these faggots devs. Dont buy games with ugly cunts ever again.
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Are you implying that OP is not a coomer? With that AI-slop?
OP is a gooner
What's the difference? I don't speak zoomer that well.
Most games are 3D now. Can't avoid the ugly.
You are cute.

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last thread: >>676866790

fuck you paper saint
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hey guys dumping now
Yes, although the people in this sub are too dumb to find it. I'm playing it right now.
lmao i like his crayola icon, looks really cool
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A leak awaits for thee, as long as you answer these three riddles truthfully!

1. what's your valid credit card number with the highest available credit limit
2. what's the security digits on the back of that credit card
3. what is the billing zip code of that credit card's account

Answer quickly friend or your wait for a leak will never end!
Ever heard of a 24 hour clock you dumb fuck.

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Well, /v/? How fucked are you?
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>stuff a rag in it and light the end
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*intimidates every opponent simply by arching his eyebrow 1° upwards*
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I didn't choose the violence, the violence chose me.
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Welp... let's fucking do this
Clairvoyant accuracy will see you through

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I'm buying Assassin's Creed Shadows.
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>celebs are popular
No shit, by that logic all white women are Asian dick only because they schlick to k-pop
Most Asian American women are from Southeast Asia.
They are from extremely poor third world countries
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famous people of any race are always adored by regular people. Look up Johnny Somali in japan videos if you want an accurate representation of how they react to the average black guy.

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>Like 2 weeks later...
>We are forgotten
Hades 2 already sold more than grifter blade though

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You just know this will be a broken, unoptimized mess on release
>Marines fight xenos but then Chaos is the actual baddy
Getting really tired of that shit.

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>But it’s suddenly okay when white people do it!
Nobody likes that scientologist manlet though
no one liked the white samurai either you fuck

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Is he really though? Ubisoft can't be lying right?
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This threads a bit strange. The mods are selectively deleting random comments.

>Verification not required
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>Company releases chud bait
>Company gets free advertising from people arguing for and against it
It's all so tiresome.
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Is it working?
Idk what's funnier clearly biased and racist incels expecting anyone to take their word seriously or arm chair historians jumping through hoops to tear down Yasuke.
Cut it with the antisemitic remarks chud. History is set in stone.

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How should RPGs handle inventory management iyo?
this would be ideal

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Why is he always a girl in Japanese games
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He was one of Japan's three unifiers. A prominent warlord during the Sengoku Jidai, Japan's warring states period. He suppressed or defeated a number of powerful rival warlords and nearly succeeded in unifying the island under his rule, but one of his subordinates by the name of Akechi Mitsuhide lead an attack upon the temple he was staying in and he was killed. His legacy was continued by another of his allies, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who succeeded in uniting Japan into a single nation, and Tokugawa Ieyasu, who stabilized the government.

That was from memory, how'd I do?
Eh kills monks and doesn't afraid of anything
Pretty good.
This the Hellsing Ultimate guy?
It's the same artist.

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I will begin
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remove the ‘L’
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Assassin's Creed IV Back Fag?
I really loved those boxes. I still have Lucia's Pendant somewhere. Silver Star Story had a similar box.
I know this isn't the right thread but around 2019, I was lucky enough to buy an intact Collector's Edition of Deus Ex Mankind Divided, at a videogame convention of all places. It cost basically nothing compared to the ebay listings at the time.
Kind of sad, considering that the franchise is now dead.

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Why do normalfags like souls games so much?
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Normies haven't even played dark souls
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>If normalfags love it there's a good chance it's shit
Omg my niche esoteric skinner box made it into pop culture, I now hate that thing I liked
Better question is why spergs like and defend the shit multiplayer. Nevermind I already know.
The only thing shit about it is the netcode no game devs decide to make better. PVP and invasions are the highlight for me. But yeah they should make a better netcode why havent they?

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I remember this being a trope.
Ignorant protagonist is happy by himself, then gets introduced to a lot of problems, and all he wants to do is return to the way things were, full of bliss and ignorance.
What other games/media do this?
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Spark The Electric Jester
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It was pretty fun but by the end I was literally unkillable and was doing more damage per hit than the bosses were. Might come back to it someday and do an Umami build and see how that fares compared to unga bunga hammer + heavy shell.
Same, I was surprised about the helmet shell. But it's a fun thing to see and use, as in regular Souls it would never.
Where do you get the knight outfit?
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My beautiful wife Aerith
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>Nothing of this matters fucking mongoloid.
You're a retard of a special calibre, even on this site. Completely ignoring the original point of Cloud not being a reliable narrator/observer in favour of a strawman, that is wrong.
>Cloud goes from rejecting Zack's existence to literally self inserting as Zack to LITERALLY swapping Zack and his own positions at certain times all to protect his fragile ego/pysche/mind
He's doing that since the start with his nibel memories, what the fuck are you talking about.
>Why didn't he imagine him as the surviving infantryman
Maybe his mind can't get rid of his real self completely so it can't override actual Cloud with Zack.
Though he imaginig Zack dying out of jealousy is hilarious, I wonder what Zack would think.
We don't know.
>Way to kill your own argument, retard. Cloud goes from rejecting Zack's existence to literally self inserting as Zack to LITERALLY swapping Zack and his own positions at certain times all to protect his fragile ego/pysche/mind but the trauma on the scale of Aerith dying in front of him, nah bro his mind wouldn't do that.
????? Cloud is swapping his place with zack in nibel since the beginning. Even while he's rejecting his existence. Did you even play ff7

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Why is this happening?
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Can't even play online lmao
>Best selling non-Switch game is the new AssCreed at 29
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Playstation doesn't employ Japanese people anymore.
I bet you none of the Playstation 1st party studios are Japanese.
nintendo is winning the region best known for abandoning traditional video games. hope it was worth it
Pizza Tower

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