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Games which calm you down?

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the confederacy has acquired a command post
>Bought discounted Nu-Battlefront 2
>Can't browse servers
>Can't find players
Damn, I felt robbed.

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Why does every Hades 2 fan look like this?
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It's just a picture of a smiling person in a wheelchair, why does it make you so angry? Would Jesus approve of your behaviour right now? Would your father?
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As long as you're alive you have the chance to find it. Don't give up fren.
someone translate?
i cant read chud'anese.
Translation: Hon looks ridiculous with her wheels.

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What's your background vidya music?
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I typically listen to the game music. But for games that I've already played a lot, and/or the music isn't very important, then I'll just put a youtube video on. So I can listen to drama while I play.

If a game requires very little mental investment from me, and I'm essentially just in zombie mode. Then I'll put on an audiobook.
usually depends on the game but something like
Skater XL has a good soundtrack but the game is worse than Session.
So I turn off the music in session and play Skater XL soundtrack.
I listen to hours long video essays about random stuff made by autists on youtube
Crazy how huge Deadmau5 got when all of his music just sounds like 009 Sound System.

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has been in dev since 2020, will release in 2025
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>UX designer
aand dead on arrival
So if a random game designer seethe about Elden Ring, Elden Ring doesn't have good game design? You realise there's multiple UX designers that worked on Elden Ring, right?

>Anyone using the term UX design
A couple of Xtroons doesn't define how the entire world uses the term UX design.
bioshock and assasines creed are two franchises that i give zero shits about. stories that only brainlets think are deep and gameplay that is badly thought out and boring
only correct opinion. It iterated properly on bioshock
The term UX design wouldn't exist without them. It's completely made up by the post 2000s gaming university degrees community. Before they made that term there was just gameplay and UI and no one was learning the cookie cutter "best" way to do it at a college.

No one on the Elden Ring team was a UX designer since this only exists for western studios.

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why hasn't the games industry crashed yet? how is this allowed?
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Doesn't that render above 4k on the xbone as well?
20 mouse errors at 8kHz is 2.5ms of stutter, kthx.
My grammar is impeccable. The "ben" was probably a result of chatter, which means I need to clean my E key.
you wish incel
you voted for capitalism, now reap what you sowed
what even does this
every single rock in 4k?
>DF: 864p at 18fps is perfectly playable for playstation users
they aren't wrong

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I went to a fighting game tournament and all the good players were just playing each other and every time I kept trying to jump in when one of them lost they kept saying
>no one more
and they kept looking to see if I had left when I was waiting to play
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where do you think you are?
I'm sticking to real fighting games such as DNF Duel and Project L
gg players are the worst. Even before the troon epidemic (it hit every game not only gear, mind you), they never belonged to the fgc. While the scene was permeated by macho thug culture cause majority of players were minorities, gg players were always the pasty autistic weebs everybody laughed at. They always had more in common with smashers than the fgc
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FGC has always been a cool kids club and they'll ice you out if they don't respect you. As other anons have said if you want to guarantee sets wave around some cash for money matches and they'll all be trying to play you. If it's a smaller local tournament make sure you go with multiple friends in case you win and want to lower the risk of sore losers waiting for you outside.

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Looks like most normal people disagree with /v/
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The argument doesn't even make sense when Black Carribean pirates were far more common than Yasuke who was the only nigga there.
>Posting screencap showing your likes and repost
holy shit I'd KMS if I looked like that
>spouts ad hom instead of attacking the argument
>calls the other person a child

Holy fuck. Talk about projection

Nice pic anon.
>he thinks it’s bait
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>legit discussion threads are deleted
>flamebait like this faggot are still up
tranny jannies deserve the rope

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>*japanese yooooooooooooooo sound effect*
>rap beat starts
>bap bap bababap
>djika djika djika
>"Ayo nigga style, throwin down"
>"Yasuka da head samurai comin to town"
> Yooooo
>"From da hood to da land of da rising sun"
>"Samurai niggas fight as one"
>omph omph omph
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You lost
I can't hate southern rap TOO much because I like Andre 3000
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Yasuke, Yasuke, the black samurai,
Living by the sword, never gonna die.
Yasuke, Yasuke, a legend in the night,
Honor and respect, yeah, I'm ready to fight.

(Verse 2)
From slave to a warrior, defying all the odds,
With Nobunaga beside me, I’m taking on the gods.
Armored up, tatted skin, standing six foot two,
In the land of the samurai, I'm coming through.

They can try to test me, but they don’t understand,
I'm a master with the blade, with the strength of ten men.
Training day and night, in the art of the fight,

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>decapitation, blood on this skin like defecation
>all these Asian niggaz don't be understanding what I'm saying
>I'm from the hood nigga like I'm saying bix nood
>I'm bouta put out a hit on they ass, make em say SHEEEIT
>long ass dick just like my katana
>suck on my master's dick just like my momma
>niggaz be looking at me saying damn that nigga slick
>of all the samurai in Japan, more niggaz need to get picked
>nahmsayin?? Gott dayum

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Why is /v/ so shit now? I swear you can't even say like "Mario Bros is good" without contrarians trying to shit all over it.
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I'm not saying this game is bad specifically but contact damage IS ABSOLUTELY FUCKING RETARDED, I get why would they use it here but all the fucking indie devs making it so that just colliding with a walking enemy immediately makes you take damage is TOTAL BULLSHIT. DO A FUCKING NORMAL DAMAGE HITBOX SYSTEM YOU FUCKING LAZY FUCKS.
Just don't run into the enemy, dumbass.
Wait what's wrong with c?
I will fucking input a 50cm rebar rod up your asshole and tell you that you should've dodged it. Braindead fucking ape.
i need them to eat a handgun asap

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Westaboos care about GTA. Japanese people generally don't.
>V has more complex paths
Seriously, the game is linear with some side paths that stick out. It's the farthest thing from complex.

>But supposedly they fixed in V:V.
From what we've seen, no.
It'll be the same level of quality but more cutscenes.
They streamed a section of the game and all I can say is that it is just as bad as the original.

Can't always be good though.
You have to get fucked somehow.
Yet the game is still shit.
Based! Day 1.

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It's givin' me doogs, but you know how it goes.
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>yfw 1HP
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Not a brave enough boy for this!
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>tfw I have a 'higher damage the less health you have' item
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POV: you are a health potion
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How come no one fixes cars to make them usable in Fallout?
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You could drive one that got fixed up in 2.
Otherwise most of them are just too fucked up to do anything worthwhile with beyond turn them into scrap metal.
roads arent maintained so people would rather use the engines to generate power
and also they are fixed up
you see ncr having trucks and such parked
The game engine doesn't support it
Fallout 2 had businesses fixing and upgrading cars. The bridge of death man even says that car repair is where all the money is being made these days. It's likely that people were scavanging parts from wrecks and using them to repair salvagable cars, making running cars quite rare.
Settlements should have graveyards where they buried the skeletons.
The cars were probably modified for off-road travel while they were being repaired.

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>good combat
>made by japs
>set in japland
>no nigs
>came out this year
>ignored because of Slop Dogma 2

If you truly want to tell Ubishit to go fuck themselves with their nigga pandering overpriced $100 slop then buy this game. But no, youre probably going to buy Ubislops shitty fucking ass creed nigga9000
You wanted a Souls like with samurais? Rise of the Ronin is it.
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Never ever coming to PC btw.
Just like Nioh 1, 2 and lost paradise, right faggot?
>playstation exclusive
>shittier version of another playstation exclusive that JUST got a PC port
man I wonder why no one cares about a spin off of tecmo's worst game
I don't play woke tranny games that looks like ps3 game
>good combat
It's better than shartcreed, ok

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I will forever hate furries for ruining anthropomorphic animals. They have forever tainted it with their filthy, degenerate shit. I will never again be able to play Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon or Sonic the Hedgehog anymore because developers don't want to be associated with these people. If by some miracle a game comes out with non- fapbait bait from a furry game, I will be accused of being a furry by anyone who finds out. Fuck furries.. They ruined some of the best videogames with their vile yiffer bullshit.
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I sincerely hope nobody determines their enjoyment of a character, movie, book, show, game, franchise or longstanding IP based on what one, several or numerous people do or think.
why are we doing this thread again
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>I will forever hate furries for ruining anthropomorphic animals.
you realize that your mascots friends created the entire generation of furries that you hate, right? this is a chicken or the egg problem

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>does nothing for 9 years
>Still gets paid monthly by his fans on patreon
It's really that simple, why won't you start your own sca... I mean video game?
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it must be exhausting to create all these fake development notes for years
All the good ideas have already been stolen, like how this games concept was a meme for a long time first.
he takes a break from reading all the emails for that
I'm not surprised anons would want to be like yandev. Always considering the financial benefits without the reality of the situation. He clearly didn't have the skills to create the game he envisioned. Didn't have what it takes to outsource it to someone else effectively. Had to lie every once in a while about the progress of his work. Wake up every day wondering when the gravy train will run out and he'll be hung out to dry because he never developed skills even a mediocre job could value.
May he get paid for nothing and may the people sponsoring get what they deserve.
You could live on $1000 a month outside of the city. It would be tight, but you could do it. Then you could just work some easy part time job, or find some other source of income and you'd be good to go.

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Are you playing the bunny game, /v/?
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>getting pretty decent at hard
>will probably switch to learning lunar soon
I'm not looking forward to this
God bless /vg/.
While some threads are completely unusable due local schizos the good amount of them are still way way better than what modern /v/ purely by not obsessing 24/7 about culture war brainrot.
Actually I'm glad we have schizos that regulars can filter but whose behaviour in thread gatekeeps /v/ normies out.
the yellow mouse kingdom is the hardest because i cant understand the tether shit... i beat maiden and spell on very hard, but im losing to the mouse men on normal....
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That image brings me joy.

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kys mobileposter
lol what do you want, an essay on what vibes it gives?
This is the one that came to mind


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Why aren't you playing Coral Island, anon?
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Muslim girl by grilledkambing
Devs banned my country from buying it. Maybe will pirate later on to check. No idea what it is about.
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It looks like the artist drew mulan, changed her skin and body type, and called it a new character but for every character with the most "unique" looking characters looking like elsa.

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