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TF2 didn’t get enough blame for ruining the game industry
Frogs didn't get enough blame for ruining the internet

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Mario Bros is good.
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Outdated boomer SHIT only good for nostalgia value. Sit the fuck down, gramps.
It was an acceptable game on a time there were mostly lame games.
I couldn't play it nowadays, unlike Mario Bros 3.
That is SUPER Mario Bros, not Mario Bros
Japanese 2 is.
You mean the one released as Lost Levels here or another version?

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Should the Legend of Zelda “returns to form” or continue with open world casual gameplay with BotW and TotK?
she should cuck zelda
dungeons in zelda are always fucking trash but they were better in older games.
I think that TP Zelda will set up a political Marriage with Link in that game.
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There are some hidden gems.

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>Everything interesting in 2024 already released
>Nothing left on the horizon but general yearly slopcore
>Without talking about it to each other all my friends decide to restart their animal crossing saves within a week of each other
>Tfw listening to chill tunes, the lapping waves and the trees shaking in the wind as you go in with a blank slate planning out your new theme park knowing how all the systems work from minute one this time

I feel it, the cosy vibe is back for the summer.
Palworld is shit
Animal Well is shit
Ghost of Sushi is shit
how old are people who use words like slopcore.
Animal crossing pocket camp even if all the items and events are reskins, and lego animal crossing get more updates than new horizons.
Did the people at the home leave you alone during computer time again oji san? shouldn't you be on facebook thinking ai photos of jesus are real?

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How long do i have to pretend to enjoy Planescape Torment or any other posercore more than generic ubislop? you do too so please don't tell me you enjoyed Deus Ex more than Assassin's Creed Odyssey, I know what you are.
>chance to take a shit on troonscape
>oh its a fucking tranny thread
Planescape is genuinely ass, I was playing better games when it released and didnt try it till my 30s. I believe it would have been fun at the time, it has not been fun since I was a child.
imagine having taste so fundamentally bad that you not only like bad things but you think that people who like good things are lying. you should probably just be lobotomized

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Post 10/10 main casts
my balls lol
You already posted the best answer possible but I'd give this and tooie a firm 2nd place

Love this lil guy
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Diaper-Ace probably won't trigger nib unless they're on something else as well.
Salamangreat is whenever. It's a bad deck.
Snake-eyes: when their dragon guy gets out 2 level 1 guys. They'll almost always push for apollo usa right after that.
What's the best Going Second deck atm?
personally branded. bystial + super poly ftw
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Doesn't matter. wait till the king arrives.

What went wrong with xbox?
It used to be THE based dudebro unfiltered racism console.
>big corpo is pozzed safe-space trash
what's new?
The '10s happened and everybody began clamouring for voice chat moderation. Personally I blame Feminist Frequency for starting the whole P.C. movement in gaming.

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How do we stop the blatant sexualization of young boys in video games?
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By normalizing blatant sexualization of young boys (legal) in videogames
we tell japan they need to put DEI political officers on the payroll of all their major corporations or they can have fun holding off china on their own
>video game
Try again pag
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You can't, because people like it
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I'm enough of a tendie paypig that I'm considering buying Pikmin 4 digitally despite owning it physically just to improve the loading times.
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Why is alien Luigi so autistic?
forced to eat ze bugs

Senua's sisters...it don't looks good
The reveal trailer got 6,4 million views but i guess it's been too long and now no one cares anymore about the screaming woman game.

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They never made Joanna Dark get a mastectomy so she’s clearly the superior girl.
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Lara canonically gave birth to 17 of Jacobs children and they lived happily forever. You know any IRL woman would be helpless.
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Crystal Dynamics should have been dissolved years ago.

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Games which calm you down?
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ur pic says ur a femboy gaywad so not buying it. very funny tho ha ha. options options options
My "pic" says nothing about me other than that I downloaded it from someone who downloaded it from someone who probably was a "femboy gaywad". Anyone can post any kind of picture.
Yeah but no manly man would post what you posted sir.
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Didnt use my options but dont take it for granted fgt b

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>average nu-/v/ user is filtered by fucking castlevania 3

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Sekiro was absolute kino
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Which one likes it in the butt?
he's just floating there.... MENACINGLY

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It’s headed in the right direction. You have to give them credit for that.
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>can't pick up items to prevent easy stealing, but leads to retarded police response
>can pick up items but lets you easily steal, but doesn't lead to retarded police response
why did they choose the former?
Based post. Absolutely nothing is connected in this game. It's just a bunch of siloed systems that are all really boring and underbaked.
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They made the jew woman companion an evil snake worshiping bitch that betrays everyone in Constellation
What did they mean by this?
whats happening with that leg
the bad space daddy is always the person you talk to least
for me it was the homosexual cowboy man as the traitor

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>Achievement unlocked: Play with someone who has this achievement!
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>kill someone who has this achievement
>kill one of the developers in an online match
>interact with the wrong person
>get a permanent reminder of it that you didn't ask for
those achievements are the videogame equivalent of STDs
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I'd use her as a cum tissue
I remember the first thread.

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>what if we just did Shadow's story from SA2 but worse this time
Great... just what I wanted...
this should have been a GTA clone
>the reason he wanted Earth to go boom in SA2 was that one of its governments personally destroyed his life
>he remembers Maria's wish in the end and no longer wants to kill the earthlings in the two nanoseconds he had left before plummeting on the planet surface
>they gave him amnesia so he could forget his promise and be allowed to choose the villain path without it feeling like a regression
>all it does is make it look like he was always a sociopath who would exploit people with no further provocation or traumatic memories
Team Sonic is one of the most consistently ass writers in the history of vidya I have to give them that.

>play a jrpg
>it just keeps going on and on
>look up time to finish
>80 hours
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Doesn't that defeat the purpose
you're making me wanna replay Xenoblade again
So long as you keep up with gem crafting you should be able to take things 5 levels higher than you, and killing enemies that high gives you a lot of extra xp so you shouldn't fall too far behind. Some optional bosses might want a slower Melia, Riki, Sharla combo to reliably take down, but Dunban, Shulk and Reyn/Fiora should be good for everything else.
Why do you Reddit/Facebook normalfags infest 4chan with your cry baby tears about game lengths? Oh no a game isn't a 5 hour single player game with live service multiplayer that has monthly 100 GB updates!! Stop the presses a normalfag can't enjoy a $60 100+ hour single player game without microtransactions! Shouldn't you be in a multiplayer game lobby right now AFKing because you live in a broken family home and can't afford a babysitter for your 3 ugly kids?
And I love it every time. Why am I playing a JRPG if I don't want a 60+ hour adventure?

Why do western video games try to push ugly women so hard
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>Not even kidding they make them ugly so they dont think about having sex with their own daughtesr. Also scared of their daughter having sex that theyd rather them stare at something ugly than be representing as something sexy that could get pregnant
Mad projection. Try that again.
im not a game dev or a father anon, not everything fits nicely into your schisms
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Not that anon, but pretty much any eastern female character, especially from the seventh gen and prior
Yeah no, all their faces look the same, and guess what they base their faces on? White Americans mostly. Look it up future post op mtf
>no Afro
>no bug eyes
>white skin

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