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Let's all get together and have some fun with Jiggie.fun puzzles!

960 sfw
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and then put the pieces where they belong!
646 sfw, Trails
go back to sucking dicks on reddit
if they don't fit, try again!
this one's still unfinished

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imma do it
pointy ears get the bucket
OE is pretty shit when you're not with a well coordinated group, but getting it on sale is worth it for the pistol on RV, since it can utterly melt bosses.
It can also utterly melt everyone else
GW won't allow it.

Aw yeah, it's time for some action gaming.
if nobody fucking posts in this thread because it's not called character action after so many of you fags clamored to remove it im going to fuck a pikachu
I kinda wanna see you fuck that Pikachu
You're going to do WHAT to a Pikachu?!?!?
OP I hope you realize the only way people find these threads is by calling them character action
>action game
If it doesn't have RPG elements, it's not worth talking about.
Try ARPG next time.

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>Made 2 games
>one i poured my passion into for 3 years
>failed and flopped
>other one is a porn game i scrambled together after in 5 months
>makes enough money to neet for 4 years.
atleast i can try again.
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you wont make it so you might as well detail it
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Not gonna give all the details due to not wanting it to be stolen, but I’m thinking about in the near future getting the coding knowledge to make a first person game where you play as an older woman, with the mobility of one, but you also maybe have some powers to make up for it. Feel like it would be way more unique and soulful than half of the other games coming out rn
It was implemented years ago to reduce the junk

As long as your game complies with the Steam Terms of Service, you will only need to create an account and pay a one-time fee of US$100 to publish your game on Steam.
Laggy internet rn. Sorry anons.
Halo already did this.

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I got a job that lets me work from home 4 days a week

Give me a MMO that I can waste my life away in that's not WoW or FFXIV.
Be brave, recommend me whatever you want, I'll probably give all them a go.
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what game
No jackass, you financially wring it dry until you can't anymore, then terminate it. Improve your reading comprehension.
No, jackass, you don't continuously update a product for a full decade to "wring it dry."
They are actively putting for a decent chunk of resources to its continued survival.
That's just normal ass business.
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Your choices are WoW derivatives and Runescape. That's it.
Any other recommendations?

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So Star Citizen is having a free week and I thought I'd see just how exaggerated the claims of bugs are. Surely after all this time and money it's in at least a playable state.
I got bugs in ACCOUNT CREATION. 2FA fucked up and I had to reset it.
Downloaded all 100GB though and gave it a fair shake.
>First room on first login on first character
>Pick up coffee mug, put it down on table - the liquid coffee is misaligned and just sits as a cylinder of coffee a foot away in the air
>Go to shuttle dock as the tutorial says. Shuttle just... doesn't come. The announcements keep repeating 'Shuttle Arriving' ' Shuttle Departing' but nothing shows. Had to run around until it reset itself.
>Shuttle vibrates throughout as if it's on a rusty rail. Get to the main docks but the tutorial didn't register I got on the shuttle, so have to go back and retrigger the waypoint.
>Get onboard ship, power up, get clearance, and go to take off. Nothing happens for like 2 minutes as I try everything. Suddenly it springs into life.
>Get to the destination station, had enough and log off. Log back in next day and back at original starting area.
>Try a box mission. Box gets stuck to my hand and none of the voodoo fixes online work, it just keeps snapping back to my hand. Relog and end up back at original start with the mission auto-failed.
>Try a basic combat mission. Mission area is so far away that I'm at 0.5% quantum fuel left. Mission target marked as friendly and doesn't fight back.
>Land at a (luckily) nearby station and go to get out of the ship. Server crashes.

Jesus fucking christ glad I didn't spend money on this shit.
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>Mission area is so far away that I'm at 0.5% quantum fuel left
Remove this part the next time you post your pasta. You're not running out of quantum fuel after a couple jumps.
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>Year 2024
>Still no premiere immersive space RPG/MMO
Born too early
Good for scammer devs, gamers are braindead consume and 100% deserved to be scammed with concent
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I don't understand the scam part; product isn't finished but makes it no different from early access titles, or live-service games like MMOs and gachas. You get infinite updates (So long as the game's profitable enough) so even if the game never measures up to your standards of perfection, it will keep being worked on and updated. Don't know about you guys but I don't want just another $59.99 game to play for 50-100 hours and then drop and never play again, if something could be made that can be playable long-term to the end of your lifespan, I'd say thats a bargain assuming no mandatory subscription service gets tacked on, let the rich whales fund it instead. Blizz figured this out with their shitty store with worlo warcraft, except they still have a mandatory subscription because jews

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Would you play a game where you are Latias?
Yes. She and Latios are my favorite pokemon so I'd love more of them.

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>Microsoft bought Activision
>therefore they now own the rights to Prototype
>but it's never going to be used whatsoever in a good way
>just like all those other IPs Microsoft owns

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Any of these worth playing, or are they slop?
Kirby looks the most interesting, but I expect baby-tier difficulty...
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>Socket & Marvel Land
>over S3&K, Shinobi III, Castlevania Bloodlines, Rocket Knight, Aladdin, Gunstar Heroes, Pulseman, Mickey Mania, etc. etc.
You're taking the piss
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Sonic is a given, but I didn't want to bring up more sore memories for someone so clearly disturbed over his monkey pack-in. Sonic is so far above any platformer at the time that Nintendo hasn't caught up to this very day.

>Mickey Mania
Good joke ;)
PLEASE play Tropical Freeze. It emulates great on CEMU and it's absolutely my favorite platformer ever. While I prefer the aesthetics of DKC2, TF is just so good to control. Definitely worth doing the temples and secret world.
I played the demo with my gf and she thought it was so easy it was boring
Sounds like it needs a sequel or DLC

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>does nothing for 9 years
>Still gets paid monthly by his fans on patreon
It's really that simple, why won't you start your own sca... I mean video game?
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i mean you'd almost have to wouldn't you?
I don't think that's true unless you're a single mother
>Total annual welfare incomes in 2022 ranged from $12,319 for the unattached single considered employable to $32,177 for the couple with two children. The income of the unattached single with a disability was $20,400 and that of the single parent with one child was $25,361.
Why the fuck aren't you grooming paypiggy discord kitties, anon?

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Why aren't you playing Coral Island, anon?
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Too many brown people in that picture. It violates the ratio rule. I shall not play it nor entertain any thought of doing so because the ratio rule is violated.
Anyone else find it weird that the 10 main girls each only have a 2 syllable name?
I tried to when it released, it was shit, never bothered again.
Plus, it's a woke hellscape, why would I want to invest my time there, it's not like they put a single white looking man for me to date.
Is there actual gameplay or is this just another faggy VN with niggers everywhere?

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What are you playing today /v/?
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This mostly with my wife.
Might finish original quake later. Ride my motorcycle for a bit maybe take my kids to park.
Gonna be a fun day
Your game fuckin sucks.
I know but it's fun and I play just for Huntress
More ghost of tsushima. Honestly it feels like a slightly worse sekiro, combat is worse, movement feels more clunky, suffers a lot from the sony 'moviegame' experience. Still having fun tho

I hope to soon finish my enderal playthough. 40 hours in and feeling the burnout.
Path of Exile. I don't know why, it's just that blasting a bunch of shit makes my monkey brain feel good.

>introduces match making to your game series known for its chill lobby-based multiplayer, effectively killing the game's entire online cutlure it had been building up for 14 years
No more chit-chatting with randos inbetween hunts and connecting with friendly strangers. No more doing circuits around the lobby to get everyone's urgent quest done. No more grinding for item drops with the same dude for hours.
Everyone just drops in and drops out, no player ever looking each other in the face, most not even aware of the fact that the game has emotes.

Monster Hunter World was the "MEET YOUR MATCH" update of the Monster Hunter series and I'm fucking sick of these rancid worldsperms infesting this board and saying its not only the best but also "the only good one."
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>an who the fuck is playing world
on a PS4
Nobody tell him about Rise's numbers
>well it doesn't effect the way I personally like to play :^)
You want a fuckin medal or something?
This was my first monster hunter game. Played for around 40 hours but I just couldn't fall in love with it like other people did.
Learning how to use the charge blade was fun and killing monsters did feel satisfying but it just didn't grasp me.
It doesn't effect anyone, it's basically the same way it's always been, even if you keep ignoring everyone else in the thread spermy
Nigger thread

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Did he pickle died!!?
thank you
noooo Mario with guns is cringe!

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Is there an isometric low poly RPG that looks like Project Zomboid, yet plays like old-school Fallout and Baldur's Gate?
Just wait a little bit longer and you'll be able to generate one using AI.
Shadowrun trilogy i guess. Owlcat games also fit the descriptuion, graphics in them really suck despite huge size.
That said i myself like genesis shadowrun more than them.
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cant wait I want a project zomboid XR in table top mode
came to post this
having the setting be completely underground makes it kind of comfy as well

3.BOTW (TOTK dlc was ok, not worth 70 dollars)
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Who the fuck drinks 3 energy drinks in a day. My max is 2.
I ration out my 4 packs of monster, I only drink one every few days. It makes them sacred.
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I don't have respect for anyone that likes Slop Waker.
Zoomer Waker is dogshit
BoTW is dogshit
TOTK is dogshit
>Cat fag
Opinion discarded

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Gamey game elements appreciation thread

I really like the sensation of places in the game world being separate screens, it really has a unique charm to it compared to games where everything takes place in one continuous space

Interiors are especially always better after some sort of loading or dark transition

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Now that Gen 7 emulation is finally viable, what are some PS3/360 exclusive games that are worth emulating?
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You know, there really isn't a lot past the 6th Generation that I even care enough to bother to emulate.
Ace Combat 6, although it would be better on a hacked xbone.
Macross 30
Armored Core 4 and For Answer
Fight Night Round 3 and Round 4 are both excellent and games I miss often
you already posted it
these are good too
That 50 cent game had no right to be this fun

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Now that Nintendo knows how to do 2.5D games that don't look like shit, can they finally do a decent top down Zelda for Switch 2?
>Now that Nintendo knows how to do 2.5D games that don't look like shit
Except they still don't. Wonder was just NSMB without the NSMB branding
They could, but why would they?
>Wonder was just NSMB without the NSMB branding
But it's not. In neither gameplay nor visuals. Especially not the latter which is what OP was referencing.

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Hades 2 is literally woke and you cannot gaslight me into thinking otherwise, or downplaying it like it doesn't matter.
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Its woke garbage and it only sold because of its predecessor. Thats how these liberal turds do it. First they lure you in with a straight male heterosexual protagonist like Zag and then in the sequel, they will go all out with LGBT shit
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Forgot pic
pretty much, they watch the bizzaro version of it that panders to them like anything else
breadtube doesn't even exist anymore man, update your seeth lexicon
>my whole existance is to spitefully shadow a perceived group of people who barely even exists in the form that I think they do
you don't trigger anyone man, you trigger yourself, forever

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