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Anyone who posts final fantasy is soulless.
The slightly more generic jeremy sovl posters literally have more soul.
Literally any song from Ragnarok Online. It's all beautiful and full of maximum soul.
Not even the best in that dev's lineup:

Also both that and mine are poor choices for "beautiful". They're just good.
damn what app is that? seems better than mine. aslong as it keeps your post history and has archive access then I'm switching

Deadlock sisters...
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>they will cancel the game and work on TF3 instead
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Thread hidden bye bye also thank god for options moot.
Is it him who decided to headline the game with the granny archer without any paid shills ready to damage control? What else did he expect?
Kek Valve is so seething nobody want their tranny GaaS slop.

When did this embarrassing "gaming" fad start? Shit like corny ass """gaming""" aesthetics (so just a ton of LEDs and overdesigned futuristic shit or fake-nostalgia 80s shit), stupid slogans like "level up your gaming" and whatever else companies come up with. Feels like its less about the actual videogames, and more about being an epic gamer.
maybe you should find a different hobby if this embarrasses you so much.
eeew what the hell
My room looks just like this and I fuck a different girl in it every weekend
I don't care anymore.
Good for them.
Id be friends with them if they didnt have a dogshit personality.
Itd be like a respite.
Which is probably why they do it.
Im not young enough for this egotistical lets all try to be cool bullshit.
Lifes too short.

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What's the point of playing video games?
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it's objectively the correct opinion lmao
impressing the girls with your game knowledge
I think your thread should get 404 and you should get banned cause you can possibly make people buy less games and you are doing this on a board where companies come to make advertisement threads and pretend they aren't paid ads.
I have worked remote for two decades.

At this point i play videogames and consume media to "see" what people do with the concept and mechanics of a videogame.

For example, i started playing japanese wizardry games, rez, sky, age of wonders, star trek bridge commander because they all have different approaches to sound, ui, design, gameplay etc. Its all about seeing what people do with the screen to me. I still like games. The number of games only increase. Spritework is getting amazing. They are little experiences.

And i hate my wife.
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Previous Thread >>676526082

>If you drew it and it's vidya, you can post it
>When requesting, post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin
>No shitposting, if a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it. Thread's about art, keep it that way
>Have fun!

>Booru Collection

>Drawing Books and drawing programs
>>>/ic/drawing sticky: >>>/ic/1579290

>NSFW Deliveries

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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And now I can't unsee it
furry boobs
Nah he's being turned to paste.

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Do you're parents support your gaming?
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do zoomers really look like this?

no i am not shut up
Are there actually people who find this man attractive?
>My friends mum use to walk around naked
>me going to friends house and seeing the mum sleeping in her room with her tits and pussy out, friend trying to play PS1 and i keep sneaking a look at that fucking milf pussy and then i had to go take a piss, i just went to take a closer look.

Women are fucking retarded what a surprise.
He has kids, so someone did.

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Tank Controls
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I have never had any problem using tank controls and I don't understand why anyone would. You press forward to go forward, and back to go back, what's so complicated?
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What a bunch of retards.
>ooga booga the camera changed this must be the same as the characters perspective
>runs out the door they just came through
>you push forward, your character goes forward
He's saying no it didn't as in RE2 had tank controls, not what you're calling "normal"
If you're referring to the RE2REmake, it didn't have tank controls.
You have the wrong end of both sticks anon.

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I will fix her.
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>tfw Raven will never give you a handjob

why live
My sister looks like this
why does she look like a chud?
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yeah just trim the eyebrows a little
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>real women don't look like that

here we go again with the tranny's Logic
ikr they are acting like beautiful girls do not exist

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In this topic we discuss elf women of video games. Preferably the ones with huge breasts.
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>ywn be a novice psyker learning to control your powers with your farseer gf
>ywn be a guardsmen who develops a relationship with a guardian as you fight nids/chaos/skellies
>ywn be a captive to a wych who uses you as stress relief while slowly coming to love you
>ywn be a rouge trader making smooth deals with a corsair princess
>ywn have a harlequin gf who gets you to take part in her acts
played the eldar campaign in DoW2 retribution this week, pretty good, but the final boss sucked (literally, melee heroes got stuck in him)
the scenes with the elves are super hot, too
i need to piss more often than i used to is it possible i have kidney stones
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Remember: dark elves are made for human cocks.

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There are countless of video game items out there. Is there one that you hold in a much higher regard than others?

One that absolutely stole your heart?
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sounds just like joe!
It's from World of Warcraft you mongrel

I was quoting another vent harrassment, lorelet
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Quite partial to the Onyx roses from Bayonetta.

Weapons almost feel like taking the easy way out but I don't have time right now to think of a better example
Probably any large greatsword.

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>If you don't like Yasuke you are racist

They did it, they published the article
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One look at /v/ shows that there is at least a vocal minority that cries about everything based on race.
Nah, shit can actually be useful as fertilizer.
>poetic liberties
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>Feudal Japan has been destroyed by a zombie virus
>foreigners have fallen too, the only survivor is a black slave who zombies couldn't reach because he was locked away
>somehow he breaks out and finds a katana
>he now has to survive among zombie samurais and warlords in a foreign land
Would have been kino
4chan troons bait phrase became a journos bait headline. What a time.

Behold, the game that will SAVE Bioware.
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mind-blowing that anyone has even the slimmest of faith in this game
I don't play or buy anything past Origins. Simple as
yaaaaaaas queen!
>game about an egg
weird concept
Makes sence when you consider who the director is >>676915704

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Daily reminder that Turnabout Big Top was a solid case and only redditors hate it
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hobo phoenix was hot...
AA7 when
Or any other new AA game really
The gameplay was annoying because without a guide you'd often get stuck figuring out the game obtuse logic.
But the story, characters and music are all really good.

I agree it's a solid case overall

I know it's bait but you can't handle medias that goes against your values just stick with amazon prime and ubisoft
One thing I miss from the sprite games that never translated over to the 3D ones was that every place felt kind of somber and empty with the music even if canonically those places had some people there that just weren't visible or important. The closest they got to it is the Space Station in DD, though I can excuse it in DGS because it's going for a different feel
people all over the globe watched It

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Who's your main in mario spin-offs?
Maining is autistic. I pick whoever fits at the time.
Then Mario
Then Luigi
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Wario or Luigi
Luigi+King Boo, if either is taken swap one or the other with Wario or Waluigi
Link or King Boo
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I loved dinosaurs so it was always Yoshi, games that let you play as bowser were far more rare so he was like secret character tier, may have only been this and Mario Party
Note how its all past tense, and quite a ways in the past, because Nintendos are toys.
toad because I'm a try-hard with a constant thirst for victory

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>makes the perfect gameplay template for modern JRPGs
>uses it for a bleak westernized fantasy take with stupid MMO elements like pawns and a meta story

Imagine a classic JRPG globe trotting adventure with a colorful fleshed out party that plays like this, fuck why do we live in a monkey paw world
good gameplay doesn't appeal to the target audience of JRPGs
I wish an RPG would be made with Breath of the Wild engine
BOTW's gameplay is antithetical to RPGs which are about limitations, it'd have to be heavily modified in order to fit a true RPG adventure because Link can simply do and circumvent too many obstacles by default
RPGs aren't about limitation, they're about roleplaying a game where you get exceedingly more powerful. People who think RPGs have to be turn-based are retarded.
>they're about roleplaying a game where you get exceedingly more powerful
No, you fucking retard.
Stick to your action games for the mentally impaired

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People point out that it is the first protagonist that is based on a real person. But wouldn't the meltdown be even bigger if it was a fictional black samurai?
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I meant for:
>Yasuke sort of did fight in their battles, but only for a few hours after fleeing from Honno-ji to try and help Nobunaga's son.
Also, just so we're clear, you should look up what a "primary source" is before you answer.
The primary source is Luís Fróis, he stated that Yasuke went to join up with Oda Nobutada (Nobunaga's son) shortly after the Honno-ji Incident to attempt to fight for him, but surrendered after Nobutada lost and was forced to commit suicide. He was then captured and instead of executed, was sent back to the Missionaries.
what are the exact quotes where he said this?

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Let's all get together and have some fun with Jiggie.fun puzzles!

960 sfw
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735 sfw
the pieces! pick them up!
726 sfw
and then put the pieces where they belong!

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Why did Bomberman fail as a franchise and became a huge laughingstock? Even e-celebs doesn’t like him and say he’s a literal who loser
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because Hudson is dead and Konami is barely a video game company anymore
Did anyone play amazing bomberman?
Hell, even the PS1 racing games was fun
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Always Konami.
i miss bloody roar, some of the character designs were pretty good. it gave me a tomboy abs fetish

>Elden beast slain
>"nah haha.... its cool... I'm sure there will be plenty of games to hold me over until the DLC comes out"
>its was literally all shit and flops for 2 years with one exception
This hobby is nothing but pain. Not even any hope for woke theft auto. This will probably be the last game I play.
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>woke theft auto
waaa mfw there's NIGGERS in my vidya
cry moar
Didn't realize that would let me use the bleed effect. Thanks.
sounds like you don't like video games that much
Imagine typing this all this. your brain is fried dude
Also do a suicide run to grab the soreseal

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I'd fuck the tranny
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Thought this was an MGS4 varient.

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