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woah... kino
I don't regret spending money for a game with high amounts of gameplay density like Nier automata
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Probably because Platinum usually makes character-action stuff and Nier became popular, so now you have people worried that they've sold out to the mainstream
The story shitting the bed at the very end is more of a problem than the combat
is this an ACfag shitpost thread
better gameplay than TotK
Before clicking webm i thought it was webm of one of the first boss fights in theater. Wew.

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When was the last time you played a straightforward fantasy game with no genre subversions or twists
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He's right.
fuck this trope and fuck tolkein
Have you ever played any jrpg ever
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Yeah, the japanese really struggle with straightforward fantasy, there are rare outliers
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Are there any games that capture the AD&D/OSR vibe that aren't 30+ years old?

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No wonder they are a shit company now
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141 million USD, which sounds like a lot for a mid-sized company like SE, but to Mihoyo, it's merely a single month's income from one of their gacha games. SE is simply too poor in comparison.
Because they think it's "unrealistic"
Unironically it's hilarious see the current state of Square Enix. Trying to appeal to the new market with action games and failing, while she's watching turn based games like Yakuza or HSR having more success than FF today

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You'd be surprised

Seriously. If a vamp drinks someone whose sick, they carry that in the blood until it's dealt with. And it can be a bitch to deal with depending on what it is. From the common cold to HIV, Vamps can't get sick but they can definitely still be carriers. Some things will naturally die out but others? You either need some magic shenanigans or to burn through all of your blood so you can start over from empty. Else anything new drunk will be tainted by what's in the body. Vamps actually have to be kind of careful about who they feed on if they don't want to spread the kind of shit around to everyone they feed on. (Assuming they care of course, or aren't doing it on purpose like a plague bearer).

As for the condom? Well you see; ALL bodily fluids vamps secrete is blood. They cry blood, they sweat blood (when they make themselves sweat at least) and even their saliva is just a very thin and diluted blood (it's said to be ever so slightly pink too). So when a vamp does the blush and needs a bit of 'natural' lube down there for naughty fun times, guess what they use? And if that's tainted... well there you go!
And yes, it blood with the guys too.
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Fun fact!
Certain npcs use the same jiggle bones for their hair as those that are used for boobs. So the use of the "money" cheat will also make the movable parts their hair grow as much as it makes titty npcs boobs bigger. This is most easily seen with Jezebel Locke's and other npcs with prominent bangs.
Imagine, she gets fucked by an fat ugly bastard just because Therese would be seething
>t. fat ugly bastard
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I mean she already fucks Nossies, so...

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What are you playing today /v/?
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Yeah, they did a great job making the terrain and placements of towns and inns, obviously character models are lacking but I think the land of Cyrodiil itself makes up for that somewhat.
then you play it and realize that the comfy music gets interrupted by the annoying battle theme because a squirrel 500m away smelled you every 2 minutes
gooning to DOA
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Final Fantasy 13
I fucking hate it
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I'm gonna play a bit of XCOM later.

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my panjabi friend just gifted this to me, how do I make it work? he maded 200 miles to give it to me, he said get out of room I need to set up your gift please understand, then he ran out and speeded his way home
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Please do the needful sar

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Do you're parents support your gaming?
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ok nothin squirt, hes right.
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>Do you're parents support your gaming?
Probably not. Can't imagine they have anything to be proud of with me, but it's partially their fault for never letting me out of the house growing up.
i really must be a waste of space if girls would rather get with schizophrenic guys who beat them and stay with them rather than me
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My parents are 70.
My mom once said that it's good that I'm addicted to video games because at least I'm not making any trouble outside, nor I'm taking drugs

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After 10 years of sitting on my shelf. I'm going on an adventure.
I personally don't like it at all, overated as hell
but I hope you like it

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>dev of cucked ESG company speaks up against this
lmao fuck off
white people*
your ancestors brought nigs to the west and didn't send them back. white man caused it and white man stood by it.
We need to protect based devs like this guy. They are already trying to cancel him.
>white man caused it
Then why is he crying and milking over a Japanese portrayal of a real Japanese figure? Yasuke was a real historical figure. To have a polish BITCH, is hilarious. Its like if a Russian cried and pissed themselves over an American character.

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How does Link realistically get any work done? Wouldn’t his wolf hormones be driving him crazy?
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Who had the better ass shot?

Why do western video games try to push ugly women so hard
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More like ugly men, am I right?
I am a frequent visitor of voyeur threads on gif.
It helps that the comparison picture actually has almost the same angle and lighting and focal length for a change
>everything we make is ugly, don't you feel like a loser?
Honestly, not really.
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It's the same angle as the OP image where everyone instantly sees an ugly woman. I don't think this is terribly complicated and you're pretending it is for your own reasons.

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whatever, dumbass
based rude anon
I don't know this reference
bitch I'm gonna break your fucking neck

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Whats with the influx of these kinds of characters?
What was the catalyst for this
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Cute boy feet…
Why can’t cute boys be real bros…
Learn what a trap is moron
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well consider that in both the west and asia these kinds of men are what the women are now lusting over and want to date, this is being reflected in the games that they play

its not rocket science
Women play BG3 and dream about being Astarions vampire slave forever

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post games that are godlike for kids but suck to play as an adult
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Dreamcast, it plays smoothest and is faithful to the original N64 version. PS2 is a remake and PS1 is a cut down version and has a different OST.

The 3DS port is also worth checking out, the game looks stunning in 3D and makes for a transformative experience, particularly on an XL model screen.
Banjo Kazooie
ps2 added content sucks
It's just rayman 2.
the 3ds port is unbearably laggy for me
apparently with homebrew you can make it run in new 3ds mode though and get a good framerate
don't have a new model tho ;(

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So what exactly happened here?
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>I'm a trot myself

Yeah that explains how you came to such a shitty conclusion.
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>estonian dev
I though those people hated communism. no on hates commies more than ex-soviet countries
>artfag collective takes VC money to make a game
>miraculously the game is a hit
>investors oust artfags from the company

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How have there been so little leaked? Why 4 random images and then nothing else?
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Retard cuz u said theyre visually aids. so i asked if ur a graphics fag. stfu u hateful idiot.
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>almost kill TF2 with meet your watch
>player base hates it
>game is forever scarred but lives on
If "Deadlock" is real then I'm convinced Valve is letting TF2 die as punishment for the players not wanting their game turned into e-sports slop
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People go all "yaas gabe slay" over the hella quirky sandwich eatin' piss throwin' TF2 cast but now it's bad because there's more than one black guy?
Riot made LoL before Valve hired Icefrog, they made TFT before Valve made Underlords and now Valve is making a game like Valorant.

TF2's characters are simple and Valve spent a lot of time getting players to understand their different personalities. They have some quirky aspects, but it's only a few and it took years for them to develop. People who've tried copying TF2 always go overboard and their casts end up feeling too cartoony. And yes, SJW pandering is a negative. Valve used to be the worst at it, now everyone makes them look like white supremacists in comparison.
you can also tell by the "grey talon" picture having snakelike legs

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yo I guess. videogames haven't been particularly special for me lately
why does "verification not required" even happen sometimes?
Captcha uses a lot of things to check if you're real. Including how you've been answering the captchas.
>Dark Souls
Yes a very good game
A shame I almost respected you

>Outer wilds
Haven't played it

>Hollow Knight
Team Cherry are the biggest cunts I've ever met

>Tomb Raider 3
It was ok

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>Team Cherry are the biggest cunts I've ever met
why is that

Love this lil guy
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>fact that Ha-Re is kind of a dummy, her tomboy-ish upbringing or the shitposts about her lust for Fire attribute men?
All of this. She's been thirsting after the Flame Swordsman since she was like 10.
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Why do modern decks post-Tears still not have any restrictions on them? Mikanko Infernoble can just set up 10 negates when going first or easily OTK when going second, because neither of those decks have any restrictions, resulting in a very cohesive cancer pile.
The +3 spell needs all of DM, DMG, and Mahad in the gy to do that. It does pretty much nothing if none of them are there, or you dont have Circle/something to draw ready.
Dark Magicians is mid as fuck and only works if its destroyed. Whoopie, floats into 2 vanilla beatsticks, and thats if you still have them avaliable to summon at the same time. The card itself doen't even count as DM or DMG for god knows what reason.
ES kills their field if it leaves the field (unless it was sent back into the deck).

DM has some neat stuff but its always held back by retarded shit that gimps it or makes no sense to be there. No card points that out worse than Eye.
>post-Tears still not have any restrictions
>soft lock into fusin
>soft lock into illusion
Yes and the deck is complete fucking dogshit. You're only proving my point here.

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>Wuthering Waves already censored
It's over.
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wasn't that like the one thing those shills were pushing it for? hot uncensored designs? why would i ever play it over genshin now?
WHO asked?
ccp or mihomo strikes again?
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>paying out of the ass for chinese pngs in burka shorts instead of modding skyrim to have harem of anime chicks with bouncy boobs and 500 sex animations to choose from
Some folx just want to skate uphill.
This is the topaz light cone art debacle all over again

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the objective FPS game tier list. anything below B is garbage. D is for normies and fags that are garbage at the genre.
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>S tier and A tier
dog shit zoomer opinions
Titanfall 2 is an autoaim console shooter held up exclusively by the concept and singleplayer campaign. The aggressive aim assist was not something added in APEX.
Q3A still gets some players amazingly. i regularly hop into the retro duel servers that are running bloodrun (and get my shit pushed in lol) and some of the FFA servers. it's VERY small but it's not entirely dead.
>everything in C should also be in D.
i had a bit more fun with apex and fortnite than i did the games in D. OW/TF2 are straight up slop for troons and battlefield is straight up not fun. at least apex and fortnite had some fun mecahnics. the building from an APM perspective was interesting if totally not my thing.
>This entire thread is just zoomers listing old games they got meme'd into by oldsharts

Reasons the only multiplayer FPS I play for more than 10 hours is TF2:
>movement, high TTK and mostly mid-short range weapons. This means you can see the enemy without one person instantly dying (usually). In almost every other shooter, you never look at an enemy and say "he's not worth killing" and then look away
>mostly burst type weapons and a high strafing movement speed. You can dodge hitscan shotgun if you get in the enemies head. Almost every other shooter has smg's, powerful lightning guns, etc where duels are about doing 9 9 9 9 9 instead of 9 - 9 - 9. Those bullet hose weapons aren't satisfying. Shotguns, grenade launchers, crossbows, rocket launchers, revolver are all much more satisfying because either you hit or you miss.
>maps have a muted color pallet (most months of the year) and players are colorful. You can actually see players. Most shooters either make it difficult to see players or have a big red outline to see players. Some arena shooters are good at this, but they are usually aesthetically ugly.
>Medic is OP. This makes playing medic fun. You decide who gets 150% health, you decide who and when gets ubercharge. So people actually play medic because it's fun. Being a sniper or spy tunnelvissioned on killing the medic is fun. Being a medic who avoids sniper sightlines and spies is fun.
>demoman counters deathballing. In team games, often the best strat is to group up. Demoman counters that.
If there was another shooter with like 2 or 3 of these, I would play it.
TF2 was in development for 9 years and it really shows.

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