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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

Is cum more carbs or protein? I've argued with my GF over this
What did your mom think of it?
i have no idea because im not a porn star

my strict mother hate that, and yesterday, she told my super strict grandmother that. i will be moving out of this house in the next 2 months and moving to a new house with higher rent due to inflation
>i have no idea because im not a porn star

You will be soon. How else are you gonna pay that higher rent?
i have some balance but my house will be small and old

itt: only the best of gains fuel
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Holy crap they made nigga whiskey from the hood real
lmao who are they fighting? Magneto?
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>yew dohnt assk kuhwestshuns soldiah!
>thees ees a maaaageekul rife-el
>eet wee prohtek yew een bat-el
There is not even such thing as "lactose intolerant" or else infants would just fucking die sucking tit milk. What people are allergic to are cow whey proteins, which cow titty milk also supplies enzymes for if not pasteurized.

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Yes, its the same light you get from the sun as it rises
Coffee is safe in moderation.
What’s this supposed to do?

Women should never train upper body. Its nice to have a fat ass and thick thighs but this is just disgusting

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why do gyms play such awful music?
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Post favorite song
she goes to a different radio you wouldn't know her
They should just bring earbuds like a normal person then.
Motherfucker everyone knows that song is about a school shooting.
Elon pretending he's a woman to get discounted street food.

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I just ate a dragon fruit
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Ever had dragon nut?
>he ate the dragonfruit

lmfao tranny
enjoy your new bitchtits
No… it can’t be…
Post dragon gains

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Upbeat powerful workout classical music

Does anyone have any suggestions?

I’m looking for a beat fast, powerful classical music to work out to this song is great and I broke my personal record to it. Does anyone have any songs to recommend or a playlist somewhere? I can copy to my Spotify? Thank you very much.
6 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Try the Robocop (original) soundtrack OP
I think a lot of Bach has a particular pulse to it. Bach is the fucking goat.
Op here thanks for all the amazing music added tons! If you have anymore suggestions love to hear all the classic/theatrical upbeat music you recommend! Youve posted some amazing tunes
Never even heard of the last star fighter but it’s great! And robocop is cool!
Anything by Kalinnikov is good.
Summer by Vivaldi is good

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Man delivering sago flour on a boat. Papua, Indonesia (1955)
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>That's just a gay model in monochrome
yeah but he also worked in construction in 1931
just a side gig
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>Indonesian men are 163.55cm (5 feet 4.39 inches) tall on average.
Nigger genes are equivalent to 1000 mg test a wk for humans
Happy Time Harry looking motherfucker

>nobody home

>want advice
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: archive
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>be me
>2 year lifter with a 330 DOTS
>score 12 with this system
>I'm a better lifter than Ray Williams now
wtf I love BMI now

deadlift cues
>shart university
My scale is fat shaming me
>100 kg
>30 BMI
>18.5% fat

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prev thread hit image limit >>74102957

You're going to need to rebuild your house /fit/ the hallways are fatphobic
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both of these are objective improvements
she told him that she "plans to start losing weight in nine months" - which means never. Nothing's going to change in nine months. It makes sense to offer an alternative to lifestyle changes at this point. I do wish doctors would have some kind of professional oath, maybe named after a famous Greek, that would obligate them to push harder on the obviously better option.
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god this webm gets my juices flowing
fuck im retarded
That is not fucking plus size, that is straight up obese

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>why do women even work out?
to make my dick hard
>asks for body
>critiques every aspect of it except my actual body
she wanted Chad to notice... ~_~
Whom would win? This roid tranny, or the humble pullup?
whew, I think I had that much muscle as a 10 year old boy

Post fitness feats that impress normies.
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this is pure manlet cope kek
way back in highschool (we were all 15-16) i remember mogging my friend's dad by bench pressing the 100 or so pount bar he had set up in his garage. Impressing 15 year old girls is not difficult.
wsg will post sumo occasionally in their combat sports threads
Run up a hill! Run up some stairs! Run a mile! Sprint! Do a pull up! Do a muscle up! Pull yourself up from a hanging branch of dangling off a cliff!

>manlet cope

Sounds like you're just weak, chubs.
>the site isn't called wiki-feet-ia
one job

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>There's this varbie camwhore on chaturbate who's clearly on anavar or something, although she claims natty despite having bigger delts than 90% of this board.
I'll bet it's this one, Kyle_Camns
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No way this bitch is natty, bros. This cap is from the current stream
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>many anons aren’t into both
This. I'm conflicted because I want a girl that goes gym but I also want a fat bitch. My solution? Strongfats or ogremode girls.
bacne is a dealbreaker

is it okay to go to the gym if i am sick, but recovering?
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What a chad.
>Damn... i thought niggas was suppose to be tonguen dem anuses

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