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What are you playing today /v/?

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>He buyed boughted dragon's dogma's 2
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Kill yourself
I'll buy it as soon as they fix the performance. Failing that I'll buy it in 10 years when its on sale for $5 and I have a god tier future computer and probably lament the fact that no one bought the game and the franchise died (again).
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"Having a blast" is a typical expression that fanboys apologetic towards something would use use.
Since humans try to lie choosing their words to be as little as possible in contradiction to reality, fanboys that know a game is shit don't say it's good or it's great, or it's well made. They say "I'm having a blast" because "having a blast" is subjective and doesn't lend itself to scrutiny under any criteria.

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Shill me on this game.
Are the expansions good/necessary?
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Everything except Endless Dungeon. Dungeon of the Endless still remains supreme.
What's wrong with Endless Dungeon?
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""action"" game
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Every endless game is good. Humankind confuses the shit out of me because its somehow really terrible for no good reason.

Are there really that many porn game coomers out there or is it all just indians?
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>a game that has apks to cater to millions of pajeets and turd worlders isnt a game
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Misleading metrics I imagine, you don't actually need to log into a nutaku account for their games strictly speaking they can save stuff in cookies, even if you're paying money.
So they are probably just counting every IP that ever clicked a few buttons to start one of their games.

That said they do also sell real paid games as a side thing to their free to play trash
>the biggest
>never heard of it
>its fucking nutaku
really? they could just said dlsite / dmm and i believe instantly.
who the hell use nutaku of all thing?

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Post your high scores.
I only just realized today there are spots in the town where you can spend AP to loot for items.
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gay zone is not story, it's just filler game mode
but yeah maybe I'll come back for gits collab, didn't feel like it last week
But it was pretty grounded, I liked it more before floating towers and schizo girls throwing explosive daggers
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How's she gonna explain the battle of ligger airport to everyone else?
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>Betty finally got to kill all those liggers without anyone objecting da nya
>everyone else?
who? everyone else is dead already

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Hi, gamers of the world.
Please check out 蜈主ソ降Tonin


What do you guys think?
I know this place have strong love for Metal Gear Rising.
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It's paywalled. OP is a jew
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is she okay? i dont play video games where cute girls die
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they awaken after a given period of time
oh nice
OP is not the dev

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fuck Takashi gon do?*
CDLR? Who is this dumb cunt? Oh its a dumb white faggot wearing shades, predictable. Next he's gonna tweet about 'I DRIVE AN AMURRICAN TRUCK HOO RAH AMURICAH'
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How does this affect you personally?
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I was blind but at last I truly see... having a black video game protagonist is the harbinger of the fall of civilisation... society is already coming down around our heads...

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what went wrong ?
They went woke.
They make shitloads off steam. They don't have to make shit now.
You're just jealous that they make billions of moneys with not much effort
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>dota 2
reaction to league of legends
>the lab
tech demo
cant play it in 2024
>dota underlords
autochess clone #7
>aperture hand lab
tech demo
actual videogame
>aperture desk job
tech demo

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the pic is really old but it was the insurgent outfit iirc just without the scarf and gloves
I love the LAER. Even Elijah's LAER despite it being made out of paper.
Thump-Thump and I agree, we used turbo to give Ulysses a bakers dozen of grenades in the blink of an eye.
Lasers also get the max potential out of the best sidearm in the game.
Does that mean the Gatling laser should be even stronger? I don’t remember its damage being too bad but I also cheated in a rapid one with that weapon mod that showered its fire rate but massively boosted its damage.

>Your orders killed 47 innocent people...
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The charges, officer?
i played this game when i was 12 and it gave me a guilty conscience
>Your orders are to kill innocent people 47…
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No food analogy? Come on.

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Post obscure PS2 games
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never met another soul who has heard of this
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chudlip lol
I know of it for being the prequel to graffiti kingdom
I'm surprised these games haven't gotten more attention on social media yet.
They tried to revive the series with a gacha game but it couldn't get past the 6 month mark.
The modeling tech is currently being used in a kids attraction.

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>make starfox thread discussing it's future
>get banned
Should I have included some twitter screencaps or political ragebait?
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you should have posted fox x wolf instead
This, all starfox threads end up in fox/wolf posting anyway. There's no point in beating around the bush and delaying the inevitable.
There's are reocurring star fox threads on /trash/ so unfortunately as long as it exists people here will keep saying "move that fur shit over to there".

There's also nothing to talk about with star fox's future. It has nothing ad much ad we can tell.
I have Falco amiibo next to my monitor!

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So what exactly happened here?
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>posts misinformation
This is the most accurate summation of events.
lmao this is just blatantly whitewashing kurvitz
creatives got fired and the company can't make a game anymore? that tells you all you need to know I guess
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It's still weird to see people who like video games gleefully laughing at devs getting exploited. Sure, za/um's particular example is a bit different from the typical stories of devs overworked, laid off, studios closed, executive bonuses climbing higher, and so on. And yet, it's the story of a great and refreshing game being shit on in such a simple, short-sighted, and unceremonious way. It hasn't gone unnoticed, either, that in every thread the devs who make the games you play and get exploited have to be painted with some mostly, or entirely, fabricated personas. Every dev that makes a good game is le based and ebin or whatever, until their studio gets closed, and then they transform into blue haired screeching sjws. DE's devs are actual communists, so they deserve to have their cool project completely killed and buried by a dumbass who's not even competent enough to squeeze a single additional penny out of it, so the whole thing is doubly pointless. I hate worms with pathetic subservient slave mindsets who talk tough like they're about to goose step to your front door with a gun any minute

I didn't. I just rembered the trailer and thought she was pretty cute.
What happened?
I did on game pass. Got bored towards the end I think. Gameplay is third person shooter with the frantic faggish japanese style

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Look what has just came /v/
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Remember to keep talking about video games too anons, the thread will be nuked.
They adapt to your routine pretty fast. As long as you make time to walk them twice a day they're pretty easy to take care of.
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shit nigga that's kawaii
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Origins > Bayo 1 > Bayo 2 > Bayo 3

Game of The Year (for me at least)
Shit taste
ff7 reddit ubishit and flopped

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can anyone beat him?

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How do we solve the cringe rarity system Diablo caused where people mindlessly pick better color?
Rarity in itself is a fucking meme, because it denotes something that should be self-evident
ARPGs are stuffed to the fucking gills with useless legendaries, and this usually prompts the addition of newer and even fancier tiers that inevitably get oversaturated too cause the developers want everyone to simultaneously experience rarity, which goes against the very concept of rarity itself
As a player, you don't actually find rare stuff, nowadays (primarily due to wikifaggotry) you just spam the predetermined methods for getting rare items, turning the acquisition of something rare into a chore governed by percentages and dumb luck, as opposed to an actual game that tests your skill or wit or fucking anything at all
It's actually not that surprising, because this method of "bigger number of tries wins" allows companies like blizzard to attach a price tag to the process (thinking about hearthstone for example), so the people who play these games give the company actual, real money while receiving 0 fun in return, which is grotesquely hilarious

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>finally got around to playing cyberpunk
>it's actually good
I'm satisfied with the gameplay so far. glad cd projekt didn't give up on this game.
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How’s Phantom Liberty?
what the...
netrunners are literal gods after updates
There is no other class that gives as much of a rush as dropping a dozen of guys with hacks and picking up the rest with your sword before they can even detect you.
It's everything the game was promised to be before launch, but on a smaller scale.
Based on your choices the story of the DLC branches into two different paths halfway through. And when I say different, I mean different everything, story, levels, endings.
Two of the endings of the DLC will also let you skip the main story and end the game right there. It's the same conclusion, but you can get it on both of the paths mentioned earlier with the right choices.
But you can still do that...? Oh right, you've never played the game so you wouldn't know.
Why are the sex ads so fucking loud? It seeps through my headphones and can be heard clear as day

Why is this picking up traction? Is it actually good or the video game equivalent of Bluey where autists are drawn to it for some reason?
didnt finish it, from what I did play the appeal is kinda like A Short Hike. Its just a simple chill out game with a story you may or may not find relatable to some degree. I wouldnt pay money for it or even go out of my way to torrent it but if its on gamepass or something, or you have a hacked switch and a tinfoil freeshop then yeah put an hour or two in it why not

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