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/cm/ is for 2D male work-safe images. Images should depict animated males and be cute in nature.

1. Check the catalog before creating a thread to avoid duplicate threads.
2. Please post 5 to 6 images to get new threads started.
3. This board is for animated content only. Do not post images depicting "real" people.
4. Images of heterosexual couples belong on >>>/c/
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Global rules apply as well. Provide high quality content and report infringing posts.

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Final episode next week, predictions?
Previous >>3867940
167 replies and 131 images omitted. Click here to view.
People get married on cruises all the time. But if you mean it's a problem because they are from different countries, I don't know.
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I dig the undercut, especially because it enhances Isami's nape from alluring to very erotic. Literally made for peroperopero.
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i think post ep 12 the green eyes are going to stay all the time, that's why in that magazine picture he has green eyes. i think the merch is set not in continuity (like most merch if it's not explicitly stated)
i was thinking about that, but also the fact that since it's a cruise depends in which country they are close to or if they are in international waters
>Isami Ao (24) expanded his knowledge about lasciviousness
that was HOT but made me laugh so hard almost chocked myself

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Chart the boys you wanna top and the ones you wanna get topped by using this handy chart
218 replies and 85 images omitted. Click here to view.
sorry guys, has a busy week, especially this weekend, I'll drop it next Friday I promise. it's gonna be a #hugenuke
Something tells me you spend way too much time Reddit if you think it's wrong that someone doesn't want to conform American glorification of sexual degeneracy.

Yes, you're right that it is a miserable way to live as a self-loathing faggot. Too many men tragically waste their lives that way.
You cannot, however, sincerely tell others without being a hypocrite, that your honest feelings human sexuality is wrong and must conform to mine.

The anon you replied to shared his personal internal conflict, and how off-putting gay culture is to someone born decades after its modern establishment.
You then assumed his background, apologized contemporary pride parades, conjected his feelings, and assumed a negative & judgemental tone. I know not what your previous experiences led you to that conclusion but to me… what he wrote came off a sincere confession, not “internalized homophobia”.

Seriously though… shame relies on the ignominious perception of others upon oneself.
Hereby my aforesaid definition, I find your criticisms of appeasing the social conservatives, followed your imperative to pay homage towards the mainstream LGB[TQ] community to be… unprincipled.
broly is not a choice I expected
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... the nutshack??!

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AI Cat boys, stinky boy edition.
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Previous thread >>3879138
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>tfw speed run new account just so I can unlock inazuma before the event and see the concert about the “brave puppy”
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me in the back
I hope the next Sumeru event they start integrating Scara more with the other sumeru characters, I wanna see him bully Kaveh and have pointless angry arguments with Faruzan
i want gorou's tail in my face.

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We got leaks? edition

Previous >>3882012
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ar.t,. of the boy,.
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or Alarmingly Attractive Anthropomorphized Baked Goods
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Last thread: >>3863460
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Are Killua and Gon reunited yet bros?
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I want Gon to sit on my face.
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>ethnically ambiguous
so just like the remake leon
how does leon manage to be so hot & toned, yet at the same time hes still cute and subby.
in real life, his partners would just be uncomfortable because they except their brains to be fucked out. Yes this is a projection.
Remake Leon is not fucking ethnically ambiguous lol. His face model is Slavic I'm pretty sure.

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tfw no shota bf Edition

Previous: >>3878742
Trap shota: >>3878372
Kemoshota: >>3860331
Shota manga: >>3844997
Shota literature: >>3821122
Shota figs and dolls: >>3853606
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Cute brothers
u or him?
Need sho to snuggle with
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Previous: >>3836570

You WILL keep Evangelion threads alive
You WILL enjoy the series
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Happy Birthday Reigen Edition!
Previous thread: >>3822265
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pure of heart

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Moonside Edition
Previous thread: >>3648228
172 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
Enbie pose
EarthBound is like 30 years old and it is amazing anybody even still cares about it.
Would've been based if it lasted one more year
i mean, it's like the major inspiration for several indie rpgs, but also even without that, it broke the rpg mold of fantasy worlds and shit, though we can point at mother 1 for that, but yeah
Is anyone making a new thread?

Post mecha boys, preferably vintage
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Thanks so much for making this thread! Boys from classics are the best. Here's a Daba (SRW30 edition)
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Zeta maids
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One (or more) cuties a day...

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