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I'll be her Woodman.
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Goddamn that's a big mouth

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So what? Her choice. Don't be angry about everything she does
When? Link? I knew she used to be a porn addict but that's not surprising
There's an article attached to >>4854085 this pic, she says it makes her feel more connected to her sexuality or something.
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well who hasn't
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Oh, haven't read all of it yet, thanks
Not angry. I just find it amusing.

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its been a bit so why not
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At least bump with a pic. So it looks like you're contributing.
All the good ones I have were already posted
We don’t have pheromone receptors. The people that say that just fetishized disgusting smells in a fucked brain connection.
>We don’t have pheromone receptors.
There's a lot of retarded things posted on 4chan, but this might be the dumbest today so far. It's literally why humans have body odour and pubic hair, their scents change when they're horny, etc
Yeah go tell that to your "mitochondria" fag

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>he actually wants to have sex with a woman instead of wanting to suck cock for her or be her and get fucked by men
ikr?! that face and body deserve obedience!
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You're not alone
but would you suck cock for her if she commanded it….?

Post any infographics on spirituality, religion, metaphysics, occultism, philosophy or any esoteric subjects.

Let's start with Mormonism.
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An apple with a force field?
You're damn right it is.
Anyone got anything on other Tree of Life systems in non-Abrahamic religions?
nordic but i think its really barebones because christcucks destroyed everything and now the west is run by and worships jews :)

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am I allowed to make a thread about her on 4chin?
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So tight
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Women and before/after of women getting wrinkles and sagging bodies.
Lol and be awed at hot women losing their looks. Women IRL, anime or celebrities.

Bonus points if including their age at time of pic and as high res as possible
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Tiffani Thiessen
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jessica simpson
kek, good thread op. 3dpd a shit

The old thread died, so here's another one.

Don't post shitty edits made in MS Paint.
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Saoirse Ronan with Pressure.

Do one for Saoirse Ronan.
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Last one: >>4830712
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I saw an ad with an actor and that made me think: how come she has never been in any ads during the height of her Twilight fame? There is the Porsche commercial she did early on, Florabotanica and the Chanel ambassadorship and that's it.
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Why would she need them? She's not particularly fame or money hungry. Though she obviously has plenty of both anyway.

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60th Anniversary Edition
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Where can I get Bigfinish audios for free?
Same exact place where you can get regular audio books for free
It's just a straight on shot. There are better ones, but I couldn't find any high res enough for this board
Thanks for not trying to upscale and then post something bad.
Unfortunately, the rare few cheesecake shots of Classic companions just don't tend to have any high quality versions floating around on the internet.
The Radio Times site is your best bet, but when I went digging around in their photo archives a little bit a while back, it seems they've blocked access to the higher res versions of any even slightly risque photos they have. I got pic related in full resolution from their 10th Anniversary photoshoot page (https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/sci-fi/doctor-who-tenth-anniversary-photoshoots-newsupdate/), but there's also a second photo of Carole Ann Ford there with more skin showing and the site won't let me get a direct image link to the full version of that one.

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any medium
no ai
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Its Robert McCall's artwork for the 2001 A Space Odyssey movie poster.
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wtf is that

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Let's get an Emily Bloom Thread going to celebrate her upcoming Spicy May MyFreeCams Realistic Dildo Shower Fuck video release!
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everybody is on his way, so are you.
If children don't get their whish, they become unpleasent. Ever met a crying baby? I see a parallel.

And even in your insults you are racist - how underdeveloped.... in spiral dynamics, thats red. Google what that is about, if you have no clue.
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She is getting older and the money is drying up. She will either go hardcore or have to get a real job.

She does acting on the sides, sometimes. She gets a lot of money on MyFreeCams, more than onlyfans, and she said she won't release the the dildo stuff on onlyfans because of some stupid thing where people can negate purchases, viewing content and getting their money back, fucking over the models or something like that.

Thanks to a bunch of cheapos it's gonna be harder to get a pirated copy of her stuff. Hoping simpcity or elsewhere will upload the content somewhere.
go back to gif

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4chan has been compressing uploaded images since last year.
Please read this thread for more information: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/62965488/
I am bringing this to the attention of this board, because for those who are not in the know, you might not appreciate the compression. The further issue is that while other archives for other boards archive the correct, non-compressed versions of images from their threads, the archive for this board, 4plebs, archives the compressed versions (the wrong ones). For a board that deals with high resolution images, this situation is not ideal.
Take for example the OP image from this thread: >>4804513
In pic related, I saved the same image three times.
The first file is a save from 4chan, without modifying the image URL.
The second file is a save from 4chan, modifying the image URL.
The third file is a save from the 4plebs archive.
As you can see, the second file is the correct file, and can only be attained by modifying the image URL on 4chan.
If you care about this issue, I would contact the owners of 4plebs to have them change it so the correct, non-compressed versions of images get archived. That way, at least the archive has the correct images. You could also contact 4chan via their feedback form and ask them to turn off this Cloudflare feature, but I doubt it will result in reversing the changes put in place.
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I'd like to update this by saying this trick seems like it no longer works at all on /b/. I have saved several images from there as of late, and they are all a smaller file size than what is stated on the site at the time of download. Their archive also saves the wrong versions of files, so anything saved anywhere regarding /b/ is going to be the incorrect file. It's still working on other boards I visit (with occasional failures). Strangely enough on occasion I get a slightly larger file size than what is stated on the site at the time of download. This happened recently and is a first for me.

>and it turns out that smaller file size to save server space & bandwidth isn't the correct answer.
Then why would they do it, if it was not this reason?

>but nobody has provided proof of anything yet
This entire thread is full of proof. Are you genuinely retarded? Or too lazy to read? Or both?



Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>why would they do it, if it was not this reason?
That's the point of these threads. Why, indeed. Could be a real reason, could just be retarded fuckwits who think they are genius "programmers" and don't even qualify as script kiddies. Seen that stupid shit a thousand times.
It's Moron you fucking pleb
(You) missed the meme. Welcome, newfren, enjoy you're stay.
Recently posted a jpg that was about 750K on my hard drive, but showed up something like 930K on the 4chan board. Because of this thread I was watching for it. After reading this thread, just more anecdotal confirmation that whatever is going on does not always generate a more compressed file, just a different one that's been re-processed.

/hr/ resources:
Last thread:
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>ADOR CEO Min Hee Jin Holds Press Conference About Situation With HYBE


>HYBE Releases Statement In Response To ADOR CEO Min Hee Jin's Press Conference


If the Newjeans girls learned anything from the Fifty-Fifty drama then they should stay put, stfu and let the management sort out this clusterfuck between themselves.
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new thread for her bday
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am i ugly
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i don't really like emma watson
Nobody likes this aged turkish woman apart from the harry potter pedos who miss when she was 12 and still have nostalgy fap.

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